
Vengeance Quotes

There are 1372 quotes

"The fleeting dark ambition for vengeance he so desired in the moment becomes diluted by remorse."
"Thanos began as wanting to do good and ended up vengeful and a pile of dust. That is a huge transformation."
"King Olaf's vengeance was instant, inspired, and wicked."
"Olaf's vengeance was instant, inspired, and wicked."
"Swearing vengeance against the cruel Gods who made me this way."
"Your eyes, hair, ears, and blood, we remember it all. We remember how you ruined us, how you stole our light and condemned us to eternal darkness."
"You shouldn't have killed my mom and squished my Walkman."
"In a city divided by magical loyalties, two souls are drawn together in a quest for vengeance and redemption."
"Sometimes vengeance leads to anger, anger leads to hate, hate leads to suffering."
"That bastard destroyed his homeworld, his father. Saiyan pride was everything to Vegeta."
"I don't want vengeance; I want the world to heal."
"I am Justice. I am Vengeance. I am the Knight."
"A loving mother who becomes a demonic vessel of vengeance."
"The horror that is PTSD and the death of his sister transformed him into a cold and vengeful individual, using his intellect to pursue those who wronged him."
"Revenge will only lead to more revenge, and they will try to wash blood away with more blood."
"Curse you meddling fools for destroying my laboratory. Oh, I'll get my revenge, all right."
"Vengeance is His. I'm not gonna do anything to lose the favor that God has on my life by revenging on people."
"Vengeance is not just a desire, it's a promise made to those who seek the Brotherhood's aid."
"The love of my life was dead. A rage came over me, and I became the one thing I swore I'd never become."
"Justice can have meaning, but Obara, Nymeria, and Tyene’s obsession with vengeance, by murdering children and starting wars, can only end badly."
"Batman's vengeance is to avenge his parents who were actually killed as part of a conspiracy between the Maroni and the Falcone crime families."
"It's vengeance for Nightwing. Nightwing aka Dick Grayson is dead."
"Tsunade angrily vowed to make Pain pay for destroying Konoha."
"In Libra season, you are going to want to extract vengeance on everyone who overstepped your boundaries, who took more than they should have from you, on people who took advantage of your kindness."
"Vengeance changes a person, often without them noticing."
"Vengeance consumes you and changes you for the worse."
"Rise and live again as my fist of vengeance, as my Moon Knight."
"The old ones were gone and the necrons had finally achieved their vengeance."
"Now is the time for vengeance, now is the time for justice."
"I'll get you for this, Pan, if it's the last thing I do." - Captain Hook, Peter Pan franchise.
"If somebody hurt my child I would seek vengeance against them right but I don't want a society built around that being an okay thing."
"It isn't a game about choice. It isn't a game about freedom. It's a game about an angry wronged man and all the bullets that stand in the way of the vengeance he craves."
"Unlocking his deepest potential, he has reached a state referred to by the gods as Ultra Instinct."
"The pain you caused has fueled our hatred and sealed your fate. Justice will be served."
"If you go to war for vengeance, it will not fill the hole left from her loss. It will only grow larger."
"You shouldn't have underestimated me. Feel my wrath."
"That is one of the most vengeful, spiteful, violent things I've heard in a while."
"I want to beat him up for 25 minutes straight and give him the wrath of 1776 and all my conservative Americans that's what I care about."
"No one will have a greater wrath or vengeance than a woman when she has been wronged. Most men find out the hard way that hell hath no fury like a woman scorned."
"That is where we will burn our enemies in the future when we have a criminal gang."
"You will pay for what you've done to my family, and I will wipe your name from all memory."
"But now that dream has been cut short by a knife in the dark. I swear this, I will avenge him."
"Through the pain, I swore I will have revenge on Kang."
"Whatever it takes, I will drag you into an eternity of torment."
"Yes, it's time to fulfill my dream. It's time to kill Itachi."
"Behold the Judas silver, a weapon of vengeance."
"We're not killers, Eddie. They ruined him and handed him over to the authorities. Isn't that enough?"
"He was actually slaying a bunch of murderers who killed his family."
"Lamia in Drag Me to Hell is one of the most vengeful and persistent demons in film history, subjecting her victims to severe psychological torture."
"I'll watch a whole movie about Chewie hunting down kylo and I hope to god they let him kill kylo Ren."
"Now it's time to make these freaks pay. Red posts up in the tree line and waits for the Riders to approach. As the last one races by, he fires an arrow, striking him dead on."
"We have avenged the 17th century, the heyday, the swan song of the Ottoman Empire."
"He also says that the souls of their children will avenge him on her, but Medea says the gods know who really messed up in this situation, and she’s gonna bury their kids in Hera’s sacred lands before purifying herself of the crime."
"Me imagining the imaginary cooler version of myself killing everyone who slightly wronged me."
"He had only one thing on his mind that night: revenge."
"How far would you go, how much of your humanity would you lose in trying to seek vengeance or seek justice?"
"Mary wants revenge, and I kind of understand."
"Lockwood resolved there would come a day of visitation, an hour of Revenge."
"Was avenging Wahoo worth it? Lockwood certainly believed it was."
"Frieza was Goku's ultimate enemy, the one responsible for killing his father and his entire race among others."
"And they shall know my vengeance, saith the Lord God."
"I find who did this, I'll never forgive them."
"Toyohisa immediately became angry, determined to avenge the Elven women."
"You can't kill no [__] like young Dolph then you bragging about this everybody know who has something to do with it and you think they're not even going to stop? They're not going to stop. They're going to be spinning for Dolph 10 years from now."
"That might be the person who killed my mom. I'm going to find them no matter what it takes."
"I made me a vow to the moon and stars, I'd search The Honky Tonks and bars and kill that man that give me that awful name."
"When I hung Makarov by his [__] neck, I was so satisfied because I got to avenge soap, roach, Delta Force, Yuri, and everyone else who got killed by his acts of terror."
"In the end, Roger Warren made sure that all they found down in Giant Mine was wrath, vengeance, and death."
"The Stars did this to her, papa, and I'm going to find out why."
"It was almost as though they were proclaiming that while Hood may be dying, her spirit will live on and she will have her vengeance."
"Trump 2024: he will haunt his offenders till they are six feet in the ground."
"Vengeance has consumed you, he's consuming them. Yes, break free from the cycle."
"Cell: W-what have you done?! Krillin: You’re gonna pay, Cell!"
"Seek to avenge your friend Mallory, do not presume to speak his name. He was betrayed. You've all been betrayed."
"Is this another underground base? It's Miraculous Ladybug's base. She's saying she wants to get revenge on Pennywise."
"Trump promises revenge/retribution... That resonates far more than any other issue."
"Krillin then goes into a brief rage because of Yamcha's death and obliterates all of the Cybermen with a single blast."
"Sensei Ishikawa's quest for vengeance is over."
"Risotto's soul tainted, eyes black and red with vengeance."
"He's not dead yet, but after he is, I'll dance on his grave."
"Their greed is just this open festering wound that I can't wait to pour salt in."
"This is the year that vengeance has come into my heart and this is the time of my redeemed."
"I'm here to exact my revenge I've been stewing in my own rage for awhile exacting my revenge sounds best."
"It is not as a woman descended from noble ancestry but as one of the people that I'm avenging lost freedom, my scourged body, the outraged chastity of my daughters. This is a woman's resolve."
"Apollo with the powerful bow in his hands could only think of one thing: to take revenge on the serpent that tormented his mother for so long."
"Enraged at his beloved teacher's death, Qin Yu went on a rampage."
"The girl in the photograph was a victim of a tragic accident or murder, her spirit trapped within the photograph seeking vengeance or closure."
"It's usually love that makes someone goes so far as risking their own lives to seek vengeance."
"I won't be ready to hang up my blasters until they give Kenobi his reward right between the eyes."
"She will make sure she kills him personally."
"Everybody dies down cool let's see let you want to play you want it you want to kill my dog you killed my dog."
"Some people come with the vengeance of the devil."
"Angry glances of a man's eye call into being an evil angel that speedily takes vengeance."
"Without Remorse: Michael B. Jordan is an ex-Navy SEAL seeking vengeance in this action-packed film."
"Eventually, Melo confesses that she is Kesler's biological daughter, seeking vengeance against Henry."
"When you're blinded by vengeance, it is very hard for you to win properly because you're just trying to get jinx back instead of thinking about strategy."
"Fuelled by the desire for vengeance for the murder of his wife and daughter, Rhys beat Navas until he was unconscious, then dragged him outside."
"By the time I kill my enemies, I am always smiling."
"If you want revenge take it up with little red."
"I love me some good revenge stories, I love me some good grudge matches."
"Now's my chance to make that monster pay for what he did."
"Vengeance isn't everything, Mickey. Revenge won't bring them back."
"Vengeance is mine, I will repay, not you. Let Him take care of it. If there's any vengeance that needs to be dished out in this life or the next, the only one qualified to do it is God."
"Tichinde smiled. They would follow him, reluctantly or not. He raised his staff to the sky and screamed of revenge."
"Revenge is a dish best served cold, my friend."
"I have one thing on my mind, and that's to send all six of them to hell, and I ain't gonna rest until it's done." - Cynthia Hoffman's father
"This is what happens Pat you want to make fun of me in high school you remember that Pat."
"The disciples obsession with revenge drives her to commit reprehensible sins but unlike most Psychopaths her face gives nothing away."
"Goku swears he’s gonna make Cell pay for what he’s done!"
"I will have my revenge or sorrow, leader of the delinquents, this fiery wand will kick all parts, I will enjoy it."
"May Their Fear and pain bring you renewed strength."
"Granola wants to throw down... He went on to sacrifice his lifespan for the sole purpose of getting his revenge."
"Former Trump manager Brad Parscale also said of a possible 2024 run for Trump, 'I don't think he sees it as a comeback. He sees it as vengeance.'"
"On the path of destruction, he's like, 'I am going to get vengeance for this.'"
"Kratos: the true chaotic evil, shedding humanity for vengeance."
"Her character arc takes her back to this idea of finishing off her kill list and retaining her stark identity."
"The blood of my enemies will forever be on this door so that everyone will know not to mess with me."
"The Vengeance Paladin is hellbent on vengeance."
"We will arise on the ruins of fallen cities and write your names in the Book of the Dead."
"The death penalty is too good for him. They should execute him a little bit at a time. I mean, to do -- you know, rape was not enough. Murder was not enough. The coroner called it -- 'these murders,' he said, 'are an overkill.'"
"Release the Kraken! The time for vengeance has come."
"This is revenge for my brother, one of the best men I knew, and I'm very happy I finally get to get revenge for that."
"Daenerys did indeed turn into the mad Queen. I was shocked Grey Worm got his vengeance."
"Revenge is best served cold but it can be easily reheated in the microwave of evil."
"The emotional pain can only be countered by vengeance, and she is relentless."
"Luke's revenge, if any, reminds him that revenge is not the answer."
"Retribution is coming for J Prince Jr and anybody else that's affiliated with the prince family who knew what happened with takeoff."
"Prepared to kill every last person that got in his way until the whole of New York's criminal underworld had been raised by his bloody crusade."
"Either you kill the people that killed your friend or you go tell to do nothing just makes you a victim."
"At that moment Hayom realizes that his enemy is the one who murdered his brother and sister."
"I'm tracking a murderer, the bastard who shot my wife, took my son."
"I guess revenge is a dish best served on the side of the house." - Tan Croissant
"The monster became more and more frenzied; he wants to avenge his wife and children."
"Vengeance and anger create blind spots where you don't realize the damage."
"Princess Olga of Kiev, let me tell you, hell has no fury like a woman scorned."
"Finally, revenge all these years later after the 20-minute Roman Reigns!"
"I have a son. I will have him. I will have everything." - Darth Vader
"We finally got revenge for Tabas mom and all the people Akechi has caused mental shutdowns."
"It's not Revenge he's after, it's a reckoning."
"One of the recurring themes in the Black Panther sequel is a relationship between Vengeance and well-being in the community."
"Not even the death of her enemies could heal her heart."
"Revenge is better served freshly squeezed." - Chris Jericho
"I would burst the great enemy's black heart in my hand and cast his blasphemous flagship to the surface of Armageddon wreathed in holy fire."
"I hope the last thing you see is me in front of your face pointing and laughing at you."
"The special relationship is the acting out of Vengeance on yourself."
"Galadriel vows to eradicate every last orc while keeping Adar alive so that he will know all his offspring are dead before she kills him."
"The entity replied: 'Because you are the likeness of my killer.'"
"The chin wasn't done avenging the docile dawn in venomous style."
"You gifted my people a thousand years of suffering. Now I gift you an eternity in darkness."
"Giving a place for vengeance to happen requires you to step away. It requires you to take your hand out of the pot."
"I swear to God that I will end you on the floor of death, Rachel."
"Daemon Targaryen wrote, 'Lucerys shall be avenged. Let it not be forgotten.'"
"They thought this would break me, but it has only made me hungrier. Vengeance heals anger, and I'm filled with rage."
"If you want revenge badly enough, then anything is possible."
"Beware the wrath of a patient man for he will exact Revenge when you have forgotten both the man and the Very cause of the Wrath."
"She swore that she would avenge the little girl."
"Kuka wants Yuki to be ready when that day comes, and that's why she brought him to the cemetery. She wants him to see all the people she's going to avenge."
"In the depths of the galactic east, the fury of the lion and his dark angels would immediately arise and pivot towards absolute vengeance."
"Drew in his new army of drowned soon killed every remaining builder in the facility, but his thirst for revenge still wasn't satisfied."
"Cassidy is the most vengeful of William's victims, being the soul within Golden Freddy."
"He's getting retribution on all of these all these people that have wronged the city."
"Misa agrees to the Shinigami Eyes Deal so that one day she can meet Kira and thank them for avenging her parents."
"I wouldn't wish it... well, I would wish it on my worst enemy."
"Brokenstar will pay for everything... Me, StarClan, light your path... For now, I'll live a life that would make you proud."
"Oath of Vengeance subclass is committed to punishing those who have committed sin."
"Lang Mo appeared as an avenging figure who seemed to crave nothing but revenge and bloodshed."
"The enmity of exterminating my family is as deep as the sea of blood."
"You will know my name is the law when I lay my vengeance upon thee."
"If you're looking for revenge, start by digging two graves."
"The Red Genesect is a ruthless leader who wants to avenge the loss of their homeland. Its imposing presence and epic battle with Mewtwo showcase its power."
"She'll make them regret everything after becoming the holy maiden."
"And there's one other person you pissed off! His name was Phil."
"Choose Vengeance for stylish performance without breaking the bank."
"Revenge is a dish best served on fire."
"It was then that I made a vow: I would end whomever or whatever caused this."
"After Dick was murdered, it stopped being about justice; it started being about revenge."
"He swore to make those people that hurt Pixie pay."
"I always did believe that you know how is that dead man going to get Justice if you don't do it for him."
"I was an orphan too, criminals were responsible for the death of my parents."
"The only way to obtain proof is to follow in my father's footsteps and trap the being that did this to him once it appears again."
"You killed my father. Do you have the slightest idea how little that narrows it down?"
"Falma vowed never to forgive the country for what it had done."
"Furious, he screams with determination, deciding not to die until he has crushed every single one of his tormentors."
"Make the despicable monsters regret trespassing on their sacred land."
"One day I'll return to my kingdoms with an army, take back my throne, and repay all traitors with the only coin my family knows: fire and blood."
"I look honestly fierce and determined to get revenge."
"Witnessing his friends injured and Shin enjoying their suffering, Po's anger reaches its boiling point."
"My name is Nami. You killed my mother, prepare to die."
"These are the days of vengeance, and so it is."
"While the unsanctioned killing of the Nazis at Dachau went against protocol, the swift and brutal vengeance visited on the prison guards is viewed by many as the justifiable comeuppance for their atrocities."
"When I get my hands on you, I'm gonna make sure you understand what pain you put me through."
"Oh snap, too bad your quest for vengeance will inconvenience all those campers."
"You will return to Zilla Lemek and tell her that the son of Samar Goldstadier is coming for her and her whole misbegotten band of slavers."
"Avenge your parents any way that you can. Look out for each other."
"Never avenge yourselves, but leave it to the wrath of God, for it is written, 'Vengeance is mine, I will repay, says the Lord.'"
"I can just see the headlines now: Father found waving a sawed-off shotgun at the man who jilted his daughter at the altar."
"I will come to Wakanda, I will find you, and I will kill you."
"One of obsession, bloodlust, political savagery, and above all, revenge."
"Your vengeance will only sow the seeds of further violence. You must end this cycle once and for all."
"Edward swore bloody Vengeance on those who had killed his beloved and this would overshadow much of his life."