
Human Cost Quotes

There are 75 quotes

"For the upper levels and the bureaucrats in Washington D.C., it's a chess game. They're moving pieces on a board, and it's the ones that pay the ultimate human price of war that bring those mental scars home."
"The sheer human cost of the war, leaving aside all the geopolitical and economic implications, is simply staggering."
"Capital can survive its own contradictions but it can do so at a cost to human beings and the environment, and that cost is increasing."
"It's not just that it would work; there's a human cost, and there would be damage to society and the people."
"Although wars bring adventures that stir the heart, the true nature of war is composed of innumerable personal tragedies and sacrifices, wholly evil, and not redeemed by glory."
"So many die, so it would be best if there's no more war."
"War is always a human defeat, not a geographic one."
"War is killing hundreds of thousands of young men."
"Given the lengths of these wars the loss of life must have been immense since battles were fought in many different areas over an unbelievably extended period of time."
"Every battle, every skirmish demanded its price in broken bodies and in the extinction of the lives of young allied soldiers."
"War is terrible. War is awful. War is punishing and cruel and ruins lives and ends lives."
"Countless thousands of men are about to lose their lives."
"Our current leadership, you know, they've literally gone beyond good and evil. For them, it's just expediency and maintaining and accruing more power irrespective of the human cost."
"There's a real human cost to all this, not to mention everything that kids have had to go through, and just all the hysteria, the psychological damage."
"War is terrible, it's a horrible thing, and people have to die."
"You're one vote out of 435 when you're talking about war. This is something that it's not like marginal tax rates. This is people dying, kids getting killed, women becoming widows at a young age. It's just absolutely horrific."
"Trade is so good for economies and so bad at keeping individual human beings not dead."
"Any war between the United States and Russia will end in the deaths of literally millions of people, pointlessly, for no reason whatsoever."
"War is a racket... the profits are reckoned in dollars and the losses in lives."
"Powerful agencies and institutions bypass democracy, costing human lives."
"Risk their own life, you know, in order to get to the UK. It's tragic, really."
"Both sides should agree to a truce. Every day that passes, more Ukrainian and Russian youth die to gain and lose small pieces of land with borders barely changing. This is not worth their lives."
"It's just a reminder of the human cost to it all."
"Interesting history whether they were actually taken with this rifle or not it cost real human lives."
"He knows very well the human costs of these policies, so we should not let him off the hook."
"Even though we're separated by three or four hundred years, you know, this was still a large amount of innocent people who were murdered."
"The first world war was one of the most destructive conflicts in human history upending the social order and leaving millions of people dead wounded and displaced from their homes."
"We can no longer accept it because we know that it costs lives."
"War is just a horrible waste of human life, property, economy, society, culture, everything."
"The most tragic part of the event was the human cost."
"It's altogether too easy to lose sight of the fact that we're talking about human beings who've lost their lives in these battlefronts in these battles."
"The biggest losers in this conflict are the soldiers dying on both sides and the civilians suffering in large numbers."
"The global war on terror has now killed 7,000 U.S. service men and women – more than twice the number of people killed on 9/11."
"100 million people perished under communist dictators in the last century." - Lauren Southern
"If you destroy or damage a building, that can be rebuilt, but lost human life or casualties is something that can never be healed."
"The Russian experience during the war serves as a stark reminder of the human cost and complexity of global conflicts."
"It will not achieve its goals and they're needlessly massacring so many people."
"War is never something that we look forward to, it's something that we try to avoid at all costs. Lives get destroyed."
"It is really bad what's happening right here... actual real people are dying in this whole thing for scoring political points."
"The human cost is close to a million people killed in those terror wars, including more than 7,000 U.S. service members."
"A major earthquake would cost more human lives here than in any other city on the planet."
"It's like a pretty pointless cycle of violence, death, destruction, and loss that will most definitely cause thousands more to lose their lives."
"The most shocking fact about war is that its victims and its instruments are individual human beings."
"You really get the sense that there's a human price being paid here."
"No reason explains war, no reason explains the human cost of a war."
"Masters of the Air explores the human cost of Waging War from the air."
"It's always important to recognize the human cost of these horrible conflicts."
"It's easy to get lost in all the little tiny wormholes of the subject of the Titanic... It's harder to remember sometimes that this disaster had an immense human cost."
"The Green Tech revolution has a black African human cost."
"War was our business and our business was measured in the profit and loss of humans."
"...human life will be lost. If you're a consequentialist, how do you make your decision?"
"Don't cheer, men; those poor devils are dying."
"We should never forget the horrible tragedies and the price that people had to pay."
"The human and emotional toll is already more than evident."
"The Thirty Years War had already continued for 27 years and took the lives of millions."
"The biggest cost of these types of geopolitical issues and these types of wars are not investors losing money, it's innocent people losing their lives."
"The human cost is a huge reason for why this risk management standard was put together."
"These most polluted places on Earth stand as perfect examples of the human cost of unfettered, unsustainable progress."
"Many Ukrainians are more concerned about the devastating human costs of the war."
"War is not glory, war is not glamorous, war is terrible and the human cost is immense."
"Smiley is all the time troubled, anxious that the human damage being caused to all these little people, ordinary individuals, is worth the game -- he's troubled all the time."
"The human cost of doing business has become unacceptably high."