
Mushrooms Quotes

There are 254 quotes

"Mushrooms which are so powerful that come up and sprout, then disappear in five days, some can feed you, some can kill you, some are medicinal that can heal you, and some can send you on a powerful journey."
"Mushrooms are different; we know what mushrooms are edible and poisonous from the experiences of people who've eaten them before us."
"Mushrooms are not a sign of bad soil. In fact, mushrooms are a sign of good soil."
"Mushrooms are starting to be legalized throughout the country."
"Try and get some mushrooms in every day if you can."
"One of the crazy things about mushrooms is that they produce 50 million tons of spores every year and can help to trigger the formation of rain and snow."
"One company in Upstate New York maintains that mushrooms hold the answer to our plastic problem."
"Food always tastes better outdoors, and nothing better than mushrooms you've picked half an hour ago."
"People are actually scared of mushrooms, aren't they? They shouldn't be because they are amazing."
"The biggest trick to mushrooms is simply knowing when and where to use them."
"Terence had a great reverence for mushrooms everything from how they grow to their place in the universe."
"Paul's impact really has been remarkable. It's almost as if mushrooms had commandeered his brain years ago and forced him to spread the message of mushrooms all across the world."
"Mushrooms have powerful angiogenesis inhibitors and aromatase inhibitors."
"Mushroom consumption lowers both prostate and breast cancer."
"Mushrooms have the capacity to make you a better person."
"The humble button mushroom will actually boost your immune system."
"A quick overview of some of the most popular gourmet and medicinal mushrooms cultivated all over the world."
"The forest was just damp and perfect. Donna Davis went collecting mushrooms one day in 2014."
"I always tell people to splurge the extra, I don't know, 50 cents to get cremini's, aka baby bella, aka baby portobellos because they have a lot more flavor than white button mushrooms."
"I've experimented over the last couple of years with mushrooms mostly as a microdose."
"For him, it is useless to pretend to know mushrooms; they escape your erudition. The more you know them, the less sure you feel about identifying them." - John Cage
"I hope from this day forward you will look at mycelium and mushrooms in a whole different light."
"Mushrooms could help the immune system as a systematic approach for bolstering immunity."
"I think mushrooms are a big part of most religions."
"Mushrooms are anti-cancer angiogenesis inhibitors, which is really good."
"Mushrooms are a surprisingly versatile ingredient."
"Mushrooms lend themselves very nicely to soups."
"Mushrooms are really kind of on the front line of the health discussion right now in many different categories, and we're just beginning to really understand what this organism has developed over evolutionary time."
"One way in mushrooms of course another because they're so um striking and I used to grow mushrooms as a child and you can always watch them grow they grow so fast and that was always a thrill."
"Edible mushrooms are used all around the world for their medicinal properties, their nourishing properties, perhaps in reducing risk of disease, and of course, their consciousness-expanding properties."
"Lion's mane... often gets talked about as the mushroom with the strongest amount of brain health boosting power."
"Mushrooms have tons of compounds which are cancer fighters."
"Photographing mushrooms has become a passion that has completely changed my view of the world."
"The true turkey tail... it's got the multicolored concentric zones on the top; it's kind of leathery and velvety."
"Turkey tail is one of the premier medicinal mushrooms out there."
"Mushroom consumption is associated with a lower risk of cancer, driven mainly by lower breast cancer rates."
"Mushrooms are this super power charged source for a very wide variety of proteins."
"Mushrooms, we have a lot to learn from them."
"I'm a fussy eater but for some reason if I cook mushrooms or tomatoes in a hella fresh meal they've managed to get me to like mushrooms in some contexts."
"I always get mushrooms, this is great for like a quick pasta that you have to whip up."
"When they show you, like, take mushrooms and turn into a wolf and then massacre a village, is it macho? Yes. Is it cool as hell? Also yes."
"Fairy rings... mysterious Circles of mushrooms."
"If you take mushrooms you have like 4 hours of this thing only for you even if it's bad you can't say it's ignoring you."
"The life purpose of a mushroom is to produce spores, and so we want to pick the mushroom before it drops its spores because again, it will lose its nutritional value."
"Mushrooms are good for gut health and overall health and our metabolism at the same time."
"Psilocybin is a so-called tryptamine alkaloid found in a variety of mushrooms, but most potently in the genus Psilocybe."
"They nailed what it's like to be on mushrooms."
"I just did mushrooms. I just think they're good for you. They're good for you psychologically."
"Anything growing from anything else like wood or soil isn't a liberty cap."
"The mushrooms really give it this beautiful, earthy, wonderful flavor."
"We found some chanterelles; we love foraging for them, they're our favorite mushroom."
"Scientists in Japan who've been hitting mushrooms with lightning have discovered that not only does it make them grow physically, it also helps them grow emotionally."
"Little brown mushrooms, usually good to leave alone."
"How can Mario not like mushrooms?"
"Mushrooms need light to grow. Ambient natural light is great, and grow lights designed for seed sprouting work quite well."
"The reason why mushrooms are my favorite drug is because they're the only drug you can abuse. Because the second you're done doing mushrooms, you are not trying to do any more mushrooms."
"People don't like mushrooms. People are afraid of mushrooms. People think mushrooms taste like dirt. This is not true. It is okay to not like mushrooms. They don't taste like dirt. They taste like mushrooms and they're delicious."
"You can take mushrooms and go around with getting love and being the light for people, or you can take those same mushrooms and do some shadow work and start talking about some things and looking at things you never wanted to look at in ways you've never looked at them."
"Danny lion in the country means we're very close to morel mushrooms."
"Mushrooms are accumulators of... mushrooms are used in bio remediation projects where they're literally using mushrooms to pull toxins out of soil."
"... so there's a lot of really interesting properties that mushrooms may hold answers for as we're trying to do more things ourselves and be a little more self-sufficient."
"Don't just expect things to be fast, easy, and profitable. Mushrooms require patience and persistence."
"Shrooms. Very interesting, just based around mushrooms. So you can't tell if you're tripping or if shit's actually hitting the fan. So it's a good time."
"Our body really is meant to consume ergothioneine."
"The reasons just go on and on and on to why you should be eating more mushrooms."
"When you cook mushrooms properly because they don't cook them enough number one they haven't reduced enough the water's not gone from them and they're often like that squeaky texture."
"These things are extremely aggressive. Sometimes you throw some spore water down and come back a couple of years later, and there'll be literally 100,000 mushrooms."
"Shiitake and lion's mane mushrooms are a critical part of our diet when we're living off the land."
"Mushrooms made me less ignorant, made me have a bit more compassion, a bit more empathy and [ __ ] no exactly."
"Mushrooms have so many benefits, but number one, just get them in your diet."
"Mushrooms are just so good. They're a very soothing food that I've been enjoying."
"Next year we may get some shaggy main mushrooms out of this little section."
"You know mushrooms have helped me tremendously with my mental health, you know?"
"I just like I don't want people to be afraid of mushrooms at the grocery store now like the way they were afraid to go in the water after Jaws came out right you know it's kind of funny because at the same time we're having like a mushroom and psychedelic boom"
"Star Trek Discovery can traverse the galaxy instantaneously on a highway made of mushrooms."
"For me, the king of those mushrooms is this one down here."
"Farming mushrooms is very different from farming nearly any other kind of food."
"There is no field because mushrooms don't need light, at least not in the same way that plants do."
"Well you know and I agree with you like taste can change because I'm going to be honest I do most of your recommendations but I have always detested mushrooms my whole life and just this year I made an effort to find recipes where I actually enjoy them."
"One of the cool things about building mushroom beds... is that you can build them... in places of your garden... that you usually don't use."
"The poisonous mushrooms will not turn the edible mushrooms poisonous just by being nearby the only thing got to watch out for is maybe picking the wrong one."
"I think the best way is going to katene because the alkaloids are very water soluble so you can just like power the mushrooms or grind them up and then toss them into boiling water."
"Come with me into the forest to discover what kind of mushrooms are growing out here in Autumn of 2023. Welcome to Mushroom Wonderland."
"These mushrooms were grown by termites, a special group of termites that are the only ones who possess the secret and 'magic sauce' so to speak, to grow these mushrooms, which are highly prized by humans and taste so delicious!"
"I learned that the Candy Cap mushrooms are the way to go."
"The actual little bits of color, that's the mushrooms itself trapped in sugar, sort of like amber."
"We are a functional mushroom company and we love cordyceps."
"The best way to grow mushrooms is to think like one."
"Spring is finally here, which for any mushroom lover means it's time to start getting excited about one of the most famous mushrooms of them all: the early riser, the delectable edible, the genus morchella or a variety of species collectively known as morels."
"What if you didn't have to hunt morel mushrooms in the wild? What if you could just grow them instead?"
"It's called the mushroom Summit, it's going to be taking place alongside psychedelic science 2023 in June in Colorado, and it's all about functional mushrooms."
"Functional mushrooms are about to take the world by storm."
"Mushrooms have long been known for their health benefits."
"Mushroom medicine has been used for centuries, I think that's why we're such a strong human race today is because mushrooms have been co-evolving with us for so long so power to mushrooms."
"Mmm, mushrooms. Wow, you got so many healthy options."
"Grassland is where we go foraging for mushrooms in spring and summer."
"If you're in a wood full of sycamore in autumn looking for mushrooms, you're in the wrong place."
"I'm out there Gathering mushrooms and I'm not really making the film, but I'm gathering the mushrooms for this pie I'm going to make."
"You don't expect to see a big beam with mushrooms growing in it, really, do you?"
"All mushrooms are fungi, but not all fungi produce mushrooms."
"...these are like some of the best edible mushrooms."
"Turkey tail is one of the most studied mushrooms in medicinal mushroom burn."
"Healing centers that focus around mushrooms."
"It's been just an amazing year this autumn in 2023 for wild mushrooms in the Northwest."
"Then to create some more interest I'm just gonna add some shelf mushrooms around the base here and there until I get it to a point that I like."
"Mushrooms are great sources of vitamin D."
"...there's still so much left to learn... in mushrooms..."
"There's an 80% chance that any mushroom you find in the forest is poisonous."
"Mushrooms are the only fresh fruit or vegetable that has naturally occurring vitamin D."
"Mushrooms also have the same compound as a human body that when exposed to ultraviolet light increases the vitamin D level as much as eight hundred times the current RDA."
"By eating mushrooms not only do they taste good but they're also good for you."
"Baby bellas or portobellos contain a high concentration of an antioxidant."
"Mushrooms are so rich in vitamins and minerals."
"At my wedding I want like a big bowl of mushrooms that people can just like eat."
"It's Mushroom on mushroom Umami on Umami."
"Mushroom Observer is my favorite website, and that's where I upload all of my mushroom pictures."
"I decided to call my Instagram Yellow Eleanor, unbeknownst to me that putting little educational blurbs online about mushrooms was going to become something that people loved."
"A mushroom can produce as many as a billion spores each day."
"Just like mushrooms grow by setting up a number of inoculation points, connecting through mycelium, and eventually bursting into a fruiting body, Smallhold plans to keep showcasing the wonder of mushrooms."
"Mushrooms have an incredibly adaptive digestive system and they use a lot of different things for food sources."
"This might just be another example of how mushrooms are able to save the world."
"I'm hoping the mushrooms come out really, really soon."
"Show you three mind-bending mushroom cooking techniques with three amazing mushrooms."
"One of the most nutritious, most beautiful mushrooms ever, good for the brain, brain-boosting they call them."
"Using mushrooms as meat is an amazing and amazing solution."
"Mushrooms... contain these compounds called beta glucans which start to stimulate the immune system."
"Are oyster mushrooms popular in your country? They are pretty popular in Russia and they're also very cheap."
"Mushrooms, especially chaga and reishi, enhance that autophagy effect inside the cells."
"I love maitake mushrooms that are just grilled, they smell so good."
"I've always found that I've been fascinated with the inky cap mushroom which is like this mushroom that looks like it's dripping ink."
"Chaga, sometimes called the king of medicinal mushrooms, isn't much to look at but is gaining in popularity for its health benefits."
"This is the end of the Chaga season and the beginning of the Morel season. This is a fantastic time to get outdoors and start looking for mushrooms."
"Welcome to Mushroom Wonderland, where we learn all about wild mushrooms."
"Once harvested, you can also lay mushrooms in the Sun, and that can also increase vitamin D levels drastically."
"If you understand where the Morel mushrooms grow, if you understand their tree associations, you're going to have a much, much, much easier time finding your beloved Morel mushrooms."
"Another tree I find a lot of Morel mushrooms under would be the Tulip tree or Tulip Poplar tree, Liriodendron tulipifera."
"We've had loads of rain recently, hopefully that will continue through August which means loads of mushrooms."
"We can definitely rule out the poisonous mushrooms now."
"All of these big Agaricus mushrooms that are edible are really tasty."
"One of the best ways to get into it is just by shopping at your local farmers market and getting to know the mushrooms."
"These are actually edible, but they're very fuzzy and very photogenic, so always excited to find these."
"These are beautiful Agaricus, related to your grocery store button mushroom."
"These are Lactarius rubidus, or the candy caps, quite a few keepers here."
"Porcini are some of my favorite to pick; big, bigger mushrooms are great with this."
"Mushrooms, long known in culinary, poetic, and mystical worlds, have a new use that may prove to be their most exotic."
"With this new medium of mushroom paper, a growing number of paper makers and artists are being inspired to create forms and images in new dimensions of indisputable beauty."
"When you're ingesting a mushroom, you're ingesting something that is tapped into the collective, literally because it's connected all over the planet."
"Mushrooms can grow up to an inch per hour; it's pretty crazy."
"Mushrooms are very rich in protein, they are fiber, and they have antioxidants which protect from cancer."
"There's many health benefits to mushrooms: anti-cancer properties, immune supportive health properties, maybe even some prebiotic properties."
"Mushrooms are the meat of the vegetable world."
"Mushrooms are absolute superstars and mushrooms as a category are kind of touching all aspects of our daily lives."
"Mushrooms are teachers, but not just psilocybin mushrooms... even oyster mushrooms can teach you a lot about how mushrooms grow or what they need to grow."
"Based in the new and emerging research about the benefits of mushrooms that can halt cancer in its tracks, you know, and gives you further immune system enhancements."
"Mushrooms are mysterious and they don't always do what we expect them to do."
"All mushrooms are fungi, but not all fungi are mushrooms."
"Mushrooms definitely seem to punch above their weight."
"If memory serves me right, the people of the Tamba region, well known for this mushroom, once told me that the best time to enjoy it was just before the buds spread out."
"The easiest way to grow mushrooms at home."
"The PF tech... a super popular method for growing mushrooms on a small scale at home."
"Growing Elle oysters... they're super tasty and they grow nicely."
"The ability of a mushroom to promote nerve repair and regeneration is particularly interesting."
"Lion's mane, y'all know this one, really good."
"Mushrooms are gonna save the world."
"Every mushroom is medicinal, every single one. They all have a gift."
"In this video, we're gonna go over the most profitable mushroom strains that I use for my business."
"Since 2017, the global market for mushrooms has grown 30 percent to 50 billion dollars."
"Mushrooms are definitely having a moment, but we might only be getting a glimpse of our fungal future."
"I'm really passionate about mushrooms as you can tell."
"If you don't know anything about mushroom, please don't pick up mushroom on your lawn and eat it, it could be very dangerous."
"The French have actually been cultivating mushrooms since the 1700s."
"There's really two types, two categories if you will, of mushrooms: there's cultivated mushrooms and there's wild mushrooms."
"These are another popular mushroom right now that are also cultivated that you see a lot in the stores, they're called shiitake mushrooms."
"Mushrooms are not plants... they occupy their own separate kingdom."
"I love grilled oyster mushrooms, when you chew into it, it's so like chewy and soft with a nice crisp on the outside."
"I love mushrooms, they're so filling, satisfying, I love them just the flavor, the texture of them."
"There's nothing quite like a freshly picked mushroom, you know."
"This is the one place where you need to be if you want to stay on top of all the cool things happening in the world of mushrooms."
"Starting from the beginning stages of the mushroom lifecycle can give you some of the basic ideas and fundamentals of mushroom cultivation."
"Mushroom core is about mushrooms and portrays them as a whimsical connection to the spiritual."
"It's just me and her apparently, but apparently we were the two people that the mushroom struck us as kind of funny."
"The mushrooms get all their water from the substrate; they are extracting their water from the substrate as they grow."
"Often referred to as the king of medicinal mushrooms."
"It's more suitable to grow mushrooms as a kind of a smaller scale part-time or hobby farm rather than a large scale commercial mushroom farm."
"Mushrooms cook on their own; you don't want to disturb them too much."
"Eating mushrooms is really great for your microbiota and for autoimmune disease in general."
"Milk cap mushrooms perform essential ecological roles in all different kinds of ecosystems throughout the world."
"Milk cap mushrooms are important nutrient sources for insects, for animals, and also for humans."
"Mushrooms can be a spiritual experience."
"I love portobellos, they eat like meat. It's like a steak."
"Mushrooms are such a powerful tool to use to help you progress in your spiritual journey."
"I think I understand a little why for so many centuries they have called this mushroom sacred."
"In the last few years, the variety of mushroom available for home cooks have really mushroomed."
"Would you believe, there are over 38,000 types of mushroom in the world?"
"This particular mushroom dish is a very simple dish and yet very, very delicious."
"There are roughly 16,000 mushroom species in the world and many of them perform powerful functions."
"You might even think I'm full of shiitake mushrooms."
"So in this project we are going to classify mushrooms as either being edible or poisonous depending on different features."
"Mushrooms have been a focus in research due to certain compounds that show potential anti-cancer effects."
"Like, who was the first person to discover mushrooms, like saw them on the ground and was like, 'Let's do this.'"