
War Strategy Quotes

There are 72 quotes

"For the upper levels and the bureaucrats in Washington D.C., it's a chess game. They're moving pieces on a board, and it's the ones that pay the ultimate human price of war that bring those mental scars home."
"You need three things to have any hope of success in fighting a war: the skill, the capacity, and motivation."
"War believe it or not, are won on logistics. The bigger your tail, the sharper your teeth are going to be."
"Let's go ahead and start justifying for a war goal in Italy."
"And everyone can go back to agreeing that nuclear first strikes are probably stupid and that the whole mutually assured destruction thing isn't all that bad."
"Ideal win conditions for Liberty are winning in the Medieval, Renaissance, and Industrial eras militarily, before the late-game science gets too overwhelming."
"Curious, not furious. Learn to move closer to the people who frighten you because that means there's something they have that you lack."
"Diagnose what is missing... remember, what is war strategy? What is strategy? Reconnaissance, looking, observing, plotting, data points..."
"It's just another thing in the whole calculus of world war."
"It's a way of War where the only way to stop you is to kill you completely."
"If you go to war without knowing who the enemy is, then you will only war with yourself and your people."
"They knew that unless Gaskell Rakas were to be killed, the Great War would never be halted."
"Nobody ever won a war by dying for his country. He won it by making some other poor dumb bastard die for his country."
"Germany needed to win the Battle of the Atlantic because it was the only way that it was going to be able to destroy Great Britain."
"Stalin's armies now prepared to bring the war to Germany the consequences for Hitler and the German people would be deadly."
"Once you wrap up your second war with Naples...continue your conquest."
"At this point I can also go ahead and vassalize Parma...ready to move on with your wars."
"Emotec's insight and masterful planning border on the supernatural."
"Our moral responsibility to Ukrainians and to our own people and of course the economic imperatives make that essential."
"The Ukrainian Army gained huge advantages, especially with the support provided by Western countries."
"The Ukrainian Army made a move that will change all the balances of the war."
"A war over territorial integrity should be ended by sacrificing it, so Russia just wins. There is no 'W' in the situation; Ukrainian lives."
"The war in Ukraine is an unwinnable one... Washington needs an end game."
"One thing that was paramount in his vision throughout the entire war was the minimum number of casualties on the American side that he could possibly have."
"Oh, bringing a line back because people seem to really like it is tight, yeah, yeah, yeah."
"This is very straightforward, and the only thing I can think is that they're trying to leverage an oncoming food shortage to try and get some kind of an appeasement agreement going on later on in this war."
"In a war of attrition, lack of progress often stems from poor tactics and bureaucracy."
"The Japanese admirals were living in the past and the war would come home to them in the very near future."
"Americans quickly discovered that simply building a large number of expensive bombers was not enough to win the war."
"The best way to understand how this great war will end is going back to the first great war during the first long night."
"Faith is the only thing you need to win a war."
"Japan’s leaders now saw war with the West as their best option."
"Do you believe you can win this war? Yes, no question. I don't only believe it, I know it will happen."
"And while Russians continue to target residential areas for some reason, Ukrainians are actually destroying military targets because, I mean, it makes sense. We are at war, Right."
"Russia's strategy of inflicting significant destruction before attempting to seize territory in the war in Ukraine."
"Countless lives were saved on D-Day and beyond."
"Just the reading of the verdict and then the overwhelming like emotion that came over everybody."
"Perhaps the most successful amphibious operation of the war."
"It's clear that what he's looking for is to precipitate a war through these actions."
"Ukraine cannot win, but they can raise the price as high as possible for Russia to win."
"The hunger plan is just one piece of an inhuman strategy."
"Build an Air Force from scratch with Western systems in the middle of the war."
"The Ukrainian Army's dominance saw the course of the war completely change."
"This war is going to be won by whomever can get bullets, bombs, and fuel to the front lines the fastest."
"The hunts marshal moves back, there's a war wagon who will provide some support of fire."
"General, if we want to win this war and help our country, we are going to have to charge and someone has to be the lead."
"The whole region of northern France was of particular interest to allied planners at this stage of the war."
"Could China win a war without firing a shot?"
"Thanks again to our sponsor Warpath, free-to-play war strategy mobile game that combines real-time strategy with the real history of World War II."
"Hitler's decision to declare war on the United States is his warped view of the Jewish conspiracy."
"He's partly creating a good way of fighting and winning wars and then going on to fight the next one and the next one."
"Franco broke up the blue division partly because he had quite a good instinct and a nose for seeing that the war was changing."
"The longer the USSR could be kept out of the Pacific war, the better. The shorter the amount of time the USSR would be in the Pacific war, the better."
"Ukraine has a lot of advantages still going into this war, and if Ukraine can absorb Russian offensives over the next year, rebuild its forces, train its troops, then 2025 is looking a lot more promising."
"Churchill first entered after becoming prime minister on the 10th of May 1940 and declared this is the room from which I will direct the war."
"Seeing the Blood Angels Fleet inbound, Abaddon ordered his warships to disengage from the beleaguered Unforgiven. This was not a retreat but rather a tactical relocation to superior positions."
"The plan was meant to end the fighting by Christmas and bring the boys back home."
"He knows what strikes fear into men, he wages a different War to me, I do not question, I applaud."
"If you go to war and you send people off to be killed, go in it to win it."
"To keep fighting is not how you win wars; you do something to convince the other guy that he shouldn't be fighting anymore."
"Air power ended the Pacific War in a way beyond the imagination of any of the visionary pre-war strategists."
"Staying power in men is the key to how this war is going to be conducted and decided."
"I'd rather have you with us than against us."
"You can play this in two hours and have feel like you just dined on a huge war game."
"Odin's association with war is sophisticated... his approach to Warfare is marked by strategic cunning and wisdom."