
Palestine Quotes

There are 91 quotes

"The African National Congress has always stood with the people of Palestine in their struggle against oppression and injustice."
"You can want Palestine to be free and also not be anti-Semitic at the same time."
"Any sort of idea of home for Palestinians is being compromised every single day and is shrinking every single day."
"It's time to unite around Palestine and it's time for a new generation of activists to come in and clean the slate."
"We are unanimous in our support for the people of Kashmir and Palestine, highlighting the plight of both regions."
"The fact of the jewishness of the state of Israel though it is crucial to Israelis and to zionists is certainly not what matters to Palestinians."
"The mistreatment and discrimination against Palestinians is not unprecedented at all and is baked into the foundation of the political system in Israel."
"Palestine is a microcosm of everything that is wrong with the world... but it's also a portal into what could be the world if."
"The most urgent task for world peace is a free and sovereign Palestine."
"In this Serene moment, our thoughts turn to our brothers and sisters in Palestine bearing the weight of enduring hardship and injustice."
"It's impossible for a traveler to be hungry in Palestine."
"We are only allowed to talk about Palestine through the view of the colonizer."
"When the time came for that, we set up the Israeli government in Palestine."
"We cannot stop talking about Palestine. We cannot forget and we cannot give in until there is a ceasefire."
"Do something to save Palestine, do something Gaza."
"We're moving towards a more multilateral global system and that might have a positive effect on Palestine."
"For speaking out on Palestine, he's been doxxed, and he's been kicked off campus; he's lost his housing and food, and he has no family here."
"Arafat effectively conceded Israel on 78% of historic Palestine as legally defined."
"For the sake of Israel and its security, for the well-being of the Palestinian people, there must be a two-state solution."
"People very well understand what's going on with the Palestinians... if they had not understood over the past 75 years, they most definitely understood in the past six months."
"We take the compliment and give it to the people of Palestine."
"Your sins...can be a block to that Dua you make for Palestine."
"It is high time that the establishment of a national home promised by Balfour and the League of Nations to the Jewish people in 1917 and afterwards be matched by the establishment of a national home for the Palestinian people."
"You have to be cruel to be kind and say the only place of settlement was Palestine."
"The events in Palestine have drawn clear lines between the worlds of injustice and justice."
"Literally looks like a filter under the eyes, so if you're looking to support more Huda Beauty because she is a queen and is like literally so outspoken about Palestine right now."
"Immigration of Jews to Palestine and emigration of Arabs out of Palestine is the very natural project of settler colonialism which Zionism is."
"We have created the first Master course in Palestine studies, to our knowledge, and it hasn't been disputed. The first academic series dedicated to Palestine studies."
"All necessary measures shall be taken to encourage and stimulate immigration of Jews into Palestine on a large scale and as quickly as possible to settle Jewish immigrants upon the land through closer settlement and intense cultivation of the soil."
"If you were comfortable on October 6th with the status quo of Palestine, that's a problem of Iman."
"At the time of the song's release, Palestine was not recognised as a state, but it is now recognised by 139 UN member states, and in 2012 it became a Non-Member Observer State of the UN."
"The people of Palestine have a level of patience and steadfastness we can't compare to."
"Right now, we're not going to sit here and pass judgment on Palestinians in Palestine for anything that they've done. We've failed them, we've failed them to be frank."
"Single issues aren't that complicated. Like Palestine. Come on, do we need an in-depth analysis? It's genocide, that's what it is."
"What is happening in the historic territory of Palestine is not a war, a war depicts the ability for two nations or states to fight back against each other, what is currently happening is colonization, oppression, and apartheid of the Palestinian people."
"This is simply the first time many young Americans like myself are seeing mainstream media coverage of it, the Palestinian people have been facing oppression for over 70 years."
"...personal names in Palestine around the time of Jesus..."
"The narrative is shifting in favor of the Palestinians."
"Respectfully, free Palestine till it's free."
"What we're all witnessing in Palestine at this moment in time is absolutely horrendous it's heartbreaking it's genocide and it needs to stop"
"The history of Palestine can be traced from archaeological discovery to about 35,000 years."
"These are the Palestinians; Palestine and Philistines, the same word. Everybody understands, write it down in case you forget: Palestine is Philistine."
"Palestine for us is not about revenge, it's not against the Jew, it's against Injustice and oppression."
"It was never a land without a people and a people without a land."
"May Allah liberate Palestine, from Makkah to al-Quds."
"I actually did want to talk about what's going on in Palestine."
"The Palestinian people deserve to live their life in peace and not have to worry about if they're going to live to see another day."
"I'll never apologize for standing up for the rights of Palestinian people."
"The major desire for many activists on the pro-Palestinian side seemed to be to advocate for a ceasefire."
"If there is no peace in Palestine, there is no peace in the whole world."
"We've called for a ban on arm sales because the arms could be used in acts of genocide in Palestine."
"Ya Allah, let us see in our lifetime a free and liberated Palestine."
"Please keep Palestine in your prayers. I'm keeping them in my prayers."
"The Bible clearly prophesies the existence of a state of Palestine alongside one of Israel at the time of the end."
"We are selling off the Dimension 20 minis... 100% of proceeds are going to the Palestine children's Relief Fund."
"A united Palestine is required to have a free and independent Palestine."
"I am willing to be arrested for a free Palestine."
"Zionism seeks to secure for the Jewish people a publicly recognized, legally assured homeland in Palestine."
"The historical connection of the Jewish people with Palestine and the reconstitution of their National home in the region."
"The United Nations formed a special committee on Palestine tasked with preparing recommendations for the future of Palestine."
"The Arab population in Palestine was opposed to the increase in Jewish emigration and settlement."
"May Allah Subhana WA Ta'ala help our brothers and sisters in Palestine, may Allah Subhanho wa Ta'ala alleviate the pain and suffering and oppression that they've been facing for the last 75 years."
"Christianity was born in Palestine where the main language spoken was Aramaic."
"Palestinians must see their legitimate aspirations for a fully independent viable and sovereign state realized."
"Not a single one, not one, not even Israel, claimed that the Palestinian people was not entitled to self-determination under international law."
"The Palestinian people have been subject to a century of dispossession and displacement in manifest violation of their right to self-determination."
"Transferring another people into the territory of Palestine is contrary to international law; it undermines the exercise by Palestine of its right to self-determination."
"More than 140 states have recognized Palestine as a state with a population, with a defined territory, with a government, being a party to multiple treaties, a state with rights and with obligations."
"Recognizing the state of Palestine is a step forward."
"Our hearts and our supplications are with the people in Palestine."
"The distinction between nation and state is very important for the Palestine argument."
"The adoption of this resolution will be a partial yet vital step towards redressing the historic injustice against the people of Palestine."
"Both Israel and Palestine have a right to exist as peaceful and independent states."
"This vote for Palestine is a vote for the promise of the United Nations."
"...the idea of partition was the thing which the Zionists accepted. Okay, we can only get a small part of Palestine, the Arabs will get most of Palestine in 1947, the ratios were changed, but we can live side by side with each other in a partitioned Palestine."
"The necessity to immediately have a sustainable ceasefire, Palestine's full membership in the UN, statehood."
"The actual historic residents of Palestine have comprised a mixture of Arabs, Greeks, Franks, Turks, Germans, Syrians... and a few Americans as well."
"Admitting Palestine to the UN as a full member is in the best interest not only of the Palestinian people but also of Israeli people."
"We hope that Palestine's enhanced participation in the UN General Assembly will be another step toward the realization of the two-state solution."
"I support a two-state solution, one of them is called Israel and one of them is called Palestine."
"It is time to welcome the 194th State, the state of Palestine, in accordance with our founding principles."
"We welcome the adoption of resolution ES 10/23 outlining additional rights and privilege of participation of the State of Palestine."
"Even though Gaza is small, it's a crucial part of Palestine and completely isolated from the West Bank."
"We should continuously be praying for our brothers and sisters in Palestine."
"May Allah help them, may Allah aid them."