
Naming Quotes

There are 1762 quotes

"You can name a bat Charlie. Charlie seems like a good name for a bat."
"When you give things meaningful names, that actually helps you move forward in your problem."
"I actually haven't named him yet. I was going to ask you guys for name suggestions."
"I like the idea of Alex as an adjective as well as a noun. I like to use Alex as an adjective and a noun."
"Albus Severus Potter. You were named after two headmasters of Hogwarts. One of them was a Slytherin, and he was the bravest man I've ever known."
"I always, in the writing, always start the name. Give me a name and just produce the story, not the other way back."
"I don't think there's any good way to make the name chance fit in a fantasy game."
"The original name for the second game in the Splinter Cell series, Pandora Tomorrow, was Shadow Strike."
"Atticus, we chose the word, the name Atticus for him because of the book 'To Kill a Mockingbird.'"
"What would my flamethrower be called? It would be called the Flamethrower T2B. The TTB would mean 'time to burn'."
"Both possess inspired chess-related designs reflected in their name, with the most basic piece, the pawn, appropriate for the first stage Poniard, and King Gambit upgrading from Bisharp's bishop, being named for the chess opening, The King's Gambit."
"I have a pet now. I'm going to name you Timmy."
"If you ever feel down, just remember we have discovered the jaws of a giant predatory Polychaete worm and named it after a death metal band bass player."
"Gohan decides to raise the mysterious young boy who fell from the sky, declaring, 'I'll name you Goku. Although I'm a bit too old to be your father, I know you can call me Grandpa.'"
"A car or a child does begin to exist because it is a new concept, a new thing that we apply a new name to."
"This is Curiosity, and we named it that because it's what drives us to explore."
"I wanted to give him a generic enough name so I wouldn't feel like I used up all my best ideas if I ended up with more cats."
"Annihilation? I don't like that name. And then she annihilates them."
"Now I will praise the Lord; therefore, she called his name Judah."
"I named Emerald. I knew I wanted to name her Emerald. It's my birthstone. I just really like the name; it sounds Irish."
"Congratulations, it's a boy and a girl. What would you like to name them both?"
"A town called Black River... it's not named for the water; it's named for the people."
"I'm loving our name, Folton; please bro, if you're watching this, don't change the name."
"I called this AC 'Vulture', after the way it sort of circles around its foes out of range."
"One grandpa was Joe, the other one was Bob. My parents couldn't decide who to name me after, and so they compromised and yelled a hillbilly Alabama backwoods name on a brown guy."
"Consider the possibility that your character's name may end up being in the title of your project."
"Anything that has a form can be named, and anything that has a name can be conquered."
"Should we give this era in spaceflight its own name? I think so."
"Hitler cakes, Hitler roses, cafes, shops, restaurants being named after Hitler."
"Humans all across the board tend to give names based on the most notable attribute."
"In Japan, Hitmonchan is named after Japanese boxing champion Hiroyuki Ebihara."
"Goldie the Suckerfish I named it in terms of a rating I would give Goldie the Suckerfish a five out of five."
"Don't ever tell nobody what you plan to name your child because they will steal that name. I'm trying to have a unique-ass name for my baby, so no, I ain't telling y'all."
"This silly little adapter is called a... Dongle. Dongle, dongle, dongle."
"How can you deny a name like that, right? A rattle shake, I love it."
"This is the Xi virus and it will always be the Xi virus to me."
"He decides to name it Sui and it loves the name."
"The name in and of itself just sounds so [ __ ] badass."
"Hey piggy, guess what? We're safe. You know what? I'm gonna give you a name. How do I give you a name? Do I hit you with it? No? Oh, I'm sorry, I'm just gonna call you Timothy, okay?"
"I've gone in and named some of our silent ships."
"Good marketing calling it Fight Island by the way. Good good marketing there."
"With a new self should come a new name, right?"
"I named my daughter after his last name, that's how much I love this guy."
"What's the name of our zoo gonna be? I've got it. The Oasis in the middle of a desert, baby!"
"We are unfortunately stuck with Muffle One, but maybe down the line I will give it a name."
"I'm gonna get you guys involved, whoever wants to come up with a name for this girl, whatever is the most liked name in the comment section, I'll name her that as long as it doesn't get demonetized."
"Addressing a man by his name breeds a strangely powerful sense of intimacy."
"Every move needs a name, no matter how big or impressive."
"In this world, being named by a strong man means a blessing. After remuru named them, the Goblins all evolve and become many times stronger than before."
"His name was Fang, but I called him Fanggomango. He was the sweetest dog ever."
"Anyone can be a Skywalker technically, so why not honor the man by carrying on his name through the years?"
"Now why don't they just call it the basilica of Saint Mary? Why we call it Saint Mary Major? Because there's many Saint Mary's, but there's only one Mary Major, that's our Lady."
"I might call this song to the galaxy because that's what I'll keep up. I might call this [__] sent to the galaxy you know yeah."
"Prince Edward Island: If that's the case, they should rename it Pippin Middleton's ass island."
"It's kind of a cool name, the book of Boba Fett."
"Weapon naming in Starfield has always been pretty interesting to me."
"Banjo and Kazooie allegedly got their names from Real World figures during a trip to Japan." - Banjo-Kazooie Names
"I kind of wish that she named the first kid Little Jon." - Jake
"It's pronounced scare, it's the scary island of scare."
"This is beautiful... perhaps call it Crown Falls."
"I'll tell you one thing, if there was an award for the worst way to name your website or company, that is it. Okay, alright, that's where it's at, dude."
"Naming a division is kind of like naming nothing."
"It's like every YouTube channel's name is actually horrible because most people don't start expecting it to become a thing."
"It's called the great work room for a good reason. It's a great place to work."
"The name behind the poker float stage was itself born out of the localization process."
"Some people wonder where the name 'The King of Random' came from, and it really was from a person called Mike Lyman."
"Naming a town can be a lot of fun, some people can actually find this really challenging. A lot of towns are named after either a local figure hero or it might be linked to the local trade or profession of the town."
"Did we name the cat? The cat is named Scipio."
"This war would be named as the first corporate war."
"Memorable store name, like Amazon's relatable yet obscure choice."
"Well, this backsplash was called chopped dill."
"Ghost ants are called ghost ants because it seems like half of their body is transparent."
"It's unknown why exactly this is called a Heartbreaker, but perhaps it's named after how thrill seekers will feel when the ride is over."
"Horsefart's actually a nice guy, he's so nice I might actually learn how to pronounce his name."
"These adventurers were Frank, Dave, Wendy, Daniel, Eden, Jack, Gabriel, and Sarah."
"It's difficult to have a special street without naming our streets. This will be Umbrella Way."
"The name is clearly meant to convey breakfast."
"The cities and towns in Pokémon Black and White are all named after various types of clouds, connecting to their slogans."
"It's going to be called subnotica 2, yes it's going to be called subnotica 2."
"What do you reckon would be a good name for this design? I don't have a name for it yet... this is a high priority one... this is the big one... people would love to come and explore and experience Water Castle."
"Each of their stands have the word king somewhere in their name: paper moon king, king nothing, california king bed, speed king, nut king, call, walking heart, awaken."
"Fort Wadsworth was given its name to honor Major General James Wadsworth."
"It's like calling your secret military convoy 'Operation Pandora's Box.'"
"Deadpool officially names him the X-Force, saying he wanted a gender-neutral alternative to X-Men."
"It's such a powerful title I didn't want it to be called Central Park Five because I feel like that's the name that the state and the press gave them."
"You're able to name your rival which of course if you play this game as a kid is the most powerful thing you've ever been able to do..."
"The megalodon meaning giant tooth is aptly named with teeth over three times the size of the great white shark."
"She was a blessing, she was smart, and she was special, and that's why I named her Amore."
"This creature's object ID is named visitor corpse zero one... remember that word means trespasser."
"Naming units will mean they just have a bit more of a defined character in your head."
"Danger force would be the name of your superhero team."
"Naming and giving an identity to a real world skill and applying the same name or identity to the mental version of that can enhance the mental training and visualization in significant ways."
"Bayley named the teddy bear Daniel after Mr. Torney."
"Naming my daughter after my deceased friend shouldn't be controversial."
"Can we name hook shots? I think you can name anything you can play."
"The Dick & Pickle sounds like a terrific pub."
"This is Mr. Octopus's control. She comes up with names."
"Oh my god, this looks so nice, what should I call it? Candy World."
"I've renamed the car as Morrigan because you guys really like the name."
"Even the name 'Orbital Drop Shock Trooper'—badass!"
"We are going to name Rand Paul... He's a joke and we're going to call him out."
"I can tell you that I worked very hard on the shape names and the like names of everything... I think I aced it with names."
"Whoever came up with the name 'Hype Chamber,' that is one of the best names I've heard for anything in quite some time."
"He's my son, hence why his name is the masked."
"I'm sorry, my dude's name is Crisscross, is there another Titan in the class named Applesauce?"
"He named it the same. This atrocity cannot go unpunished!"
"I think that'd be cool to name... the first moon ships."
"I know him as Dave but I don't think that's his real name."
"Fittingly its name also pays tribute to sci-fi writer Isaac Asimov..."
"The film's antagonist, PAL, is pretty aptly named..."
"I think giving a good old Treasure Planet Nathaniel Flint as a name or perhaps Charles vain or John Sila Edward thatch or Edward Teach if you prefer."
"Give it up for Chastity, or as I like to call it, irony."
"Jeremy is non-binary. It's a multi-gendered name. We are one. We are Jeremy."
"Love languages, that's called Operation well it is Operation."
"All you need is one new man, and you got him, his name is Jesus."
"Longclaw, which is the same name as Jon Snow's sword."
"My brother got me this sword, I shall call it needle."
"My deck is called Combo Fighter, Combo Master."
"Brian Clough would have called him probably Edward, and that's different."
"This place is incredible, maybe I'll name it Frodostan."
"Sonic Mania was originally going to be called Sonic Discovery."
"Ultima Thule, a more apt name couldn't have been given, a distant unknown region, the extreme limit of travel and discovery."
"This is what happened. It's a Colin Cameron."
"I thought it'd be kind of funny to call it Only Pain, uh, opposite of Only Fans."
"One point for Shoney he's catching up three to two for who has a cooler name."
"He's actually adorable, what should we name him guys, let me know give me suggestions."
"I think Damon's gonna love that, what do you think Sebastian?"
"Am I the jerk for agreeing with my daughter that I didn't like her name?"
"She hugs me and she whispers, 'I'm naming my baby after you.' And I was like, 'Oh, oh.'"
"It's kind of like having a star named after you."
"Why the name Solomon? Does he in any way take after the Solomon of history, being wise and laying down sound judgments?"
"Name jokes? That's not his real name. That's not his real name."
"Don't write the same name every time. Try different words. It helps keep me on my toes, helps me try different stuff, helps get me out of my comfort zone."
"This is My Land. This is now the Cherry Fields."
"You get to decide what you call it and what you call that kind of moment matters. It's a superpower."
"Why is it called a party pack and not a fiesta pack? Fiesta is like an easy Spanish word to say."
"The passion fruit gets its name from one of the many different species of passion flower."
"Just call the damn thing 'All You Need Is Kill,' please just call it 'All You Need to Kill.'"
"If your name is Elizabeth, this may be something for you."
"The reason that punch is called the ghetto whopper is because that punch is thrown in the ghetto at three o'clock in the morning."
"I am going to be naming it Toaster. Toaster, or should I say Toaster?"
"Oh my god, what are we calling the baby? Blueberry Bailey big wallet, okay, that's the name but we'll get, you know, for short, blueberry big wallet."
"In that case, I guess we can do Brussels Bailey, we're gonna forget because I mean, that's not really a vegetable, it's actually Brussels, but I guess Brussels Bailey big wallet there you go, that's an oh my god, we got twins."
"It's good that they've put in the names of the people that you're probably going to want to create."
"It's been tough, but we actually landed on a name."
"Aiden to choose his name again, the suspect we know that is the one they are calling on right now."
"Did anybody see the name of this game? It was called 'A Hat Climb'!"
"Living world is aptly named because it is a living, breathing world."
"It's Doom but faster and more violent... They actually called the Doom Slayer 'Doom Guy' in Doom Eternal."
"The Mars 2020 Rover has a new name: Perseverance."
"I dream of having a daughter named Crystal, a dream from God."
"What if it's her middle name? Sherry Theresa."
"Settlers of Catan is the nerdiest name for a game possible."
"When's the last time you saw a prominent stand-up comedian that didn't name their special like canceled?"
"Knives are better deserving of the name 'Chopsticks.' Don't @ me."
"Choosing a literary name based on a childhood classic that you loved is such a beautiful thing for a little baby."
"Truly: One of my favorite celebrity names ever."
"We finally decided to name our challenger... Overkill."
"The entrance is called buried alive. That's the name of the entrance."
"I secured the D4L name for the actual name itself as a word."
"Cosmic Pizza is going to be the name of our restaurant."
"The kids are not going to be named Dave and or David."
"That's where this knife got its name: Kivar, kill a bear."
"It's just X, the letter X, and the AE is pronounced ash, and then A-12 is my contribution."
"Oh my gosh, I totally forgot to name her. Okay, Maple."
"His name is tall tale when the whole story revolves around tall tales hyperbole."
"Naming a baby is a two yes or one no situation. You do not name a child something your partner does not agree with."
"Fran gives birth; she names the two children Jonah Samuel and Eve Katherine."
"Holman Jenkins would be a good name for that character... it should be, you know what, Holman Jenkins the third."
"Yung Deon finally has a friend; he named the squirrel Poyo."
"It's the ultimate calf kick fighting championships now."
"Probably one of the coolest names we ever came up with, definitely the coolest Thomas."
"Despite being a temporary code name, that name turned out to be quite popular, so we decided to keep it."
"Samuel Peeps has even given it a name, he calls it the infinite great fire or as we say today the great fire of London."
"Neutral, my senior thesis, named him Tom, like Dennis Weaver."
"This fish is named Dixie, so now we have a Dixie eagle and a Dixie bass."
"That's why Gow magic if you could think of a better name please put it in the comments."
"The existence of this JV do you have a name for this JV yet no if you got any ideas please."
"There's something about a name that represents something else, you know?"
"I've always wanted to buy a super yacht and call it... 'Ocean Breeze.'"
"Can you name any monster 'Bigfoot'? Alright, here you go, calling this one 'Bigfoot' for you."
"It's called Blade, that sounds like a pretty good sword."
"We have to have these people vote on the beautiful dinosaur's name."
"Crazy idea: instead of calling them by numbers, we call them by what they look like. That's where it's at."
"We shall learn to choose perhaps more interesting names."
"When you name a thing it loses power instantly so when you're able to acknowledge a thing right away you've already begun the Journey of moving past it."
"The naming system aims to prevent calling Covid-19 variants by the places where they're detected... Obscuring the truth."
"If you want to suggest a name for our mending friend over here, that would be really cool."
"The family has finally decided on a name for Evelyn's baby, and they have decided to name her Emily Grace Cullen."
"Relationship chart that we haven't talked about and interestingly his name is listed as Guernica Van Damme."
"Welcome to my bookstore what should I call it I'm gonna call it read the room because you can read everything in this room."
"The peaks and summits throughout the Grand Canyon have names like you wouldn't expect."
"As someone who gave his daughter a name that is not typically what you would hear in America, if it honors their cultural heritage then that's as normal as it needs to be."
"Dragon's blood is an awesome name for a bright red pigment, but it's not actually made from blood dragon or elephant."
"Poofles, that's honestly like a great name for a chicken."
"The senator formerly known as Marinelli is now known as Rudy Romulus... Romulus is now known as R2D1."
"Your name will be Susan Ariel Rainbow Kennedy."
"He only knew what it was called... Monster Hunter."
"I hear they're calling her Lily which is very pretty and seems just right."
"It's called Sonic because that's the name of the restaurant."