
Fondness Quotes

There are 1688 quotes

"This is one of my favorite cases right here."
"How can you deny a name like that, right? A rattle shake, I love it."
"Scorpius was an awesome character and I really liked him."
"I love Pat McAfee. He's a man. Love him to death."
"This set I love, I had so much fun taking pictures of it."
"They've grown fonder of you since the distance."
"Jamaica Plain: one of my favorite settlements ever."
"I'm kind of in love with Parvati, she's absolutely magnificent."
"The P40, it's always been a favorite of mine."
"There's a very cool game that I believe is quite close to your heart, Tom."
"Yeah, I love SmackDown. SmackDown's been my home."
"From the bottom of my little black heart, I love you."
"Little square face, we were meant to be. I mean, little square face, you're just, you're cool."
"How does my personal favorite, cause back in '86, that's the one I raised."
"I always have a soft spot in my heart for the birthday cake."
"Y'all pop up in my head all the time. Yeah, I do. Y'all really, really do. This be like the best of every part of my day."
"Nobody can ever take those cookies from me. I like that."
"I think I would still be in love with this show."
"I like it so much and I liked it as a kid too."
"I like these guys because their little leaf mask kind of resembles a beard, also this one just looks short for some reason, I love him!"
"The wishology will always hold a special place in my heart."
"I love the color, I even like the little boobies."
"God, I miss this place, and I have a lot of nostalgia for it."
"I like the way Hannah says hello hello like just right in the fields just I love it I love saying : I love it I love it."
"It smells like licorice, you guys, I love licorice."
"I'm obsessed with the candle, it looks so cute."
"I really, really like this; I think it's so adorable."
"I have a special place in my heart for the movie Iron Man."
"She admits that after all this time, she realizes that she has grown quite fond of him."
"I've been wearing it constantly, I can't get enough."
"...I like you so much and even the things I don't like, I kind of like."
"I absolutely love marshmallow, especially when it's burnt on the fire."
"I don't know why I'm so addicted to that place, I love it."
"I liked spending time with him more and more."
"I really, really loved it there; I'm really, really glad we went."
"These are excellent, I'm keeping these, I like these a lot."
"Maya, you're a very sweet guy. That's why I always liked you since I fell into your lap on the subway."
"I'm really beginning to like this place and the people."
"We just love this spot so much... we just want to be here for the rest of the year."
"I've always been fond of the Aureal chipsets."
"I love those demos; it's what first sold me on the product way back in the late '90s."
"It really does bring back memories, I believe that was a Vortex One card."
"I am immensely fond of you all, and 111 years is too short a time to live among such excellent and admirable Hobbits."
"A genuine fondness for spiders is essential."
"Tommy is extremely fond of Takuya, looking to him as a role model and an older brother figure."
"She's one of my favorite people in the entire world."
"Oh my goodness, he's so adorable!"
"Absence makes the heart grow fonder, and my heart has definitely grown fonder."
"I absolutely adore the aesthetic of this place at a truly fundamental level."
"It's so cute, I love it, I love it, I love it, I love it."
"I love these things especially the wagons."
"I'm a fan of the .45 ACP; there's a certain familiarity and fondness for the cartridge that I have."
"I guarantee you those were the days."
"That's a good memory right there."
"Rest in peace, Steve King. You were the man, always had a smile on your face, always made people around you smile."
"I sure liked it here, and the food was great, but I'll miss them the most."
"He was an upbeat guy, a happy guy who just loved living life."
"I kind of thought, 'Oh, I think I'm growing fond of him, more fond of him.'"
"He was very fond of you, and I know that he appreciated your visits to him after your husband died."
"It's like Saved by the Bell, Parker Lewis Can't Lose, everything I loved was the jam."
"I still have a very soft spot for this one."
"I'm going to miss it here. I literally love it here so much."
"I just remember talking about how I got every tooth in her head. I give you she smiles crazy."
"They think of you very fondly and hold your connection, believes your connection to be sentimental."
"That sound, and it's...it's...and you know, and I've had so many good fish on that reel."
"He was a guy you miss, a guy that you really like to have in your life all the time."
"She was just the best, man. The absolute best, the most loving, caring."
"This series just truly has a special place in my heart."
"I love the story about him and his grandma."
"I think this place might be my favorite yet."
"Oh, he's so cute. Gizmo is a hundred percent my MVP."
"I love these kids books, they grow on you."
"I turned a corner and there he was. He's a cranky pig creamer. Do we love him? Yes, we do."
"He reminded me of my dad, he was great."
"I love all those crazy minodeersh."
"New York City is the greatest in the world. I love being from New York, I [__] love growing up in New York, I [__] love coming of age in New York, I [__] love being a young adult in New York, I [__] love being an adult in New York."
"This is just family, very favorite."
"It was like one of my favorite nights at the Y."
"I really like this plant. I really, I really do."
"Pictures don't do them justice, ah, they're just too cute for a mere grandpa to chastise."
"I've always had a great love of youth, Janet."
"Jesse still remembered the very first time she tasted a home-baked cake made with Jesse's secret ingredients of love and kindness."
"I have such vivid memories of watching that OG one when I was like 5 or 6 years old."
"You remind me of myself at your age," Miss Lena chuckled.
"Pat is the office manager who arrived in Trouble Blood, and she's staying. I love her."
"I vividly remember meeting my best friend."
"Legos was like the promised land, Legos was like the greenest pastures."
"I was just a cozy little monster."
"My boy jar jar, loved it, I loved him. I remembered the name jar jar so clearly, he made an impact when I was a kid."
"I just love dreams. It just fits on the Shelf very nicely."
"Malta was said to hold very fond memories for the couple who looked back on their Carefree time there fondly later in life."
"I never realized how much I'd fallen in love with Germany."
"I still love these books. I always look back and think, 'Man, that was a great book.'"
"This is so amazing, I absolutely could not leave that guy behind."
"I really like him a lot. He's really growing on me."
"...I still love thinking about that to this day."
"This one holds a special place in my heart. I absolutely adore it."
"Sorry for what I said. You've given me the best summer of my life, Stan."
"I really love Earth. I love her, she's dope."
"He loved to laugh you and I made him laugh like cry laughs he loved that."
"I love my Kennedy. Let's just say that Kennedy is super... Kennedy likes mementos and reminders of great times, right?"
"He was really a good friend and a real nice guy. I just love that guy," Finch fondly remembered Rick Hendrick.
"I like this one. I go back to this often."
"You just want to pinch his cheeks and give him a hard candy."
"I mean come on who doesn't love these little guys"
"They have fond memories about you, like when they think about you they think highly of you."
"Luke always had a way of taking his arm and putting it around you and giving you a kiss on the cheek."
"Leo was a good man, and I thought the world of him."
"I always look back on that time in Hawaii very fondly."
"Most people are really fond of pansies."
"...I have a special place in my heart for Ted."
"I fancy this more than all of them."
"There's no such spots in Ireland that's half so dear to me."
"It always reminds me of like a grandpa at Christmas time but like in the best way I don't know or just like a man like it just smells good."
"Oh man, they were wonderful years, they were the best."
"I have some characters that I still think about fondly."
"I love those, again, I love them, I love them all."
"Enjoy our little corner of Equestria. We're all quite fond of it. No doubt you will be as well."
"I just love her so much. Like, that's my little pumpkin."
"I really do have a fondness, a soft spot in my heart for superheroes that have superpowers."
"when something surprises you when something is way better than it had any right to be you kind of just think of it a little bit more fondly because it made you go huh"
"Remember those magic moments of the first date with someone you just really like?"
"One of my fondest memories of my time with Mother Angelica was after her stroke."
"The best story I've got with Sir Alex was on a Friday."
"I just like it's very kind of nostalgic I guess."
"It was literally the cutest thing ever."
"God yeah, how beautiful she was, how sweet she was, genuine."
"It's like even though they are in that Runner energy, they still really think of you very fondly. I do feel like they kind of keep track of what you're up to."
"I feel like you're just funny or you're so charming to them, like they just get a kick out of you. They just look back at you so fondly."
"It was brilliant, I remember scoring two goals in there, it was just brilliant, I just felt so easy and felt like I was a part of him."
"You don't think it's peculiar my being so fond of a mule, do you?"
"She was an angel, she truly was an angel."
"I miss Foddy. He's on to bigger and better things though."
"I'm smitten with them today, it's a thing."
"Absolutely love Sammy she is the best and I'm so glad she's back."
"I always have a really good fond memory of it, a good feeling every time I think about going to those shows."
"I really like that bodybuilder. I'm gonna be sad when they run out, yeah."
"We all have fond memories of our childhoods."
"Those years there, yeah, like those are the best years of your life."
"He always had that fondness but it got even more when he started putting it in terms of protection."
"Bellamy was particularly fond of this barbecue plan."
"The memories do you keep out of it two people who were associated very fondly and deeply with both me as a solo performer Led Zeppelin I think to some degree and definitely Claude that's Daniel advisor and Jacqueline adavi ohm."
"It's great to move on to bigger and better things, but I've always been fond of the mark 5 golf. It's just a perfect balance of cost, practicality, and also tuning capabilities."
"There was a theme that we used to do that I really loved."
"I have to admit, I kind of missed the face paint."
"I love the nostalgia that this thing brought for me."
"I love that dude, you know me, I love that dude."
"As a child, we always have fondness for what we grew up with."
"...it's always a thrill hanging with you until next time..."
"I just love them, I really do. I just think they're so cute."
"I love everything about this place."
"They have a soft spot in their heart for you."
"We loved our Fred and he entertained us."
"...I love this area it's so cute..."
"This area is so special, isn't it? One of my favorites in a Disney park."
"Thank you so much for having a chat with me... I just adore you, I adore you, Kelly. Thank you."
"I adored Bullock. We had a lovely time and yes, I miss her really."
"I love this place. It will never leave my memory."
"That's a great memory, definitely!"
"I have a special place in my heart, you know? Like, I think it's just like that's how it should be."
"I love Barcelona, yeah. I wish I could go more."
"This might be my favorite little creature in all of Batuu."
"What a peach." - Referring to Linda McCartney
"I suppose I have a weak spot for Yes."
"One of the best memories I've ever had in my life."
"She was an incredible actress and a very sweet lady, and I miss her a lot."
"The outpouring from everybody that had ever worked with Don or even the didn't know him... everybody loved Don West. He was great to be around."
"I think she's so cute and I've really always loved her"
"My dream frog squishmallow, I think, is Philippe with the little heart cheeks. So cute."
"These are my favorite right here, the yellow chicks."
"I look back at those clashes with a great deal of fondness."
"If all you can do right now is be affectionate towards me and have a fondness for me and a real good liking for me, I'll take that."
"It's a shame but at the same time I think it's so nice to leave on a high when you are that loved."
"I look back right now I think Tommy was a pretty nice place. It was a friendly place, a place where all of us knew each other."
"I only talk [__] because I'm so fond of you."
"Oh my god she's the cutest I'm obsessed with her."
"I loved that time so much it was the Golden Era."
"It's a beautiful area, I love it."
"He was such an amusing man, and I was devoted to him."
"She was a sweet little girl. She was an all-around good kid."
"I've only got good memories of you."
"Stan was one of my favorite coaches, man."
"Distance makes the heart grow fonder, as they say."
"I just really like it, this is my favorite out of, I don't even know how going back, how far quite a while."
"These are fabulous, I don't know if that last one came in very good, but I love these, these are special."
"I enjoyed my time here, but yeah, I just look back fondly and I'm happy where I'm going now."
"I'm gonna have to think about you. I do like you, I like you a lot."
"Damn it, I've seen that so long. I love that movie."
"It was the first f-150 engine that I had back in 2015... I was in love with that engine."
"I genuinely can't imagine him not being a part of my life now and that's a lot because how we met was so lovely and great."
"I have a fond place for Everest in my heart."
"He was just a great horse to be around."
"...your mother was an absolute gem one of the most open individuals that I'd ever spoken to."
"There's no world in which you don't smile thinking about Grandpa Cooper."
"We are actually really in love with this nail."
"I love France in a very special way."
"I smiled every time I saw her in the black pants and Beehive logo tee."
"He was this kind of funny guy, he would do like the wiggle his ears, wiggle the ears, and as a little kid, like, that's super funny and awesome, you know?"
"It's a gift and a curse, right? I'm like I can fall in love with a place and like I want to spend all my time there."