
Sanctity Quotes

There are 1272 quotes

"Our sexuality... is the most sacred amazing gift that we are given."
"Becoming a saint is doing your duty every day."
"Saint Peter and Mary Magdalene were sinners, but doesn't that give more glory to God when we saw that they fell and then they got up and became saints than if they had never sinned in the first place?"
"That woman's a saint in my eyes, she always will be."
"The beautiful death was a sacrifice in the true sense of the word, turning something mortal into something sacred."
"Each brother was pledged to a strict code of conduct that reinforced the sanctity of a place where angels tread and prayer was constant."
"The sacraments don't make it easy to become saints; they're the only things that make it possible."
"Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee, and before thou camest forth out of the womb I sanctified thee."
"Great love, not great deeds, is the essence of sanctity."
"That's what it means to be a saint—one who is sanctified and is sanctifying everything they touch."
"Blessed are the peacemakers for they should be called the children of God."
"The first step of being a good evangelist is being a saint."
"The power of consecration: genuine holiness."
"Keep it a sanctuary, a temple to the memory of those so tragically slain."
"You are called by God created by God to be a saint."
"Jerusalem is the undivided capital of God's holy city."
"Marriage is sacred, it's holy, it is set apart."
"The act of silencing yourself... to bring words, there's something holy about it."
"A little way is the means of attaining sanctity by which the soul's supernatural relationship with its heavenly mother and father is modeled on the natural relationship that a little child has with its earthly mother and father."
"Honoring and treasuring your relationship for its truly sacred nature."
"The place that you're standing is holy ground."
"They feel that what they have with you is sacred."
"Zion is a temple to the Lord. The white legs are defiling this temple. Zion belongs to God and the people of God."
"You must put difference between the holy and the unholy, the common and the clean, the typical and the accessible."
"The fear of God puts a sanctifying effect on human behavior."
"This is the sacred place within the sacred place."
"We don't want to lose biblical principles of sanctity and reverence in worship."
"The Quran is a mercy for humans, the words of Allah should not be touched."
"The sanctity of the Covenant of the land with the Jewish people is forever."
"What would your life be like if every moment was sacred?"
"He comes on that day when he comes to be glorified in his holy ones, his Saints."
"There's got to be a bridge to get from the holy pristine God to me."
"Why we are called a holy people: we are the seed of the Most High."
"Trust is precious and fragile. Collective trust in society is made ultimately of the trust of individuals... a civilized society must hold some things as sacred, never to be broken or dishonored."
"My mailbox, my phone, and my email inbox are sacred spaces."
"The simple fact of Mr. Johnson's humanity and the sacredness of all human life."
"There are things in the West that are still sacred, and that is one of them."
"None are more special than Gettysburg, Lincoln called Gettysburg hallowed ground consecrated in the blood of the soldiers who struggled there."
"I will not let My holy name be profaned anymore, the nations will know that I am the Lord."
"Anything that's sacred I think should always be protected."
"Your intimate energies, your sexual relations with each other, is very sacred to them."
"Death knows you're not perfect, therefore the law is Holy and the Commandment holy and just and good."
"We're not fighting you and we're declaring that here is holy. In Jesus' name, we agree."
"All life is sacred in India, especially holy is the cow."
"My house shall be called the house of prayer."
"No one life shall be destroyed or cast as rubbish on the void."
"There's nothing more sacred than the relationship between a man and a woman."
"Your body is sacred, it is a temple, especially for those of you who have a great purpose."
"This case transcends political lines; it's about the sanctity of our elections and the rule of law."
"You cannot heap enough honors and graces and so on on Jesus to make him a savior unless you say God."
"Treat sex as sacred inside of a relationship, as part of the healing balm and the ointment that brings us back together when there is conflict."
"Sex isn't just physical. It's sacred because people are sacred."
"God wishes us all to be saints, each one according to the state of life."
"The sacraments not just rites and rituals; they're meant to sanctify, build, and glorify."
"This will make us love God more, hope in God more, and believe in God more, and it will create Saints."
"Mothers are Saints, Angels by merely existing."
"Speech is sacred. Human speech is sacred. Words matter."
"The Eucharist is a gift, not an entitlement, and the sanctity of that gift is only diminished by unworthy reception."
"Gospel message validates the sanctity of human life."
"The woman's body is highly sacred. We create life. So, a feminine woman is highly attuned to her body."
"A good Christian knows that even in the saints sanctity does not by its nature consist of preternatural gifts of vision, prophecies, and miracles."
"God knows the world needs saints and He needs these types of lovers that bring the whole world to God."
"All is holy, whether you agree to it or not."
"In every great house, there are vessels of gold and silver and there are vessels of honor and dishonor."
"The year of Jubilee is a year of rest, a sabbath, a holy year."
"If he puts you there, it's holy; if you put yourself there, he'll make it holy."
"God can make the very place of hiding something holy."
"Sybil Vane is sacred. It is only the sacred things that are worth touching."
"Make not my father's house a house of merchandise."
"Life is sacred whether they happen to be homeless or whatever situation."
"Without holiness or consecration, do not expect to walk in the power of God."
"For it is written: 'My house shall be called the house of prayer, and ye are not going to make it a den of totalitarian goons.'"
"Your body is a holy place and it has a heavenly purpose."
"Every life is sacred and every soul is a precious gift from heaven."
"Your dreams are sacred, no one thing has a right to negate, defile, or molest them."
"The temple is literally the house of the Lord."
"That we should be holy and without blame before him in love."
"Our bodies are temples, sanctuaries of a divine power."
"Renouncing oneself from morning to night and being a living sacrifice is a sanctity wished for and demanded by Jesus."
"We must try harder to be a holy people."
"Our body is a temple for God to abide in."
"How beautiful are you, how pure are you, how sacred are you."
"Your word is truth, and we ask now that you will sanctify us by this truth."
"Humility is necessary for holiness."
"Families are called to be sanctuaries of life, where all are welcomed as gifts."
"I'm asking you radically to be a saint... I need to be unafraid to offer my fiat over and over again because there's going to be a new way that he calls for saints as you said in this age."
"Even in heaven, one day we will be holy, but only by continued givings of his grace."
"The Christian who is consecrated by his faith does good works, but the works do not make him holier or more Christian."
"The greatest sex on earth is between a man and a woman who are married, God-sanctioned, disease-free, et cetera, et cetera."
"Only through a Justified and Sanctified life can we ever do anything that is ethical."
"Marriage is good, marriage is Holy, marriage is Honorable."
"Sanctity means simply that you have lived a life that allows you to keep sending the spirit from generation to generation to generation."
"Sanctity... is for the Holy Spirit to become the soul of your soul."
"Our homes must be holy places in order to stand up against the pressures of the world."
"Every human being is created in the image of God. So, when you kill a human being, you're actually in some ways killing God."
"Do they know that our faith is one that values the sanctity of every human life?"
"Marriage is the great equalizer and the great sanctifier."
"The martyrs are the greatest Saints of the faith."
"The home is the most sacred place on earth."
"If we wish to be what we must become, the living temple, then we must build the house according to the law, we must sanctify it, we must not prohibit that which is profane to enter into it, and we must enter into it ourselves with reverence."
"There's no need to make this in either or as Christians we would say yes the present life should be purgatorial meaning you should be ever more purified from your attachment to sin as you grow in sanctity."
"The Catholic Church has produced this endless stream of men and women, boys and girls, who are Saints, who are heroically virtuous."
"Yahweh does not play with his name, which is why he sanctified it."
"Marriage is honorable in all. The bed is undefiled. Marriage is honorable. The bed is no longer a defilement when marriage is taking place."
"There's an inside to religion that's a very special thing, a holiest of holiest inside of that Holy spot."
"But when he seeth his children, the work of mine hands, in the midst of him, they shall sanctify my name."
"Sanctify yourselves and be holy for I am the Lord your God."
"All the holy scriptures defile the hands."
"If something's sacred to your person, they don't want that sanctity violated."
"Be a good Catholic... keep doing all of the things you are doing to strive after sanctity."
"It's okay to defend or keep limits to something that's really sacred and special to you."
"Every temple has these words above the entrance: holiness to the Lord, the house of the Lord. It's the most sacred place of worship on Earth."
"The whole creation itself is a sanctuary."
"Find somebody to share that with and then treat it with the sanctity and holiness that it deserves."
"It's this amazing experience, extremely sanctifying and revealing."
"This is what I would call a sacred space... it's designed to hold the beauty of what it means to be human without giving it a particular kind of iconography."
"How far off, how cool, how chaste a person's look, begirt each one with a precinct or sanctuary."
"Sanctity is found here in this room right now."
"I have a very high view of marriage, meaning I believe in the sanctity of marriage and that marriage should be a picture of Christ and his church."
"Don't bring pillows into the sanctuary, my judgment is coming."
"The spoon carries the body of Our Lord, which has been sanctified, and to this day works miracles and is treasured by the church."
"The Sabbath commandment is Holy with or without church service."
"Living a life that is growing in sanctity, this is the point."
"The Bible teaches that your body is sacred. It's the Temple of the Holy Spirit, and that includes your sex as well as every other part of your life."
"Al-Masjid Al-Aqsa is referred to as Al-Haram because it's a sanctified region."
"It preserves the holiness of the church."
"What makes our space sacred is like the love you pour into it, the connection you build with the space."
"God's will is that you should be Sanctified through sexual Purity."
"All work is sanctified. All work creates value."
"it's a goal of mine this year to make my space a little bit more sacred"
"Human life is unique and sacred, it is a blessing."
"The Souls of the righteous are then made perfect in Holiness and received into the highest Heavens."
"This is pure. I treat it like a temple."
"The saint is one who is conformed to Christ, who pursues holiness through the graces that are given."
"No defiled thing can fall into her."
"It's god's work this god's word and that's why you don't see me mix the sacred with the profane."
"The primary purpose of marriage is to sanctify us into cleanses of sin...so that we might be holy and without fault."
"Keep doing your spiritual reading keep investigating these devotions know who started them know where they came from and everything works together everything works together for our sanctity."
"When saints are together they must not act like the Gentiles, but rather act like the saints."
"If you want God to fill something, make sure He builds it. If you want God to live somewhere, it's going to be His house."
"Saints are made off of dozens and hundreds and thousands of ordinary moments."
"Sanctified doesn't just mean separated from Evil, it means set apart to be used by God."
"You are filled with the Spirit of God as the temple of God."
"In the restored humanity through the humanity of the Messiah, it's that humanity is sanctified for sanctity for women as much as men."
"Ceremonial sanctity can't be transmitted by contact."
"All work is hallowed it belongs to God."
"So if you were an ordinary person and you wanted to give something that was close to the sanctuary of the God but you weren't allowed into the sanctuary of the God this is where you would give your devotion."
"You do not become a saint by what you do, you become a saint because of your position in Christ."
"Relationships equate with commitment, we equate with sanctity."
"I decree and declare now, marriages are sanctified."
"In a child's power to master the multiplication table there is more sanctity than in all your shouted armaments and hosannas."
"Sanctification is separation from sin unto holiness."
"...it's not the places that make us holy, the places are Sanctified because Allah subhana wa tala Sanctified them."
"Man's life is sacred because he is created in the image of God."
"I protect life. There's a sanctity to life, and I will uphold it."
"All life is sacred, all life is precious."
"Judaism etches the quotidian with the charisma of sanctity."
"That interaction is what makes us holy."
"This spot is so blessed that if people knew about it they would all flock to this area to offer Salah here."
"Your body is the dwelling place of the Holy Spirit."
"He's holy, He's perfect, He's worthy of Praise."
"Your body's a temple of the Holy Ghost."
"She's a beacon of light, a wonder of the world, symbolizing the sanctity of home."
"Nobody has the right to take anyone's life."
"This gives God glory, not that you go to hell, He doesn't like that, it gives God glory when you become the saint you were designed to be from all eternity, amen."
"We're set apart. God has called you to be different, holy as he is holy."
"What God has brought together, let no man or woman separate."
"The temple is where the presence of God would be in a unique way."
"God sees us holy, completely separated unto him."
"Human life is sacred and should not be taken."
"Be a saint with your god-given temperament."
"But you'll get back in there and you'll keep on living holy."
"He's holy, yet he bore the sins of the world, that's a paradox."
"So, this is the prayer: 'Oh God of Peace, I pray sanctify me completely and let my whole spirit, soul, and body be preserved blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.' Amen."
"God is more than a God of love, He's a God of righteousness, He's a God of holiness."
"The lord shall establish thee an holy people unto himself."
"Your house should be holy ground."
"We call this place Holy Ground, whether we're in this building, whether we're in a car, whether we're in our home."
"With poverty of spirit blessed rest happy Saint in Jesus arrest"
"The purpose of God is not to make you happy it is to make you holy."
"Having somewhere that I can really make my own feels so sacred."
"A true saint, the mark of true sainthood."
"The Heavenly Father, however, is perfect and fair and he can provide correction from the beginning to the end of our lives and has, as its purpose, to make us holy like He is holy and thus enabling us to share in His eternal nature."
"Our hearts cry, be magnified, as it is your Holy Temple, in this your holy place."
"Your apartment is a temple, your bed is an altar."
"Wash me, cleanse me, from every sin. Make me holy in your eyes."
"Human life was set apart in the Garden of Eden regardless of how literally you take that story."
"Holy means to be devout, blameless, righteous, moral, just, good, angelic, godly, immaculate, pure, clean, spotless, blameless, humble, innocent, saint-like, undefiled, upright, incorrupt, dedicated, spiritual, unstained, unworldly, and pure at heart."
"This is your heart, the holy of holies."
"Once a place is recognized as holy, then regardless of all changes in the prevailing faith, holy it remains."
"Your home is supposed to be sacred, your home is supposed to be safe. This is breaking that security."
"Mothers and fathers have the highest holiest calling."
"Now mine eyes shall be open and mine ears attent unto the prayer that is made in this place."
"For now have I chosen and sanctified this house that my name may be there forever, and mine eyes and my heart shall be there perpetually."
"The most sacred life is that of a child."
"Religion is valued in my family; tomorrow being Saturday, we have to keep it holy."
"The transformation happens in the Holy of Holies, when you find the presence of Jesus."
"Lord, thank You. Thank You that Your presence is in this place. We acknowledge and we recognize that this is holy ground because You are here."
"A bottle is a container designed to hold the righteous and the holy."
"We are not manufacturers of our own holiness; we are partakers of God's holiness."