
Social Consequences Quotes

There are 152 quotes

"It was an agreed upon lie, and if one person says, 'I don't agree with that lie; I will not go along with that lie,' they will destroy you and anyone around you."
"I have had friends who are, I guess, no longer friends because of my beliefs. Is it worth being fired or having my job prospects limited just to speak out about these issues? A lot of people are saying no, not really. I'll just keep my mouth shut."
"Life is really hard for people who are obese, both the social consequences of that and the health consequences of that."
"The inevitable conclusion of 'let anyone say anything' is that the worst people, having finally found a place that will let them in, start to drive out the more careful and cautious."
"These cancelings you notice these are deaths they are permanent okay they're social deaths."
"We're in a similar position in the world in 2008 where standards of living are artificially propped up by debt and so once that gives out everyone will be a lot poorer which will create massive social instability."
"Freedom of speech doesn't mean freedom from consequences. Disney, I want to see more companies who want to act a fool and play dirty games see actual accountability."
"If you have people who lose their job, you'll see enormous social unrest."
"Political correctness doesn't just mean good manners; it has consequences, and one of those consequences was the abandonment of thousands of girls to years of abuse for fear that tackling the problem would look racist."
"Cancel culture is very much about the idea that we are going to destroy your career if we don't like what you say... It's about intimidating people who can't defend themselves."
"Deregulation made the climate disaster worse, then capitalists reaped the benefits while the rest suffered."
"Racism is bad, okay? The simple fact of the matter is that when you say racist things, there will be penalties attached societally to saying racist things."
"When you crack down on the police and you tell them not to do their jobs there's a predictable result and the predictable result is a lot more crime."
"There's a high social cost for acknowledging certain truths."
"If you crash the economy into a brick wall, you create poverty and poverty kills."
"People will band together against you if you're not doing the proper things."
"I think it's great, cancel people... there has to be consequences."
"Creating a negative social consequence diminishes influence."
"False accusations will get you nowhere and just make you look like a clown."
"The way I see cancel culture isn't let's take away this person's pay it's like in society are we gonna write this person off or not even if they're still working."
"As for the former warlock player boyfriend, lost D and D, lost respect at work, lost friends and colleagues..."
"Unfortunately when you're the average man that character assassination can get quite extreme or you get accused of some very horrendous stuff in order for her to gain favor with friends family Society at large and the courts."
"She's begging for total global humiliation. She's gonna get it."
"No, you can't be an uh a racist towards people even if they're white and get away with it no you can't right there gonna be consequences for that so uh let's uh go ahead and um play this clip."
"Roe being overturned has consequences that extend beyond the bans on abortion."
"Hopefully with that jail time it taught them a lesson."
"There has to be a price to be paid by callous indifference."
"If you're cranky and pissed off all day and people don't want to talk to you... you're not going to go far."
"If you have too much competitive consumption you get really bad social outcomes."
"Your behavior has consequences, and people will remember you and your actions."
"You sewed the wind. For decades to come I fear that the whole country will reap the whirlwind."
"What happens when the left gets too powerful? The Right comes in and starts shoving boots in people's ass."
"The absolute best antidote to embarrassment is to consciously choose those potential or actual social consequences, in favor of something greater."
"In short, bananas kicked off lawsuits, advertising innovations, protests, coups, and violent suppression."
"Race is invented but the consequences of that invention are real."
"Just because something is subjective doesn't mean that there isn't some social consequence from doing the wrong thing."
"People will be cancelled but it makes it easier for others to speak out."
"When hurtful words turn into trying to break up somebody's livelihood, when it turns into hurting their family, those things can't go unchecked."
"You could free up over 600 million dollars worth of real estate and the only people negatively affected would be the small crowd of men at this hotel bar."
"If they create a monster, they should not complain when it feeds on society, right?"
"The mere idea of letting a man speak or a woman speak is so threatening that, if we do, the certainty of violence apparently was free speech that led to the rise of the nazis."
"I have an issue with outside investors... displac[ing] American citizens from their home... in the name of business and profit."
"It's not canceled culture. It's consequence culture."
"When you apologize, you're only pulling the rug out from under the people who are defending you."
"Destroyed his reputation, to deprive him of his support base."
"Even well-intentioned objective jurors cannot be deaf to the fact that the consequences of exonerating Chauvin could set the world on fire."
"Who do they blame? Who do they assign as the scapegoat who betrayed them?"
"Strong men get cancelled, fired, when they speak, you send your lawyers after them. Talk to Sandman about that."
"What's more important... the life you can protect or the social ramifications you might deal with?"
"The women are teaching us... there is an inequality that has horrific personal consequences..."
"You lose the right to do something like that after you [ __ ] it up."
"This is the epitome of an act of extreme selfishness. None of the children will have parents to see them grow to be there for the events of their lives that parents should be there for."
"Being wrong can be socially punished with humiliation and irrelevance."
"We can all see what is happening to the economy; we can all see the impact this is having on loneliness, mental health, poverty, and delays in cancer treatments."
"This tells you that I think Evangeline Lilly knew exactly what she was getting into when she posted this."
"The damage that I was feeling by not saying anything became greater than what I imagined the potential damage would be from coming out."
"But more than that, it's getting people killed."
"With a virus wreaking havoc on our impulse control, we literally have no choice but to punish those who have wronged us."
"Bad people end up lonely... it's merit, it plays out."
"If these particular jurisdictions want to keep the same voting patterns... when you make law illegal you have lawlessness."
"Sorry, but can you delete this? He belongs to a company and this would give him so much trouble."
"Oh my god, it really puts a human face or at least picture to what the soft on crime DA's reap, you know what their policies reap."
"But saying something that's racist means you will most likely face social consequences for that. That's just what it is. I'm sorry, this is not funny, this is sad."
"If someone did something wrong then you have to cancel them but they were also the same ones bopping to it."
"When you make this choice, you're gonna lose earthly treasures, you're gonna lose earthy friends, you're gonna lose earthly status."
"People should be allowed to see such comments, and social consequences are part of freedom of speech."
"Putin's plans can put so many people on the street."
"If you stand for the right things... you are going to have a lot of blowback."
"My mother did not get off scot-free. She is no longer welcome in her church and none of her friends associated with her anymore."
"The lockdowns did way more than the virus ever could in terms of hurting people. It's not even close."
"The issue with cancelled culture is it's kind of like this: like you have a cut on your arm, let's just chop the whole arm off to make a statement."
"The hostility and escalations of hostility online are allowing for normal people to lose their jobs, lose their careers, be unable to work in a field that they've tried their entire life to be in."
"The truth has to get out that Micah has left people in her wake that have been hurt so much by this."
"The whole of our Western civilization is the unintended consequence of that kind of voluntary cooperation."
"If they cancel me, they cancel y'all, so protect me."
"Learning lesson for everyone: freedom of speech does not mean freedom from consequence."
"Make me look like a fool, what's that gonna do? It's gonna backfire on you."
"Being a nice person was definitely the thing that got me bullied it was definitely a thing that people didn't like about me."
"Allegations, even if they are found to be untrue, still have the potential to destroy lives."
"Freedom of speech, 100. Say whatever you want. Freedom of consequence is not so much."
"You're gonna be judged for what you said ten years ago today, and that's kind of dangerous if you ask me."
"Check yourself before making moves. Empathy and thinking about consequences are key."
"You'll disgrace yourself, yeah, you'll be embarrassed."
"Words like these we're hearing now with false accusations, those words matter."
"The bullying and everything that group of guys had done to me."
"When Christians support manifestly immoral causes, it does damage to the cause of Christ."
"It was broadcasted to over 2.5 million people that I bullied a mentally ill woman, insinuated I was a racist, harassed and copied marcy, and a whole lot more."
"People can say what they want, but there's gonna be consequences."
"I'm sorry, everybody, my family, my friends, I won't be back for a long time. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to do it." - Denali Bremer
"You can't just go do that and then go home, I'm sorry that Joe has to be the bearer of bad news. They were pulling one woman off and someone asked why are they kicking off the plane? Freedom of speech? No, you stormed the Capitol, miss."
"Growing up where I grew up, it had consequences."
"I also think it's absolutely insane and crazy that people chime in with copycat transmissions and pranks. I just don't understand that kind of mentality and that kind of lack of awareness of the consequences of their actions."
"When you do a bunch of shitty things people stop liking you."
"You gotta let them know that there's consequences to the [ __ ] you know it's acceptable."
"When you abuse your authority, when you abuse your legitimacy, you wreck your own power and the people don't take kindly to that no matter what situation or society you're in."
"When you shut down, you have many things that happen from suicides to depression to drinking alcohol problems."
"A damaged reputation isolates you; your influence wanes."
"If you're overly willful and thereby you behave in a way that is 'I want, I need, grab, grab,' there's not enough, someone is going to retaliate."
"If you don't hold folks accountable, these snakes are going to keep swirling around you."
"We can't be afraid of the fallout from telling the truth and being honest and authentic because the fallout is never actually bad when we're authentic."
"Gossiping equates to spreading strife, leading to division, broken relationships, and even wars."
"Don't do something that you wouldn't want the world to know."
"Imagine what damage it's going to be. Look at, for example, what has happened as a direct result of the dobs decision with the overturning of Row versus Wade."
"Try to steal my legally rented parking spot, enjoy being unemployed."
"The limitless sexual license of the porn generation is not without consequence."
"If you abolish your police and then people go and destroy things, you can't come to the federal government and then say we need money."
"You're just putting a target on your back if you start getting cocky like that."
"Yes Jules: controversy, racism, and the repercussions of privilege."
"I told the truth exactly as I see it and my reward for that was losing all of my friends."
"Maybe it was right that if you take those views maybe you should be cancelled."
"What happens when people go hungry in America? What happens when they lose pensions, when they lose their retirements, when they lose social security, when they lose their 401ks, when they lose their homes, and what happens when they lose hope?"
"None of these kids will ever be able to get a student loan, their families are not able to live in public housing... they turn into our future prison population unfortunately."
"These kinds of shutting down of discussions is what allows conspiracy theories and deep hatred to flourish."
"There's a subtler form of violence which is you just destroy somebody's life if they contradict the left."
"If the racist on Twitter was caught stabbing somebody, would we have a problem with him losing his job?"
"If you're a keyboard commando... you will be held accountable."
"It's a sad state of affairs that in england and america it seems that certain elements of black communities have problems with violence and this causes problems pain and hardship for the law-abiding people within those communities."
"You have embarrassed yourself. You have embarrassed your wife. And I hope that you brace for what's yet to come. #LongLiveMissBSmith."
"Things happened, he threatened a bunch of people and he got canceled flash too."
"It's seeking to displace and replace fathers with government. You create social unrest, you create poverty, you create fatherlessness, you allow civil unrest and then the government comes in to provide goods and services and some sense of order."
"The accusation is enough to ruin a man's life, not actual full evidence."
"In 2022 namir opened up about his struggles with alcoholism detailing how he'd been struggling for 3 years and how it's changed him to the point that he'd lost so many loved ones."
"Don't push your children to the degree that you've issued a sentence to someone else's daughter or son."
"If you can't laugh, you know where it ends. You end up shooting a woman point blank range in the face in the middle of the street in Philly."
"Let's say someone genuinely did say something inappropriate... do you think it's fair that they should essentially never be able to work or participate in public life again?"
"Unless someone is actually doing something illegal, I don't see why you have to cancel somebody for maybe having a different political opinion than you."
"That's why you don't cheat and [expletive] in Binghamton because now you're passing down to other people."
"When you stand up for yourself, you're going to lose friends."
"Making your teacher crap himself in front of a group of middle schoolers is definitely the easiest way to end their career and also entertain yourself."
"Let people say what they want, because when the truth is revealed, it's going to crumble."
"Physical attractiveness has important social consequences."
"Doing acts of kindness, for example, have all kinds of social consequences that can make you happy in the long term."
"Commitment to Jesus might cost me something, and some people say, 'I don't want to hang with you, you've changed,' and I don't like the new you."
"There's a greater level of rejection by family and friends predicted by the hoarding severity."
"Be respectful towards people, or you're gonna get hit."
"The consequences of racism are more than discursive or psychological but result in inequities across racial lines."