
Visual Beauty Quotes

There are 183 quotes

"This game is absolutely gorgeous, and I love every second I spent in it so far."
"I absolutely loved it and its meteoric successes, such as the completely and absolutely unparalleled sense of exploration, gorgeous visuals, and deep sense of mystery."
"It truly is gorgeous. Oh my God, stop. I can't cry again."
"Delta four heavy ascending into the clouds one last time, that's just beautiful."
"Salgado captures the action in a stunning, beautiful way."
"Planetary nebulae are some of the most beautiful objects in the night sky."
"Wow, the more I play this game, the more beautiful landscapes I keep seeing."
"This game is seriously beautiful even simple moments like looking up at the night sky had me staring."
"Filming in the rain is not pleasant, but looking at cars with raindrops on the paint, that's really beautiful."
"Breath of the Wild is different... it's relaxing, peaceful, and beautiful."
"The water was so clear, so clear snorkeling, it was looking so blue you could see forever."
"Makes any water look amazing, just beautiful."
"Beautiful scenes, beautiful scenes. I'll take that."
"The belt of Venus creates a pinkish glow in the sky that rises above the horizon."
"The high point of Breathage is its stunning world."
"Look at the graphics, look at the clouds in the sky, it's just something to behold."
"That rainbow colored cloud formation in the sky is an impressive sight to behold, wouldn't you agree?"
"The Acropora dominated tank is a bright explosion of color where each nook and cranny is its own firework show."
"The map seed is a 'peck every product every city' challenge and this map is beautiful, let's take a look."
"The output on this is gorgeous, absolutely gorgeous..."
"Isn't it beautiful? I just... I'm sorry, I've been talking about it for so long, but I just literally can't get over it."
"This one is probably the most aesthetically pleasing world."
"Pandora at night is starting to come alive, it's beautiful."
"I've created a lovely little dock, look at it, it's beautiful."
"Tasmania’s Glowing Water: Some have even called it the aurora borealis of the sea."
"The animation of Frozen 2 was breathtakingly gorgeous."
"Visually the movie is amazing, the cinematography is beautiful."
"This is beautiful, oh my god, this is lovely."
"It was just beaten and it was beautiful to look at."
"Gracie, that looks so much like a rainbow. That's awesome! Louie's gonna see this and have no idea."
"Look at that sky, it's so blue and so beautiful."
"There's so much beauty in this game, it's overwhelming at times."
"Absolutely gorgeous, look how beautiful these Ghosts are."
"I love the aesthetics of this world. It's so cool."
"Some of the most beautiful shots I've ever seen in a video game, if only those moments lasted longer."
"I've recently been enjoying Attack on Titan which is not only gorgeous looking with incredibly impactful action sequences but it really caught me off guard with how emotionally affecting it is."
"The alien beauty of sailing in Valhalla, especially at night, is captivating."
"Might and Magic III was one of the most beautiful games I'd ever seen."
"It's one of the most beautiful shows I've ever seen."
"The artwork is just breathtaking, thank you."
"The sun's going down and some... created this amazing effect on the sunset."
"It's stunning. It is easily the most beautiful movie on this list and one of the most beautiful ones I've ever seen."
"Just look at this behind us. Absolutely blooming spectacular."
"There's never been a game in this detail, there's never been a game this pretty, it is absolutely crazy."
"Ho-Oh leaves a trail of rainbows and mist in its wake as it soars around the skies of the world."
"The day and night cycle and the dynamic weather of the game... was freaking beautiful."
"The sun had just set and the sky was a misty purple."
"Let's put this together first at those pretty clouds."
"I wish you could see this in person because it looks legitimately like fluffy cotton candy. And I kind of love it."
"Look at the way the light bounces off those dusty plums, off the surface of the squash, off the bottle of wine and the glass."
"It's so incredibly beautifully done."
"This color story is just incredible. It's so beautiful."
"I've always loved how light diffuses through the fog."
"You'll get these beautiful effects."
"The architecture and artistry that goes into these temples is just a sight to behold."
"Love the reds in here, really pretty."
"Experience the dramatic greens, reds, and blues of Glacier's landscape."
"...it's so beautiful it's such a saturated color and that compared with the purple oh my goodness I just love it it's gorgeous."
"Indonesia, a visual Feast for the wust in all of us."
"This looks absolutely beautiful, breathtaking Unreal Engine."
"Look at that. Oh, it's just stunning."
"Oh my gosh, there's just something about fog and bright lights on it. So cool."
"It's gorgeously shot... just some shots in this movie, some of the cinematography."
"No other camera company can touch it, and it works. Look at how beautiful."
"Aren't these just beautiful? I like how some of them are a little less loud and have softer looks to them."
"Feast your eyes on the beautiful panorama in front of you."
"This meant creating a large dynamic open world much much larger than our previous games that was breathtakingly beautiful and felt alive."
"It's like a sea of blue right now, and it looks amazing."
"The water effect is so beautiful."
"Our pitch looks incredible at night, all lit up."
"This water is so clear, no waves, you can see all the different colors of the water as you go."
"Everything's just glittery; it's so cool, like diamonds everywhere."
"I don't know if it's coming across on camera just how beautiful it is."
"It's gorgeous, you guys, look at that."
"It's a deep blue, this is very lovely."
"Absolutely gorgeous as you see that shadow go through the tree line."
"Some of the most beautiful landing gear I've ever seen on any binding fly."
"You end up with a beautiful image."
"I got to say this one is so beautiful, the colors are so vibrant."
"Look at that, I think it's looking awesome, it's completely clear actually."
"Every second, some 10 trillion particles of light will pass through the pupil of the eye."
"Sit back and breathe easy as show-stopping colors unfold in front of your eyes."
"It looks like an aurora borealis when you look at it from the side."
"It's a lovely blue color that looks great for the sky."
"The color palette is so beautiful."
"That's a beautiful one, oh my God absolutely insanely beautiful swirl."
"Look how they catch the light, oh it's gorgeous."
"The colors on the trees are changing, some of them are starting to turn a little yellow, some of them are turning a little reddish."
"Beautiful, it's got a nice deep purple on the tip there, amazing."
"It's a sight to behold when clusters of these homes come together, creating a visually stunning panorama."
"It's beautiful, it's absolutely gorgeous."
"I'm reminded of going back to that day when you first came to Seattle... each particular shade of grey was just perfectly beautiful in mosaic, like an art piece."
"The image looking through this by itself is gorgeous."
"Sailor creates the most aesthetically appealing pen that I've ever laid my eyes on."
"This car is beautiful, man. It looks amazing."
"Beautiful, look how pretty that is, look at that."
"It's a really nice catch in the light there, looks really nice."
"Seeing the vibrancy and sheer majesty of the Phoenix force in this animation was a treat to the eyes."
"That is breathtaking, look at that, that's gorgeous."
"I just want to see the floating lanterns gleam."
"Just a gorgeous, gorgeous pattern."
"It's shot in one of the most beautiful cinematographies I've seen in a long, long time."
"Absolutely beautiful looking in there."
"And I can already tell you this is a beautiful, beautiful color."
"It's a beautiful parade, highly recommended; it's stunning."
"Look at that beautiful patina of pinks and grays, a little bit of yellow."
"I love the look of this; I cannot get over it. Oh my goodness, look how pretty that is and shiny and just pretty."
"This game is so beautiful just to spend your time in."
"The best moment in this movie is the sky, the blue sky when they see the sun."
"The purples in this set are just amazing."
"It looks so [expletive] beautiful, it'll bring tears to your eyes."
"I love the colors in this and the pattern and everything; it's beautiful."
"It looks so beautiful. It looks so different."
"Look at the beautiful detail especially at the center of the sunflowers, absolutely gorgeous."
"The art on the front of this is gorgeous and I love it."
"I want to, the PRS one I think looks like art to me, it's amazing."
"It's the most beautiful palette I think I've ever seen in my entire life."
"It's a very modern look, absolutely gorgeous."
"That looks beautiful, we're live today, see you later, bye bye."
"It's easily the most beautiful visually of all of the Star Trek opening titles."
"I really love this rich shade of blue and the red used for the water down there."
"They are absolutely breathtaking."
"This movie is beautiful, it's so full of vibrant, saturated colors."
"I love, love, love the art for this year, I think it's just so freaking stunning."
"This is a gorgeous music video, they're just going to keep getting more and more gorgeous."
"Wow, that's so pretty; this one was my favorite, I think."
"It's a beautiful piece, I think it's stunning."
"Love that color. Isn't that just a buttery golden yellow? Love it."
"A beautiful and enchanting work, I have to say."
"For all that you might not have oysters and champagne, there is plenty upon which to feast your eyes."
"The sea of brilliant blue breaking up on the bar which in itself is glooming white."
"It's wonderful to see this golden coloring which lightens the gray."
"I think that people are starved for color, they're starved for the beauty and the expression of beautiful colors."
"Let's talk about that color, is it not gorgeous? It's stunning, beautiful chartreuse color."
"It literally looks like sand on the beach, sparkling in the light."
"It's like a radical painting, look how beautiful that is."
"That's absolutely gorgeous, isn't that beautiful?"
"The sun has set and I just love the rendition, the quality, the detail, it's just all there."
"We are in a war, and it's the war over the eyes, it's a battleground of beauty."
"That's the beauty of art, of looking at a picture. You look at it when you want to look at it."
"The landscapes in this are just beautiful."
"It's just so Moorish and such a rich color, and the power of just... I'm sure the camera doesn't do it justice, it's just really lovely."
"There's a certain time at night where if you catch the light just right, you can look and it looks amazing."
"The color range is absolutely beautiful."
"It's like everywhere you look, it's just beautiful; the architecture is crazy."
"Every scene looks like a beautiful painting."
"Petals from the garden will just gracefully fall down into other parts of the school, which creates some of the best scenery from the entire film."
"It's nice when they show it in sunrise on the news, and you can see the sun rising just behind it; it's all lit up."
"It's really lost for words when you see it in person; it's a beautiful finish."
"The flame nebula looks really nice and authentic, the Horsehead Nebula, you have that beautiful red color."
"Here out of the window it was a most pleasant sight to see the city from one end to the other with a glory about it, so high was the light of the bonfires and so thick around the city, and the bells rang everywhere."
"Blue and white are the most beautiful color combinations in the world."
"This has got to be the best looking tree that I've seen like this, it actually beats a mango as far as the way it looks."
"This is literally a prism of color."
"That's a beautiful view of that one, very cute, very inquisitive."
"This is the time of the day where there are like these beautiful golden colors."
"I think this trailer was gorgeous. I'm going to watch it a couple more times."
"This is looking frankly spectacular, yeah, it's looking absolutely delightful."
"It's so difficult to photograph because the beauty in it is all in the way that the lights hit it."
"I absolutely adore this print; it's so pretty."
"The rain on the windows makes the lights outside refract in a very amazing way."
"Seeing this imagery just makes me happy, it makes my soul happy."
"Take screenshots, that's so beautiful."
"You can see those colors beautifully now."
"As the Norway approached the Biscayne Bay pilot station, she looked resplendent in the afternoon light."
"I loved Yumi and the nightmare painter; it's so sweet, the artwork is unbelievably beautiful."
"A never-ending train of lights in the night, stars neatly lined up in the void, a truly unique sight."
"It's a magical view, isn't it? All the Frog fountains there with the lights, all the buildings, and of course the lovely decorations here on Tower Street."
"Isn't it absolutely glorious? These pale peaches, these bright pops again of the yellow and the magenta, a little bit of red, and dark purple."
"It's such a lovely shade, you know, with those blues and greens and purples."
"It was absolutely beautiful, I loved that movie."
"This is the most beautiful color I've ever seen in my life; it's like fluorescent."
"Look at this art, it's incredible."
"I do recognize a beautiful color story when I see one, and this is gorgeous."
"Hello friends, do you see this beautiful daylight?"
"I am obsessed with the way that this looks; it is so beautiful."
"The visual quality of the film was gorgeous, beautiful every frame."