
Dissent Quotes

There are 402 quotes

"It was an agreed upon lie, and if one person says, 'I don't agree with that lie; I will not go along with that lie,' they will destroy you and anyone around you."
"You have to have a right to dissent that is way more powerful than muzzling free speech."
"The reason people don't like it... is because it's an authoritarian, quasi-religious movement that preaches at people and does not tolerate any kind of criticism or dissent."
"Patriotism sometimes requires protest and dissent."
"Freedom is always and exclusively freedom for the one who thinks differently."
"Dissent shouldn't be Kryptonite. We should have a civil conversation, we should have a spirited exchange of ideas."
"After a long, controversial 10 weeks of lectures...he says, 'If anybody has disagreed with anything I've said over the last 10 weeks, come down and sit in this chair in a spotlight in the middle of the auditorium. Here's a platform, tell me to my face.' I'm glad I was the only one who walked down, and he gave me an A."
"There is simply nothing more dangerous to a democracy or society than the inexorable construction of a system designed to suppress with the force of law and corporate power all dissent."
"A society that loses sight of [dissenters] is finished."
"Societies depend on dissent... an unhealthy society cannot process dissent."
"I like heretics. I like dissidents. I like the people who say the thing that no one else will say."
"He's here to sound the alarm, to protect the Constitution, to stir healthy dissent, to protect the lone voice."
"It's very difficult to go against an authority that is very popular at the time, especially a military authority."
"This does not seem like America; to expel voices of opposition and dissent is a signal of authoritarianism and it is very dangerous."
"The duty of an honest dissident and honest honorable person in Iran would be to criticize the crimes of Iran."
"The Singapore government decided they don't need liberal arts in our university if it teaches dissent and resistance."
"We reject calls for civility that are frequently leveraged against the marginalized to silence dissent."
"If you don't have dissent, you don't have free speech. That is not a free society."
"Where's the room for dissent? Because if you don't have dissent, you don't have free speech."
"Freedom of speech is tantamount, even something you disagree with."
"Descent is patriotism and the height of descent treason is the greatest form of patriotism."
"Dissent ought to be embraced. It's a sign of a healthy political system."
"You always want dissenting voices because they often see things that you're missing."
"In each of these cases, I see exaggerated fear of catastrophe, the silencing of dissent, and the progress from error toward atrocity."
"We should not be shutting down dissent we need dissent Freedom comes from descent."
"The anger is troubling; if you dissent, you're labeled a conspiracy theorist."
"Their actions showed the world that despite the Kremlin's propaganda, there are Russian people who profoundly disagree with what he is doing in Ukraine."
"To question those in power... is now treated as an act of treason."
"Science celebrates and rewards dissent; the best way to become rich and famous as a scientist is to challenge the status quo."
"Dissent is a necessary ingredient of change."
"If you enjoy opinions that you don't agree with, you're not a snowflake."
"The only way to survive was not simply to doubt not simply be to be skeptical but to actively disobey what you're being told by the authorities."
"The overwhelming majority of people on this block list have done nothing wrong, all they've done wrong is dissent."
"What a load of rubbish! Just because I'm a fan of one of the clubs in the European Super League doesn't mean I can't speak out against it."
"This is what's happening in the culture more broadly... it's this idea of stifling dissent and, you know, any view outside of whatever the orthodoxy is... that's unacceptable."
"I am in no common cause with people who engage in political violence."
"There is still a furious appetite for ideas, for knowledge, for thought, and for questioning authority."
"When it comes to politics, we really do need to hear these dissenting voices."
"The government's just been weaponized basically against people who dissent from the regime."
"We are the check on power. We are the dissenting voice."
"Every day we chisel away at that stone. We wake people up, we challenge the machine, we call out the lies."
"They realized that if you were a dissident, if you were someone who's a troublemaker, they had a problem with you, it's exactly what Seamus was just laying out."
"Pong was punished largely because she opposed the CCP."
"Wokeness doesn't allow for descent, we've got to allow for descent."
"The most important thing is always that the dissonant voices continue to speak out."
"Freedom is always the freedom of dissenters."
"The further a society drifts from truth, the more it will hate those who speak it."
"The Geeks hate when you give push back and don't agree with every word JD says."
"I refuse to see the law or the court as justified and so I am removing my consent from this interaction."
"If you go against the grain, you're a conspirator, you're a conspiracy theorist. But I don't know how many times progressives have to be proven right."
"You know why can't we just say Bernie Sanders you are wrong I mean people are afraid to say it he's wrong."
"Freedom means allowing dissent and vigorous debate."
"These words sound positive, but if you disagree, you're ousted, done, and fined a million dollars."
"This stuff with Joe Rogan is not about COVID, it's not. It's about silencing any kind of dissent."
"Modern media outlets do not air dissent; they squash it."
"There should always be like that ten percent that you actually care about that other people might not 100 agree with that like 10 of the video that is purely yours."
"In a totalitarian system, even one dissident is dangerous." - Vladimir Bukovsky
"Accept dissent, we have to accept dissent. That's a healthy sign of democracy."
"Every voice that comes out here that says this is a bad idea is important."
"If you don't conform to popular opinions but ask questions and think for yourself, you get campaigns. Welcome to Twitter."
"It was said, 'Do what you want, I'm not putting my name on it.'"
"There is serious dissent, openings within a spectrum so narrow that you really have to look hard to find."
"One of the promises of free speech is that those dissenting voices can try to get a hearing."
"There's a Remnant inside the body of Christ walking out of church, saying this isn't it."
"Disagreeing with the House of Commons on what is going on in another country should not be outside the bounds of respectable opinion."
"All of us speak out a lot, and I don't think there's any one man who's told us all no you wouldn't do it."
"It's gonna be an interesting chapter in history when technology is used to subvert healthy dissent."
"Democracy is about dissent, not blind patriotism."
"If they deem you to be extreme you are therefore a domestic terrorist yep unity through conformity and purging of dissidents not consensus building."
"I can no longer work in an environment where dissenting from the new critical race theory orthodoxy is grounds for public humiliation."
"In 1917 it will reach a point when the common man on the front will finally say no more."
"When someone raises a voice in dissent to this deadly calculus or questions necessity or even justification for these types of destructive policies, the response is immediate, drastic and consequential."
"What this is creating is essentially an internal system to eliminate dissent much in the way a communist system would function."
"They have the right to dissent, they have the right to have different beliefs."
"Implicit in the pursuit of this exchange is the privilege to dissent and demonstrate in a peaceful and non-disruptive manner without unreasonable obstruction or hindrance."
"Shutting down dissent is a classic authoritarian move and will not result in less oppression."
"Some brave [__] people are actually starting to speak out a little bit in Russia."
"You have to have contrarians, you have to have people who will disagree with you."
"Comedy and the importance of descent in society."
"Disagreeing with the government or with popular opinion doesn't make you an American... you have the freedom to speak your convictions."
"Free speech is meaningless unless people you don't like are allowed to say things you don't like."
"There has to be disagreement in a structure; otherwise, you get a dictator."
"Maybe the biggest thing to take away from sequelitis is that by ignoring dissenting opinion, we encourage stagnation."
"It was literally an example of a big government yelling at the average citizen and telling them how they should act."
"When that happens and that consensus is manufactured because that's what it was, it was manufactured by silencing dissenters, we reach very poor decisions."
"It's not going to be a bloody conflict or a riot in the streets. The real war is a slow steady march to destroy all dissent."
"When you defend the machine and the establishment, people are going to tell you to go f off."
"This censorship is really just criticism of dissent."
"The fact that he has unwelcome ideas is a very good reason for listening to them even if the only consequence is to sharpen the thinking of people who have different and inconsistent ideas."
"We want them to know they do not have our consent anymore."
"They're just aren't enough people who are saying the things that need to be said. There's too many people who are being silenced just for having a dissenting voice, a reasonable but dissenting voice."
"Patriotism is cool. Loving your country is cool. Regardless of whether you agree with everything that goes on, you have the opportunity to disagree with what's going on."
"Challenge Authority at every conceivable opportunity."
"This is what fascist governments do... shut down dissent... silence their critics."
"So, what is it that a CBDC could do that Venmo can't do? I know, I know, we can unperson people that are dissidents and if anyone descents against interest we can shut down their bank account."
"There's always one weak link in the chain who goes against everything and goes, 'No, no, no, I have to say this out loud.'"
"The most important message I can bring at this moment is that the better you understand the psychological mechanism of mass formation, the more you understand that it is just crucial that the dissonant voices continue to speak out."
"I really don't think that censorship has ever been a solution to whatever the dissidents are trying to say."
"Any dissent at all to our agenda, we're going to interpret as some kind of hate crime."
"This is a complete continuation of silencing any sort of descent."
"The moment you claim something is a war, you say everybody should get behind it. Dissent becomes treason."
"You get what you get, shut your mouth and you take it because we said so."
"Just because the establishment doesn't agree with you doesn't mean you're correct."
"Freedom is always the freedom of dissenters." - Rosa Luxemburg
"You know what? I'm FSG out, and it has nothing to do with it."
"Menderes thus became a symbol for political diss that refused to tow the camera slime rigidly enforced by the military."
"We are in the majority, not those in London who try to tell us what to think."
"Freedom of speech means the freedom to speak, even if it challenges the status quo; silencing dissenting voices threatens everyone's freedom."
"I think the rebel is important because we have yet to be silenced."
"Sometimes the true patriot takes the unpopular course, what helps their country avoid mistakes, and even if they can't persuade, at least they tried."
"Just voicing a small dissent can signal to someone else that it's okay."
"True Christians will refuse to stand with the falseness of this spirit."
"It takes an immense strength of character to allow dissident voices into your session."
"If nine of us look at the same information and arrive at the exact same conclusion, it's the duty of the tenth man to disagree."
"A little rebellion now and then is necessary for the sound health of government."
"Without question, she communicated a message disfavored by those in power."
"Dissent is essential to democracy, but dissent must never lead to disorder or to denying the rights of others."
"Everyone who didn't swallow the peanut whole made peanut butter."
"Is it an unpopular opinion that I don't like that?"
"I think it's healthy that you got a guy out there going, 'Okay, [expletive] it, I don't like this, that's fine, that's healthy.'"
"Dissension is actually a good thing; it's the absence of groupthink."
"Americans look at that and say, hey wait a minute here, that's not what the Declaration of Independence talked about."
"When you have such a harsh stance on something, the other side of it, people will get mad."
"Cheryl starts out as someone who is constantly combative and abrasive she's the last to give Kerala any trust and is almost always the dissenting voice whenever anyone has a plan."
"Not again, there is no way I am wearing that."
"Is the unity that Mark Sanderson brags about due to Christian love, or does it stem from fear of being shunned for holding a different opinion from that of the Governing Body? Don't answer too quickly. Think about it."
"In the end, they will likely disfellowship you no matter what, because that is about the only way a cult has of protecting itself—slandering the name of anyone who disagrees."
"They're fascist, they're authoritarian, and they do not want people to think differently than them."
"The Governing Body is fulfilling Jesus’ words by using the local elders and traveling overseers to force their flock to shun anyone who dares to speak out against their false teachings."
"The Stones were really probably the first anti-establishment band."
"...there are people within the state of Israel who are critical of what the administration is doing..."
"Institutional arrangements prevent critical voices from being heard within the U.S."
"... there was at least a ideological dissent that that's not appropriate to tax people without their approval."
"The distrust of authority, the protest and the disobedience that have characterized the left's activism over the past half-century or so have arrived on the right."
"Dissention is the greatest form of patriotism."
"...they're interested in ideological reinforcement and brutal punishment of dissent."
"It has become normalised at every level of society, it's become a, kind of, socially required, that now to dissent in any way from the whole way of thinking that is associated with 'Pride' is now considered to be just beyond what is socially acceptable."
"If you don't want to do something, if you don't support something, then don't do it."
"You're like that person who would come along and be like, 'No, I totally disagree and here's why.'"
"We are not afraid to question the mainstream narrative."
"...you have to be the kind of person that stands in opposition to the status quo, you have to offer up a different voice than what's currently being accepted as reasonable by the majority."
"So, at least Tati is saying something different than what all these other influencers are saying."
"It's the people's right to revolt."
"It may be possible for political dissidents to gain a real hearing for ideas that push against or simply refuse the logic of capitalism, and there may be room now for political movements organized around alternative visions."
"...by suppressing dissent it leads to ill-considered decisions."
"How people could publish ideas that are sort of against the mainstream and yet still get some publicity for their work."
"Loudest amongst these traitors was Sir Allan Beesbury."
"A justice always can swallow a dissent. He or she may join a majority opinion that you disagree with. And sometimes you can write, 'I'm just doing this because I think it's important to have a court opinion.'"
"He's not gonna like it, not one bit."
"I'm sorry, but this is nonsense. This just isn't the way things are done."
"We are living in the world of the central banks and I only wish that more of us would speak up and protest like 'where is the exit and we get out of here?'"
"...we want to shut America down, shut it down, shut it down."
"...when we are powerless to change the system we at least can refuse to say what we do not think."
"But it’s not just the fact that Seven is shown to be really smart – it’s that she’s not afraid to disagree with Voyager’s senior officers, including Captain Janeway, and in those disagreements she’s almost always proven right."
"The dissenters understood the argument that there were people making decisions and they were overwhelmingly white men and the people that they were choosing for the promotions were of the same race the same gender perhaps there was unconscious bias."
"Very few people, like, maybe less than 10%, maybe 10% between 10 and 20% of people are going to be willing to go against the grain if it might also involve them being punished financially, socially, and so on, right?"
"The archmaesters did not like my thinking though. Well, Marwyn did, but he was the only one."
"Just because there's this vocal minority and there's enough doctors that are in student loan hell not to speak up doesn't necessarily make it the medical consensus driven by politically driven quote unquote doctors."
"Join me. The Britannia you serve is a worthless dominion."
"I feel like this is a really unpopular opinion and I think it should just stay that way."
"...if one dares challenge the orthodoxy of the powers that be, then one is their enemy."
"With all due respect, I disagree."
"It's the opposite of the traditional approach and may ruffle a few feathers."
"You can push the message and not subscribe."
"There's a big temptation... to want to dramatically change Church teaching and then say, 'I'm mad that the Church upholds traditional teaching, so I'm leaving.'"
"I think people are hungry for dissent. I think people are hungry for provocative voices that go to the heart of the matter."
"Taoism became a popular ideology for those who felt displeased with the rigid hierarchy and work ethic of the Confucian School."
"If you are driven by intellectual honesty, curiosity, and a desire for the truth, then dissident dialogues is definitely the place for you."
"But it's always scary to have an independent thought that the rest of the leadership doesn't agree with."
"I think for myself. I speak for myself. And that's dangerous to an establishment that wants more power, control, and obedience."
"When Vietnam happened, there was a lot of heavy crack, a lot of objection, just to the government in general."
"It's not a schismatic tendency to disagree with the Pope in matters subject to discussion."
"Dissatisfaction breeds dissent and descent leads to revolt."
"Civil disobedience is the founding principle of democracy."
"The whole idea of dissent writing is so that there can be an alternative view put forward, and that alternative view should be as powerful as you can make it."
"Fandom more often uses this system to hype for, shill for, and defend these companies while also making considerable efforts to suppress dissenting opinions."
"The majority is not always right."
"Hamilton was an abolitionist but Hamilton actually dissented from his Federalist colleagues."
"Major corporations often hate your guts because you believe in biblical truth or even just normal stuff that normal people thought five years ago."
"The princes said, 'Let us reject this decree. In matters of conscience, the majority has no power.'"
"Roman assured Baron Noel that his dissent had been necessary and valuable, fostering a deeper understanding between them."
"Maybe it wasn't the hottest take, but it definitely wasn't the most popular take."
"...everyone is entitled to... disagree with its findings."
"There has been a growing intolerance of dissent."
"They are mad because they are not brave enough to opt out."
"Everyone is wrong about Double Zeta Gundam."
"A heretic is like somebody's like a traitor."
"Y'all better wake up. You can never agree with the world."
"The more a society moves away from the truth, the more it hates people who speak it."
"Anyone who challenges the government or badmouths the police is the Enemy Within."
"...the heretic rebels not only against church doctrine, but there's usually a social or civil component to the heresy as well."
"You mean I should keep my mouth shut, go along with everything you say and forget the accident? No, no, no."
"No one is thinking this about Judas except you."
"The persistent refusal of a small minority to yield to the popular demand will make them objects of universal execration."
"Why are you joining the voices of dissent? Peace and civil rights don't mix, they say."
"A true leader tolerates and sometimes invites dissent."
"Encourage dissent. What I'm looking for is disagreement."
"Unity... is everybody conforming to the biggest mouth."
"Don't be a yes man. Challenge them, even to the point of embarrassing them if necessary."
"There's a million people trying to tell you you're not hearing what you're hearing."