
Societal Dynamics Quotes

There are 177 quotes

"Calhoun called this a behavioral sink, and here's what he concluded, 'For an animal so simple as a mouse, the most complex behaviors involve the interrelated set of courtship, maternal care, territorial defense, and hierarchical intergroup and intra-group social organization.'"
"EQ, not IQ. The world is not run by people with the highest IQ."
"Civilizations are always driven by two ideological spirits, one of which is masculine and the other is feminine."
"Life lives and dies by the flows of trust, information, and value."
"People say you can't do it because they don't want you to change. They like you being below them, behind them in line."
"The open society will defeat the closed society as long as the open society doesn't become closed itself."
"The formula in the books is a recipe to make interesting and compelling observations about how systems work, how they fail, how they are challenged, how they are eroded, and how they are saved."
"The real answer to the driving force behind history is, in fact, community."
"When something is uncontroversially and unambiguously good, it gets less attention."
"One of the themes that you've explored most of all in your last two books is, of course, order and chaos and that tension that exists within societies but also within individuals between the safety of boredom of order and the danger and simultaneously excitement of chaos."
"When you have attention, I think you have the ultimate currency."
"I think fascism requires some kind of national plot; it's important to believe you have enemies within and without the state."
"Multiculturalism does work, depends on how you define it."
"We are under no obligation to be tolerant of intolerance. Being tolerant to intolerance does not create more tolerance; it creates more intolerance."
"You get a chance to see the balance between the racial hate and the love at the same time too."
"Tribalism is hardwired in us and we just can't ignore it. If we don't fight it, we are all tribal."
"I said, 'You watch. They’re going to bite hard. And they’re going to bite hard and blow this up.'"
"Racism isn't exclusively interpersonally, but it still exists."
"People are very tolerant until they're not. It's not all black and doom and gloom, so take heart."
"Societies that treat women better are more creative and dynamic."
"Popularity is the only thing keeping you alive."
"The only group profiting are very high status men."
"People don't necessarily agree with everything they say but I think you need people like that."
"Ultimately it's going to be negative masculinity that prevails because as the society as good men are weakened bad men are going to fill that vacuum."
"Privilege is a kind of blindness to your own power."
"I'm not sure that's an unintended consequence because this is just an extension of the dynamics that we've seen before."
"When you push against history, history will always push back."
"There's nothing has been hidden that is going to be revealed."
"Culture drives politics and everything else."
"Evil calls for tolerance until it's ascendant."
"It's like the whole country is in some kind of Union renegotiation. I don't know who's going to win in the bargaining that's going on right now but right now it seems like workers have the upper hand."
"If you disagree with the ravenous mob, simply speaking up as a devil's advocate can be dangerous."
"We have to understand that there is a spiritual battle."
"It's the people who lean away from culture war fights who end up losing."
"The more you give them power and authority, the more you actually validate their authority over you."
"The town... acts as synecdochy for all towns... the Dynamics of the teeny little Society here are microcosm of the Dynamics we see everywhere in life."
"I'm not as confident as you, but I am confident that the pendulum has swung."
"Yes, facts don't care about your feelings, but facts don't care about anything we do."
"A conspiracy theory arises in the hazy gulf between suspicion and fact. It is discussed, accepted, rejected, dismissed."
"Using this platform to spread good and to do good in the world."
"It's the danger of human nature of systems of power and how people will rise up in them looking for any opening they can to push the line further in their direction."
"In a world where the more of a victim you are, the more power you have, everyone will make everything about themselves."
"The people will turn on you faster than the mob. They would."
"I think the audience will be very surprised when they see it because maybe in everyday society people fight with and scheme against each other."
"Every civilization that has left a mark has engaged in some combination of cooperation and competition."
"History isn't destined to move in a progressive direction. Oppressors will always try to oppress."
"Upward Mobility is always operating on a Nuance for different people based off their position."
"The problem with authoritarianism is that you end up with a small group of people or an individual who thinks he knows better than the collective."
"Eventually, it just eats its own, doesn't it?"
"This country goes like a pendulum on the clock. This country doesn't move in the linear plane."
"The thing is this, of course, as the dynamic and relationship between independence and establishment continues to alter, many more people won't want to be involved in the establishment and its accessories."
"The media narrative and the trial narrative were two very different things."
"People just want to see him fail because they can't stand to see somebody rise up above the tide."
"The loss of one's ability to reason... we get dialed up into this mental side territory."
"Fake news is a really important part of this dynamic."
"It's not a zero-sum game. Stop the tribalism."
"There's always this effort to pit people against each other."
"The basic framework remains fear of rival political majorities."
"Every injustice has a perpetrator and a debtor."
"I think it's good for young people to have something to rebel against, a society is dead when young people no longer surprise you."
"They're not bad people, it's that bad people are taking advantage of good people."
"If we all start off on equal footing, there's still competition and there will still be winners and losers."
"Nature abhors a vacuum and when you take out state power, volunteerism rushes in to fill that void."
"They need to create chaos when too many people start balancing out."
"My first ever vault that I've completed, yeah! Oh my God, 12,400 XP. Let's go!"
"There's nothing more unifying than a common enemy."
"Civil discourse only works when everyone involved is rational enough to participate."
"People need to apologize to the Maga supporters."
"Whenever stuff happens like that and people start really cheering for the end of something, then what is to begin after that is not that far away."
"We're in the fog of war, guys. We got good and bad players duking it out right in front of us."
"The higher you climb, the more people are going to want to tear you down."
"Power, not truth, but power, if you can get the mob to get behind you, the corporation will back down."
"We love all these people, we love the way they think until it gets to be in the way."
"The worse it gets, the more they're going to complain and the more people are likely to listen."
"You could have learned all this [ __ ] for free."
"This shit's getting crazy and you know what's even better about it? It's not a bad thing."
"One of the things that's crazy because we're basically playing the barbarians, you know, that we're at the gates of Rome."
"There are certain things that just happen under a capitalist system." - Ben Shapiro
"It's not compassionate to put people into situations where they disproportionately fail."
"We're at that stage now. It's like the fuse on a stick of dynamite might burn slowly for a very long time but when it hits that critical point the entire equation changes and we are there."
"There's this push and pull among most of the different civilizations that live inside of Hest."
"It's almost like a reinforcement learning exploration but at the scale of humans."
"You can't understand what has happened in today's reality without understanding the historical elements that took place."
"Societies look a lot like real life: social activities, cultural activities, economic activities."
"Most people are closer towards the center but you're probably going to be a lot louder if you're very upset and you're on one of the extreme fringes."
"I believe private businesses should do whatever they want to do, but also as consumers, we can criticize them and we could leave them, we could join them, we could do whatever we want."
"The minority that's loudest are the ones that make the rules."
"Just live and let live principles. I understand that people, there's always going to be a supply of people that just don't like you for one reason or another."
"Mob rule... majority ruling at the expense of the minority."
"Everybody has decency in them but we have created a dynamic now in which we are demeaning people."
"No matter what side of the track oppression is coming from, the end result is to put someone under their mind or alter their behavioral patterns."
"I would contend that women feel that threat in a completely different way than men do and always will because yeah absolutely always will and must be responded to differently and uniquely yes."
"Forcing behaviors is not how society should function."
"With every that's going on, she's going to gain power."
"Messages of peace and love were drowned out by bitterness and hatred."
"But when you have the mob coming after you and you bow and surrender and submit, then you've only fueled it."
"The most successful people are aliens so they move the money and keep everything going."
"Those that were slow are getting much faster. Those that were fast and strong are becoming slower and weaker visibly in front of our eyes today."
"Let's all get along? Nah, the strong just glare at one another, and the weak? They fight for resources and technology."
"Authoritarianism happens when followers submit too much to the authorities in their life."
"It's easier to say change is bad than to explain why change is good."
"And it is not so black and white, and pun intended -- we have this tendency to polarize ourselves into opposing camps constantly."
"What keeps it afloat what hasn't the bubble bursted and I just think and I mentioned there's one thing it's not the only thing by any means the cops is another thing although that's a self-creating dynamic in and of itself."
"Freedom of speech is the mechanism by which we keep our society bunched in consequence of free speech and the ability to speak people can put the finger on problems articulate what those problems are solved them and come to a consensus."
"Well, cancel culture only works if people let it work, you know, that's the truth."
"We're always in a war for people's attention."
"A slave always creates more slaves. Free people are usually killed by slaves because when they come to give them Freedom they think freedom is bondage because to them freedom is doing what you want, yet freedom is a purpose-driven life."
"Secrets they don't stay secrets, they eventually get out."
"Granny showed up and explained that he was being sought after as there were no men in the village."
"Pain no parent should ever go through."
"There's a scarcity of eligible male partners, and this creates a lot of competition among females for the same rare male."
"Confidence is a cheat code in society."
"White rich men kind of walked between the raindrops in this country."
"It is almost as if suppressing rebels on the other side of the world 20 years earlier had been a training ground for people doing the same thing here at home."
"In this Society in the secular world that we live in, every 50 year old is threatened by every 20 year old."
"They gave themselves these odd assortment of official titles like 'imperial wizard' and 'grand cyclops.' They had this sense of importance and empowerment within the group that the wider society denied them."
"These people have built something where it [ __ ] works because we saw the quarantine Zone we see [ __ ] Freedom Fighters and fascists and everyone's out for each other's next."
"...there's a lot of people that are sort of people who live on the outskirts The Fringe of society..."
"It's called a preference Cascade where, like Monday everybody as a Marxist maybe not a super enthusiastic Marxist but yeah sure everybody's a Marxist and then Tuesday nobody was ever a Marxist ever in their life."
"It's partly a revolt of the professional bourgeoisie against their own superfluity."
"Nobody knows how many rebellions, besides political rebellions, ferment in the masses of life."
"We actually are a much more loose society where there are almost natural inclinations to disagree."
"I don't know if it's evolution just to piss people off but the dumbest people, their voice carries."
"Are there more high value men or more beautiful women? I'd say high value men because they make the world go round."
"I mean like we have American schadenfreude, obviously so German to like enjoy the suffering of others, but we also have this like other thing in America that we love which is like I call it like hate mass energy."
"Modern elites do not demand toleration, they demand total capitulation."
"Fear is what drives eras like our own."
"The culture of censorship and cancellation is not something which has been created or imposed or designed by this."
"Money solves violence. What is so hard for people to understand about the fact that there's very little killing in Beverly Hills or Kuwait?"
"The society has groomed black men and black women to compete and to come against one another."
"Black Lives Matter movement, other than being absolutely crucial to our futures, is a really good way of post-modern exposing power of power relationships."
"The intelligent minorities would rule undisturbed by the trampling and the roar of a bewildered herd."
"White guilt is what it's called. It's white guilt."
"People are afraid to speak out because of cancel culture."
"I leave it up to you to decide how much you want to indulge in the ugly game of pretty privilege economics."
"Widespread discontent with the crown shows that something is moving, but how many inhabitants are really willing to accept change?"
"We've officially entered the dark ages and much about what is about to take place is because of what we saw with coach and russell hance wacky characters get prioritized and is to the detriment of the social political game."
"There are privileges to being a woman. Pay attention to that, don't forget."
"When you make money and you're successful as a woman, it's fantastic for you, but it is going to alienate you and ostracize you from a large demographic of men."
"People can see the value of cooperating, collaborating and not fall back on zero-sum formulations where we feel like racial groups are in competition with each other or people who are politically different than us are bad people in a way which is our whole system is right now."
"I'm a structuralist. I'm not trying to change people's hearts. But I will say this is exactly what I'm talking about which is this idea that we could build structures where people were cooperating toward a common aim right everybody wants a tax cut."
"If we defund things, we're all now fighting over a smaller pie in some way and it brings out the worst in all of us, it makes us more liable to blame racially and to resent racially and so forth and also we think in terms of competition with other groups."
"We've invested in tribalizing media, tribalizing politics, tribalizing judges. Our whole system is monetized for people to be at odds with each other."
"Everything's crazy, it's always going to be people pushing [__] for it."
"This is what happens when a society starts dividing into good groups and bad groups."
"That social battlefield that was America at that time."
"Boarding houses are like barometers or seismographs or ways of just measuring what's happening in the town."
"Let people form their own opinions on people, the house of cards will fall."
"When the truth becomes weak, the opposite will get a stronghold."
"It's all breaking up into different levels, people that's programming going home, you know what I'm saying, people that's not active, the lower levels right now, you know what I'm saying, no disrespect, but majority of them, they're laying all this, 50/50 [ __ ] pass."
"I think that tension between the big forces outside us and what then happens when they get inside our heads is really the sort of dynamic of our time."
"The world would look very different if men didn't want to impress women."
"...so marrying age for women goes down, women are no longer in a relationship of equals, they're more in a granddaughter-grandfather kind of relationship or at least daughter-father relationship, the power dynamic is all messed up."
"People will be screaming for the police to come back and they're going to be the heroes again."
"They need about 20 years to balance this [__] out. It's gonna go extreme in one way because it was occupied for 20 years. It's gonna go extreme the other way. In about 20, 30 years, it'll balance out, and they'll go back to having a functional society."
"The rich used to pay the poor for their entertainment, but today the poor pay the rich for entertainment."
"Pretty privilege is a thing. Y'all, we've seen it, we've seen it."
"That's why the conservative liberal needs each other."
"I also think there's a difference between a silent majority and a silenced majority."
"The world is much more shaped by friction than by policy."
"Anytime exceptional people dwell in the midst of ordinary thinking people there's always gonna be conflict."
"Do we want to be in a society that is dynamic?"
"Change, of course, can't be contained; it can only be diverted for a while."
"When there's a tension between what's good for me as an individual and what's good for us collectively, life gets interesting."
"Families are always rising or falling in America, am I right?"
"Narratives can change, people can moderate."
"Humans don't change... The dynamics of humanity are going to be the same."
"Envision a world in which those who relieve their emotions create the social dynamics of life and society."
"What creates systems, what leads to the downfall of aspects of civilization or entire Empires, we need to understand what leads to the ebs and flows in human life."
"We all have different opinions and that's okay, that's what makes the world go round."