
Personal Engagement Quotes

There are 232 quotes

"We're so glad that we're able to make Black Spire Outpost the launching point for not only those stories but for your story."
"I'm Neil deGrasse Tyson, your personal astrophysicist. We are signing off Star Talk. As always, I bid you to keep looking up."
"If you really engage them in conversation, you'll come away with something that you didn't know, and that's a treasure."
"If your prayer cannot move you, it will not move heaven."
"I honestly want to be a part of, why put about to tell me, you seriously get, man?"
"Missing out on direct access to me, missing out on what I was talking about in that first sentence, and you will miss out on the biggest thing I will ever do."
"A game I'll be playing for maybe even longer than I did for to play the game of my dreams."
"I loved every waking second of reading this."
"I'm here, super excited about this conversation."
"Some people actually enjoy it. They don't just use investing as a means to grow their wealth. They find it engaging and interesting and challenging and there's nothing wrong with that."
"I breathe it to this day. I cannot believe how much I actually love this game."
"I'm gonna get back to playing Divinity... they'll probably be some more coverage of this game from me."
"Well, you're absolutely doing that, and Sydney Morgan, I really appreciate you taking the time to spend with us and everything you do for folks who have not only Crohn's and colitis but other chronic illnesses."
"If a game wants to keep my attention for a year two years it needs to be a game that I can take seriously it needs to be a game that I can play competitively."
"He's like, 'I followed your streams, it's really good stuff.'"
"I'm just gonna check out the first five pages and then but it was just for me I was just like sucked in because it was immensely interesting to me."
"The ball is really in Russia's court for lack of a better phrase. They are really the ones who can decide whether or not Brittany Griner and the other American who is held in a Russian prison, Michael Whelan, will be freed as part of this swap."
"I've never finished this game and it's been a while since I played. Better start over."
"No book is better than any party, uh, all right. Should we do some quick advice? I feel like I've done advice in a long time, so let's do that. Um, damn, I need a jingle for my advice. [Music] For my advice..."
"I'd be doing this anyway so I thought I'd hang out with you guys for an hour or so and play some Cuphead."
"It's an act of communication you're engaging in."
"Get your ass up and go out to a place where you socialize and mingle."
"This will be fun, let the summer of Oh four five one commence!"
"Guess the question I want to ask you too, it's your thing."
"I can't stop reading Words of Radiance right now, it's all I'm thinking about."
"Almost all jobs can become tedious; it's about how you channel your energy into it."
"Prayer is important obviously we we all been talking about are surviving are Kelly you know did you watch bad at all i watch 1 & 2."
"When you find a game that just clicks for you and you've got something on the horizon to look forward to, that is exactly where I'm at right now with Diablo 4."
"If Blizzard ever want me to do anything I will do it because I'm just like just like a shameful fanboy and always have been a blizzard."
"A lot of y'all do not follow me on Instagram, so the first thing we're gonna be looking at today is gonna be the conservatorship document."
"I love storytelling no matter what form that story takes place if it hooks me in I'm sold."
"Turn the world around you into an interactive adventure."
"I'm just having too much fun that I just keep wanting to play it"
"This is one of those games that I could see myself repeatedly playing."
"But isn't that what it's all about? That spark is the thing that makes you feel alive and be in the moment and embrace those small things."
"I really hope you like the book give me a shout if you preorder it if I ever meet you I'll give you a really long like half that goes on for a long time."
"I believe you do know what that's like. You're here with me in the Night Mind office. Welcome back."
"It's looking like the gameplay is coming more from me."
"I believe in your vision, I'm willing to support it, hell, I'm even willing to join."
"I knew Teen Spirit was special because I couldn't stop listening to it as a producer that's a good sign for me when I'm working on something that I make a cassette and play it over and over and over."
"I literally just woke up to talk to Tom Warren. Tom, how you doing?"
"Human lives become beautiful not because we do the right things, human lives become beautiful because we put our heart into what we're doing."
"It's not just i'm oprah style word salading all this stuff because i want to be around this hot mess just a while longer."
"You need to put effort into it, it rewards your time. But why would I put my time into a learning process I either don't enjoy, don't learn from, or don't understand?"
"I've been thinking about this game non-stop since I got it and I'm just so freakin stoked to share it with you guys."
"I never would have thought at the outset... but it's riveting."
"But also I'm really excited to just be back in a world that I loved so much when I was younger."
"You yourself will have to get into the arena, with your confidence, your energy, your attitude."
"I'm not about bailing. You all in? Yes, ma'am. I'm in."
"I love that idea of like everything, I really, I'm like that was my whole heart, you know?"
"I love it when she engages with children, she will actually get down on their level and engage with them one-on-one."
"If you ever go to a convention and you see JT speak... there's going to be like a family thing going on."
"There's often such missed opportunities for being a productive member of society. Let's be productive here, man."
"I bashed the game a lot, don't get me wrong, but it is one of those 'bash because I love it' kind of things."
"This is the first exhibit that makes me want to do art."
"I like to make the stories and to, you know, tell them to people."
"Thank you all so much for watching and I'll see you in the next tour."
"V Rising has grabbed me in the same way that Valheim did."
"This human engagement level is what's so rich about being human."
"I've never felt more excited about a project in my whole entire life."
"Thank you so much to everyone that has been in questions. You made me feel like I wasn't just asking no one."
"You're not a gamer if you don't post about it. I love this franchise, I've loved almost every Blizzard IP."
"Right, so I'm like I'm fully invested. I go back and watch Dune 2 again and oh my God."
"By putting yourself in the world of where you're really truly heartfelt associated."
"Hey little, I'm talking to you directly. I'm coming on tour and I don't always do it, so you gotta come see me."
"It's frustrating, but it's what we're dealing with, and you have to be willing to have the longer conversation with people in your life to make that point."
"You guys haven't seen the Oscars yet but if there is a takeaway I do love the fact that you and I can get so passionate about something."
"There's a good chance he's got something cooked up for you to discover."
"Wendy holds her own, she definitely reads them for the film, and I'm here for it."
"I love when I come up with a new idea and I just get super excited about it and I just want to spend the entire weekend coding it."
"I did enjoy myself while I read it. It was fun, I had a good time, it was fast."
"If it doesn't make you lose sleep, then you're not paying attention."
"I adore Wuthering Heights, I really really really do, I can't wait to reread it, annotate this copy and just fall in love with it all over again."
"On Twitter, you are speaking to people personally. Ask people questions that you feel like you'd want to answer if you saw the tweet. Be vulnerable."
"He's so focused on what he's doing what he's talking about."
"So it was a, it was a lovely little way for me to step into something that was like, 'Okay, come on there guys, what have you got? I'm gonna bring you this. Let's see what you guys have got. Let's have some fun and let's play.'"
"Monday, I will be back in town, doing the show from the bunker with all the lights and everything else."
"Oh my heart is in it, and I don't care if this is good or bad, this is the best thing ever."
"I want to engage on the Heart level I want to engage where what do you believe what was your experience as a child growing up how were your parents why do you believe this."
"But over the last nine months or so, I have truly enjoyed the treasure hunt to try to find it."
"there's a fight within walking distance of you that you can take part in"
"I'm ready to start putting the cap on Hollow Knight, a game that... I have enjoyed more as it's gone along."
"If you like my finger splint you better let me know I will see y'all at the next video."
"There's so much more runway in Rings of Power... I'm having fun, and that's what it's all about."
"That's the thing, we got very into it in the 90s."
"I saw that movie in my head because it was touch-and-go."
"I'm a Supreme Court Justice but I'm going to be engaged in... what could only be defined as the most brutal most intense most vicious contest that you will possibly ever see."
"Hope you're excited for that. I'm excited for that."
"I just want to be pumped about what I'm doing."
"I realize this game is one of those games I could potentially get addicted to."
"I am having too much fun with this playthrough. I keep not being able to stop myself."
"I am off to go and play Moira and that is not me just ending the video because I think it's a good thing to say. No, I am off to play Moira and I'm gonna play her all day."
"I love the fantasy for her, so yes, I will be braiding this into her hair."
"Ladies and gentlemen, I will be playing the game I will be posting it I'm look forward to making a lot of content and sharing my experiences with you guys."
"Even the gate to this place when I was crossing the street I thought, hey I should talk to an Apple employee and there's the guy right here."
"And the other is one I'm playing tomorrow terraforming mars."
"There's a very cool game that I believe is quite close to your heart, Tom."
"This is amazing. I can't wait to get started."
"I went from being zero interest in it to being extremely interested in it."
"Personal connection is still the paramount way to attract people to your event."
"It's really a pretty cool example of an interest in something that is domestic."
"Cash Nasty, I've been watching him since 2015, the year he sort of saw, that's probably why I started watching him because, you know, I unknowingly fell into the trap."
"If you go deep, it's something you are committed, really."
"Heaven, I hope you enjoyed that conversation as much as I enjoyed it."
"Let's step it up a notch. You see my face and you're talking to me, right? Show me your face and talk to me."
"It's rare for me to find a game I connected to so immediately and so completely."
"Justice is coming to my place because I pre-ordered it."
"I'm having freaking so much fun with this game."
"It was my favorite interview of Mike Lindell, not just because I was conducting it, but he was really about a couple of things that I'd never heard before."
"He talked about it so matter of fact, just like no big deal. And he wants you to listen to his story. He loves telling his story."
"Asking someone what makes them happy is an instant connection, it's an instant way to get true emotion and it sets a different tone in your conversation."
"If this is the Song of Achilles, I want to join the choir."
"You get to lose yourself in this immersive experience."
"Enjoy this video, and until next time, I'll see you cuties later!"
"I thought maybe every time I stream I'm like this might be the stream that I get a secret."
"Do a Facebook livestream and teach people about jewelry making or at the very least show them your process. It's a way to make a personal connection with people."
"Thank you for listening to me ramble hopefully I'm not too horrifically hosting this but I hope to see as many of you there as I can again come up and say hi I promise I'm not scary."
"I was actually so interested in this and what we're talking about and what I can learn when I'm doing an interview."
"I was unlocking new levels all night, I felt like I was in a video game."
"It was that close, guys. Engaged and being a part of the Beckham family."
"Thank you again so much for tuning in guys, I am signing off, and I will be talking with you again very soon."
"I'm really enjoying it so far, it's called 'Catching a Serial Killer: My Hunt for Christopher Halliwell.'"
"I still have a vague plan... just looking forward to getting my hands on it."
"So come join us as I buckle down on some amazing single-player experiences."
"I'm loving this and I can't wait to read more."
"This is a game that I'm very interested in playing."
"I was immediately hooked and immediately obsessed."
"Make a choice next week or this weekend to pick up the phone to make a call to do something really engaging."
"When a screen becomes this good, it's simply you and the things you care about."
"You connect to the photographer, not just the image."
"This was a story that I really, really enjoyed, and I don't think again I'm able to like articulate fully what exactly was like the standout thing for me."
"Thank you guys so much for spending the evening with me. I hope I gave you some motivation to get things done."
"Being in Comic Con and meeting you guys on an individual level has been absolutely fantastic."
"Sims 3, got hooked to that, had all the expansion packs."
"Thanks for watching, I will see you next time. See ya."
"But you'll have to come back some other time."
"You're choosing to fuck with interesting. I can't wait to see where this goes. This is fascinating."
"I've played a bunch of Animal Crossing games before, but I've never got into them to the extent I've gone into this one."
"Thanks so much guys and I will see you next time, bye."
"Even now, when crypto's at its most boring point, it's still more exciting than anything you've ever done before and anything else that you could be doing."
"Have a fabulous day and we'll catch you next time."
"I wanna thank you all for watching yesterday, for the support, for the comments, for joining me back today while I sweat and seem probably more disheveled than I was yesterday, whatever day that was."
"I think if I'm not seeking it, I don't know if I clock into [it]."
"I look forward to it so much and I cannot wait to see you guys in the next one. Until then, cheers!"
"I'm really obsessed with the show. I just started watching it like four days ago."
"I have not been this thoroughly engrossed in a game in years."
"Excited for no way home that I'm like literally anxious going into this video even though it's not that movie but I just I'm so excited to like refresh my memory and go into it."
"Have an awesome rest of your day and I will catch you later. Peace."
"Thank you all so much for tuning in today, it was a pleasure, it was a really really enjoyable like first stream that we've done back in a year so yeah hopefully you enjoyed it."
"It was the first show that ever got me actively invested."
"Tremendously excited about that, what about you?"
"When people create things themselves, they own them in a way that you can never ever own that which has been created for you."
"The bottom line is that I didn't have to futz with anything other than my own emotional presence to see who or what was in front of me and take the risk to engage."
"I felt like the lord of everything I surveyed throughout my main playthrough."
"Oh, wait a second, Ariel's doing personal meet and greets. They are social distance!"
"I don't care if it's 30 of y'all in the building, I'mma sit on the stage and swing my legs and give y'all one hell of a damn show."
"Surely I can't get that much fun out of one game, but here we go."
"Isn't it great that we get heated because we care about stuff?"
"Now that I know his name, I'm a little bit more game for this."
"I love this game and from the onset I was in."
"I get to choose the big stories that really interest me we hear what you have to say and you hear what I have to say."
"This could be you. You go to one of our shows, you see how excited people are."
"There’s something special about clearly being able to see how passionate someone is about a topic."
"Congratulations, you're in Amy's Trivia Corner!"
"We want to make this about you man... tell us a little bit about yourself."
"I never thought I was going to be spending this much time fishing inside of terraria when I started playing."
"It's never about the activity, it's about you in the activity."
"I was desperate to get involved... I just fell in love with football."
"I love people who are currently building... I'm currently engaged in building."
"To be engaged and show your real self is powerful, not weakness."
"For me, it was actually exciting. There was very little of the business that I had to be involved with, but I actually got fairly tactically involved just because I'm really kind of invigorated by growing the DTC side of our business."
"This game feels like I'm doing something with my life, you know? I'm using my brain and achieving something."
"It was just absolutely a whirlwind of emotions."
"This is the sort of drama that I am interested in." - Total Noob
"I always want to be able to be a leader but stand with the people."
"What do you think? I want to know. I want to know what you think of this. This, to me, is one of the best projects I've ever made."
"If it was called Cobra Agent, would you watch that []? Nah, my name was in it, that's when I'd click on the []."
"I've been playing it every day for maybe like two months, I have my own guild in this game."
"I'm playing it just don't don't even worry about me I'm playing it."
"I'm like getting way into this now, I don't like it but I don't not like it."
"Be yourself, be natural, be genuine, be engaging."
"I love you guys thank you guys so much and if you have any help or if you need anything I've see you guys on my blog or you can leave a comment on my blog around my YouTube channel."
"I answer every single one myself personally none of my staff just me."
"This is it, the whole time, and so it's like I can't blink."
"I love this thing. I am looking forward to building it."
"All right, so that's it for that mission. We're on number eight right now. I've actually never sat down and played through an entire campaign for like any game before and recorded it, yeah."
"Take care and if you want to work for me one-on-one, click on the description down below."
"Would you be willing to do a show with Cameron that's just a QA on all of your work?"
"This is a big day... there's a lot going on and I'm ready."
"This game offered one of the most fantastically personal and engaging stories."
"It's been a long time since I've done a series just myself, you know? Like, just hanging out with you guys and vibe."
"I'm actually really excited to be diving into a game like this."
"It's a game that you can really immerse yourself into."
"There's always something interesting going on here and you seem to be in a predicament."
"I've been looking for a game to play manually."
"Reloading is one of those things that is very very important to me and for many people it's just as much of a hobby as the actual act of shooting is."
"I hope you can continue to get excited for this marathon, continue having as much fun as I do."
"You'll never be more alive than when you give something everything you have."
"We'll come to your house, come on man. Anywhere you're at, we're there."
"I want to look at things differently, I want to hear different voices and engage with your unique experiences."