
People-pleasing Quotes

There are 249 quotes

"You can't make everybody happy, nor should you attempt to."
"It's finally time to transition out of that neverending story of people-pleasing."
"Don't lose yourself in trying to please others."
"Stop trying to please everyone; it's not working."
"People-pleasing is exactly what it sounds like: it's giving in against what a person actually wants and doing what other people want. It's denying one's own self-interest, it's denying one's own wants, desires, you name it."
"When a person is people-pleasing, they're literally just catering to what other people want... They get to walk through the world as the nice accommodating person."
"It's impossible for a people-pleaser to have standards and to have boundaries."
"By trying to please everyone, you please no one."
"You can never make everyone happy, but I'll do my best."
"If you try to please everybody, you end up usually pleasing nobody in particular."
"Stop trying to please everyone; everyone is a whole lot of people."
"The problem with social justice is, in the desire to please everybody, you end up pleasing nobody."
"You cannot pursue pleasing people and pleasing God at the same time."
"If I were still trying to please people, I would not be a servant of Christ."
"Realize that people pleasing is something that you learned and because you learned it you can unlearn it."
"If you want respect, you don't get it by trying to please other people."
"You cannot and will never be able to please everybody."
"Anxiety for me was triggered by people-pleasing."
"Trying to please everybody is just not feasible."
"You're not gonna make anybody happy if you try to make everybody happy."
"People that try to overcome people pleasing are some of the most courageous people that I know."
"If you keep living life as a people pleaser, your happiness will be dependent on others."
"When you try to please everybody... you end up not pleasing anyone."
"The church has traded the pursuit of pleasing God for wanting to please people."
"I can't please everyone is what I've learned."
"If you try to please everybody, you'll end up pleasing nobody."
"Surely that's better than trying to fit in... and trying to appease more people and being that people pleaser."
"Don't make everybody happy; make yourself happy. You can't accomplish anything if you try to please everyone."
"I have a lot of compliments to give him... but my critique would be for him to listen more and think more before... he really wants to make a lot of other people happy but in trying to do so... he ends up pleasing no one."
"Break out of that pattern of needing to please other people and to put yourself out in order to do it."
"Being a selfless person and being a people pleaser isn't necessarily a good thing."
"Stop smiling at people. Stop trying to please people."
"Don't forget to be yourself, stay true to yourself and stop trying to please others."
"You're never going to be able to please everyone all the time."
"You don't have to worry about pleasing everybody."
"You won't do anything in God if you are perpetually trying to please everybody."
"He was an egomaniac with an inferiority complex... He was going to do anything for anybody to be a people pleaser."
"People pleasing pleases everybody except the pleaser and your maker."
"Stop trying to please everybody else, do what you want to do."
"The best way to fail is to please everybody."
"The easiest thing to do is to tell people what they want to hear."
"How I navigated getting out of having the identity of people pleasing."
"Are you not tired of always people pleasing, making sure everybody around you is okay?"
"You can't please everyone, but once you do that, you're going to do a lot better job at pleasing the people that you can please, and yourself included."
"If you're trying to please everyone, you will not please anyone."
"Your life cannot be fulfilled if you are striving to please people because people generally are never satisfied."
"Don't worry about losing other people, worry about losing yourself while trying to please other people."
"People-pleasing is not always necessarily from a good place."
"When you're a people pleaser, other people are creating your reality for you."
"You can't please all of the people all the time, that's for sure."
"Many of us have trouble setting boundaries because we have abandoned ourselves in order to make others happy."
"You cannot please everyone. Never be a people pleaser. Always do what you feel comfortable with."
"When you try to please everybody, you end up pleasing nobody."
"If you live to please everyone else, you're not living."
"We really have a social epidemic with people pleasing and perfectionism and whether we want to believe it or not social media plays a huge role in that."
"You try to make everyone happy but are so hard on yourself."
"I'm just going to do whatever people need me to do. I'm going to people please."
"When you try to make everyone happy, you end up making no one happy."
"He didn't act in particular ways just to please people; he did things solely because he wanted to."
"They're tired of holding it together, they're tired of people pleasing."
"Don't spend your whole life trying to please others because it's never going to be enough."
"But none of our jobs is to please anyone. Exactly. That's nobody's job."
"Good points. Every person pleaser has a collection of people whose interests they sacrifice to maintain their people-pleasing stance."
"Tina lost herself in just her desire to please someone else instead of valuing who she truly was."
"Growing past the need to people please is a significant milestone in your spiritual journey."
"You can't be a God pleaser and a man pleaser."
"You can't please people. People are unhappy or happy because of their own thoughts, self-care, self-worth, parenting, etcetera, etcetera."
"If you are a chronic people pleaser like myself or you're just looking to lead a more self-actualized high performance life, this one is appointment listening."
"...if you are constantly people-pleasing and not being authentic that is going to be harmful to you."
"Someone who has very loose boundaries, that's a people pleaser. It's someone who for them it's a lose and the other is our win."
"You can't please everybody, right?"
"People pleasing often looks like doing things to please other people at the expense of taking care of yourself."
"Addressing people-pleasing begins with becoming mindful of your needs."
"The love can switch up, I can't please everybody."
"It's okay to not please everybody else."
"I'm one of those guys that likes to make everybody happy."
"People pleasing and false obligations are usually always coming out of a fear of rejection."
"Constantly trying to please your parents and get their approval will result in you becoming a people pleaser who lacks boundaries."
"Stop trying to please everybody and set boundaries."
"You can please some of the people some of the time and some of the people all the time but you can't please all the people all the time."
"We need to start doing what God wants us to do and stop being people pleasers that are tiptoeing around everything in our life trying to keep everybody else fixed."
"...I have so much fear around not getting people's approval... I've been the quintessential people pleaser throughout my life."
"People pleasing can be quite manipulative. If you look at the definition of manipulation, it is the definition of changing yourself in order to get an outcome."
"Stopping people-pleasing by cutting something off can please more people in the end."
"I don't think you can be a people pleaser. I don't think you should either. Otherwise, you are going to live your entire life in hell because you are just going to constantly."
"In our eagerness to please everyone, we often end up sacrificing our authenticity and our own needs."
"I like things going to plan as does anyone but especially on my birthday party like I feel very responsible for everyone's good time tonight like everyone is coming hoping for a good time so I hope that I can deliver that do you hear me I am such a people pleaser"
"I was people pleasing I was crossing my boundaries to try to like make it work so we both had our challenges"
"Trying to please too many people too much of the time is a surefire recipe for failure, or at the very least a distinctly compromised and forgettable end result, as Peugeot now knows."
"In order to avoid rejection, some become people pleasers, unwilling to express contrary opinions."
"Will I ever be free from these things? Will I ever be free from the need to please people?"
"When we are driven by conviction, we are freed from the need to please people."
"You're never going to make everybody happy so don't try, like don't even bother trying."
"Stop pleasing people because the world and society do not reward people pleasers."
"It's really important for them to please other people and it's very hard for them to assert themselves or to ask for what they want."
"People don't respect me because I allowed people pleasing."
"We should not let the fear of other people's reactions control us or let people pleasing become the most important focus of our lives."
"People pleasing is not about other people. It's about you and your inability to tolerate confrontation or discomfort in your own mind and body."
"Wow, this people-pleasing thing isn't really about saying no, it's about self-awareness."
"People pleasing is the moment that you give up what matters to you in order to appease or please somebody else so that you can belong."
"People pleasing works. That's why we do it."
"I would people please and then it's a really bad thing to people please."
"I'm a firm believer that people pleasing isn't pleasing people, it's avoiding your own discomfort."
"I can't tell you how to succeed, but I can tell you how to fail by trying to please everyone."
"I'd rather be alone than be people-pleasing until my dying day... I don't want to manage. That's not love, that's manipulation in itself."
"Your tendency is a people pleaser, your tendency is to give too much. So practice not giving and practice not giving in sex."
"You want to be a people pleaser, you just got too much pride and ego around pleasing, around being that person that's always available, that's always there, it's always, you know, forgetting about yourself and serving everybody else."
"You can't please the world, the key to unhappiness is trying to please everybody."
"The Wheel person is being asked to surrender the habit of people pleasing. Speak your needs and be true to yourself. Focus on your own happiness instead of always trying to make everyone else happy."
"People Pleasers struggle more than people that don't for so many of the reasons you said."
"People pleasing doesn't work. If someone's unhappy, they're unhappy no matter what you eat or do."
"Doing everything in hopes that it will please everyone else does nothing for you."
"Ultimately, Jerry lacks the confidence to really disappoint others, even if he inevitably does anyway."
"You can't be a people pleaser and a God pleaser."
"When you try to please everybody, you end up pleasing no one."
"They're people pleasers... They feel like they need to try very hard to feel good enough about themselves."
"Boundaries are essential. Hard to keep as a fellow people pleaser."
"I cannot give you the formula for success, but I can give you the formula for failure which is try to please everybody."
"You definitely can't make everyone happy."
"It's the can't-stand-you-try-to-please-everyone-you-get-screwed-and-then-who's-left-to-deal-with-it type of thing."
"...it's not a good thing. It really isn't, like to a certain point it is but I feel like I suffer from the same people pleasing loose does where it's self-destructive and it's just...oh my god."
"If you try to please everybody you end up making nobody happy."
"At the end of the day, you can't once change everything about yourself to please others."
"We can't keep everyone happy, but damn it we try."
"...if you are someone that is a people pleaser you probably have issues with setting boundaries for yourself..."
"She's a massive people pleaser but I think last night opened her eyes because she said she was done trying to appease everyone and putting herself second."
"When you try to keep everybody happy nobody's happy."
"When you people please less, I feel like you actually discover who you are more because you're just putting on a show otherwise."
"When you're a people pleaser, you end up pleasing people so much to where you lose you."
"People pleasers tune themselves to others to make them happy."
"Winning the game is not being a people pleaser."
"I became the world's greatest people pleaser because I was convinced that there's no reason why people should like me."
"Anxious preoccupies tend to people please a lot and that can lead to resentment sometimes in relationships."
"I've been struggling with people-pleasing for as long as I can remember. It's just hard to even know who I am sometimes."
"If you are a man pleaser, you are not a servant of Christ."
"Try to satisfy everyone and you'll end up satisfying no one."
"I just need to be happy with myself and I just need to be in a good place with myself and who cares what other people think uh but I think I still have a part of that people pleasing in me but I'm working on it it's a work in progress."
"Every single thing you change to cater to other people."
"You can't live a purpose-driven life if you're trying to please people."
"If more often than not your go-to is 'what does everyone else need' at the expense of yourself, then you've definitely met that criteria most likely for being a fauner, a pleaser, a people pleaser, a compulsive caretaker."
"People pleasing is a painful life. You live for everyone else and hate yourself. Can't relate."
"There is an evolutionary reason for the people-pleasing and it has served us for millions of years, and it no longer serves where our consciousness is but that doesn't mean that the gene isn't there."
"We bind the distraction of trying to please people that don't care anything about us."
"If you try to please everybody, you please nobody."
"She hates making waves, wants everyone to be happy, and is trying to please everyone, but that strategy just doesn't work."
"What is something that you have had to overcome in life? And I would say that the biggest example of that is people-pleasing."
"I'm very much also recovering from being a people pleaser."
"Never be a people pleaser just to make people happy; you would be betraying your own heart."
"The first step to unhappiness is trying to please everyone else."
"What's the point of pleasing everybody if that means that you lose yourself?"
"A people pleaser is one of the nicest, most helpful people you know."
"I hate conflict; I want everyone to like me."
"I felt like I was constantly people pleasing and doing everything to make everyone else happy and comfortable, but at the expense of me feeling safe and comfortable."
"You will exhaust yourself trying to please everybody."
"I'm dark-haired, introverted, and a people-pleaser."
"You lose your identity when you're a people pleaser because you try to mold to what you think each person wants out of you."
"I am working on this not being so much of a people pleaser."
"We're always trying to people please, but there comes a point where you gotta have the boundary."
"The secret to failure is trying to please everybody."
"People pleasers are often very thoughtful people."
"People pleasing only becomes a problem when it's your default setting, neglecting your own voice."
"People-pleasing is definitely a character defect."
"If you're always appeasing people, then you're never going to have success."
"I am indeed conditioned to be very people-pleasing, and that is impacting what I think is reasonable here."
"Libra rising people are the people pleasers."
"I kind of realize pretty relatively early on that the whole trying to please everyone thing just doesn't work."
"We got better at not being such people pleasers."
"If you're trying to please everybody with what you're making, what if everybody dropped dead? Then you'd be stuck with that thing that you've been doing for all these people."
"I was always so focused on pleasing people."
"Lord, teach us that we're not called to be man pleasers but to be pleasing to you."
"The fearful avoidant can be a people-pleaser, very charming, very connected."
"It's a fine line, isn't it? You've just got to balance everything, lovely people, you've got to please everybody."
"You can't please everyone, but it just baffles me because I just think, why would you invest your energy in making someone feel bad when you could make someone feel good?"
"I used to be out there trying to please everyone and trying to make everyone happy, even at my own expense."
"I think people pleasers are probably one of the most dangerous types of people."
"'Cause in the real world, you can never really please everyone."
"I became the kind of person I couldn't say no to everyone so that they would like me."
"I'm a really big softy, really motivating and relational, and I'm a huge people pleaser."
"I can't make everyone happy, but my heart is to try to keep everybody happy."
"If you try to please everybody, you're gonna please nobody, including yourself."
"If you're trying to please everyone, you will end up pleasing no one, especially not yourself."
"I'm usually a big people pleaser; I'm very good at orienting things in directions that make other people happy."
"If you try to please everyone, you please no one."
"You can't try to please everybody."
"I grew up as a people pleaser and that's something that I've actually worked really hard to change over the last couple of years."
"People pleasing can start from a desire to be nice and to think of others, but taken to its extreme, it actually becomes very selfish because you never take the time to know who you truly are."
"I'm a big people pleaser; I'm very good at orienting things in the directions that make other people happy."
"If you try to make other people happy, that's all you're going to do and you're not going to be happy."
"I know I can't please everyone all of the time, but I sure do try my best."
"I want to know where is there a single area in my life where I'm seeking to please some human being."
"It is my heart that you begin to stop people-pleasing and start living for God."
"When it comes to people pleasing... it's about my ability to catch those moments where those uncomfortable feelings rise up and to tolerate them."
"If you try to go through life trying to please every single human, you are going to be freaking miserable."
"When you try to become all things to all people, you end up pleasing no one."
"I think I have suffered from the people-pleasing syndrome."
"The main reason that you may not have been claiming your authentic boundaries is some sense that you need to please other people."
"People pleasing is not kindness. It's typically a result of a difficulty in advocating for ourselves."
"The surest way to be completely unproductive is to try to make everybody happy."
"Remember that the two leading causes of accidents in everything is trying to stick to a schedule and try to please other people."
"For am I now seeking the favor of people, or of God? Or am I striving to please people? If I were still trying to please people, I would not be a bond servant of Christ."