
Craft Quotes

There are 5453 quotes

"In order to get good, you've got to work on your craft."
"It's super easy and quick, and it's such a beautiful Christmas tree."
"Obsession of your craft is ultimately what fuels me."
"Books involve writing, sort of expressing thought... there's a craft there's a certain elegance to good writing."
"You have to dedicate yourself to a craft, and mine has been stand-up."
"Gardening is a craft that has been passed down generation after generation."
"From five pieces of cardstock, that's right, we're going to make 33 cards."
"I think craft is a big part of why a lot of things work. I think style is a big part of why things work."
"This is probably one of the favorite DIY fall wreaths I made last year."
"I've had this Cricut maker for a little while now, and I gotta say, this machine is a game-changer for the DIY space."
"Work on your craft every day. If you don't love to work on your crafts every day, you're probably in the wrong craft."
"An apron... can be customized in so many different ways."
"I love how this turned out, I really like interchangeable items that I can change for the seasons."
"Under the moonlight, Emily teaches her companion how to weave baskets."
"I do need to give all the credit to Mr. Crayfish, making these things look super nice."
"Here we've got the golf balls right now for the extra part of the eyes."
"I loved making it. I loved creating something that others wanted."
"I'll never forget my dad. He taught me what I know with metalworking."
"The time had finally arrived to do the long-awaited epoxy pour."
"I choose to love my craft... I'm going to go all in."
"That's dedication to your craft, that is true artistry."
"They turn out thousands of these lamps called 'diya' in the months leading up to the Hindu festival of Diwali."
"The dedication that this man has towards his craft is something I don't think anybody can match."
"This one was a lot of fun to make, a lot of really good reference photos out there of the demogorgon including the show itself."
"You're never going to regret spending that time but you might look at a finished piece and realize you know I could have done better I wish I would have just made it right."
"That's fantastic, and he's using a bunch of different materials and woodworking tools."
"Handmade jewelry making is a low investment business with incredibly high earning potential."
"Surrounded by prizes, we have this absolutely incredible sleepy Kirby quilt."
"Bottom line, Elden Ring is an absolutely amazing game that has been painstakingly crafted."
"DIYs are done and bro, those wings are insane."
"Patience is key and don't be afraid to throw a piece away."
"Metalworking is very much like the carpentry skill but instead of focusing on wood you're focusing on the obviously stronger cousin of the two metal."
"A little sense of handmade becomes fresh and new."
"You have to be obsessive-compulsive about your craft in order to be great at it."
"Everyone wants to be the best version of whatever craft they're doing."
"I'm really thinking a lot about like the craft of writing about what makes my favorite books my favorite books."
"Any recipient of these gifts is gonna see all the time and love you put into these and really appreciate them."
"This might be usable to actually start like glass working on so I think this could be considered a success."
"Toothpicks are so flexible, you can of course if you just need a little piece of it."
"It's really important to go and learn your craft, find out which area you're really interested in, get really passionate about it."
"The average craftsman will out earn the average undergraduate until they're 52 years old."
"It's clear that a lot of thought and love went into this."
"Which sheet of foam wants to be a Boba Fett helmet today? Oh look, that one already has the pattern on it. Let's get to work!"
"The next step in our transformation is to take these parts that are flat, give them a little bit of a three-dimensional bend to them."
"My mom made her this cute little picture that she got this is from the day that we announced that Ellie was pregnant to her family on Thanksgiving"
"Add ribbon... love the glamour and the color... this one roll should be enough."
"You just gotta take your time to pay your dues and give your craft some respect."
"This is a trapper basket from mountain adventure baskets made here in Maine he made this for me a number of years ago and it comes with me on the majority of my adventures."
"How quick and easy that was! They look complicated but they're really not."
"If you're willing to pay $10 for that really unique piece of pottery that was handmade and designed on the bottom then it's valuable to you but for someone else it might not be."
"That works great, look at that perfect straight cut, I'm loving it!"
"Real magic. It's about your dedication to the craft."
"I'm going to take a slower approach. I'm going to try to explain every step in detail so that someone who's a beginner, who's brand new to sewing, can complete this project and sew their own cargo pants."
"That was enough time on this one, really nice, solid, beautiful, super well executed."
"I've always wanted a sewing themed fabric collection."
"This is so cute, I cherish it and your tack pieces are adorable."
"I love the way that this tray turned out, I think it looks so nice sitting out with some decor that I had around my house."
"I feel like I need to sell these on Etsy or something, they're just... oh, they're so cute!"
"This stained glass art is maybe the best one of the whole set."
"I do like the individuality of making different cards."
"I started painting at 10 p.m. and how come I didn't stop until 2 a.m. for the first coat?"
"It's time to be creative with your craft and expand on ideas."
"In some ways, these post-credits scenes are more carefully crafted than many parts of the movies themselves."
"Queen Bounce Celia is done and look at how cute she is."
"Overall, I'm super happy with the way this thing came out."
"I see the possibility with these little jewelry boxes and I find them all the time in the thrift store."
"Do it yourself for a year, build the best stuff you can."
"I'm gonna be a luthier like of course, I'm gonna be a luthier."
"Whether or not blacksmithing is important to you, I just appreciate the fact that you are part of what we're doing here."
"The Art and Science of alcohol might be more interesting than the alcohol itself honestly but it's pretty amazing."
"A seam is where the two pieces of fabric come together."
"Seam ripper, that's to rip out the seams or the mistake areas."
"To succeed on Etsy, you have to roll your sleeves up and do the work."
"Editing is like magic provided you have the components for the spell to work"
"It's a really good feeling to be able to bring something like this back to life."
"I really do appreciate that you take the time to go down this watchmaking journey with me."
"So here's kind of a good look at what we've got so far since I already had red, white, and like some of this pine cone type stuff."
"I love these knitted four balls, they've got that fair isle kind of knit detailing too."
"Probably one of the coolest things I've ever made. I hope you guys like it."
"Dedicating yourself to your craft and allowing yourself to play in it is crucial."
"Grandma used to make the thickest, tightest braids."
"It's a craft, it's making the unconventional choice, it's like, it's a lot scarier."
"You don't do it for the sake of doing it; you have to still be respectable for your craft."
"Just keep working on your craft, keep doing your own thing."
"Focus on yourself and focus on your craft."
"The biggest thing for me is just having a dedication towards whatever your craft may be."
"I enjoyed it, it was more forgiving than I thought."
"Crochet is going to be big for the summer."
"It's so satisfying once you've made something."
"I made an alien, and I burned the matches to get black for the eyes."
"I made a partial dragon skeleton, this is like the skull."
"I'm just covering it with spikes and I'm going to add little spikes."
"Invest in yourself, invest in your craft."
"If you look carefully enough at craft, art is in it."
"Fabric went to pennies per yard, and that's when we see the huge expansion of quilt making."
"We are officially done with our sweater."
"So so easy right, and super duper cute as well."
"It's just the best cloud slime I have ever tried and it's so affordable."
"A true master of their craft will mix with emotion in mind."
"It's very important to me to share the craft and to educate people."
"That's storytelling. That's the art of storytelling, that's the craft."
"It's not about memes, it's not about hype, it's only about craft."
"Cleansing and strong, water helps you to get in touch with your intuition and improve your craft."
"I know you're going to love today's video because I am back for another round of a tried and true craft."
"I make piping all the time in cloth-covered cord."
"The whole point of doing a craft is to experiment and have fun with it."
"I think I probably said this before about Edgar Wright but I love to see directors improve their craft and challenge themselves."
"At the end of the day, I feel like most of us got into this because we loved the craft, we loved tattooing, we loved artwork, we like creating things, we like the way we feel after we create something."
"There's sort of this weird perversion where it's less about your craft and it's more about marketing yourself, branding yourself."
"Focus on craft and get fulfillment out of craft, even beyond results."
"I really love how these turned out."
"That same energy and that same like passion they put into the craft was gone."
"You gave us a platform to get that audience in the first place, so allow us to hone our craft the way that we're able to."
"I find it better to use craft paint for this kind of stuff... it helps just kind of create a nice border for the aircraft."
"I just love shopping for craft stuff that you might not ever use."
"We're here to get you hooked on crochet."
"Making biochar is a craft. It really is a craft and you've got to learn all of the pieces of that craft."
"I always say acting is a healing craft."
"...it's always enthralling to see an absolute master of their craft at work."
"Oh my gosh, we have finished a sock you guys, this is complete!"
"I'm a studio writer. That's how I was raised. Locking myself in the studio and working on my craft."
"Do think about beads and sequins and what beautiful shapes and beautiful patterns you can make with those."
"Crochet takes a lot of practice and a lot of patience."
"Yeah, keep adding rounds around your squares, each one, you're gonna need two if you've not done yours at the same time, that's fine, that's absolutely fine, just make sure you've got two squares."
"What separates people who are very successful at their craft is how much dedication they put into their craft absolutely."
"There is nothing wrong with a little bit of blagging in crochet."
"Consistency is key, owning your voice, owning your craft, and polishing it is key."
"It's just important for us to keep the love alive and vibrant in that space of craft so that's what I love about dance."
"Just wiggle it in wherever and then I'm just going to put another double crochet in the opposite corner chain space and that's what I'm going to do for mine."
"There's really no rules to embroidering and that's something that I really like about it is that you can get creative as you want with this type of craft."
"That's right, we are so out of time, but craft magic will come in handy."
"Jerry Seinfeld is the hardest-working comedian I've ever seen. He is completely committed to his craft, he is dedicated, he has the discipline to never veer from that, and that's what separates him from a lot of great comedians."
"Take time to learn the craft and hone your skills on smaller projects before attempting to write a book."
"What's the formula? Consistency and dedication to your craft. To some, these are just words, but to a reese, these are the codes that he lives by. Peep game."
"The Log Cabin block is a perfect beginner-friendly project. You're simply sewing Strip by strip there's no seams to match or Nest you simply just sew one block to the next and there's no need for any special skills or rulers."
"If you're involved with some Home Improvement projects, craft, and hobby work..."
"Turning your craft into money is a skill... with some upfront effort, some forward planning, and just a little bit of luck, you can start to monetize your craft."
"I'm going to make this fabric a very dark blue."
"You find your craft, you put in the time, and it works."
"Christmas stitching has been my thing."
"Imagine this was your junk journal page where you want to attach the tab."
"Coasters sell very well at craft shows."
"String art is another one of those home craft things that I think are going to be the primitives of the future."
"To become a writer... you have to study your craft, your art, your profession as much as a lawyer or a doctor. Lawyers and doctors sometimes scoff at that notion, but they're wrong."
"Wouldn't it be awesome if like 10,000 craft just came down from the heavens and landed on our lawns, landed on the White House, and just shut down every nuclear missile on the planet? Yeah."
"Craft is stamina and willingness and curiosity."
"They're not just gonna completely do a 180. Once you've devoted yourself and you've spent years and years and years honing your craft, that's what designates you as a professional."
"As a person working to master their craft, any craft, it's nice to have markers for accomplishment."
"Valuation is a craft, not an art, not a science, but a craft."
"Get a plastic water bottle and fill it with rice."
"I'll just make true a new even better friendship bracelet out of extra special super sparkly seashells."
"It's the most fun of making a quilt is planning the colors, yeah, and then seeing what it turns out to look like when it's finished."
"The assumption is that the craft may in fact be sentient as well."
"The beauty of this craft is its simplicity. For centuries, the framework has been made from Willow woven with hazel and covered in watertight animal hide."
"What a beautiful and easy craft you can make. You can make this with friends, with your kiddos, grandkids. Love the style and you can choose any color combination you want."
"And that's it, my friends! What a beautiful romantic Valentine's Day craft. What do you think of it? Let me know down in the comments."
"This craft is taking shape, and now we're going to cover that foam up using some reindeer moss from Dollar Tree."
"Boseman's dedication to his craft and his commitment to delivering impactful performances despite his health challenges speaks volumes about his character and determination."
"I think gender should not be a barrier to following your passion and your love for this craft."
"...I think would be really cool if you had a tie-dyed shirt this would look really neat with a tie-dyed shirt I make a nice tote."
"It's the respect for the craft, the attention to detail, the quality, all of those things whether you're an athlete, a filmmaker, or a writer or a chef, they're all related, they're all relevant to pursuing something and trying to be excellent at it."
"This is what makes this craft so so cute in my opinion."
"So you can see how these stitches are looking. Just little seeds, little seed stitches."
"So visible mending is sort of the overarching category and then we have several different ways to practice it underneath that category."
"All we have to do now is hold still for two to three minutes. This will give the plaster just enough time to harden so the bucket stays in place even when we let go."
"Now if you are not working with the novelty yarn, you can count your rows very easily."
"Yes, it's my favorite. It's the granny. You guys know I love the granny stitch."
"If you have not crocheted a jellyfish either this is your sign to make one."
"This is going to count as our first treble stitch."
"Then by the time we're done, we'll have something that resembles an open book with a couple of pages that are formed into the shape of a heart."
"That is how you crochet an easy hexagon cardigan."
"Something's wrong in the back of the craft."
"I got the half basket at a craft show."
"This is a craft that we do because we love it, it brings us Joy, it keeps us sane."
"Surely the most important thing is your perception of craft, not other people's perceptions of your craft."
"As always that chain 2 does not count as the stitch."
"...the craft of stand-up is finding these bricks and building an act."
"It's really quite easy to do and it's a lot of fun to do and you'll see your afghan grow in no time."
"Our first craft, I promise you that's going to take you a whole 7 minutes to make."
"Yarn over and I insert the hook into the next single crochet and draw up a loop."
"I turned them into some beach theme signs and a hello summer sign. Love the way they turned out."
"We want you to be absolutely exceptional at craft, we want you to build an audience, we want you to have a personal monopoly, we want you to be writing regularly. It's good for us, it's good for you."
"The craft is bigger than me. There's been many that do it before me, it'll be many to do it after me. So, to be lucky enough to be in it and be considered someone good, great at it, you know, you just stick to it."
"So now everything is glued up but there's still one last little piece that we're gonna add and we're going to put it in the location where the couple met each other."
"If you haven't given English paper piecing a try, I do hope you try it."
"This is longevity, fam. It's true. This is... this is... it's an art. It's a craft."
"A hoodie is definitely something that should be on your list to knit."
"Now this is by far my favorite coffee filter flower."
"The only thing you need to focus on is just perfecting your craft and improving and getting better every day."
"The art of quilting was practiced by the ancient Chinese, Egyptians, Greeks, and by virtually all civilizations."
"T-shirt quilts are an amazing way to take those beloved shirts and make a gorgeous quilt that still has all the feels."
"It's not just shirt sewn together but it's not complex and difficult to make. It's kind of the best of both worlds."
"I learned that new method from you on the Seminole quilting. It’s very fun."
"I could poison an arrow tip. I could craft a fine one like a dart that would be easier."
"String quilts aren't about the seams and points lining up. It's about the overall stunning geometric design that they create."
"What really drew me in here was that it was aspects of The Craft that I have never ever worked with."
"Comedy has a craft it has to be protected."
"Investing in your tools is an investment in your craft."
"I don't believe he's thinking too much about it, it's just sort of second nature to him. But I think if he were to be really honest and look inside, maybe he'd see there is a craft to it."
"...focus on developing the skill and the craft of learning to write great novels and to enjoy the process."