
Success Stories Quotes

There are 248 quotes

"Hip hop really values authenticity and it really values rags to riches."
"The cool thing about this video game industry is that every couple of years, we have this giant success story kind of come out of the middle of nowhere from this smaller player, there's smaller company."
"A lot of online content creators have rags to riches stories because there's something very democratizing about success online."
"You're not going to get rich overnight; the rags to riches story is one in a million."
"The only success story it looks like here is California. That's not actually true, right? I have a lot of success stories."
"There is nothing that I love more than a story of grit, perseverance, entrepreneurship, hustle, and just crushing it."
"Imagine only having two dollars and 26 cents in your bank account. Now, fast forward five years, and now you're a millionaire. Does that really happen?"
"Speaking the truth about success stories where you eliminate a profit motive from specific industries is amazing."
"I think he's gonna be, he's gonna turn around, and that story that we see the headlines is gonna be a success story."
"If you want something bad enough, like you're living proof of it, you can go out and get it."
"America has an interesting relationship with rags to riches stories... The idiom rags to riches refers to any situation in which a person rises from poverty to wealth and in some cases from obscurity to heights of fame, fortune, and celebrity, sometimes instantly."
"A Cinderella story of what can be accomplished when you do not give up."
"We've had 13 kids in Haiti go to university. We've got children who are now managers, they've got their own land, their own education, their own money. It's amazing."
"This is real people's lives. People have paid off their houses, become millionaires...that gets me so jacked up, dude."
"Parked on green hills among the world's finest cars, you will find the last RX-7 gleaming proof that sometimes a grand gamble pays off."
"I started from nothing, and I've been able to build myself up to a millionaire today, at 30 years old."
"Good is relative, so you could be the seventh best player in the whole world, but if you're playing with the other six, you're the sucker."
"It's kind of the perfect American Dream story."
"Our worth is not measured in money or anything else, my worth is 2003 knee success stories."
"People really can come from nothing with grit and determination."
"I got so many success stories like listen everybody on Instagram is capping."
"Master P, he mastered that, mastered it, you know."
"Rwanda appears poised to be one of the few African success stories."
"On YouTube, counter-intuitive strategies often lead to success."
"Guys it's working it's actually worked a few years later."
"You learn things you take control and sometimes it really works out beautifully."
"A lot of our favorite stories are about underdogs who take the gold."
"Their story is an astounding case compared to many others on the platform."
"There are great success stories that come out of the ability to democratize game development."
"Did you ever expect Dimension 20 to be as successful as it is?"
"We have helped thousands of people, a lot of them are earning a substantial income for their families."
"The rise of FTX and Sam Bankman Freed has a lot of the same markers of Sergey Brin or Mark Zuckerberg's overnight success."
"The fact is, many successful people don't have college degrees."
"Showing just how rare it is to fight your way out of a life of crime into legitimate success."
"You can fail at a couple of things and then hit that one jackpot."
"When you see somebody come from nothing and then become a millionaire, so very inspiring."
"Who doesn't love a story of success and survival?"
"Every time those people hear a story of success and change and courageousness... it makes them feel like they can do it too."
"I love success stories, knowing what somebody started from the bottom and made it to the top."
"Some of the most successful people in the world are college dropouts."
"There are positive signals, we have seen successes already in some countries where they have already contained the virus."
"I've worked all my life to become an overnight success."
"Your success did not come easy, but you worked your way to the top."
"The Dodge Coin success story, we don't need to discuss about it."
"He lost money, and it was an unpopular decision, until it wasn't and he was proven right."
"They were nobodies who became legends, damn that's crazy."
"I think Kick should be known for all the great success stories."
"Lifetime access, all updates included. Learn from success stories like Jordan, G, and Shannon."
"Perhaps most miraculously of all, GoldenEye 007 proved that movie tie-in games don't have to be terrible."
"I think there's always somebody out there who went through similar things and when they hear somebody out there has done the same thing and they still did something that was successful that they can do it."
"Overall, Politoed is possibly the best zero to hero story in Pokemon history."
"Meeting people can be hard, whether it's in person or online, but the apps do have success stories."
"It's no wonder No Man's Sky's redemption arc remains the gold standard."
"Hell Divers 2 has joined the ranks of the underdog success stories in the gaming industry."
"I'm gonna show you proof of how my students are getting some amazing results their first week, their first month and even 24 hours after joining this program."
"It's so refreshing and so nice to see someone in the business who's doing really well talk about how hard what they've been through."
"The eBay deal served as a springboard moment that led to the making of six billionaires and many successful companies."
"These are only three stories of creative people who had an idea and were brave enough to pursue them despite having no budgets, no studio backing, or major resources."
"We made more millionaires on this channel than any other channel in the history of this planet."
"There's 10 years of work behind every overnight success story."
"And who knows, maybe it'll be you sitting right here a year from now sharing your story about how MONAT changed your whole life."
"Customer use cases: Success stories from McDonald's and the pharmaceutical industry."
"You get somebody like D Rose or Dwayne Wade or somebody like that come to the hood and start showing people like man look we' made it out y'all could do this y'all could do that."
"Average joes have turned their life around and made amazing life out of them just using this."
"We're making it, we're having a freaking day. Last minute buzzer beater. Came down the water's edge to release this guy."
"Punk's success in spite of everything changed the perception of who could and couldn't be a star."
"Investors will look at Doctor Disrespect's game... it's been a proven success method."
"No one wants to read a boring success story, Scorpio, but the universe cares, people will care, you care."
"Jordan Peele is an incredibly successful sketch comedy writer and he won the Oscar for Get Out for Best Original Screenplay."
"I succeeded against all odds of my own disbelief."
"She wanted to make it through, but then she got into Girls Aloud, it actually worked out much better."
"Everybody thought we were nuts and look where we are now."
"Apex Legends success completely smashes any notion that gamers are anything-phobic."
"The success of Assassin's Creed origins, Valhalla, and Odyssey came because Ubisoft gave us a chance to miss the franchise."
"Helping someone realize their first success and like seeing that glow in their eyes that you used to have, feels really good."
"Hamilton was your typical rags-to-riches story."
"From rags to riches: the tale of how one girl rose to become China's greatest star."
"There's somebody out there... that's making it work and you can too."
"There is no single human being on the planet that ever achieved any kind of great success or achieved anything of value by themselves."
"The only example I could think of off the top of my head is Lil Nas X because he turned the Old Town Road meme into an actually fruitful career."
"Success for Tesla was never a foregone conclusion, and they've had to overcome numerous challenges along the way."
"I hope we see a lot more people like Pop Smoke turning their street stories into gold and breaking out of the situations that they're stuck in."
"If you invest with principles that are right for humanity, look at what happened to Tesla."
"Every successful business out there has a pivot story."
"Teams who have focused on developing youth have seen the fruits of their labors."
"You can have a genius idea that never came to fruition or a silly idea that made millions of dollars."
"All the dudes who grew up like that poor are the ones who actually did it."
"Success story, love, and happiness on the colony."
"This is how my top students and I became multi-millionaires."
"Both come from a very similar background... now look at both of you."
"Anyone can become a rich dad success story no matter their current situation."
"The people who are the most successful in life never went to college."
"For that one person you're clapping for that makes it out of the hood and gets the money, there's still millions of families in those neighborhoods suffering."
"There are many people who have done great things despite having gotten a lot of negative flack."
"There's at least a dozen examples I can give you of people who have had amazing runs."
"Most of the success stories succeed because of the mistakes."
"It's inspiring, just no matter where you come from, you could flip it around like she did."
"Honestly, we had some dramatic and successful makeovers."
"Lessons from Gro's success: don't bet against Elon Musk."
"For every failed transatlantic marriage there were also the extremely successful ones."
"If you have success stories post them in the live chat right now."
"Keep on picking up the phone, I had three viewers who started the week at zero and by the middle of the week they had gotten four programs funding for them."
"Be the 1% who actually tries this stuff and actually makes it work."
"Some of the brightest talent also has come from this program."
"I had a lot of hope hearing those success stories. Well, if it's happened to those people, why couldn't it happen to me?"
"I'll bet there are people out there lucking out in ways you'd assume would never be successful including by going all in on bitcoin."
"I gained so much personal growth and learning from startups and also obviously success but they're not for everyone and they're not for everyone at every time in their lives."
"November is the month where we do have the victory, the success, the completion after a hard long journey."
"Most people who end up successful have been through things that weak people couldn't even handle."
"It's the idiots who are like, let me try those are the ones that end up doing well."
"I love seeing women succeed especially influencer based brands especially people that started from nothing people that had no influence and started these brands and created multi-million dollar empires."
"Show me any successful person I'll tell you how many times they had good reasons to give up."
"The proof's in the pudding, people are getting results."
"It shows what patience and persistence can achieve."
"There's a reason why so many successful people have the same story."
"While everybody wants to be the subject of the next success story like the trader that turned $8,000 into 5.7 million."
"Understand, take advice from people who've kicked ass all over the place, right?"
"That turned out to be just a wonderful outcome."
"While not all unofficial rap Duos have ended badly, some have found success, proving that there is some escape from the disastrous sidekick effect."
"It's not impossible to go from rags to riches!"
"It's always about how people make it to the top."
"This program has helped hundreds and hundreds of traders throughout the last couple of years on their path to becoming profitable."
"Applied knowledge is power, and that's exactly what Ross did. He just did a fantastic job."
"Black successes are a part of what we need to be sharing and not just black tragedy."
"That's a cool story when I heard, but it worked good, I'm glad it did."
"Every story about someone becoming famous has the same narrative: they were told they could never make it, but they kept going."
"I'm really happy to see our breeding program for the pandas is working well."
"You just like seeing people rise up and do well."
"People can have Redemption arcs and still be successful."
"People that were here in 2019 watching this channel, they're all rich."
"Starting a motorcycle company out of your barn may seem like a bad idea, but when you look at Bull Taco's history..."
"These are people just like you and us that started with little to no experience and have gone on to completely change their lives forever."
"That's what Epic did and it worked well. It's what Disney did too."
"Rescue Swags gave me one of those iconic Australian success stories."
"A lot of people made it to where they are today in College athletics the same way."
"From poor to rich, will you create a successful story for yourself? Let's find out."
"Either you succeed or you become a great story."
"Aussies absolutely love it but to have a guy come in who's never heard of this sport... be somewhat successful, it's a unique kind of feel-good story."
"The key lesson to learn is to learn from countries that succeeded."
"It's not very often you hear about success stories with the homeless problem in this country."
"We had some great success stories with patients using glutathione alongside chemotherapy"
"The more success stories we have out there of people finding the right partners and being loved well, the less we'll actually need all of these cute little theories."
"How hundreds if not thousands of my students are able to now leave their job and retire early."
"Success stories give you hope that you know what I can do what that guy did I can accomplish the same thing."
"Now before I begin, I just want to talk about a small sampling of the students in my class who have gone on to create very successful online stores."
"The surgery isn't a magic switch. If you're doing the work, it can lead to success stories."
"Real life accounts of individuals who have successfully harnessed their subconscious minds serve as profoundly inspiring examples."
"That is the story of how a company I feel like that was an unfortunate 4 a.m. endeavor that decided to put water in a can went from zero to $700 million in the span of four years"
"Nobody goes straight to the top. When you read about others who have struggled or experienced some of the same hardships that you have, this will give you a boost in confidence."
"There's people in America that's seeing this message that the mainstream media wouldn't, would never let them. I'm saying, so if you're asking me, 'How do we gain independence?' Hey, we create our own successes and B, we tell our success stories."
"After being laid off, I found your toolkit and it was an absolute Game Changer. I was getting interview requests like crazy and ended up Landing a job over 50k more per year. 100 the best investment ever."
"I refined my LinkedIn profile, rewrote my resume, and practiced my interview questions. Before joining the program, I had submitted 800 resumes and dozens of interviews. I've received two job offers in the same week."
"Great success story for people that literally sang to bring down the Soviet Union."
"Let me know in the comments what is a task that seemed insurmountable that you almost gave up on but you persevered and you made it through."
"Spot TV users with product success stories behind them read like a 'who's who' in the American advertising roster."
"Stories of individuals who went from rags to riches throughout history and in our current age are some of the most inspiring and enthralling tales we know."
"One of the most powerful ways to build Authority and an influential personal brand is to Showcase and share the stories of successes."
"Despite sluggish sales upon release, the Apple II would go on to be a success (particularly with schools and businesses), and would also launch the careers of some well-known programmers, including Ken Williams, Richard Garriott, and John Romero."
"Farmers worldwide are adopting biochar to improve crop yield, soil health, and water management, with success stories from Africa to America."
"In America you're not you know frowned upon if you start again and there are some great examples of billionaires that are in America that have you know have failed in in in in in the startup stages."
"Now here are some other success stories, couples who have joined my hope program and were able to be part of the story of hope."
"I had a few sessions with those people, you know, just to chat to them and ask them what their story was and stuff, so yeah, it's so, so beneficial to see other people's success stories."
"You can really feel confident about finding your significant other with over four million members on the app."
"Over a hundred thousand people have found love on the app. Is that not insane?"
"Success stories always inspire imitators."
"I've helped hundreds of other people leverage the same exact model to see pretty amazing results and start and grow their own online marketing business leveraging Google Maps."
"...those voices are the ones they have to hear, they have to hear the successful preschool owners over and over."
"At the end of the day it doesn't matter when you were picked but there's plenty of stories like that."
"You just need typically one story for people to rally around, one narrative of success."
"The typical story of those who make it are those that persevere and do not quit when times get tough."
"There are a lot of really inspiring stories. People who started out in a spot where even I was pessimistic."
"You can do it. Dave did it, Conor did it, Shannon did it, I've done it, and hundreds of thousands of other people have as well."
"We have a lot of success stories... people are really experiencing these benefits through following a plant-based diet."
"So many examples of people who have gotten the job just recently. There was an example of Belair that he had made a... it was kind of like a trailer short film or whatever, and then they got to make a television series off of it."
"I've seen a dramatic improvement in the amount of marriages I've saved since then."
"Many people from poor families and poor neighborhoods become very successful and very famous."
"This industry has literally grown in like seconds and so many people are having success."
"It's absolutely possible, I've seen it done time and time again."
"I live for the brand new success stories, for the brand new people coming in and thriving."
"You impress people with your successes, but you connect with people through sharing your struggles."
"If you think you're going to be somewhere and really build something, that's what happened at Hofstra, that's what happened at Emporia State."
"Every single time we can showcase one of these young women who benefited from being here and benefited from financial aid, the story gets told."
"I love seeing y'all success, this is just inspiring."
"Problem and solution statement in the beginning, my impact project success or what I learned in the end."
"Welcome to Recipe to Success, the show where we sit down with entrepreneurs from all different backgrounds to learn more about their journey to success."
"The most compelling stories are those of billionaires who, through sheer hard work and grit, have conquered the American dream."
"For these kids, this school has done its job, but they are the lucky ones."
"Sweden, for decades, people have been coming here to try to learn the secrets of this country's multiple success stories."
"The greatest are people who have changed the game, had defining moments or hit records."
"It's helped thousands of producers finish their music over the last few years, and now some of them are even producing full time for a living."
"We start presenting some of the success stories that have come from the hood and just present it in a different way."
"Did you ever imagine that you'd be sitting on the sofa with this grandson and having an interview about the successes in his life?"
"Who does not love a good success story?"
"Nothing we like better than to share stories of patients that have made the change, gotten their life back, and made their disease go away."
"Greatness has arisen out of poverty."
"If he can make it from here, you can make it from anywhere."
"You're not hearing from the people that didn't make it; you're already hearing from the people that did."
"Entrepreneurs have been spotting opportunities for a very long time; their stories of inspiration, vision, and tenacity fill the pages of entrepreneurial textbooks."
"When we talk about endangered species, you can't really talk about that without also talking about the success stories out there."