
Self-connection Quotes

There are 276 quotes

"Authenticity means being connected to ourselves."
"Detach a little bit and get away from all the cell phones, all the noise outside, and just go connect with yourself."
"In the heart of nature's silence, one finds a deeper connection with oneself."
"Avatar: The Way of Water is a film that allows us to connect not just with others but with ourselves."
"Take your three deep mindful breaths... this is going to help you deeply connect with your intuition and your higher self."
"The biggest calamity is not what happened to you as a child but that as a result of what happened, you lost the connection to yourself."
"I think connecting to ourselves. Coming back, coming back home, going inward. Reminding you that there is a self behind it all that you might feel very disconnected from, but that's worth getting to know."
"What's missing if you're not fulfilled in life is a deeper connection to yourself."
"Have the courage to let go of all the philosophies, free our mind only then can we truly connect with our spiritual self."
"The most beautiful thing that I had was time and energy. I did start to connect to myself more."
"Movement makes us human. It connects us to our higher self."
"Loneliness comes from a disconnect to your own soul, to your inner child."
"That's a sign of healing, a willingness to connect with that part of themselves."
"Your goal... is to keep your mind clear... preventing you from connecting with your higher self."
"The time periods where I took a break and really connected with myself was really hard... but it was end up being very beneficial."
"You have this very pure connection to your inner child."
"Instead of asking why, ask what and connect yourself."
"The moment you connect to yourself, everything and everybody is going to reflect that back to you."
"I want to really connect myself to my heart."
"Passion is your body's translation of a connection to your higher self."
"Working out is something that makes me feel very connected to my body."
"A guru is there to make you natural, to get you connected to your true self."
"Tap into your heart with divine intention to connect with that spiritual energy within you."
"When you stay connected to your authentic self, you also stay connected to the truth."
"Stillness is one of the most powerful ways that you can connect to that higher power and that higher self."
"When you start to really connect with that higher essential self... it's really hard not to love yourself."
"Prioritizing the human connection to spirit and your nature."
"There's a promise of emotional renewal now, connecting to self."
"It's time to prioritize. It's time to look forward. It's time to wake up, something about taking action here, I think that's a big message of connection, connection to self as well."
"Connect with our innate qualities inside for freedom liberation."
"Connected to self... practicing mindfulness... being a good person."
"Finding peace with your emotions, connecting with self."
"Tonight I felt extremely unauthentic. I'm connected to both myself and my music."
"Your connection to yourself is worth more than money."
"Success is putting everything else down and just focusing on the present and connecting with yourself."
"There's not one right path, it's just whatever you feel connected to and it helps you in this journey."
"There's a real joy, a real happiness, a real peace in the connection to our true selves."
"This is a very spiritual connection with yourself on the inside."
"You're really connected to your intuition and your higher aspects."
"The more that you can connect to who you really are, authentic action that you actually believe in."
"It's the time to truly connect with yourself and your most internal being."
"Ultimately we are not heads bouncing around or hearts floating around. You have to find the connection from the head to the heart. That's the longest journey in life."
"The biggest factor in healing physical illness: connection with your authentic self."
"Healing trauma requires reconnecting with oneself, experiencing oneself in the body, mind, and heart."
"The level of connection I feel to myself and to Spirit has deepened because I'm authentically showing up."
"I'd rather be more connected to myself and miss out on what the world thinks is cool or is doing at the moment."
"Trauma is the loss of connection with yourself."
"Meditation serves as a powerful antidote to reconnect with our true selves."
"It's a love that connects you back to you, that knows you are eternal, nothing can harm you, and brings forth the courage to be an uncompromising warrior for truth, freedom, and health."
"I just need to connect with myself and get back on track."
"Just settle in and reconnect with ourselves."
"Channeling is important... can enhance our connection to ourselves, our connection to our heart, our love, our compassion, our ability to see in a wider way than we could before."
"It is about finding that element of connecting to your heart space... this is going to be a month of clarity and just an energy of a breath of fresh air."
"Trust your intuition, connect to yourself from within."
"This idea that we are carving out time, regular practice time to connect to ourselves. That is the goal here. That is the mission."
"The more I didn't care what happened and the more I was connected to myself, the bigger the events, the more the success matched the inner success."
"Life for you is, if you're not connected to yourself first, you're never going to be fulfilled."
"Enjoy life, slow down, and connect with your inner reality."
"Music will help you clear your mind, peaceful music allowing yourself to connect to yourself."
"You're trying to reconnect to your higher self, implementing spiritual practices."
"My main goal is to reconnect you with your own intuition."
"The connection with yourself is becoming so much stronger and higher self connection."
"The best way to connect to someone is to connect to yourself."
"Make sure you don't neglect your own emotional needs or spiritual needs and whatever just makes you feel connected with yourself connected with you know the greater love and wisdom of the universe hold on to that."
"You can always connect to your higher self... just talk to yourself when you're in silence or when you kind of in a meditative state ask yourself questions and then listen."
"You're staying connected to yourself as much as possible here, and it's working out."
"It's not going to be about pleasing other people, it's going to be about really connecting in with what matters here."
"We want to focus on removing and clearing any blockages that prevent you from fully connecting with yourself or fully supporting yourself or fully taking care of yourself potentially."
"The more we give to ourselves, the more this connection strengthens on the external."
"Meditation is everything. When you connect with yourself, you connect with the higher self and you have all the answers."
"You need to emotionally connect yourself with yourself because some of you might have been disconnected with your body."
"Many people are afraid of power because it can be so easily misused I'm not talking here about that kind of power where you loaded over everyone I'm talking about a power where you connect deeply with yourself."
"Connect with yourself, and people will want to connect with you."
"There's a peace in that and so they're connecting to themselves, they're connecting to their higher power or spiritual world, but they realize that an ingredient of peace is not just connection with others, it's connection with self and that often involves solitude and quiet."
"Sometimes pain is a way to connect to yourself. Sometimes people don't know other ways to connect to themselves, so they enter all these really painful circumstances, but it actually is a way to connect back and to feel something very viscerally."
"Five years from now, you will be so happy with the connection that you have towards yourself."
"Hang out with yourself beyond your capacity to do things. Focus on building that actual bond."
"Making room to be disciplined in areas of spiritual filling, it connects you with who you really are."
"I really want to spend more solo time in nature because I feel like, for me, being connected to myself and to Nature and to animals is so important."
"It's just a really wonderful practice that helps me connect not only with the tarot but with myself."
"It's so important to find that connection within ourselves. It's so important to be our own foundation and to be our own home."
"Yoga has shown really great promise in allowing people to stimulate the parts of their brain that allow that self-awareness and reconnect with their body."
"If there is nothing else that you take from your yoga practice, I hope that it is a more connected and more loving relationship that you have with you."
"Connection is something that you build, and you build it also within yourself, and as you build it within yourself, you then build it within your relationship."
"In our journey through life we seek to find our purpose, to connect with something greater than ourselves."
"It's a helpful way to keep a connection between your outer and inner self at the same time."
"I feel so much lighter and more connected to myself."
"You're very connected to your inner child. You're very playful, you're very youthful."
"It's about coming back to you and gaining deeper connection to yourself."
"You'll never get beyond that if you don't take the time to get still and observe what's going on and connect to that deeper place within you."
"You always want to make sure that you have a good connection with yourself."
"Mindfulness and meditation... improves your quality of sleep and your relaxation can encourage a deeper connection with yourself."
"You are not outside of the Creator; the Creator is not outside of you. You are connected to that Creator."
"I am connected to my higher inner power; I trust my intuition always."
"I just want to be who I am and be grounded and be just connected with my own way."
"Celebrate love this Valentine's Day by connecting with yourself and or your significant other."
"It's about connection with your innermost self."
"How many really sit sincerely for two minutes disconnecting with everything else and connecting with that source of power which you hold inside of you?"
"Standing firmly in our ground to connect with who we are and what we stand for, and to find a way to do this in balance in the heart."
"Data can make us more human, to connect with our self at a deeper level."
"The most simple things are the things that connect us to ourselves and help us to know ourselves."
"We're going to be in our bodies, we're going to be immersed in warm hot earthy brown water with scents that just rejuvenate your entire being, and in those moments we reconnect to self."
"When I started a morning routine, that is when I really started to connect with myself."
"Give me your attention, give me you, connect with you, and enjoy."
"We can always bring love and connection to self, no matter what's happening."
"Help us to quiet our minds so that we can connect in with our best self both on and off the mat."
"Being alone is connecting to yourself and enjoying solitude. Loneliness is being disconnected from the entire world."
"Being alone gives us the head space to think and connect with ourselves."
"Dedicate this practice today to deepening and solidifying the connection to you."
"We get so busy, we give so much to others, and very often at the expense and the neglect of having that healthy connection to our own selves."
"May your practice bring you into the present moment and quiet your mind, connecting you to your very best self."
"Your whole body is awakened, you feel energized and at the same time a little bit more grounded and tuned into your heart."
"The fewer masks your kid wears, the more in their body they are, which means they're connected to their own self."
"Allow yourself to stay connected to your favorite best self."
"The only thing that will give you happiness and joy is your connection to you."
"Yoga has been this amazing tool for me personally to stay grounded and connected to myself during this time."
"May your practice today quiet your mind, bring you into the present moments, and connect you to your best self both on and off of your mat."
"We hold a lot of emotions in our hips, so this is a moment to connect a little bit with yourself a little bit deeper."
"The outdoors was her sanctuary, where she could escape the hustle and bustle of her job and reconnect with herself and with nature."
"Taking that time to really connect with myself is very important and it makes me a lot happier and more positive."
"If you can connect with you, you'll make the world a better place."
"Until we're emotionally clear, we cannot connect to ourselves, and until we connect to ourselves, we cannot connect to others."
"The adult needs to take ownership of the present life stuff and connect with the inner child."
"You're going inward to connect with your own Inner Light, and this time next year, you're shining it out."
"Now that you are fully relaxed, connected with yourself, and remember what it is like to have a healthy relationship with food."
"The thread of knitting puts you back in touch with who you are."
"Positive feelings and emotions indicate you're connected with what you want or what you love, and you're one with that love of who you really are."
"The more I started actually getting connected to myself... my bliss had nothing to do with the circumstances."
"If you've never tried Pilates or yoga, try it; it might help reduce pain, increase both ability, and help you really connect with yourself."
"Our connection with Jesus is really our connection with ourselves."
"Meditation is one of the most powerful practices to connecting to the part of yourself that is not scared."
"Feeling is the language of your soul and higher self; you don't want to shut those down."
"To connect with this aspect of your being, start by observing moments when you feel most alive, most authentically you."
"You gotta hook up with who you are, which means you've got to find those thoughts that your inner being thinks about you."
"It's incredibly rewarding to take a step back from our busy lifestyles to be one with nature and reconnect with ourselves."
"It connects you to your higher self, that voice that guides you."
"They need to be in a connection with themselves."
"The most important thing you can do in the middle of this chaos is remain grounded and remain connected inwardly."
"You'll connect with your god-given purpose."
"Feels so in tune with himself and his bike."
"The High Priestess... trusting your intuition and also being connected with your higher self."
"Feel how soothing its light is as it peacefully floats above you, a cosmic wonder that makes you feel utterly connected to your deepest self."
"The pendulum is such a great way to connect to our highest self."
"You are here now, committed to this time to connect to your body, your breath."
"You're strong, you have birthright to feel calm, to feel spacious and peaceful, and to feel connected to yourself and to others."
"May your practice connect you to your internal self, your Divine self, where you have everything you need for this practice, for this day, and for this life."
"May our practice today keep you centered, grounded, and connected to yourself."
"May your practice connect you with your best self, feeling your strength, your flexibility, and peace of mind."
"My purpose here is to have a healing arts practice in which I help other people connect into their extra-dimensional or interdimensional aspects of self."
"A lot of spirituality, a lot of connecting to yourself, is these simple things in life."
"This isn't about connecting to your divine feminine that's out there; this is about your own inner divine feminine."
"Play, connect to your inner child."
"It's all about serving, it's all about meditating, it's all about teaching people to connect to that innermost aspect of themselves."
"You have to bring back the soul in connection at one with yourself when you trust yourself."
"It's really about making new friends and everyone is there with the same intention which is to connect back to themselves."
"I'm a person navigating recovery and just really connecting on a journey to connect back to myself and really make peace with food and my body."
"If you're not connected to you, you're not going to connect to others."
"Keep your spirits high and always connect with your higher self."
"I'm more connected with myself than ever before... that to me is the forward path is integration, being whole."
"What happens then? You find you relax, you find some peace, you have disconnected from life, and what are you actually connecting with? You're connected with yourself."
"But if they don't connect with the real you, they can never truly make you happy or pour into your happiness."
"The life that we live is very reflective of how we connect to that inner being."
"The main healing is to come back to have a connection with the Creator, means to have a connection with yourself."
"Seeking stillness... the fast-paced modern world is often at odds with an essential ingredient required for connecting with our inner selves and our desires: stillness."
"But I think truly what it is, is having that connection with yourself and not denying yourself of an amazing life of happiness."
"How can one have a connection with anything when that one does not have a connection with himself?"
"Your higher self is desiring to connect with you very deeply."
"...it's like connecting to the self that has no questions, has no yearning."
"What really matters is our inner connection, the essence of who you are."
"It's time to connect back to yourself in a real and authentic way."
"Reconnect yourself with all that you are, all that you are within, not externally."
"May your practice help to quiet your mind, bring you into the present moments, so you can connect with your very best self."
"Are there any areas of your life where you could imagine rooting down a little bit more deeply, connecting more so with the foundation of the core of who you are?"
"It's very important that you're connected to your passions and your joy."
"My thread, my yarn, is that which weaves itself throughout my everyday, it is my daily practice, it is what tethers me to the world and to myself and to my soul."
"So beautiful and powerful, I feel more connected to my highest self."
"You can make everything special if you connect with that special part of you."
"She connected to her original heart without the settings or constrictions."
"Human happiness comes when we reconnect to ourself; we reconnect to source."
"Find your rhythm with your breath as you connect deeper and deeper into yourself."
"Start to find stillness, let the line wind down, bring one hand to the belly and one hand back to the heart."
"Every single one of us has feminine energy within us, so we are just going to be connecting with that."
"If we were very connected to ourselves, we could probably heal ourselves."
"I've always been very connected with my own feelings and knowing when I feel a certain way and just letting myself feel that way."
"Go somewhere and just be still, be quiet, and like connect with yourself."
"I connect with that which I wish to be."
"This is about you feeling really harmonious, not just with yourself but your environment and with others."
"Life is about your purpose, and your purpose is all about you connecting to you, being you, living in a way that serves you."
"When we can connect to ourselves, boy can we relate and take time to understand the people around us."
"What the void space is there for, it's there to give you a moment to connect within yourself, to reconnect with the divine, and to find your North again."
"Connect with yourself, find a sense of calmness, security, whatever it is your practice does for you."
"Listening to your instincts builds a relationship of trust with your intuition, senses, and higher self."
"The whole purpose of meditation is to connect with yourself on the inside."
"The more you're going to be able to connect with yourself, the more you're going to be able to connect with your intuition."
"By getting into alignment, you get into a sense of harmony, connection, and congruence with yourself."
"You're coming back here into a place of connecting with yourself a little more."
"You're connected to your higher self, and that's what's creating this change within you."
"Connect with your guides, your angels, with your higher self."
"Listen to your heart, connecting with that deep eternal child within you."
"We have to really start with the inner work because it's not changing what's outside of us but really doing that inner work to come back into connection with our soul selves, our true selves."