
Software Reliability Quotes

There are 74 quotes

"Bitcoin is a bank in cyberspace, run by incorruptible software."
"Learning to automate API tests is a step towards building more reliable software."
"There's actually at least one verifiable instance where Guardio blocked a malicious download and prevented an infection on one of my devices."
"Premiere crashes all the time and resolve never crashes in my experience."
"The operating system defines the liveness of the programs it's running."
"Heavily supported, heavily tested, and production-ready."
"In an ideal world, everything works as magic. But we don't live in an ideal world, fortunately, and we lose connection with API sometimes."
"We realized our software kept working, demand was still there, everything was smooth."
"Linux correctly administered will just go on forever."
"Yes, it does have a retry for you. You can set a custom retry policy, you can set back off algorithm, all that stuff."
"Git is so reliable and all the basic data structures are really, really simple."
"If you have disk corruption, if you have DRAM corruption, if you have any kind of problems at all, Git will notice them. It's not a question of if, it's a guarantee."
"Formally verifiable means that code can essentially be proven mathematically to do what it says on the box."
"So with this Idling Resource, we made our large end-to-end test more reliable."
"Despite your best efforts, your functions will very likely have some bugs."
"This is awesome, it didn't crash the first time, but this time it's doing okay."
"Exception handling allows our program to handle errors rather than just crashing."
"It can be buggy on occasions but right now for example I have all of my machines available to my workstation upstairs."
"They decided to use Puppeteer because they would ship code every once in a while and the extension would just break, and we wanted to fix that."
"A test failure is a definitive statement that our code is not working."
"Just because the code says it shouldn't happen doesn't mean it can't."
"It's gonna be your library just gonna work, and I think that it's a great confirmation from Sony."
"It's essential that I have the latest software and I know it comes from a legitimate source."
"This thing I've tested thoroughly throughout this whole entire year even last year in 2018 I've tested thoroughly because of iOS the software entered of itself is the most crucial thing of why this thing is still relevant."
"It's really impressive that this thing even works without breaking your PC every couple of minutes."
"I don't even think about backing up things anymore, I just rest assured Backblaze is in the background of my computer taking care of everything."
"TypeScript gives you the surety, the confidence."
"We actually didn't find a single problem with the operation of this handset on software level."
"Sometimes the glitch was caught beforehand, but that software is used in 47 counties. So how many other glitches were there? That's another area that will need to be audited."
"Rust prevents almost all crashes - it's safe by default."
"This is excellent and shows these scripts are coded correctly... it will work to scale way up to tracking over 100 players, believe it or not."
"Use list always and I guess it's because of... it shouldn't be, nothing breaks, I think."
"Having a tool like this is essential, and I'm really pumped that we now are working with the best one."
"Early unit testing, even with low coverage, accelerates development and strengthens code."
"Typescript does not save code in fact write more code what it adds is security is robustness is tranquility."
"Good tests guarantee that our code works the way we expect."
"The attack surface is really low, anytime you can have less code there's just easier to audit."
"The application didn't fail and you know bailed on you and that's I think one power if not more important than the performance aspect of reactive programming."
"Safety is something that people always talk about with types."
"Having a decently strong mathematical foundation allows you to verify that the computer software you're using to do more advanced math is actually giving correct results."
"Fuzzing finds real bugs and it finds important bugs. That's the biggest benefit of fuzzing, hands down."
"Rust already does a great job making sure our program is correct with a powerful type system and things like the borrow checker."
"Clean code enables to keep the risks of operating a software low."
"If it's working, you don't see it, and if it's not, it's the worst thing in the world."
"KeePass is very proven and it's probably one of the most secure password managers that we can possibly use."
"Python is strongly typed, meaning it doesn't convert data from one type to another type automatically."
"At some point early in the morning, you will get a message saying your software crashed."
"If your Elm app compiles, it is guaranteed not to crash."
"The promise of enhanced reliability and portability sounds like a benefit for every embedded C application."
"Real users, not developers and testers... we're talking about people who really need your stuff to work and there are real stakes and real consequences if things go down."
"It's a great distro to begin on, but it's a great distro to stay on as well."
"We get isolation so we by moving your driver into user mode we can isolate the user from issues in your driver."
"Apache is a tried and true piece of software that has stood the test of time."
"Unit tests give me the ability to move forward confidently; they tell me immediately if I accidentally change something I shouldn't have."
"The only way we're going to figure out if we're actually going to break users is by testing."
"These checks are there to ensure that the user's input into functions or the function execution executes as expected."
"It just works, and that's what I love about Pi Apps."
"You have to verify if the applications that are being used by your client are reliable."
"ZFS never went through an era where it was unsafe or didn't have integrity."
"It's a solid platform with a pretty large team around them."
"Get in the habit of writing tests because it is a killer habit to be in."
"I'm 90% confident that this is a real failure, not flaky."
"Should that studio crash halfway through long Running Animation, all frames that have been rendered up until that point are safe."
"It's really important that I have a powerful compiler, linters, and tests because otherwise, I have no way of knowing that the program is correct."