
Cultural Authenticity Quotes

There are 51 quotes

"I've never had good Malaysian street food outside Malaysia."
"What is left is something to me that is very authentically Jamaican."
"Restaurant Marrakesh is excellent... the King of Morocco had his own artisans sent over to create this place, so the tiles and the fabrics are just incredible."
"It's ethnically unique and feels very true to its roots."
"There's meaning in not anglicizing to be taken seriously, to move outside your cultural and linguistic norms to accommodate them."
"It was bold and it was as authentic of a throwback as you can be coupled with as innovative as a message."
"It took protest it took people saying hey we don't want Scarlett Johansson playing Asian we don't want Emma Stone to play a Chinese Hawaiian we don't want that it's not okay anymore."
"You don't come to Bangladesh and eat Pizza Hut, all right?"
"A lot of people complained about it because they thought like it was like against the authenticity of the character and some people were just being plain racist."
"This is native. This isn't Western Civilization. This is native."
"They're trying to make this a truly authentic world grounded in real African cultures."
"Some of this is not a correct reflection of black folks experience of Kwanzaa and so it's just a matter of like having that conversation and making sure that everyone feels heard in that room..."
"What y'all looking at? Y'all better stop looking at other people's versions of our movement and memory and look for your own."
"I respect the fact that BTS hasn't done as many songs in English. That shows they're sticking to their roots."
"Don't try to talk a culture you don't belong to. Be yourself."
"Authenticity in hip-hop is where hip-hop is, you know."
"Diversity and representation can be a wonderful thing in media when it's done organically, when it's natural."
"We are not your experiments, we're a culture."
"This tastes more like chashu than some of the chashio you get at the American Chinese spot."
"If you walk into it and you and you, as a safe in a safe white neighborhood, go to it and don't feel a little bit threatened then it's not a good Mexican place."
"Hollywood is not qualified to tell a black story."
"Incas: Some of the male Inca units were actually voiced by Cysion, founder of Forgotten Empires."
"The festival isn't the festival if it's not in New Orleans."
"A thank you would be a nice gesture too, or gracias if you prefer authenticity."
"Going back to the tired old well of medieval Western European culture for inspiration for fantasy is not a lazy thing if you're from that culture."
"Pakistan is a very authentic place that hasn't gone full West style yet."
"These cultures weren't born in an office boardroom. These cultures are born from the people, by the people, and the people that actually ride these bikes and need them for a specific reason."
"All the New Yorkers doing such New York things to work with each other."
"I can't even stress how badly I miss authentic Korean food. I mean, like, other than K-town in California, I haven't tasted anyone doing Korean food correctly."
"The show should feel like it takes place in France, but it feels strange."
"I always look at these videos from Germany and why does everything look so much more real and authentic and less commercialized than here in America?"
"If chai isn't hot, it isn't chai."
"Linda's arizonian background brimming with authenticity was just the breath of fresh air that the entertainment industry craves."
"The idea of doing a bun sale Taco is not 100% authentic, however, it is dually authentic to both cultures."
"It's a great place, great service, very Canadian, very authentic."
"It's amazing, right in the heart of Thailand, that there is a neighborhood that feels completely authentic to China."
"The culture over in L.A. is definitely nowhere near to that extent over here in Australia; people are just so much more genuine."
"Welcome to a very authentic Japanese experience."
"Don't let people come from their countries and come and tell our own stories for us, it's not the best."
"If they got the Sicilian dialect right, this is going to be a spectacular opportunity."
"This place was legit hundred percent authentic original Japanese."
"If you're gonna talk about something being black culture, I would at least hope that it would come from black people."
"This taco meat tastes good in flour tortillas, but it tastes the way it's meant to taste in corn tortillas."