
Self-contentment Quotes

There are 475 quotes

"You can't make people happy from the outside; you can only make them happy from the inside."
"You need to learn to let go and live with a heart filled with love. You need to be content with yourself because if you're obsessed with trying to hate on another person, the poison's inside of you."
"Learning how to be happy in your own company, not feeling like you're missing out or anything, or you're lonely or any of that, just because you're not in a romantic relationship."
"Every act...is aimed towards this goal: What will make me happier? What will make me self-content? What will make me arrive at an inner feeling of tranquility and peace?"
"Every act... throughout the day and night is aimed towards this goal: What will make me happier? What will make me self-content? What will make me arrive at an inner feeling of tranquility and peace?"
"Soul mates are discovered within personal contentment."
"All the external stuff is irrelevant if you're not happy within."
"I'm transitioning away from... competing with others... to peace of mind, happiness, and oneness."
"I'd rather be 80-year-old me than 20-year-old you."
"Successful would mean being authentic to yourself and happy."
"There is no way to happiness, happiness is the way."
"It's not useful to be envious of people... Your adventure is enough. It's plenty, it's more than you can ever fully realize."
"If I can at least help you some way shape or form, I did my job and I can be happy with myself."
"You're not missing out on anything. Okay, you really aren't. You might as well be happy single than be miserable in a relationship."
"People pleasing, as a wise man once said, you can't make everyone happy, you're not pizza. Oh my gosh, my favorite quote now."
"I'm fully aware I am not the most relevant man in the world but I'm happy and grateful for what I have."
"You're kind of settling down into a place of balance for yourself, into a place of 'Ah, feels good.'"
"You're alone but not lonely. You're happy with yourself."
"As long as you are happy with what you said, everything else is noise."
"Being happy comes from within, not from achieving a dream physique."
"Becoming a person that is so happy with who they are in their life that doesn't matter if you have a relationship or not."
"A record is never something to stand on, it's something to build on."
"Your life can still be very rich when you are happy with yourself and you are confident in yourself."
"I've never won a game of anything in my life and I'm okay with that."
"They're viewing you as motivated and content."
"It's time for you to have that satisfaction all the way deep down into your soul."
"It's very liberating and I just feel the best I've ever felt in my entire life."
"You already have it all. You really truly honestly do."
"I have spoken my mind...and I sleep really really well at night."
"You're single, you're happy, and you're abundant... you've been like that since the past."
"Even if you have a beater car, I hope you love it."
"You don't need to wait for that moment of 'oh, I've got it all' before you are happy. Live your best life at whatever stage you are at."
"Happiness comes from not pretending to be something you're not."
"Bliss is found by being at ease with ourselves, preventing unnecessary convoluted theater."
"Work at being content with who you are rather than pleasing others."
"I boldly declare, you are all I need. I find my total fulfillment and contentment in you. I am no longer looking to man to fulfill my life."
"As long as you like it you love it that's all that matters you're good."
"Harmony is required, and harmony is not possible unless until you are at peace with yourself."
"It is what it is. No, you'll never please everybody."
"I just want everyone to be happy in their own skin."
"Nobody will ever satisfy you until you learn to satisfy yourself."
"Now that I have mine in my hands again, I feel like I'm good. I have no more enemies, I don't hate anybody anymore, and everything is in my book."
"I'm happy with who I've become, still excited from the performance."
"At the end of the day, happiness comes from within and doing what you want to do."
"To find happiness, you have to be okay with where you are."
"Comparison is the theft of joy... stay in your lane."
"But money is in itself really not going to be that reason and happiness really does come from within especially if you hit the like button."
"I hope that 2023 is amazing for you... to find love, to find settlement in yourself, contentment, confidence, just man peace peace within yourself."
"If you're not happy with yourself, that is your problem, no one else's."
"As long as I actually enjoyed it, that's more than enough."
"The minute you start to look to the left and to the right and see what that guy has when that lady does and whatever that is, you're not enjoying the life you have."
"If you're not happy with yourself you're never going to be happy with somebody else."
"I want to stay single, it feels good to know that I am just myself."
"I feel like I'm just living my best life post 50."
"You're happy cause you're happy. It's lovely."
"My biggest regret? I don't regret really freaking anything."
"Chasing perfection can be dangerous because you end up never truly happy."
"In life, you cannot please everyone, and the main thing is to keep yourself happy, and you will succeed in life."
"Money can't buy happiness, kids. That's right. Money can buy you a lot of cool stuff, but it cannot buy you happiness that comes from within, you know?"
"You could be broke as a joke and be happier than a mother freakin Kardashian with all the money in the world."
"All you can do is love me or hate me, and me? I'm satisfied with either because I'm on the rock. That's right."
"What's real is you. What's real is how at peace you feel with yourself and your choices and your life."
"Something that's happening for you that's going to make you feel really at peace and really good about yourself."
"I think when I was younger I used to care whether or not anybody remembered me, and then when I got older I was just sort of like, you know what, as long as I'm happy..."
"Finding peace: 'Quality of life boils down to being at peace with yourself.'"
"Refuse to pretend because whatever you're happy and content with, you will have."
"Happiness is state of mind and you should be happy regardless of material or people around you."
"I never felt like I was that guy who like my life won't be complete if I don't have kids."
"It's just so nice being able to be by yourself."
"She was proud of herself and happy for having chosen to live this way."
"All I can say is that I'm in big peace with myself. I'm not fully in control of my future at the moment."
"I feel the healthiest, happiest version of myself."
"Just be happy for who you are and what you are."
"If he succeeded, then he felt there was no need for him to change the world in a terrible way."
"If you're happy with yourself, that is all that matters."
"I'm actually mentally happy. I think that's the most important."
"I gotta be the only person who's at peace out here in these streets."
"If you can be happy, content and fulfilled with your own life no matter what you have, that's [ __ ] success."
"Creative fulfillment: feeling happy with who you are and what you're doing."
"I am actually very happy with the life that I've built myself."
"You start to spend a lot of time with yourself and you're just happy, you know? And when you're just happy, there's just a lot of things that just don't matter."
"When you're internally fulfilled, you're not chasing anything externally."
"Be content in your life independent of this person."
"Do what you're doing, that's what's gonna put the smile on your face."
"In order to experience happiness in your life, you have to somehow get to a point of non-resistance and be happy now."
"I'm so much happier now than I could conceive of being before."
"Healthy people are attracted to healthy people who are already happy by themselves."
"As long as you're happy with your own life, your own creation, then that's all you need to be worried about."
"Your mood is 'I don't give a' because at the end of the day, I'm gonna do me and be happy."
"Find happiness inside yourself before seeking it outside."
"You're never going to get enough; you already are everything you need."
"I've not really made any more plans other than that, just to revive more and to be home in myself wherever I am."
"He just wanted to matter. He just wanted to unite the world, maybe achieve world peace, bring us closer to realizing our proverbial world is bigger than our actual world, and maybe be satisfied with himself."
"I'm the most content version of myself I've ever been."
"The energy of the nine of cups is wish fulfillment but more than that, it's self-fulfillment."
"You've got to be happy with yourself and with your own life before you get into a relationship." - Coach Corey Wayne
"Just because I exist in this form and I make this type of video doesn't mean I'm unhappy with my life."
"Happiness comes from within, you cannot get it outside of you in the material world."
"I don't care anymore because I'm happy myself."
"If you're not happy with yourself you cannot make anybody else happy."
"If you have got something to be happy about, be happy."
"I no longer need preeminence, prosperity, position, promotions, applause, or popularity."
"I'm genuinely so good, the vibes are good, I'm good."
"Not everybody needs a significant other to be happy... you can be single and be absolutely content with yourself."
"To make peace with the process is contentment."
"How beautiful that is to just live comfortably in my body in a mundane way."
"I'm really fit and you know what, I'm not even thinking about it anymore."
"You do not have to contrive your own happiness, but you can dip deep into the bliss within your body."
"I just want to be happy, whatever makes me happy, that's what I want to be doing."
"It feels really good... it feels really good."
"You just want to be fulfilled, happy, you know, within your own self."
"If it makes you happy right then that's all that really matters."
"Be satisfied with what you know at the level you are."
"It is all about opinion, and as long as you've got yours and you're happy with it, stick with it."
"I don't care what anybody says, I'm a happy guy making jokes."
"You have everything but love, but you're okay with that."
"Happiness comes from within. It all depends on your perspective."
"If I'm feeling freaking good sitting right here, then why do I need to go work hard and do something that's not going to make me feel good?"
"Let love find me, but in the meantime, I'm gonna be okay with myself."
"Let go of the idea that you have to find this person in order to be happy, because it's being happy that's gonna attract that person."
"Place value on what you've accomplished but then don't be attached to it."
"Maybe it's not perfect - but it's perfectly good enough."
"If it makes me happy, then you should be all good with it, you know?"
"When you know you've done all you can do, that's all you can do."
"For the first time in a long time, I genuinely felt happy. I felt at peace with myself and everything around me."
"I'm happy, I'm content with myself, so do me a favor and do me no favors."
"I'm at peace, I'm whole, I'm fulfilled."
"It all comes down to self-satisfaction with oneself."
"It's really about identifying the importance of learning to feel content and happy with who you are as you are and what you are before you can look for that happiness with somebody else."
"True satisfaction lies in being happy with themselves."
"You have to be happy with your life, with yourself, with what you do."
"You're feeling more completed, not needing to obsess over this person or chase them, being happy with your own company."
"I'm truly so happy with myself and I just really don't know that I want to date again ever."
"If quarantine has taught me anything, it is that you really need to be happy with your own space."
"No matter what you're going to be in peace with yourself."
"When you are alone Solitude you're in your own company if you're not happy in your own company why would be anybody be happy in your company."
"Guard your own good in everything you do, and for the rest, be content to take simply what has been given you, insofar as you can make a rational use of it."
"I don't feel like I'm lacking in anything."
"Be okay being single. Be okay being single. We live in a new day."
"When you feel so good with or without a person, that's when it happens."
"I exist as I am, that is enough, if no other in the world be aware, I sit content, and if each and all be aware, I sit content."
"I got good and comfortable being by myself."
"I've just become very content with my relationship with myself."
"Retire into thyself. The rational principle which rules has this nature, that it is content with itself when it does what is just, and so secures tranquillity."
"A man's happiness can't come from his woman, job, or children. It comes from within himself."
"Comparing everything will always steal your joy."
"She realized that she was the happiest she had been in days, doing all of those things alone. They brought her peace, they made her happy, even though she was alone. She felt whole as she was."
"I just want you to be happy within yourself."
"Happiness within myself is most of what I need."
"You're not lacking anything; we have and are everything that we need."
"I'm not fully happy because I don't believe that anyone is ever fully happy with the way that to look I'm not 100 happy but I'm the happiest I've ever been"
"Being single is awesome because when I wake up in the morning I can just be."
"I am happy drinking my own internal milk."
"I just like existing. I like being gray."
"Do you feel lonely in Bali? No, I don't. I'm very happy by myself because I'm so busy doing things I love."
"Alone does not have to equal lonely."
"I am happy with who I am being on my own."
"I just have to sit well with how I am right now."
"I make myself laugh sometimes, you know? The first harbinger of happiness is enjoying your own company."
"I made myself very happy jumping up and down because I had a good day."
"You're not worried about what anybody else is doing. You just want to be happy, fulfilled by yourself."
"I'm incredibly happy with myself as it currently is."
"None of that [expletive] matters if you're not happy inside."
"Just be happy within yourself, bro."
"And there's no better feeling than than being happy in love and content with yourself."
"I don't feel like I've ever missed out as of yet. Not saying that it won't ever happen, but I'm saying as of today, I don't feel like I'm missing out. I feel like I'm definitely the girl that gets away."
"I worked really hard for a long time to get to this place to just be like really happy and comfortable in that environment which is so which is really all you can ask for totally."
"Let the world of appearances be; you already have all that you desire."
"All that matters is that you are happy doing what you want to do, living your life how you want to live it."
"Happiness comes primarily from being happy with who we are, not just what we have."
"You're the happy one. Don't let unhappy people ruin your vibe."
"Comparison is a thief of joy and you cannot enjoy what you have going on in your head if you're too busy looking at other people's."
"I see myself happy with myself and with what I'm doing."
"You just radiate when you are a nice person, when you are happy from within, and it's not always all about the food, it's so true."
"I was very content and satisfied with the kind of man I had become and I had my values deeply entrenched in me."
"Who is happy right now? Me! I knew it!"
"Even if she never comes, let me be okay with that and let me find happiness where I am."
"Happiness is internal and has very little to do with external circumstances."
"As long as you're happy personally with what you've got, it doesn't matter what anyone else thinks."
"Just another one of those times when I'm glad I'm me."
"I like to think about life in terms of like am I happy with where I am now? Yeah, I'm really happy with where I am now."
"Once you realize you're content to live by yourself, you genuinely become rich."
"You need to be happy by yourself, your house, your physical being. Those things need to reflect how you feel about yourself."
"I think that happiness comes from contentment with being happy with yourself from within."
"You free, weightless, shining, openhearted, whole, utterly ineffably at peace inside yourself."
"Always calm, always at peace with himself."
"Money don't make you happy, you have to find happiness in between yourself."
"I enjoy the solitude, I enjoy the space. I was in my element, and I was loving it."
"If you're happy, it's because of the decisions you made."
"However, even without animation, Ralph would still find a way to actually be happy with himself again."
"You cannot be lonely if you like the person you're alone with." - Wayne Dyer
"Stop competing with anyone; just simply live your life."
"That's just the way I've figured out makes me happiest to live."
"I'm living a life that makes me happy."
"I'm one woman that you'll ever come across who is very confident and content to who she is."
"Just to be happy in themselves because there won't be a doctor or a scientist doesn't mean he'll be any less happy than anyone else."
"Happiness is inside, but they will tell you it's only in having the right car, the right amount of money, the right house."
"I'm content with who I am, flaws and all," I said firmly.
"For you to have peace and happiness is an inside job; it has nothing to do with external."