
Family Priorities Quotes

There are 225 quotes

"My daughter is more important than any paycheck or promotion."
"Yes, my children ruined my career, but that's my prerogative. Some people choose their career over their children. That's their prerogative, but my parents were quite absent when I was a kid, and I feel like that left some nasty scars that I'm not willing to repeat on mine."
"20 years from now, the only people who will remember that you worked late are your kids."
"You have to make time in your life for your significant other and your family, and it's very hard to do."
"You're just hurting yourself if you know you want to family, prioritize that."
"If you give people the flexibility to like, you know, hey we understand it's important to show up at your kid's soccer game...when you give people that flexibility, I found that people actually work harder and feel much more aligned and committed to the place where they work."
"Many American families will have to decide whether they can pay their utility bills or put food on the table."
"I have young children, and I did not like that, so we ended up cutting back on content and we brought a team in. And I think the content has improved and it's much more consistent."
"Being successful used to always be like the only metric I judge myself by, and now when I look at my life, I'm like, oh, I could fall off a hundred percent as long as I got enough to take care of my kid and my girl and be able to have a good life. That's all I need."
"Take care of your family don't take care of me baby."
"Expectation: all she-cats should get a mate, have kits, and focus on their family."
"The notion that a family is better off of mom and stumping the kid in childcare all day... creates a perverse incentive for people to take advantage of universal childcare."
"Do what's right for yourself, do what's right for your children, do what's right for our country."
"Would you give up getting your nails done for years to have a family?"
"She was more concerned about the future of their children."
"Family raising and raising a family is your most important responsibility as a parent."
"The best way to show your value for your kids is to show your value for your spouse."
"God is number one. My wife is right under God. My children are number three."
"At the end of the day, like, you just want to keep your family healthy and happy."
"You have just a few moments with your children... make the best of them."
"No amount of millions was worth missing my children's entire childhood. No amount, no amount."
"It's starting to dawn on me that maybe this isn't exactly what is best for me, my kids, my family."
"I ran into my lady, my fiancé, and you know, I look at things differently now. I got kids."
"Anytime you can be nicer to the new dude you just met then you are - yo kids that's a red flag sir that's a red flag."
"I'm gonna get all this money, take care of my kids, [__] backshot a couple moves, you know what's going on."
"My mom is a queen because she literally gave up her life, her job."
"Kids, that's your life. That's your lifeline. Everything, like, you make kids, they come first before anything. Kids, spouse, family, guys."
"Your kids come first, your mom's talk is painfully damaging."
"It's tricky with characters like this...being a mom is my priority."
"Never put your sisters or family before any man."
"Family comes first, and I want to make sure I'm actually doing the things in my planner."
"The most important thing is always going to be taking care of your family."
"As long as my kids are having a good time, that's all that matters."
"All that really matters is the science, your family, and what decisions should you make?"
"They're the most important people in my world but I've been taken away I've taken myself away from them too much over the years in order to support them but actually the support they needed sometimes was me being there and that's the hardest thing."
"I need to spend more time with family. I need to make a difference in this world."
"I want to coach but I don't want to coach at college or NFL because I just... I don't want to travel. I want to be home with the fam."
"If they're doing it for the kid, you just gotta do what you guys want to do."
"Who in the world wants to live with their mom? Not me. Now don't get me wrong, if my mom ever wants to move in with me, my mom will have access to everything I own, every property, my home."
"If I had to choose between my children and a significant other who's going to win? My children are, by the way."
"You only go out so like if but if you have like a family and kids and responsibilities and you're like aw I just made a little bit of money let me go buy a $100,000 car you're kind of an [ __ ]."
"Life is about man, woman, and child. If the streets and your friends come before your household, then you're doing something wrong."
"Family still comes first, no matter how successful you are."
"These are just material stuff that I always wanted, especially the house for my kids, my loved ones. This is what I do it for."
"Family comes first. We want to be mothers first, wives first, husbands first, fathers first, and then our work."
"It showed how people can have serious beefs and put their problems aside and put their family and their creativity and their music first and educate you know these youth out here."
"It's like Mama Bear where it's just like, 'It's not me anymore. It's just like, get this baby into a place where he is comfortable and happy and healthy and thriving.'"
"I would have rather had less stuff and more time with my parents."
"Family comes first. We want to be mothers, fathers, husbands, and wives first, and then professionals."
"Family's everything. I should have never come here. It's his birthday today. I'm sorry."
"At the end of the day as long as my family is good I'm good."
"Don't let the money change you brother let it change how you treat your family your kids and all that but don't let it change you as a person stay 10 toes down."
"Well, I don't know if I can push this, I can't risk my job I have to feed my kids I can't risk my kids having a place to go to school, I can't risk seeing my grandkids if my own kids were scared to have somebody unvaccinated around their children."
"That's a beautiful little girl and I want to say to the father, Mr. Childs, take care of that baby, continue to take care of that baby and just do the best by her and just always don't put nothing above your baby, not now and not ever,"
"It takes a big character for a man to give up his career for his family. Much respect."
"A week before Christmas I almost get ran over, yeah, I got two kids at home waiting for me to come home tonight."
"When it comes to business, competition's good. A rising tide raises all boats."
"Go be with your kid, go be with the family, get offline for a little while."
"Kids come first. The father and mother ensure the mother is home."
"At the end of the day, you make decisions that's going to always keep you close and feed your family."
"Snitching ain't bad. Getting home to your family is your number one priority."
"What's the most important thing to this woman right now? Her kid."
"I didn't do it for social media. I had to do it for my family, for my kids."
"What they did is what good parents have always done, they've invested in education."
"Sport is never more important than family, you know, so if sport ever causes an issue with families, it's family first."
"Do you really think that drinking tea all day while goofing around with my son is better than being the Fire Lord?"
"Thank you guys so much for watching I got to get downstairs to help with the baby but I hope this gives you some ideas."
"As you start to build your wealth, make sure you take care of your family too."
"The number one person in your life should be your spouse, not your child."
"You know, if my mom or dad said hey I really need you obviously I drop everything but you know but outside of that you know it's just it's really about time management."
"You should work so [__] hard when you're young, but when it comes to having a family, you need to prioritize balance."
"I just want my son. I gave up my channel, I gave up everything. I don't care about it anymore. I just want my son."
"Our homes should be havens for peace. For our families, this means more than the absence of arguing. It involves putting the interests of our family members ahead of our own."
"You're too busy to find your daughter? You're too busy? I'm 31 years old. Wow, really? Okay."
"My kids are more important than watching bitcoin put in a new all-time high."
"If anything else gets done, if those vital things are done, I'm okay, my family's okay, not okay, we're wonderful, we're feeling loved, and we're safe."
"Put your kids first... Keep your eye on the prize."
"You have to make whatever choice you think is right for you, but if you have kids, if you have a family and there's an opportunity to leave and you're able to, then I think you have to."
"Family comes first. You can always get a new girlfriend, you can't get a new sister."
"I quit my job to spend more time with you kids. That's what quitting a job is, good."
"I love my sister and family but my husband is my life partner so he's always my number one priority above anyone else."
"Am I the idiot? Not the idiot. Your parents decided to take her shopping on your graduation day."
"Nothing in this world is more important to us than our children and their growth."
"The problem is not the absence of not being there, it's actively choosing work over family."
"Take everything into consideration and do what's right for you and your family."
"The most important thing is the children. We have a modern society where it's me, me, me, my feelings leave when I feel like it instead of doing what's best for the kids."
"All I ever want is to be the best mom and the best wife I could be."
"My kids are my life. My life revolves around them."
"Parents will live on ramen noodles just to buy the toys for their kid."
"When you get into situations where the consequences could be so severe that I'm no longer able to take care of my family, that's where a guy doesn't cut corners."
"If you care about your children, your husband, your livelihood, fall back, take inventory, and stop with the bullying."
"Your family's health is more valuable than that money."
"If I'm doing any work whatsoever that is time that I'm not rolling on the floor with my daughter or my son playing."
"So when those times happen around your cookin', you follow your mama heart and do what you have to do for your family, and then you just adapt the food."
"Parents have a duty to put their children's needs first."
"There's a work family balance; I take my kids to school every day."
"No amount of money... I left it because my kids were being hurt."
"All the money that I've been making doesn't buy me time with my kids, my family, my good friends."
"I'm trying my best not to miss out on all the family time just so we can have a perfectly clean house more often."
"If they don't love my kids as much as that, I don't want it."
"No amount of money is worth giving up family time."
"This bedroom is not going to be the biggest I guess you're making your kids bedroom small mine's like 12 acre like a giant Fortress bedroom."
"They're definitely not an over branded shoe which certainly appeals to me."
"Kids, that's your life. That's your lifeline. That's everything. Like you make kids, they come first before anything. Kids, spouse, family. That's what it's always been. Nothing you've told me tonight makes sense."
"Nothing is more important than your family right now."
"If he says, 'I'm doing this for my family,' then respect the man's wishes."
"She just wants her husband to spend more time with her and the kids."
"I'm just going to try to put people in a position to help [expletive] their families, you know what I'm saying, because everybody got families they're trying to take care of."
"My wife was able to quit her job. She can stay home, she can do what she wants to do."
"At the moment, my priority is to spend more time with my family."
"You gotta do what you gotta do for your family."
"You have to understand if I have $100,000 and that's what my family is depending on," cautions against investing all in cryptocurrency.
"People will do whatever they have to do to feed their family."
"I know how I am, I look at the price and then I'm like, 'Yeah, sorry Sarah, Johnny does have to eat.'"
"It is now incumbent on you to put yourself below that relationship and below the interests of your children."
"The sin isn't in the work itself, but in neglecting primary responsibilities to family because of it."
"I'm not giving you no more money, I have kids to take care of."
"It's okay to do Tinder but it's not okay to do your family."
"It's okay for a person to use the money that they make to buy a house for themselves and their families."
"I'm not gonna let one person's opinion of me destroy my family."
"All of a sudden, you have people in your life whose happiness is more important than your own. Like, I don't care, I almost care, like, when I... I got nothing as long as my kids have everything."
"This is your chance, the chance to stand up. Thank you guys so, so much for letting me be on the call. I got a call my dad. I appreciate your time."
"I love kids, don't get me wrong, but I also need a man that loves kids more than I do."
"When you have a child to feed, a family to take care of, you know... I can eat good for a little bit of it."
"Sometimes you have to make hard decisions in the best interest of your family."
"No amount of money... I was making Millions and I left it because my kids were being hurt."
"I'm not a bitter baby mama, I have my children's mental health and their best interest at heart."
"Why would I sacrifice my family for a few fans? That's not worth it to me. It really isn't."
"I just want to be home, I want to be able but after having a baby being at home with him for a year like they want to get out the house."
"Balancing family time and work...family comes first."
"If we are as committed to the economic future of our newborn children as we are to buying new cars, then we can do this."
"You don't have a reason to leave it to anybody other than the mother of his children."
"My parents never cared about me playing sports. They always provided and made sure I did what I was supposed to do."
"Don't say goodbye to your family to become a trucker."
"I left a company that I worked for, really loved them, had no problems, but we had our firstborn son, you know, and I wanted to be home more."
"Be the best husband... be the best father you can be... because nothing's more important." - Barack Obama
"If you have a man who has made you his main woman and he's providing well for you and your children, you put your DNA together, then you need to follow his program, period."
"Joel worked hard and all that time with his daughter was scarce."
"Of course, it's her fault that his whole family is prioritizing the baby over the wedding."
"A million dollars is nice in theory, but I'm still missing out on time with my boys."
"I want you guys to know that too, you could do anything you put your mind to and don't let anyone else bring you down."
"Staying with my kids was more important than leaving my wife."
"Your stepson and your fiancee are your priority."
"You're able to spend more time with your family at this exact second in time because if you create that priority, you always have time for your priorities."
"I just love the idea of being able to raise my kids and be present, but also like, I still do things, still work, but that's like the ideal. It's not like a crazy money thing, it's just to have financial freedom so I can totally raise kids."
"Forget the real estate, forget the millions, forget the views... I got two whole kids out here that'll never have to depend on the government."
"Making sure that whilst I'm doing all this to make sure and to be mindful that I'm not letting go of this... to be a good person, to be a good husband, and to be a good father and that is above all else."
"I'm gonna keep raising my kids, running my construction company."
"I want to be home. I want to be at the soccer games, at the violin recitals."
"Isn't your sister more important to you?"
"We've had a great run together making hit songs, albums, and now movies. The kids are growing up and are interested in pursuing their own careers."
"Striking the appropriate work-non-working balance, the balance between work and family, is hard for all of us."
"I'm making phone calls, I'm literally thinking like, is this my life? This is my life, and I'm not going to see my kids grow up."
"I don't think my husband is capable of handling a child if he's willing to put family over his own kid's mental and emotional health."
"What's more important, spending quality time with your kids or being nice to this woman who is actively harming your kids?"
"You have to put the kids first when you're in a marriage and have kids."
"If you're not passionate about learning code, that's okay, you have a family you need to take care of, forget those naysayers who say you shouldn't do it because it's just for the money."
"When you have your own family, they're number one."
"We decided that we both earn a lot of money but someone needs to step down and take care of them."
"Family always comes first, always got time for family even when I've got a busy day with work meetings."
"Make sure that you're prioritizing just enjoying your baby bird because they don't stay babies forever."
"Right now, my daughter's life is more important than money."
"I'm sacrificing certain aspects of stuff like being there for births and things if I'm in training camp for the greater being of my family."
"Having kids is probably more important to me than anything, even being an actor."
"One in five pet owners love their pets more than their children."
"Whether you spend a hundred grand to do that or you spend a hundred dollars to do that, the fact you're out enjoying time with your family and joining the outdoors, that's what's important."
"Public people have to always be mindful that they don't save the world while losing their families."
"I did it for the kids, Gail, for our kids."
"A man has to say I will do what's right and what my family needs before I satisfy myself."
"My company is not my family. My real family is the people my company is taking me away from to help it make more money."
"Nothing gets in the way of dinner with Grandma."
"Kids come first, kids come before your spouse, even their parent."
"Especially as you get older, we're grown men, especially when you got kids and grandkids."
"My children come first. I would rather be single and happy with my kids than compromise my safety, security, and the happiness of me and my children because of a man."
"Lean into that as your priority because those relationships, both with your spouse and your children, they don't just take care of themselves."
"I'd rather see my kids grow up than have a Ferrari."
"I wasn't just neglecting my online platform for no good reason, it's because we're in the thick of starting our family."
"You can't make a parent choose between you and their kid."
"All we ever did was for the better of our children."
"That work-family balance is so fragile, and you realize how fragile it is that with a blink of an eye that balance is thrown off."
"How important is my marriage... How important is it that my kids eat?"
"I'm done with marriage; from now on, I want to protect my children's smiles and happiness at all costs."
"Why it is still the best choice and the best job in the world for myself and for my family."
"She's good to her kids, she loves them, she puts them first."
"Once we have children together, my priority would be to provide for them."
"I wanted to match my teacher's salary and be able to stay at home with my kids one day."
"Mother first, then happy wife, happy life."
"Saving the universe if you lose your family."