
Personal Interpretation Quotes

There are 170 quotes

"We don't respond to what happens; we respond to our perception of what happens."
"People underestimate the influence of early childhood interactions on how we interpret love and power."
"Love is really what you make of it, what you really desire in life."
"Trauma isn't what happens to us; it's about the meaning we make about what happens to us."
"Happiness does not depend on outside events, but rather how we interpret them. Happiness, in fact, is a condition that must be prepared for, cultivated, and defended privately by each person."
"We get man mixed up with God and the word, and we can't do that because the word is the word; it doesn't change, we do."
"You would think if your tire blows out, you would think that's a sign, but no, my sis saw signs and wonders."
"What goes on in your head always belongs to you, but doubly so in the case of fiction."
"It's not necessarily about deciphering it. It's about what it means to you."
"Does God have a political party? No. Does God have principles? Yes. Do you have to decide how those principles apply to modern-day politics? Absolutely."
"The left's principle is not let's have anything abstract other than like we should win and they should lose."
"The highest, as the lowest form of criticism, is a mode of autobiography."
"Drag itself can mean a lot of different things to a lot of different people."
"I want you to see what it says to you more than what it looks like. Yeah, you know, I'm prepared."
"Anything that isn't explicitly addressed means it's up to everybody's personal opinions."
"Poetry is of course among art forms. It can be very personal and certainly everyone can have their own interpretation of the poetry that they're reading."
"The one thing that determines the direction your life takes is not the objective interpretation of a sign, it is the subjective interpretation - your own interpretation of what the sign means."
"Each of us has our own version of 'Monkey Island' in our heads."
"I always thought someone illustrations of that comet being the skies that everybody who looks up to it takes your own meaning in."
"The Lord is my shepherd. What is the Lord is my shepherd? What does that mean to you? The Lord is my shepherd means something different from me than the Lord is my shepherd means for you. It meant something different for David."
"Each individual's own subjective interpretation misguided by their inherent bias."
"I literally was picturing like a rom-com movie in my head when I was reading it."
"Number nine to me has always been the number of unpacking."
"Imagine how frustrating it would be to come across something like this where you felt there was a very real meaning not in what you were seeing but like hawking said what you are feeling."
"I wanted to follow Christianity, but I wanted to follow what Jesus did, not what someone said he did."
"I will audaciously dance on the border between the rational and irrational by offering my own interpretation."
"I've always been a character actor I'm always looking at each part that I get in saying who is he well I guess it's not me with a different name who is this."
"Are all these cases, sightings, and stories just merely legend and myth, or is there truly something mysterious potentially supernatural happening in every single state and possibly the world? I'll let you decide."
"You are the one who decides what your life experiences mean."
"The Bible is a tool of control only if it is read and studied personally by the individual."
"It's based on your perception, not on what's actually happening to you."
"It's all about perspective. It's what you make of it."
"I thought that was like religious or something like that. I think it has its roots in religion, yes."
"That's the kitty cat song, so if you could sing it like how it should be sung I guess."
"When I see something like that, it's actually a symbol of clearing."
"Believers like unexplained mysteries, that way you can supplement whatever you want to believe the answer is."
"Stop with the 'that's not what it means to me.'"
"Things are not falling apart, they're actually falling into place."
"You get two people that are one is a trained Observer and the other is not they're going to come to very different conclusions."
"We all interact with art in different ways and we all interpret in different ways. And that's all okay."
"The best thing about music is that it's subject subjective and open to our own interpretations."
"Most Americans believe in God, but the problem is that they believe in a god that they have effectively made in their own image."
"Anyone can be the person who observes the behavior and decides that they will not interpret it themselves."
"Storytelling from discovery and putting everything together yourself like this is hella compelling especially with the huge gaps you can fill in with your own ideas and theories."
"Different kinds of people out there are going to get different things out of stories."
"We do have to be careful, you and I both though, not to interpret legitimate discourse that disagrees with us as an attack on us personally, right?"
"People who've been through difficult times might think some god or being favored them."
"They're a blank for you to fill in, and I don't know, I think that's cool."
"Freedom is going to mean different things for different people but you're getting a clear perspective of what freedom means to you."
"When he says the scriptures speak of me right the scriptures speak of me."
"She's actually giving me Starfire vibes, you know what I mean?"
"There's no hard and fast rules to this stuff."
"I was intrigued with her creativity, convinced she was seeing bizarrely shaped shadows and making them into fictional characters for her enjoyment."
"The shield can mean a lot of different things but it really depends on who's holding the shield."
"What creates triggers, what drives and what creates feelings is not often what happens to us, it is our interpretation of what that means."
"The horror you'll take away from Midsummer has everything to do with what you make of the destination."
"A spiritual awakening, if they don't want to call it that, they can call it something else, but we're all going through it."
"Films are a piece of art, art hits us all uniquely in different ways."
"It's not the events of your life that happen to you, it's the meaning you attach to those events."
"It could mean many different things to many different people."
"Being Canadian is whatever you make of it, whatever you want it to be. I kind of like that."
"I think people always interpret me wanting something better as me complaining."
"Everyone has their own interpretation of what this is, and every single one is valid."
"Freedom can be found in the home, by the fireplace. What does freedom look like for you?"
"Nobody is so cool they can tell everybody else how to interpret a record."
"Remember, Echo is a champion where you need to come up with your own theory, your own hypothesis, the way you interpret the champion's identity."
"I personally in my casual player just like strip cried here because I think the symbolism is beautiful."
"The unconscious communicates through symbols common to all mankind but interpreted uniquely by each individual."
"In truth, what I was doing wasn't astronomy in the traditional sense."
"Darkness doesn't mean you're doing something wrong; it's not a flaw or fault."
"Life and the circumstances of your life only have the meanings that you give it."
"Use your own mind to come up with your own interpretations of things and don't get... consumed by the products."
"Unfortunately, there's been no answers given at all, leaving this to be one mystery you'll have to answer for yourself."
"It's about what resonates with you, there's no one right way to interpret it."
"Art is subjective. There's no one hard and fast rule about art and how you interpret it and what it means to you. That's the thing about art."
"Art is subjective and different things will resonate with different people."
"Take it however it makes sense, however you want to, because we'll know the truth very, very soon."
"Maintaining an ideal state of mind reveals signs and synchronicities distinct to our interpretation."
"Everything is open to interpretation, and this is just my interpretation of the clues that we are being given."
"Sometimes, what we could perceive as something... is a spiritual attack."
"I completed Warcraft III. It's like an odd experience because when you tie the Warcraft lore to the Warcraft game, even though it came before the games, you're like, 'What's happening?'"
"The problem is never what happens to us in our lives, but the meanings that we choose to give to the circumstances of our lives."
"Make it whatever you want. That's the point, you know?"
"There's always going to be in some degree your take."
"There are as many versions of reality to experience as there are beings to interpret reality."
"It's not the facts of your life that matters, it's the interpretation of the facts."
"I guess it's also good to let people have their own take on something."
"Interpret it however you wanna interpret it."
"Happily ever after is whatever you want it to be."
"Symbolism is personal; the exact same symbol can vary dramatically from one person to another."
"I love the idea of people being able to take stories they love and add to it in whatever way they feel."
"The point of your life is to live it, and that is a very vague statement but that's kind of the point of the point. It's whatever you make it."
"Her costume, I actually called it her rotting from within costume."
"Be creative with your own visual interpretation and share it with me."
"We all have our own memories and we'll interpret events in our lives the way we choose to."
"Love means something different for everyone."
"Forgiveness means different things to different people."
"It's whatever you want it to be. It's a fantasy factory."
"Twos are likely to be hurt by comments or actions that they interpret as against them personally."
"This is my equivalent of that, and there we go."
"You don't have to believe what I say because I say it, you should look for yourself in the Bible."
"Some of this stuff does get very personal, but I think that it's still fun to talk about because it does hit certain people certain ways, and the literary part of it really can be taken into a very interesting discussion."
"I believe 'con' means 'cold winter Dawn' which I thought was just absolutely perfect especially because we just got our first snowfall this past weekend."
"I'm just showing you my take on everything."
"The goat is more than just basketball in my book."
"Even though it's not canon, I'm still gonna take it as that just because I enjoy it so much."
"You need to read the Bible for yourself and find out what it says."
"I think a lot of people are personally projecting their own insecurities upon the Dizzler."
"Savior Complex was gorgeous as well because I really understood the lyrics from my personal point of view."
"Read the Bible for yourself; ask God through his Spirit to teach it to you."
"It's all about what you make it right, whatever your version is."
"It doesn't matter if there's meaning. You can find meaning without meaning."
"Strength is a concept that is very much defined differently by a lot of different people."
"Please don't take everything I say to the letter and literally. It's all about adapting it to yourself, your own lifestyle, and wardrobe."
"It's a bit like watching a fanfic of something that you really liked."
"Your interpretation of it and your enjoyment and your filtering is yours. I love that."
"Looking for the character and person of God really shifts what you take away from it."
"Music can be anything you want it to be, so as long as there are people out there listening to it and people enjoying it, it really doesn't matter what anyone else has to say."
"My Batman is different than everyone else's Batman because there are the stories that matter the most to me."
"Everyone who reads it would take away 20% from that book, but everyone is going to have a different 20% they're taking away."
"Art is subjective, right? Depending on who's actually looking at it and who's receiving it."
"The purpose of notes a lot of time is to try and formulate what you're learning into your own words."
"In music, it should be, 'You hear that. How does it sound to you?'"
"My focus is typically going to be on the theological use in the text itself."
"When I listen to this music, there's something about it that sounds distinctly French."
"You make the song work for you; you don't work for the song."
"Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness... that could mean anything really."
"A personal definition of good art is something that has a lasting impact."
"The exploration of reading is part of the fun of it... figuring out what I feel about it for myself first."
"I really loved music without words because I could use my own imagination when I heard it."
"We saw something last night, you watch it and conclude what you think it was."
"A painting is not about reality; we can make it about whatever we want."
"We select from that ocean of data, and we model the data we choose in ways that make sense to us."
"In Shunde everyone can cook, and everyone has their own interpretation of cooking."
"The ambiguity of it can also sometimes lead people to see more of themselves in something."
"Everyone has their own definition of freedom, but the bottom line is we all deserve it to its fullest capacity."
"You can kind of interpret it the way you want."
"Not defining Justice allows everyone to have a different form of what Justice means to them."
"The nice thing about fantasy art is, uh, it's pretty much what you feel like it is."
"I don't want anyone to go by what I say; we merely want you to see what the book says."
"I think it can very naturally just lead you into thinking, oh if I was going to do a version of this, how would I do it?"
"Love can be something different to everybody."
"So this is the catalog version, and this is my twist."
"To me, this is art, and it's just a representation of something."
"Everyone has his own personal idea of what Batman is and what he should be."
"It's not what happened to me, it's how I interpreted it."
"If we go to Daniel wanting a biblical view of resistance, we're doing the same thing and it's problematic because then it becomes our view, not the Bible's view."
"...every verse of Quran is a different meaning for me..."
"The thing that I think elevates how I have interpreted the bullet journal method is the use of the note signifier."
"Books mean what they mean to us at the time we read them."
"Take it however it best resonates for you."
"This is my interpretation of the yoga skin trend look; I love this look, I think you guys are gonna love it too."