
Moral Integrity Quotes

There are 366 quotes

"The moral code that is never rewritten is just the integrity of your karma and knowing your truth and knowing that you are powerful within the authenticity of yourself."
"It's not enough to fake being a nice person, you actually have to be a nice person."
"Even in the face of unfortunate unintended circumstances, it is better to stick to your morals rather than sacrifice them."
"He teaches us that unjust laws and corrupt authority figures should be challenged."
"Superman reminds us that you can and should always do the right thing, even when it hurts."
"One thing about me, I'm gonna overlook. But not moral sins; I will not overlook them."
"Sometimes to do what's right, we have to be steady and give up the thing we want the most, even our dreams."
"Never do anything against your conscience. Do not do anything that lowers your self-respect."
"The Allies chose to take the moral high ground by providing fair trials. 22 high-ranking Nazi leaders were put on trial for crimes against humanity and crimes against the peace."
"Someone asking someone else to be dishonest is inherently, in and of itself, dishonest."
"Speak the truth even if it's against yourself."
"I find him incredibly admirable, and I don't feel like he sold anyone out. I think he did what he felt was right to protect those kids."
"A man without self-control is like a city broken into and left without walls."
"Taking a stand for conscience, even long after one should have, is always the right thing to do."
"We need more men with the guts, with the courage, with the strength, with the moral integrity to break our complicit silence and challenge each other and stand with women, not against them."
"Sometimes, doing the right thing and the hard thing are the same thing."
"Marinette rarely strays from making moral decisions throughout the series."
"Here is Mark Kelly, the editor of Christianity Today, saying that when Christians support an immoral cause it does damage to my cause."
"It's about personal responsibility. If we're gonna put so much weight on personal responsibility, then do the right damn thing."
"It's about personal responsibility. Just do the right thing."
"I've made a covenant with my eyes; Why then should I look upon a young woman?"
"Our job is to remain fast around moral imperatives that we do not compromise on."
"They truly, truly know better on a deep level intellectually, morally, spiritually."
"Their compassion was not compromised I knew that they did not approve of my sin ful lifestyle living with a woman but they continue to love me and to uphold me."
"Sometimes in life we are invited to step out of our integrity... and we do stuff wrong. It's just part of being human."
"We need the honesty and courage to resist the hatred, the spirit of hatred that the zeal even for good causes can induce."
"I will take no pleasure in slaughtering the innocent in the streets of Stormwind."
"I found myself fascinated and admiring individuals who stand up for what they believe to be true and right even though the whole world turns against them."
"By winning, he shows him that while everyone experiences desperation, there are certain ways to go about achieving one’s goals with honesty without being a terrible, immoral person."
"It's really more about doing what is right, no matter what."
"Even if it's your job at stake, still do what's right."
"All you're concerned about is doing the right thing."
"Whatever battle we have raging inside us we always have a choice my friend Harry taught me that he chose to be the best of himself it's the choices that make us who we are."
"Stand firm in reality, stand firm in your morals and principles."
"There's a certain type of integrity whether you agree with sam's positions or not."
"The only thing that makes a man holy is his deeds."
"Being a good, strong person ultimately comes down to moral courage."
"Good people rise to the occasion no matter who it may be."
"It's profoundly demoralizing to people to say things they know not to be true."
"I'm trying to talk about something that helps us tell when someone doing good for good's sake is actually good versus doing good for the wrong sake."
"The only way to pass along Civic values is to first live up to them."
"Stick to your values, stick to the higher path."
"You preserve your character so you can have the moral high ground. And that's important. That's my point."
"Decide to protect at all costs the only things any of us can truly call our own our will our our virtue our honor our morality."
"Katara's character is revealed as unyielding in mercy. Katara remains true to her own moral high-ground."
"It's not our abilities that show what we truly are, it is our choices."
"It struck me when I first heard that as very compelling and interesting and sent me on this path of discovery that I've never left."
"Consider using Johnny's commitment to doing the right thing even at the greatest cost to inspire your own actions."
"As long as you know you gave and defended them with the right motives, your conscience should be clean."
"Real strength, real conviction is when something doesn't benefit you, is it the right thing?"
"Calling Sin Sin and calling error error is a good and godly and spiritual and biblical practice and we must do so as God's people."
"Speak the truth, right? Speak the truth when it's easy, when it's hard."
"Money is the devil because the devil is whatever makes you compromise your integrity and your morals."
"Morally, I feel like I'm a good person. I'll always try to do the right thing."
"Okay, they were defeated, but it didn't erase their morals straight away. And that is why the Constitution of the United States was written in such a way that respected human rights."
"You can trick some people into thinking you're telling the truth but to yourself you'll always know you were a liar."
"Nobody should be a good person because they have to be, but because they want to be."
"Righteousness doesn't have to be popular, it just has to be righteous."
"Listen, I'm not gonna stoop to that level because at the end of the day, you're gonna get your reward, and your reward is gonna be great."
"You must refuse illegal, immoral, and unethical orders, period."
"You don't have to agree with everyone's principle to respect the principle they're sticking to."
"There's something to be said for the fact that it took the high road."
"You focus on what was important and what you were being called to do, the right thing to do, and that just speaks volumes about not just your faith but also your character."
"Courage is the ability to exert one's will honorably and morally in the face of risk."
"I want to read this one from CJ Diane, he says Tim, your moral compass is on point and your head is on straight."
"I learned that if we are determined to be loyal to Jehovah and have the courage to remain chaste, we won't have any regrets."
"The capacity to do the honorable thing without any regards to cost, to sacrifice."
"Separate the action from the soul. Hold the highest divinity even in the face of wrong."
"Anytime somebody is trying to publicly speak about having some type of morals and integrity and [stuff] like that, like I champion that, I salute that."
"Heroes are made by the path they choose, not the powers they're graced with."
"For some people, there's a realization of where we've not really acted in accordance to our own moral compass."
"Major respect to him for not cowering in fear these guys and standing up for what he believes is right."
"Sometimes you just gotta stand on your morals and just, yeah, you're right. And she's standing ten toes down."
"Think about love; let love be without hypocrisy, abhor what is evil, cling to what is good."
"Keep your eyes on the Lord and keep doing right. Keep fighting the good fight."
"Even after killing somebody, he's still sticking by his morals and ethics."
"A sociopath is often described as someone with little or no conscience I'll leave it to the psychologists to decide whether homes fits the clinical profile but there's no question that her moral compass was badly Askew."
"One sincere and honest move will cover over dozens of dishonest ones."
"There will have to be some genuine leader who's not in hawk to all the forces of wickedness and evil in the world."
"But a majority of us want to do the right thing."
"I trust myself that I'm never gonna do anything horrific."
"Regardless of what was going on around them, their need and want to help others was still intact to the fullest."
"I like talking to somebody that's trying to stay true to their morals and their philosophy."
"There are a lot of heroes too, and they're heroes because they did the right thing for the sake of doing the right thing."
"It is never too late to resist immoral orders."
"Peter Quill's nature is good, but with the wrong influences, he could become villainous."
"The highest principle is not the chain of command... one is obligated to refuse immoral orders."
"It's not worth selling your own soul, especially for someone like Donald Trump."
"I don't feel like money could be the thing to determine where my moral compass is, you get me? For example what I'm trying to tell you is that if I was still chasing 'Oh well I just need more, I need more,' it would compromise my values."
"Some people are great, but they're not good. You gotta be both."
"He was never interested in fame and fortune; he was only driven by a desire to weed out injustice through more virtuous means."
"So when Peter remembers Uncle Ben’s words and decides that he won’t do it because the world needs Spider-Man, it’s incredibly heroic and endearing."
"You have to be able to make tough calls and tough decisions and still be able to lay down at night and sleep and wake up the next morning knowing that you did the right thing."
"The Democrats... have intellect and... a moral compass something that many of these Republicans lack."
"In matters of style swim with the current, but in matters of principles stand like a rock."
"Salt fights corruption. It does everything in its power to stop corruption. Christians need to quit going along to get along."
"Doing the right thing continuously, no matter what you did before, that's what matters."
"He is often scared, he is often insecure, and he often wants to run away, but he pushes through the fear and he does the right thing in the end."
"The work that everybody does secretly right for no praise for no awards for no not like other than to do the right thing."
"Do the right thing do the right thing do the right thing."
"It takes a lifetime to build a reputation but only seconds to destroy it."
"Hope doesn't die, that the new generation brings with it a whole new energy, a new moral integrity and righteousness."
"If you go along with it or if you apologize to these people, you are apologizing to evil."
"Robyn's actions come from a righteous place."
"Keep good moral character; let people see that side."
"Retaining righteousness even when you're being afflicted, even when you're going through trials and through tribulations."
"Don't tell them the truth, and I'd propose that Jesus loves us enough to tell us the truth."
"Always choose to be on the right side, even if it's not going to benefit you directly."
"This person is now operating from a place of moral integrity."
"If we can get our act together and find some way to be on the side of the angels with enough conviction, capacity, and... then you know the good triumphs in the end."
"They were good people and wanted to do the right thing for humanity."
"It's not a purity test... it's called having standards... and yeah, it's very brave of you to admit that you have none."
"The inquisitors: unyielding, incorruptible seekers of truth."
"There's something about Superman that we admire... it's his moral values."
"If someone is doing something bad, you should not pretend those actions are good just because you favor that person, especially if you have a responsibility to teach them what's right and what's wrong."
"Good people are never gonna be played out, and somebody who thinks that they are probably isn't one."
"Do not hide away. Be just to yourself. Do what you know is right."
"Never apologize for being correct or for being ahead of your time. If you're right and you know it, speak your mind, even if you're a minority of one. The truth is still the truth."
"I'm having this conversation because morally it's the correct thing to do."
"We would no longer be human, since we would have lost any connection to our true consciences."
"That's why I truly believe I am a good person."
"As long as my intentions are pure, it's okay to question the norm."
"As long as you're doing the right thing, what do you have to fear?"
"The high road is often extremely lonely, but I think you should always try to take it if you can."
"I stand on the truth because all else will fall in time."
"I'd rather be known as the guy who did what he thought was right than the guy who quit because he was afraid of what other people might say."
"Leadership means acting with decency and integrity."
"The greatest heroes are the ones who maintain their morality in the face of this threat and the greatest villains are the ones who honestly contend with it but choose to give in to that horror."
"When you tell the truth, the truth doesn't change."
"The Space Wolves will always do what is perceived as right by the initial code set up by the Emperor."
"It's an honor bound thing, she swore an oath to this woman even if the oath is only as significant as Wonder Woman allows it to be."
"Good police officers, good people coming together, stopping senseless murders."
"The right thing can oftentimes be the hardest decision that you make."
"The absolute callous lack of a soul that it takes to destroy someone in the absence of any necessity to do it."
"Not killing was a big part of Glenn's character because, especially as the show went on and the characters began to be more and more degraded from where they once began, Glenn was always sort of hailed as this picture of purity."
"Most people don't have the morals that he has."
"Your integrity is worth so much more than proving a point or having the last word."
"Sagittarians display honesty, humor, and a strong moral nature."
"I feel in a position of being in peace with myself morally."
"Batman may not be perfect but having a good heart is enough to qualify."
"Anyone can do the right thing when it's easy, but it's what you do when things are hard that makes you a hero."
"I would never pick money over putting someone's life in danger."
"Until their intentions become pure, they're not going to get access to you."
"If you work hard, if you are smart, if you make good moral decisions, you will succeed."
"When there is moral rot within a nation its government topples easily but with honest and sensible leaders there is stability."
"Stuck to our ideals, did what we were supposed to, fought the good fight."
"Sweet is uncorruptible. Somebody like Sweet cannot be corrupted."
"Nobody needs to be perfect, but you have to be a good person and work hard."
"He seems like a good, good man, a kind soul."
"I was determined, we fought for that wholesomeness."
"Noah teaches us that we can live in this world surrounded by corruption and be full of grace."
"He committed no sin and no deceit was found in his mouth."
"You know what the right response from my members was? The right response from my members was actually not to rejoice about somebody's downfall, but rather that, 'Man, I fear God, Pastor.' I'd be afraid. I'm surprised that person doesn't fear God."
"Sanji the Loyalty yeah and then he's like he's a good [ __ ] dude with a good heart and that comes through so well here."
"Do it because it's right, not because it's popular. Trust yourself and set yourself up for future success."
"Money will turn a person's morals inside out if they don't have the right foundation."
"You ain't got to worry when you're a good person."
"You have unwavering faith, so you're not the kind of person who would be tempted by money."
"The Bible is all about personal moral responsibility, not blame shifting."
"You should never compromise even in the face of Armageddon; you should do what's right and let the consequences follow."
"In this age of seared consciences, we are called to be the Salt and Light of the earth, standing firm in our conviction and holding fast to our moral compass."
"I believe in having strong moral principles."
"You must come in at the door, otherwise you're a thief and a robber."
"You've got the sort of code that men used to have, a true sense of right and wrong that won't let you stand by and do nothing while innocent people are suffering because of evil."
"Ultimately, if you truly have a moral compass, it should not matter if people are yelling at you on the internet."
"The best ammunition to fight the good fight is the truth."
"Jack made a decision to be faithful to a commitment he made. Now that is the definition of a true witness."
"Never sacrifice your values for anything or anyone."
"It's not about your age it's about years of doing the right thing."
"The main target of these things is a person's faith and belief in a person's internal moral systems."
"I didn't celebrate for doing what's supposed to be done."
"This person is a good person inside and out and their money is good because you know it's more than money."
"The greatest need of this world is that of people who stand for the truth as the needle of a compass to the pole."
"You can be a good person and be horrified by what you see."
"It is a thing to do to protect your heart, to protect your mind, your spirit, to be above reproach. Be above approach, that's good."
"I'm just doing what's right. I'm just doing what's right."
"He's a very straight man whose moral compass is about it."
"Integrity: do what is right rather than what is easy."
"Be a good person, show that what they're saying about non-believers is entirely untrue."
"Be concerned with what is right, not who is right."
"She's a really godly woman and she does what she can even when she thinks no one is looking, she still fights a good fight."
"Don't let people that have this perceived authority corrupt your thinking and corrupt your morals because you haven't lost that yet."
"By respecting the farmers, respecting the police, sticking to our word... we've done the right thing."
"There is no closure. You did the right thing every step of the way."
"She represented good in this world, living a life of honor, a life dedicated to service, dedicated to bettering the lives of others."
"You can't fix the truth with a lie. It won't work."
"I cannot tell you the value of a pure heart, it is everything."
"How can I curse those whom God has not cursed? How can I denounce those whom the Lord has not denounced?" - Numbers 23:8
"You have to eventually take a stand against what's wrong genuinely."
"My brother need not be idealized or enlarged in death beyond what he was in life, to be remembered simply as a good and decent man who saw wrong and tried to write it, saw suffering and tried to heal it, saw war and tried to stop it."
"That's why I always respected Colleen. He wasn't just a straight fire f***, he was a good human being."
"Rudy is hard neutral good for all his faults he is a person who does the right and Noble thing purely because it is the right and Noble thing whether it benefits him or not."
"He resisted because in faith he said, 'How can I do this against God?'"
"Consider Joseph; he resisted because in faith he said, 'How can I do this against God?'"
"To have morals, you need a developed soul—you can't walk around wearing a mask."
"He's a kind-hearted person who's determined to fix wrongs."
"I admire when people do the right thing when they know they have to do the right thing."
"He's a symbol of doing the right thing, relentless in his journey."
"Y'all have to stop throwing y'all morals out the window for pennies."
"True integrity is in the re-examination of intention."