
Predisposition Quotes

There are 52 quotes

"Genes can predispose but they don't predetermine."
"Addiction itself is not a shameful affliction... but a disease that some are more predisposed to be consumed by."
"Video games may be a conduit for certain people who have a predisposition."
"There's a real connection between schizophrenia with some people that maybe are predisposed to schizophrenia."
"That may be true, but how predisposed to aggression was Dave?"
"The biggest problem with blank-ism is the attempt to pretend that human nature doesn't exist. Humans are wired to be predisposed to certain things."
"Genetic testing... will never change. You either have the genes that will predispose you to react to gluten or you don't."
"There's not a fixed relationship between the innate predispositions and the outcome."
"Innate for this purpose doesn't mean present at birth—it means kind of determined at birth, essentially independent of experience."
"...just because you have a genetic predisposition to a particular disorder doesn't necessarily mean that you will have that disease."
"Mutations in the ubiquitin proteasome system predispose to various human diseases, including cancer, neurodegenerative diseases, and cardiovascular diseases."
"In individuals with inherited predisposition to cancer, they carry one mutant copy of a tumor suppressor gene."
"...what there is, is a large group of genes that the more of them you have, the more likely you'll have any number of mental health conditions."
"Genetic predisposition is far and away the most important thing here."
"I think I'm predisposed to being pretty happy, and I think that I was given some good tools."
"Is there a way to know if a person turns into a murderer or they're born a murderer?"
"We're primed for love which is a wonderful finding."
"I knew that your brain was set to like that."
"Marx was always predisposed towards effective man in action."
"Every experience you have ever had has implanted in you the predisposition to act in certain ways."
"Your health state is really determined by many factors, one of which is your DNA, your genome, which is your collection of DNA and what you're born with."
"I really wouldn't know. I guess there are certain people who are born with a predisposition to learn at a faster rate."
"Every person has some sort of natural proclivity towards something."
"When someone has one autoimmune issue, it predisposes them to having more autoimmune issues."
"Are there grammatical features that we're genetically predisposed to have in our languages?"
"The mind has certain innate dispositions, inclinations, habits that we are predisposed to develop particular ideas as a result of experience."
"Genetics... determine the sensitivity of that reward center of the brain."
"Human beings are not blank slates."
"There are genetic reasons that people are predisposed to violent behavior."
"Even should a person be genetically predisposed, I believe that everyone needs to be held accountable for their behavior."
"You had something predisposed, so whatever happened in 2012 aggravated something that was already there."
"You can get information based on your DNA about diseases and things that you are predisposed to."
"Being born with an advantage, like Michael Phelps's body is predisposed for being a great swimmer."
"The finding of a genetic predisposition is not disease in itself."
"When they did the experiment, they deduced and concluded that it was a predisposition for people to believe in God."
"Some people are born with a happy gene."
"Effort is necessary so long as the predispositions continue to sway the intellect."
"Attitude is a belief and feeling that predisposes someone to respond in a particular way to objects, people, and events."
"A family history of atopy is strongly associated with a personal history of atopy."
"You can be born with the chemical predisposition to be addicted to things and that's a fact."
"The features of hypomania predispose people to creativity."
"Only three percent of the population is genetically pre-programmed for rheumatic fever."
"We're born believing in God; it's our natural predisposition to recognize a higher power."
"The stress diathesis model is a combination of nature and nurture. We have biological predispositions to certain illnesses and diseases, but stress-related environmental triggers can activate them."
"Genetic predisposition means you inherited a defect in your DNA."
"People in the realm have developed special abilities according to their thinking and predisposition."
"Some people just naturally have a certain disposition for certain things."