
Deservedness Quotes

There are 91 quotes

"People are starting to treat you in a way that you deserve because you're loving yourself."
"You deserve a glass of wine. You deserve to kick up."
"I didn't do [ __ ] to nobody. I deserve love. I'm gonna give myself that, period."
"It's a gift from the universe. You absolutely deserve it. It's time for reward. It's time for you to be blessed."
"Was it the one we needed or the one we deserved?"
"That's what a Ballon d'Or winner deserves, it is what it is."
"When good karma arrives and you kind of know that it's deserved and it's right that it's happening, it's just beautiful."
"Healthy energy is something that you truly deserve."
"And they certainly don't deserve your respect."
"Congratulations to all of you! This big beautiful blessing that's coming into your life, you absolutely deserve it."
"Be good to yourself, you probably deserve it. Amen."
"You deserve everything that you have and that you will get."
"You finally deserve some beautiful love coming your way."
"Marla Grayson gets the precise thing that she wholeheartedly absolutely undeniably deserves."
"In business, you get what you negotiate, not what you deserve."
"You deserve a lot more than you may be getting."
"Your dreams are coming true, and you deserve it."
"She deserves everything that she's achieved."
"Even from an analytics standpoint, he doesn't deserve to have a platform."
"They all know that if she arrests you then you deserve it."
"The entire concept of always online restrictions for single-player games is as ironic as it is reprehensible."
"Treat yourself with that kindness because you're bloody well deserved."
"They wish that they could have loved you the way you deserve to be loved."
"Broken, battered, but not completely beaten."
"There's something so tangible about it in that revelation of 'you're the one who actually deserves a wish.'"
"A man that won't hunt you doesn't deserve you."
"You deserve that, and you deserve that as well of any partner who chooses to be at your side."
"You deserve to feel loved. You deserve to feel valued. You deserve to have everything that you want."
"You get what you negotiate, not what you deserve."
"If they cannot see the uniqueness that you have within you, they don't deserve to be in your life."
"Nobody in this league deserves it more than he does right now, that is a fact."
"They didn't treat you with the respect that you deserved."
"Remember, sometimes you deserve to just lay down for a while, unplug yourself from the chaos of life, and do something that makes you happy. So go take that break you deserve it for trying your best."
"Batman truly was the hero that his City deserved and now he was gone"
"At least we're getting it and I think if it's well deserved, I really do."
"The ending of this movie is so Godfather. It felt deserved and it didn't feel cheap and unearned like it does in some movies."
"You're simply gaining the things you've always deserved."
"For many of you, you feel they deserve it."
"You win, and I think that was well deserved."
"Desean Watson is who should have won instead."
"Man, these [__] kind of deserve this."
"They're watching you get success and this success is well-deserved."
"I think she really deserved this win."
"She wins three out of the four last challenges, and every single one of them I think is deserved."
"Rip Bozo. You will not be missed. Make it purple. Overwhelm it. Absolutely deserved though."
"I think everybody kind of knew that Drogon was gonna come, but it's one of those obvious moments where it's so deserved."
"You're there because you deserve it. You're worthy of that position."
"You literally got what you deserved."
"The term champion is overused in most aspects of life these days, but when it comes to Boyd Cordner, it's completely warranted."
"Hard times are over, your chariot is here and it is lit to the heavens. You guys deserve it."
"Everybody deserves at least some feeling of luxury in their lives."
"We all deserve some days like that."
"We are glad that the higher-ups are finally allowing him to be the hero that he deserved to be."
"This song is so good, I love 'Not Strong Enough', totally deserved."
"Scarlet Witch Wanda Maximoff is starting to get the story she was so long deserved."
"This is your victory, this is your success; here you go, there is some kind of offering coming your way that you deserve."
"Take a break because this was a long video and you deserve it."
"It's a really heartwarming moment that honestly just feels warranted."
"We feel very proud about being a part of that and these guys really truly deserve to be a part of it."
"At the end of the day, love yourself first, and you will get treated with the type of treatment you deserve, not anything less than the best."
"Take time off, rest, retreat, relax, take a vacation or embark on a retreat. You deserve that."
"You still deserve the time for that rest and relaxation."
"The weather is finally beautiful; we've deserved a day like this."
"If you feel you're getting more than you deserve, then you are happy."
"You deserve this long, long needed overdue rest."
"That is what the people of Northern Ireland deserve; that is what the Windsor framework delivers."
"Are you ready for your week of relaxation? You deserve it, absolutely."
"You enjoy your day off, have some chill time, you deserve it."
"This is Justice, this is karmic Justice, getting what you deserve."
"Recognizing that you deserve to feel refreshed, you deserve to feel renewed."
"I'm going to take this wee week to relax and enjoy quality time with friends because everybody deserves it."
"Finally getting some sleep, some rest, you finally have peace over something that you deserve."
"We deserve it, and I hope you can take some time to relax."
"Love like you've been loved, don't love like you deserve to be loved, and don't love them like they deserve to be loved. Love them like you have been loved."
"Congratulations on the win, Gelatin. You deserve it."
"Something's not fair; someone didn't get what they deserve."
"I'm gonna shower, do a little face mask, read a little book, and get some good sleep tonight because I deserve it."
"Let me be clear, he deserves this time, every second of it, and nothing less."
"You deserve rest, you deserve peace, so sleep now, dear child, lay down your burdens and drift into a restful sleep."
"Whatever the universe is throwing your way, whether it's a gift, an opportunity, a smile, a compliment, whatever it is, you earned it."
"This holiday, this detour is very much deserved."
"You're on the right path and getting what you deserve, even when you don't feel like it."
"You deserve to do something that you love today, tonight, this afternoon, whenever this message finds you."
"They regret not giving you the relationship you deserve because they feel as though the two of you are soul mates."
"God is going to make sure you receive what's owed to you."
"You know what you deserve, you know you deserve to be treated better than whatever place, person, situation that you've been around."
"You deserve reciprocity; you deserve someone who reciprocates, someone who pulls their weight."
"You're gonna get the justice that you truly deserve."
"Inner peace, and you deserve every second of it."