
Uplifting Quotes

There are 442 quotes

"You lift people's spirits just by being around. People crave your energy; they want you around because you raise the energy."
"I never root for bad news. I'm always just trying to bring stories to people that... uplift."
"When they speak, they do so with attunement and sensitivity, and they uplift others."
"Stop being friends with people who don't lift you up."
"Don't never tear nobody down without extending your hand to lift them up."
"I'm for free travel. I would much rather deal with Latin American problems... by uplifting those Latin-American countries."
"Lift my spirit with you high is all I'm feeling."
"Could He be saying the storm you think will destroy you is the very thing I will use to strengthen you, to uplift you, to bless you?"
"We ought to be helping one another and lifting each other up."
"When people try to push you down, God will lift you up."
"Oh my gosh, she's got Snow White energy, right? She's got Snow White energy."
"You guys are natural healers, here to help people uplift and raise their vibes."
"The Beatles: Abbey Road Medley - A collection of songs that has to be one of the most integral moments in rock and roll history."
"Being able to have that in on work is very refreshing, uplifting for me."
"The power of friendship, that's how we lift it up."
"You charge them up with energy; you make them glow inside."
"I choose to focus on life, I choose to focus on the people that are still here that need uplifting."
"When is the last song that's uplifting and putting a good light on black women?"
"Wholesome in a way that makes you feel okay about the world."
"It's such a great song and it just climbs and climbs and climbs and soars and makes me feel things."
"The support from the community has been completely uplifting."
"It was like actually such a heartwarming moment."
"Your love keeps lifting me higher and higher."
"A 13-year-old therapy dog wins an award for lifting people's spirits."
"Definitely getting some positive vibes nothing but positive vibes over here bless."
"Buddy Holly, it's just a fun ride. It makes you feel like you're on top of the world when you listen to it."
"The 'Hermitcraft' fandom: just generally the most supportive and uplifting fandom."
"No matter how down you feel, that cat can always cheer you up in no time."
"It's more of like inspiration, you know, lifting people's spirits."
"I hope this video can just make a day a little bit better."
"Heartstopper is sweet, adorable, sometimes painfully corny, and exactly what we need right now."
"It's the opposite of depressing, it's uplifting. I think it's good for your mental wellness, good for your physical wellness."
"Just want to provide some channeled messages from spirit to lift you up, guide you forward, and help you feel better."
"There's few things in life more uplifting than a Jackie Chan movie."
"Thank you all for watching, and remember, there's few things in life more uplifting than a Jackie Chan movie."
"It's a powerful positive energy that makes us feel supported and uplifted."
"When you want to be uplifted by love, it's hard to think of a better song."
"Remember his franny demeanor and positive spirit as he helped listeners around the country escape into worlds of melody and magic."
"Take the higher ground; you're rising up here for your success, you're blooming."
"Hopefully, I could brighten up people's days and surprise them with a PS5."
"It creates a relaxing mood and warms my heart every time I see it."
"If you can hear my voice right now, I want you to know that you're amazing."
"If you're reading these words right now, I want you to know you're amazing."
"It truly is the most uplifting ending I've seen and I wouldn't want it any other way."
"Your kindness, the love you're about uplifting people... it's so beautiful."
"Union's rise is a rare genuine fairytale story."
"That's really what life is about, connecting people with the same energy that you have, elevating everybody's energy."
"Your music has always been just positive and uplifting."
"You uplift them and bring positivity to their life."
"A brand new beginning... so relieving, healing, and uplifting."
"Your energy raises the vibration of those around you."
"It's definitely not music to feel bad to, it's so uplifting."
"There's something about your energy that's very uplifting."
"A memory I hold dear to recall to help boost my spirits."
"It's very refreshing and uplifting."
"Hope I made your day a little bit better."
"It's supposed to be an inspirational story."
"Spirit goes up as the rain pours down."
"I think it's had like this uplifting moment, and the internet got together and had a laugh, and that was beautiful."
"We usually like to end the episode on a positive note."
"You're someone here who lights up every room and you light up the world."
"It needs an uplifting motto," said Carrot.
"It's very uplifting," said Rincewind.
"I love the music, man. It's such a lift of spirits."
"It's so fresh, yeah. It's so youthful and again it does that lifting."
"This is surprisingly good, hearteningly good."
"Your optimistic attitude has an uplifting effect on others."
"That [ __ ] was definitely uplifting and motivating even though I didn't know you, hell yeah, even though I didn't know you it was still uplifting."
That says, "I look forward to Thursdays to be uplifted and entertained by Lynn and Sam, their guests are interesting and it is wonderful to learn different sides of these amazing women, keep up the good work and thank you."
"And the ending is amazing, where they save them, it's so uplifting."
"You're going to be doing a job that lifts you up instead of pulls you down."
"Mandisa's catalog is filled with uplifting and moving hits."
"One of my greatest joys... is when you share with me that I lifted your mood."
"It's so heartwarming, it puts you in a good mood."
"You may have to surrender to what lifts you up, what makes you feel exhilarated."
"Believing in God is the most uplifting, strengthening, helpful power and influence that we can have."
"The way he spoke was so uplifting and motivating."
"God is not only a blesser, He's a lifter."
"That was great, yeah, that song's just so uplifting."
"People kind of appreciate you doing that. They appreciate the fact that you don't take things super heavy or intensely, and you genuinely try to uplift everyone's mood."
"Positive energy has the potential to transform and elevate the energy around it."
"It's going to be a connection that is very uplifting, very beautiful."
"If you want to make somebody's day just say something nice to them."
"Making someone feel good is the best thing we can do."
"This show is not just fun for me, it feels good for my soul."
"It's like uplifting upbeat, it makes you want to move."
"Your story, the work you do, it brings tears to my eyes, it is so healing and beautiful and uplifting."
"He just uplifted everybody's spirits."
"Everyone is so uplifting, so encouraging. You guys give me strength."
"This made my day, bro. I had to stop doing everything I was doing at that moment."
"It's very uplifting, very safe, refreshing, and makes you feel good."
"You seem like the type of person to really pick up people that are around you and lift up people that are around you."
"Being around you really uplifts people, brings people to this very happy energy, this very comfortable energy."
"When you take the time to put credit in writing, you have the potential to uplift them for a lifetime."
"This is an inspirational movie right here."
"It was a better story than most, a more uplifting story than most of the guys have about their life."
"I don't know if I've ever made a video where I didn't have something uplifting or fixed at the end of it."
"True Brotherhood is those that hold each other's hand, uplift each other."
"I hope that this was at least a little bit inspiring to you."
"If you're having a bad day, just watch this movie because you're gonna have a blast."
"This is probably the most wholesome one we've heard so far."
"Even if you haven't been having a bad day, here's something to make your day better."
"It's kind of uplifting and it's like a different kind of vibe you know instead of like something that's so depressing."
"I just couldn't believe how uplifting they were."
"I needed that today. Whoa, I needed the top of that."
"Some stories on here can be quite positive...overall good stuff."
"Wow, what a great video to get some good feels."
"Your comments, your emails, your letters, your cards, your well wishes just everything has just been totally uplifting."
"If you're feeling like quite down and you need like an an uplifting lipstick this is one to pick cuz it makes you feel on top of the world."
"It's the connection when we can connect with others because we lift each other up it's what I call the updraft factor."
"Here is maybe a little wholesome spiritual one for you."
"It's really nice to have something kind of uplifting but but real and raw."
"She's just always uplifting, she lifts other people up."
"I hope you feel lifted, I hope you feel better, I hope you feel lighter."
"It's such a hopeful, uplifting movie."
"You are uplifting, inspirational, and have an optimistic outlook on life."
"It's gonna just move your heart and ain't gonna make your spirit leaping and the person that hears it, whatever spirit is in him it's going to LEAP in it."
"As long as they're doing good work it's going to uplift everything."
"Uplifting people, neutral people, and non-uplifting people are the three types of individuals we encounter."
"If we can all lift each other up a little bit, we can all make the world a little bit better."
"Your ultimate goal should always be to help people go to a higher level."
"You lift me up, you elevate their spirits."
"How high does it lift me? It lifts me up to heavenly places where I am seated with Christ Jesus."
"More than anything, his music is just uplifting. It just makes you feel good."
"You raise up their spirits so high."
"I hope someone watches this and it uplifts their day, so love you guys, T-Squad. I'm out, peace."
"There's a lot of wonderful things about working with children and seeing the amount of progress that they're going to make and just being a part of that community that's really uplifting."
"It was good. It was really nice to see a real positive story."
"Find people to pull up. If God is lifting you, find somebody to also pull up."
"I want you to know how amazing you are. You make the world better."
"So this is like a really phenomenal uplifting ending."
"You just have this uplifting yet nurturing ethereal loving vibe."
"That made my day a little bit better."
"We're going to end on a feel-good note."
"It's moments like this that are really good for my soul."
"You have the ability to uplift the heart of everybody around you like an angel on Earth."
"I hope that, like, it makes the world quiet for a minute and it gives you something nicer."
"Be the reason someone smiles today."
"Rom-coms are good for our souls, often uplifting and even heartfelt."
"That's inspirational as all heck."
"This is the feel-good story of the day."
"You make people forget about what they're going through by being around you."
"My smile can light up the darkest room."
"More uplifting, more of a nuanced message."
"You need to lift her up. You need to build her up. You need to make her feel better."
"Perhaps never before in the annals of american sports history did a team lift the spirit of a nation as did the mets in 1969."
"He's just a prince of a guy and all he does is lift people up."
"It gives you that uplifting feeling."
"That music was just so freeing, so uplifting."
"The ultimate feel-good story about the release of the trapped miners."
"We all are looking for positive news and uplifting news all the time."
"Tons of beauty in here, really an uplifting environment."
"What I think I really want to do is write books. I want to write the kind of books that lift people up."
"The most wonderful thing comes from being able to lift other people up."
"Authentic and relatable but also really entertaining and uplifting."
"I just want to lift people up. I tore people down for decades. I just want to lift both."
"It's really cool of you. It's a nice distraction for everyone, too."
"I'd like that to continue forever because that's fantastic, isn't it? If you can bring everyone up rather than push everyone down, you're going to feel better as a person, aren't you? And that's what I like."
"I think looks like you lived in I think it's a really easy style to have and I think it sus you as well yeah really happy which is the main thing so it's just very lifting."
"Something uplifting and inspiring."
"It's for me it's religious because of what it's trying to do which is to collect a group of people together and lift them up."
"Content that inspires and uplifts."
"You're just so strong in energy, so pleasant, uplifting."
"You're like just so strong in energy, just so pleasant, uplifting."
"They make people feel good when you're around them. You feel uplifted."
"It's so ridiculously uplifting, you can't listen to this song and not feel like everything's good today."
"If you are looking for a summer fruity gourmand look no further. This is a very uplifting, happy scent."
"This is the type of scent that wakes you up, puts a little bit of pep in your step, and puts a smile on your face."
"I have depression, and your videos always put a smile on my face."
"Wow, that's just encouraging, right?"
"This God you see is not only a blesser, he's a lifter."
"Nurturing does mean lifting people to a higher level."
"The music doesn't look downwards but upwards."
"I really wanted to see the environment. I really needed uplifting words today."
"I hope we all are able to continue to protect support and uplift each other."
"Grace of God is there to pick you up not to put you down."
"This is just a fun, uplifting pink rose or champagne and berries, beautiful scent, I'm wishing that right down, you could smell like champagne more, but nevertheless, it's a beautiful fragrance."
"It's moving, it's uplifting, it's heartfelt."
"If you want to smell just clean and fresh, bright, uplifting, this is definitely the fragrance to go with."
"...just really nice and uplifting."
"Seeing the children cheered Thomas up."
"I just feel like she just walks around with like this like mist of positive energy behind her like everyone in her presence i think just kind of gets lifted up because she is a really fantastic person."
"The colors are pleasant and uplifting."
"I found this a really heartening experience, this is kind of uplifting."
"This still manages to be such a heartwarming life-affirming kind of read."
"I found it very inspiring and uplifting and it was an incredible. Story."
"Just coming over and interacting, and I think that, like I said, I think that a lot of people see that and she lightens up a room."
"Only take what lifts you up. If a message is for you, it will ping you."
"I like that she's giving him this uplifting talk because he definitely needs it."
"It was like the brightness and the figure of it just sort of lifted me up."
"You really should only hang out with people that are lifting you up."
"It literally made my day, it was so wholesome."
"This fragrance is just a gorgeous bright uplifting solar floral fragrance."
"I always walk away from conversations with Nancy feeling better about myself."
"I love that escalation upward right keep pulling us up and up and up."
"I believe in music is cheers up the spirit."
"Now is a good time to spend time with wonderful friends who always uplift you."
"Her humor and her attitude to life lifts other people."
"Comparison and competitiveness, like that's not what's important. It's about helping each other, lifting each other up."
"That's so sweet, they're bringing her up."