
Insecurities Quotes

There are 232 quotes

"The mental angst that a person can experience by financial anxiety doesn't have to do with how much money they have; it has to do with how they're perceiving their own insecurities about money."
"Notice your insecurities and the overcompensations that you've created for them."
"You can be a strong person and still have insecurities."
"We create our own demons. These demons might be our fears, our insecurities, or our past."
"Insecurities: we all have them, the media perpetuates them, businesses profit from them."
"We aren't born with insecurities; we are taught, we are told, and we are sold to be insecure."
"I used to have a ton of insecurities tied to my virginity, thinking I hadn't had sex because I wasn't funny enough, interesting enough, kind enough, attractive enough, etc."
"Insecurities are loud and confidence is silent."
"The view from halfway down is an exploration of Bojack's psyche, his fears, his insecurities, and it's the culmination of everything that's defined him as a person."
"Everyone's got their own struggles and insecurities, and we all love them, even the most confident of people on the outside."
"I've had a million insecurities in my life, and I have worked very hard to abolish them because a lot of them are just restraints that we put on ourselves."
"Think about your insecurities and realize that they don't have to be your flaws; they can be things that make you unique, things that make you stand out."
"You gotta get a handle on your fears and insecurities"
"He just projects a lot of things his insecurities onto you."
"These luxury brands have done a better job of capitalizing on our insecurities."
"We all have things that we're insecure about... we just have to get used to living with them and everybody's got things that they don't like."
"They're projecting their previous insecurities onto this relationship because it still hasn't quite revealed its true colors yet."
"It's like feeding it to you eat that slop eat eat all those insecurities people that would seem to have an aspect to it that is fairly evil like a computer cheating on his wife."
"If you have insecurities, you just gotta accept them."
"This is the type of lunation that spotlights where we've been holding on to any sort of insecurities or fears that aren't really grounded in reality."
"Embrace your insecurities because the people who love you are going to protect your insecurities."
"We're all looking for passion. Passions all around you. You have a whole [ __ ] stack of it all around you. It's your insecurities, all that [ __ ]. You gotta dive deep into that [ __ ]."
"Everybody has their insecurities, but nobody's actually perfect."
"You might have insecurities about yourself or whatever you're going through, but just know that you can overcome those insecurities."
"Someone has some hang-ups in the bedroom about their body and performance."
"I was built for this, I was built to handle your insecurities without taking it personally."
"Your fears doubts and insecurities are mere Illusions Shadows cast by the light of your true self."
"Everybody has self-doubts, everybody has insecurities."
"Enjoying the process frees you from insecurities and worries."
"Love for the average person can feel very overwhelming, can for some people feel very scary, can pull out all your insecurities, it's not the easiest thing to deal with."
"Hidden fears and insecurities are blocking our connection."
"You're your own worst critic... people around you do not care about your flaws or your insecurities."
"You have those insecurities and I remember someone saying to me once in an interview, 'Do you think you use humor to control when people laugh at you?'"
"Shaming people for having insecurities is going to have a worse effect on people than the insecurities themselves."
"Exploiting people's vulnerabilities and their insecurities and it's just not fair."
"To have confidence, you must accept your insecurities."
"I think everyone else is more focused on their own insecurities than other people's."
"Every single person on the planet, no matter how perfect they look or seem, they all experience the same pain and problems and insecurities."
"Pay attention to your insecurities; they are not there to taunt you but to show you where you heal."
"I would agree, I think a lot of his insecurities came from the idea of what he thought a man should be."
"We all have our own insecurities. You're a human being and that's fine. It's not your insecurities that's the problem. It's how you deal with them."
"It has to do with the insecurities that they have within themselves and the fact that you're no longer a good source of supply."
"Your wants are valid, your insecurities are okay, your confidence exists and should be celebrated."
"I've dealt with insecurities my whole life but I've sort of appreciated my flaws better now."
"Insecurities get the best of you, do not self-sabotage. This is your person, this is no one else's person."
"We can all take a page from Richard's book and decide to let our insecurities go and fight for what we love."
"Body shaming somebody, I feel, is very much an extension of your heart. And I think a lot of people body shame out of their own insecurities."
"No matter what, I'm always going to be self-conscious... I have my insecurities just like anybody else."
"I like hearing that there's others insecurities out there."
"Let go of your insecurities, accept who you are, and process those feelings."
"If you're genuinely interested in doing it, but the only thing holding you back is the thought that it's going to make you less of a man, then you're controlled by your own insecurities."
"If you can become secure in your insecurities, no one else can use those insecurities against you."
"I liked her insecurities and her toughness and her her bravery I think she stands out."
"Only the love of her sister, Anna, helps break not just the curse on Arendelle, but also Elsa’s insecurities."
"Don't allow your insecurities or your fears to intervene with the great things that you could have in life."
"Those insecurities are an illusion, and your Spirit guides are really emphasizing here that someone needs to be reminded that those insecurities that you have... are actually not a flaw."
"We all have insecurities and they're all just as valid like just because I might want to look like you doesn't mean that you aren't allowed to be insecure about something on your body."
"Fear of getting older, fear I don't look good enough to be desired, right? That's so deep."
"Let pretty people have insecurities too."
"Your dreams are bigger than your insecurities."
"Every time I went out it was like a situation which was awesome speaking from my own insecurities."
"You cannot build a connection with someone on self-limiting beliefs, self-sabotaging behavior, insecurities, fears, doubts."
"Their head might be in a little bit of a different place due to certain beliefs or fears insecurities."
"They are doing this out of their own insecurities too."
"They want to prove it to you because you make them very happy and they think you're a soulmate, but the deepest fear is that they waited too long."
"Your insecurities are not your responsibility. They're mine. All I want you to do is to love people and have fun."
"I think it was there to teach you why you have insecurities about showing up and being open in certain ways or where you know kind of understanding what you need out of a partner."
"Most women are as insecure about dating as everyone in this chat. Women also have additional insecurities in the form of physical vulnerabilities. It's something that's impossible for us to understand."
"Relationships are weird. Sometimes you want to protect other people's feelings, but you have your own insecurities."
"Your insecurities hold you back from your greatness."
"Passion is all around you, it's your insecurities."
"The industry feeds on insecurities by creating unattainable standards of beauty."
"You're not alone in your insecurities, literally anyone and everyone that you see walking on the street, it can be something so small that people don't really notice every day or it can be something so, so large."
"They have a lot of insecurities and just being so close to you and you seeing so much of who they are it's very triggering for this person because they expect that at any point in time they might be abandoned or maybe they might have been abandoned in the past."
"The most beautiful people still have some of the biggest insecurities."
"I realized like I was dealing with some insecurities from not having my father around, and I always wanted like that approval, that pat on the back."
"Negative moments are often less about you than about the speaker's inner worries and insecurities."
"Now I hear your voice every time that I think I'm not enough."
"The majority of issues or insecurities or like things that people that especially young men don't have, the root cause of it would be patriarchy."
"Everyone has a fair share of insecurities."
"The moment you start succeeding, insecurities surface, and people reject you."
"I think the insecurities of you think less of your abilities and talents than you actually have and that holds you back."
"I think now I realize that I'm gonna feel the same my self-worth is gonna be the same and I can't just buy my way out of insecurities."
"You owe her nothing. She hasn't given you anything except insecurities."
"It's literally pushing all their own insecurities onto you."
"Hello, ah, it's nice to see some motion in the chat, and I don't have to have any insecurities going on."
"Everyone has insecurities and it really is about what you choose to do with them."
"Couples that are attracted to each other because of their insecurities... shouldn't even be together."
"There's a lot of people projecting their own fears and insecurities onto you."
"You can't compare yourself to these people on social media because everybody has insecurities, every single person."
"It's hard to love yourself when you look in the mirror and find every single detail you don't like, but just know you are not alone, you're not the only one."
"I'm afraid that if you know the real me, you won't like it and I lose you forever."
"We're all self-conscious about something."
"I am simply overcoming my insecurities which I have been dealing with for years."
"Breakthrough the insecurities that are holding you back from doing what you want to do."
"God doesn't have a problem with you having insecurities; he has a problem when your insecurities have you."
"Patrick not only helps keep David on an even keel—he also helps him explore some of the deeper insecurities that hold him back."
"My insecurities only last for a split second."
"The first step is understanding where your insecurities are and what limiting beliefs are really stopping you."
"I realized now in my life I've had so many insecurities that I've had to deal with and I'm still overcoming them but I think I've gotten to a place where I actually feel whole."
"I'm sorry I let my insecurities affect our relationship/friendship."
"Where there is an imbalance of power, insecurities will exist."
"We hope that as you begin this journey of overcoming your insecurities, you truly discover who you are made to be."
"What fears or insecurities are preventing you from pursuing your goals?"
"Sometimes your insecurities need a little bit of life experience in order to overcome them."
"Judgement is but a mirror reflecting the insecurities of the person who's doing the judging."
"I have too much insecurities, I couldn't put myself out there like that."
"It is insane how many feelings and insecurities you are confronted with."
"Everybody is human, everybody has their own insecurities."
"Everyone has flaws and insecurities based on their own lives and upbringings."
"Even if you're seeing positive signs, you may not be able to capitalize on them if you don't address the root causes of your insecurities."
"Oftentimes our insecurities are our greatest drivers."
"How to get over insecurities... I have this insecurity with my height."
"Most people are so focused on their own things, their own insecurities, whatever they're dealing with that they're way too busy to actually notice or remember something as mundane as what someone else is wearing."
"That moment made the star overcome his insecurities and forget about people's judgment."
"Everybody has some insecurities; there's something about you that you probably want to fix or you don't like."
"Your insecurities are the glue... if you don't address your insecurities, you don't feel you can get away from the nightmare and live your dreams."
"There's not a single person in the world that doesn't have any insecurities."
"We all have physical and emotional insecurities... you have to sit down at one point and address them in order to put it behind you."
"You are not alone. We all have them."
"Everyone has insecurities; it's just up to you to look in a mirror and be comfortable with yourself."
"Everybody is insecure about something, and I think that how we act can all be boiled down to what bothers us the most."
"Lean into your insecurities and how that will make you successful in life."
"Everyone has insecurities, nobody is perfect."
"You have to be confident in yourself because you can't let those insecurities eat you away."
"Everyone in that space is also a human and everyone comes with their own insecurities."
"I feel like we all have these hidden secret insecurities and battles that we don't talk about."
"Everyone's got more insecurities than just their sort of hair... if it wasn't hair loss then they would be insecure about something else."
"Show me a person who brags, and I'll show you a person with some very deep insecurities."
"I love this experience. The fact that everyone does have the same insecurities, you don't feel that alone."
"Insecurities don't have to define you, but they can create a story for you."
"It'd be our own insecurities that might make us think we're out her league."
"Everybody has little insecurities."
"Everyone deals with their own insecurities, even the preacher was born with impurities."
"How do you deal with each other's insecurities? I think that's the biggest thing is like, not to be upset or judgmental."
"I will not let my insecurities define me."
"I'm making a promise to myself on camera that I will not let my insecurities define me."
"Embrace your flaws, embrace all your insecurities."
"If I really love you, I'm not going to project my wounds, my insecurities onto you."
"It's like you've let go of all insecurities, it's like you have pure belief in yourself."
"People are regular people and people all have their own insecurities."
"Sometimes if you're feeling uncomfortable in a relationship, take note of that; that person might be bringing out the insecurities in you."
"Naturally, everyone has insecurities, and now how those insecurities impact your life is what really determines how you move."
"Do not let your insecurities make any decision for you."
"I'm a normal human being just like you; I have my insecurities."
"Insecurities are just a part of life, and I think that that's okay."
"If you don't develop in certain ways in life or you're not pushed out of the bird's nest, so to speak, you hold on to a lot of insecurities."
"Don't let the insecurities you have about yourself stop you from having a good time and living your life because you'll regret it later."
"You never have to get over your insecurities... I have to help you get over those insecurities."
"You need to face your own fears, you need to face your own insecurities."
"You develop muscles just to get strong so that you can try and hide your insecurities behind the muscles, but it's deeper than that. No amount of muscle will ever fix your deep insecurities."
"Be confident even with your insecurities."
"Everyone has insecurities, but it's easy to see people that you think look nice or have the perfect life and think they don't have any problems. That's not true."
"The sooner you realize everybody has insecurities, the better you're going."
"I don't let my insecurities define me anymore."
"You have insecurities just like how I have insecurities."
"Just know that everyone deals with insecurities, even the most beautiful women that you've ever seen."
"I think that ultimately is the case, and just know that everyone deals with insecurities."
"She's going to be talking to us today about the key needs and the key insecurities that men have versus the ones that women have in marriage."
"You can't fix someone that is overly critical of you due to their own insecurities."
"She's starting to grow past some of those things, those insecurities that have been holding her down."
"She normally exhibits a strong will persona in front of others, but in truth possesses many insecurities."
"You can't keep traumatizing women because you want this woman but you also know that you're not in a position to fully be with this woman without traumatizing her with your insecurities."
"I know a lot of us carry our insecurities on our shoulders and allow that to color the life choices that we make."
"Everyone has insecurities, they're embedded within us since we are kids."
"Everyone has insecurities; they're completely normal."
"Jealousy is just a response to your own insecurities."
"How do you get over your insecurities? By facing your insecurities."
"No one really cares as much about your insecurities as you do."
"Insecurities... it's deeper than physical. It's issues that you have inside of you."
"Embracing who I am... finding confidence through your insecurities."
"Even perfect people have insecurities."
"You may have insecurities, but you don't have to harp on them."
"We all have insecurities, but it's not about acting from your insecurities constantly."
"This show is not healthy for me, and it targets my insecurities, and I don't like it."
"Always try to accept your insecurities and love it for yourself."
"Most people have the exact same kinds of insecurities that you have."
"We all have our own insecurities. For me, if I can cover that up in a natural way, it just makes me feel more confident."
"We all have our own insecurities; we all feel some type of way about ourselves."
"You can still love yourself and have insecurities."
"I grew up with so many insecurities, guys, like it's insane. But now I'm getting better about not being super insecure, just accepting myself."
"We haven't created a space where men can really talk about some of our insecurities."
"It's over here in the western world that we got issues with stuff like that because we've got insecurities."
"It's okay to just accept them. You don't have to love every single insecurity."
"I just feel like we all go through insecurities."
"Being successful, beautiful, and well-known doesn't mean you don't have insecurities."
"We share our insecurities with each other, you know, we're a team."
"Love is about enjoying each other's insecurities, it's about living in each other's imperfections."
"Instagram is your highlight reel and you have insecurities and struggles just like everyone else."
"We all have insecurities, but you can deal with everything when you deal with yourself first."
"Tell me what your insecurities are, tell me what you're afraid of, tell me what's holding you back, and let me blow that up and show you that it's not real."
"I don't want my insecurities to stop me wearing things that I think are cute."
"Many people will envy you because you're a reflection of their insecurities."
"You will be working on your confidence, more specifically your triggers or your insecurities."
"I really still have all my insecurities, I feel like people always think, oh you know, you look glam, you've got it all together, and it's like no, I don't."
"Everyone has their insecurities and everyone has those times where they don't really feel that great about themselves."
"Don't allow insecurities to hold you back."
"They're just human beings with the same insecurities and doubts that we all have."
"Your insecurities are legitimate."
"Embrace the change, a need to overcome your insecurities and let go of your fears."