
Self-commitment Quotes

There are 164 quotes

"Self-confidence is the process of keeping the promises you make to you."
"The secret of self-commitment is faith plus love."
"Make promises to yourself and keep them. This is your key to confidence."
"Keeping small commitments to ourselves impacts the story we believe about ourselves."
"Building confidence is holding your word to yourself. It's all the small daily steps."
"You have to keep the promises that you make to yourself."
"Keep the little promises that you make to yourself."
"I'm here because I'm dedicated to myself and my goal isn't to look a certain way, my goal is to make my life a certain way."
"I just want to be happy now. I made up my mind that this is what I need to commit to, not a person or a marriage, but my own true happiness. What a concept, I know."
"Make little promises to yourself and keep those promises man."
"Commit yourself 100% to your personal fulfillment, your expectations, your desires."
"The one thing that I am absolutely making sure that I stick to is being true to myself."
"You're not playing games with what you hold dear. You move by design, committing to yourself."
"You've made a commitment to live true to yourself."
"Resolve means promising yourself you will never give up."
"I powerfully choose the man that says I owe it to myself, to my family, and to others."
"I like to keep my word, not just to y'all but to myself."
"Keep that energy, keep that promise to yourself."
"We have to first lead ourselves and that means delivering on the promises we make to ourselves."
"If you tell yourself, 'Oh, I'm going to quit on this date,' it's not gonna happen."
"Commitment to yourself is key, whether in love, career, or personal growth."
"Every single day is a fresh start, commit to yourself, commit to your goals."
"Step up into your beliefs, deeper commitment to yourself and your path."
"You gotta make up your mind that you're not gonna quit on yourself."
"The way that we build confidence is we follow through in the promises that we make within ourselves."
"Start with yourself. Keep your word to yourself. Self-integrity is crucial."
"Level yourself up, give that feeling to yourself, wed yourself, be your own internal bride."
"Make a commitment to yourself and stick to it."
"It's dedication to yourself right there, perhaps a perfect match star in order."
"Remember that you are here right now you've rolled out your mat you've made this commitment to yourself so be proud and enjoy the journey."
"That commitment card really is talking about your own commitment to yourself, to your path, to your purpose."
"Accept that assignment and say yes to anything or everything that connects to your self-love and self-value."
"People can change. You're a prime example, nobody is a smith prime example Terry Ellis, Ballymuir. Well, I've made a commitment to myself I [ __ ] up the first half of my life and I'm gonna do my damn best to try and make it."
"The strongest choices, decisions, affirmations we make for ourselves are the ones that are done in private, quietly known unto ourselves."
"Make a promise to yourself to take action today."
"You got to commit to yourself before you commit to anybody else."
"I'm better now and I made a promise to myself while I was there that I would never hurt myself again because I struggled with cutting."
"Stay committed to yourself, make a commitment to yourself to only let in relationships that truly add to your life."
"Commit to yourself, believe in yourself, and amazing things will align."
"The more you commit to yourself the more you naturally begin to connect organically with your twin flame."
"The commitment our true twin flame is calling us towards... is to commit to ourselves above all else."
"You're obliged to see how this date plays out, you owe that to yourself."
"Keeping your word to yourself will change your relationship with your sense of self-worth."
"The wisdom that we gain when we make a promise to ourselves and we see it through."
"There's something about keeping a promise to yourself there's something about chasing a dream."
"There's a responsibility here for me to continue."
"Making promises to yourself builds massive confidence."
"I like to practice keeping those promises that I make to myself because I know in the long term it'll make me the most happy."
"Your life is worth fighting for, it's time to start recommitting to yourself."
"Commit to thyself first always. Everything begins with the self."
"I'm now committed to myself. I'm now committed to this vibration of myself. Aquarius says I'm committed to this certain vibe with myself, and a vibe is exactly how you take it."
"It's the choice you make to commit to yourself, your own inner balance and harmony."
"Honor your word especially the word that you give to yourself."
"A promise between people and also a promise with oneself."
"Stay on the path, stay committed, stay true to yourself, and something's going to come to fruition here."
"It's almost like a lot of you could be marrying yourself, making promises to yourself."
"I owe it to myself to give this a go."
"Commitment to yourself and the relationship will bring lovely rewards."
"Make sure you make a commitment to yourself to be the best version of you."
"So if you're kind of feeling that a little bit I want you to really take a bigger breath come back into your body and recommit to yourself right here."
"Committing more is deciding to go all in on yourself."
"Remember that promise we made to ourselves a couple days ago?"
"Stay loyal to yourself, stay committed to them, if you commit to yourself and you do not back down from your actions, I feel that you will be able to live the life that you guys want, you just need to stay loyal to yourself and to your desires here."
"Confidence, a huge chunk of it, is based on keeping the promises you make to yourself."
"Everything begins with self, including commitment. Commit to yourself, commit to your happiness."
"The Doctor's name is a promise I made myself."
"I take my commitments to myself as seriously as my commitments to other people."
"Make promises to yourself that you are not going to break."
"Your first and foremost commitment needs to be made to yourself, to honoring yourself and not abandoning yourself."
"Building trust with yourself is the most important one. If you promise yourself something, do it."
"Ultimately, the commitment I made to myself was far more important than having a drink."
"I promise myself I'm going to do everything that scares me. I promise I'm going to be a rebel. I promise that I'm going to take risks. I promise that I'm going to walk on my path."
"Your contract was made with one being, and that's yourself. It's your contract with yourself. You didn't make this contract with some lawyer angel, some guardian who's like, 'You better do what you said.' You made it with yourself."
"Living in society, we wind up making agreements with other people, with our family, with our children, with people around us, but most importantly with ourselves."
"Keep your promises to yourself. Be absolutely radically honest with yourself. Fall in love with your own potential."
"You owe it to yourself and no one else."
"Once you commit, you're going to be committed, not because someone else is going to hold you to it, but because you're going to hold yourself to it."
"Make a promise to yourself for accountability."
"I wore a ring but you could do anything you could wear a necklace you could get a tattoo just something to symbolize your marriage to yourself."
"I made a commitment to myself before I got married that no matter what, I was gonna be okay with just me."
"Stick to the promises you make to yourself."
"I don't break my promises to other people, and I'm not going to break my promises to myself."
"I thought I needed... there's a concept in psychology called the Ulysses pact."
"Tara tells them that she's finally committing... to herself."
"Personal integrity is the ability to keep a promise to yourself."
"If you actually get good at keeping a promise to yourself, you will be proud of yourself and you will think anything is possible."
"She married herself... she walked herself down the aisle and she had an officiant and she said I do to her."
"Remember that your promises to yourself are just as important as external ones."
"I want 2023 to be the year that I keep the promises that I make to myself."
"We've committed to that thing for ourselves and then no matter what anybody says... you've done it for yourself."
"The only commitment you should be really worried about right now is the commitment you're making to yourself, to your health, to your wellness, to your life path and journey."
"I am going to keep this commitment to myself and set myself up for success."
"Make promises to yourself that you can keep."
"I think I have to owe my work ethic to myself."
"In these next moments on your practice, where can you commit to you? To your love, your self-care."
"The most important thing is to be showing up for yourself, to be consistent, and really work on the progress over any perfection."
"Queen conscious women maintain their happiness frequency and flow because they keep their promises to themselves."
"Queens keep their promises to themselves."
"It's important to keep the promises that you make to yourself."
"Keeping promises to myself... it means so much to me when I show up for myself."
"Keeping your word to yourself is so much more important than keeping your word to somebody else."
"When you start keeping the promises to yourself, when you start doing great things that great people do, you become a great human."
"Through it all, you stuck to what you said you were going to do for you."
"When you're committed to yourself, it doesn't matter what nobody's perception of you is."
"Your level of commitment to yourself... then I'm committed to you."
"You are devoted and committed here to having your peace, to working on your goals, to you are devoted and committed to yourself."
"Commit to yourself because there is nobody you're going to blame if you don't make it this year."
"Making promises to yourself is making promises to yourself and setting standards for yourself."
"I made a pledge to myself to never lose my quote-unquote soul in the music industry."
"I've made a promise to myself that I would give back when I could."
"One of the few things I told myself I would never waver on is my open-mindedness and my authenticity."
"When we commit ourselves to something bigger than ourselves, it makes us greater."
"Keeping promises to yourself, those are the most important promises."
"Val, you made a vow to yourself to never go against yourself. That is really good."
"My commitment to myself is worth more than their approval."
"When you make a small commitment to yourself and then follow through on it, you start to believe in yourself."
"Fitness is about showing up for yourself."
"It's about promises you make to yourself."
"I'm just focusing on doing the things that I agree to with myself."
"Confidence can come from preparation and really just keeping your promises to yourself."
"To stand up and commit to their self, start a new venture, know their worth."
"There's no commitments, except to yourself basically. You can pause, cancel, or change your plan at any time."
"You're committed to you, and that ain't bad."
"If you're doing what you love to do and you're committed to that, they're talking all kind of stuff about your commitment because really, they know they're committed to something, but they ain't got the courage to commit to themselves."
"You're showing me that you're intelligent, you're showing me you're intuitive; use it and commit to yourself first and foremost."
"Stay strong on that commitment to yourself because you need it."
"You guys are really focused on being committed to yourself."
"Embrace love, embrace joy, embrace your current commitment to yourself."
"Your biggest commitment must always be to yourself."
"There is a Divine counterpart right behind you when you commit to yourself."
"This in itself is going to pave the way towards you being able to finally fully commit to yourself."
"Allow me to commit to myself, my life, and my divine purpose."
"Stay committed to yourself, raise your standards, and see what's actually possible for you."
"I owe it to myself and I owe it to the people in my life to try again."
"Keep promises to each other but most importantly keep the promise to yourself and never underestimate your value or worth."
"This is about a higher level commitment, but it has to start with committing to yourself."
"This is a time to commit to yourself, to commit to your own well-being, to uplevel your self-love."
"Commitment to self is going to be your new journey."
"You are the highest level of commitment to yourself right here, right now."