
Personal Perception Quotes

There are 217 quotes

"I'm feeling happy. I don't know if it's sunny because my windows blocked off for the studio, but you know what? I feel great. I feel like it's sunny."
"At first glance, Lamar Miller Whitehead gave off the vibe of a successful New Yorker."
"Beauty comes from the inside, and what makes someone beautiful isn't necessarily how they look."
"If I walked in the house looking all fit, then you would just say, 'Hey babe, you look jacked,' or would you say, 'Hey baby, you look snatched?'"
"The one thing you can't dispute is that experience is your experience. It exists."
"There are quite a lot of assumptions about me. Some people don't actually believe that I'm black. Some people assume that I have a kid."
"Be kind to yourself and forget what anyone else thinks."
"It's the meaning you attach to your experiences that defines your happiness, not the experiences themselves."
"That place... is paradise. That's paradise right there."
"It's not your responsibility to try to change the version that somebody has of you in their head."
"For everyone that thinks Jake is a different person, there's probably equally an amount of people that think it's not the abuse, it's not grisly, it's not the drugs, it's not anything, it's his mentality."
"Something uncanny and twisted about the man."
"I thought I'd hate him, but off camera he's chill."
"They see him as brave and I fully see that also."
"They see you as the nine of pentacles and feel like you're not interested anymore."
"When I look in the mirror, all I see is those little flaws."
"Understanding how I come across to others, that's what it really does to me. Understanding the perception that I have and that I have created for myself."
"Most people don't understand that... they're just not good people."
"You ever see a guy in public wearing a shirt saying the best dad ever and you wondered like where he actually ranks."
"The way you feel about everything is down to only two things: the pictures you make in your head and the words you say to yourself."
"I don't judge other people, and I see a lot of people judging me."
"I might seem intimidating, but deep down I am a nice soft person."
"The story that we tell about another person, the way that we see another person, is a powerful invitation to them to be that."
"Knowing our own worth is only dependent on how we see ourselves, how we treat ourselves."
"There is this unmistakable stench of weakness about him."
"Beneath Susie's seemingly misguided tough exterior, she really is just a sweet and romantic girl at heart."
"You're a great guy, okay? You really are. You come from a great family. And other people were receiving you as, 'Oh [__], he's coming' or something. Whatever it is."
"Kathleen Kennedy clearly has a view of herself, she does view of what she wants."
"They think you're really smart, intelligent, witty."
"Honestly, Walmart totally does have a creepy vibe."
"They see you as someone who has a lot of dreams and aspirations."
"It doesn't matter what other people see but how you see yourself that's what matters."
"A lot of people just straight up just don't like me because they're either jealous of me."
"You feel like a damn king, okay? That's just the bottom line."
"That ultimately to me just screams confidence."
"Intensity doesn't always mean all out action."
"They view you as someone who can't be touched."
"Maybe attractive is the right word, but take all of that off and he looks like a completely different person."
"You know, everyone has their own image in their head of like what Peter Parker does and doesn't look like."
"It is not events that disturb people, it's their judgment about things."
"Dark Souls for me is the kind of game that's work, meaning it's so hard."
"All this is bizarre to me simply because my perception of Oprah has not been that of someone that's evil or someone that is somehow harming children."
"Motivation is gonna be huge, and it's going to make you feel very creative."
"Just because you don't think they're beautiful does not mean that they are not beautiful."
"The biggest slam is I heard it from somebody and they said, 'Oh, what you must think of me, big enemy.'"
"Whether I understand it or not is immaterial and irrelevant."
"Not everyone is going to see this person for who we have seen them to be. Everyone is on a different journey."
"Marlena says she gets told all the time that she looks like Taylor."
"Once you kind of remove that dead weight you're gonna be like wow I can breathe again and you're gonna see yourself in such a better light than you have."
"She's terrifying in general but she's actually neutral good."
"For most of us, he was a sweet but unremarkable guy."
"Elon really cares about facts, he doesn't necessarily care about how people are perceiving those facts."
"People have this weird view... Peter is actually a good guy honestly. I really like Peter and you know he was a bro."
"Expectations not high, expectations are quite high though."
"I know I'm not the bad guy and I think that everybody that watches my stream knows that too."
"Wouldn't worry so much about what others think of you if we realized how seldom they do." - Eleanor Roosevelt
"She's like an evil figure that her mind had just gone to a different place at that point."
"They genuinely see you as a goddess, into the whole witchy thing."
"She's the most beautiful woman I've ever seen."
"I like the guy who's got kind eyes. I think he did it."
"People just assume because you look a certain way, you're a certain way."
"Sebi was viewed as a huckster and a fraud to others, his family says his sole purpose was to bring self-love and wellness to the world."
"When they can't do what you do, they hate. I walk in every room with that world perception, I can walk up in the church and know that I'm a blessing."
"Whenever you are experiencing the extreme that your ego would label as negative, this doesn't mean that something is going wrong."
"I don't want to walk through the world, people thinking like I hate them."
"Katie is not just some dead soul behind her eyes, she genuinely seems okay and happy."
"Everybody gets their motivation different. I don't give a damn what people say about me or what rankings should be like."
"I'm conscious and I experience the world around me."
"People's faces looked like demons... it was very, very off-putting."
"It feels different... Everything feels so much more urgent."
"A person can't bring closure to you, but your perception and beliefs are what closes the cycle out."
"The self-image is our own conception of the type of person that we perceive ourselves to be. It dictates who we are to ourselves as well as to the outside world."
"You hear these big mass murderers, you know, they go and they talk to their friends and they say, 'No, we've never seen them even hurt a fly.' Well, he just didn't show you that side."
"I don't care anymore what people think to me think about me because some of the worst things I could have ever thought happened."
"You seem so effortless with money and you seem to be someone that it just Flows In For You really easily."
"Donald Trump is more popular than he has ever been in his entire life."
"We do have to be careful, you and I both though, not to interpret legitimate discourse that disagrees with us as an attack on us personally, right?"
"It changed the way that I perceived games... and the experiences I could have with them."
"I want to see them turn around because I think kevin durant who i've never seen play in person don't know him he's got a really really nice personality from what I can see seems like a well-mannered guy."
"I love how people think I'm arrogant and I'm not, I'm a very nice person."
"Your clothes don't even matter, I just see you as super duper nice."
"The experience of pain is complex and individual."
"Sometimes, people put on a persona. Remember, perception is a person's reality, but that's not always the truth."
"Money gives a feeling of security and control."
"Be careful, cuz I'm getting a bit of arrogant energy off of this Pisces."
"The world doesn't determine how you feel; how you feel determines the world you perceive."
"She's a little woman with a big talent and she doesn't suffer fools."
"Talent is beauty in the eye of the beholder."
"Beauty and handsomeness, these things are subjective, you know."
"The people you idealize and put on a pedestal, that's not who they really are. You fall in love with the potential, not with the person."
"I am not this monster people make me out to be."
"Being respected is better than being the underdog."
"People see you as the stars are lining up for you, like you have this really positive outlook on your life."
"I'm always the villain at the end, even if I've done something great."
"You get to decide what you call it and what you call that kind of moment matters. It's a superpower."
"I think you need to risk being seen as a fool... I feel like you are going to be seen as an eagle."
"It's worse than death, her trap is more worth worse than death itself."
"Finding someone sexy does not mean that they are trying to do anything sexy."
"It didn't change who I was, I look better, I feel better about myself, other people are going to see me in a more positive light and this is great."
"Don't live your life and then watch the news and let someone tell you that your life is actually not your life."
"There's a disconnect between you and the news."
"At this point in his career, it's just kind of like blah."
"A different version of you exists in the minds of everyone who knows you. Let that little sink in."
"They really see you as a very creative person."
"The only reason people are nice to me is because I have more money than God."
"People get the wrong impression of me but to be honest I'm quite chilled most of the time."
"Listen, Linda, you are the most beautiful woman that ever existed, like to him she was Elizabeth Taylor."
"It's not the hijab that's the burden, disappointment, or disadvantage, it's society that makes you feel that way."
"This is a dream, there's no other way to describe it."
"Of course they are, I'm stunningly attractive."
"Everywhere you go, you're the one that girls break their necks for."
"If you think that you are an amazing catch, you're more likely to communicate that congruently."
"They see you as that queen of pentacles, grounded."
"I think people always interpret me wanting something better as me complaining."
"That day in my eyes, gift was like an angel."
"I see a girl and I can tell that she knows what she's doing."
"She was great throughout with Gemma, but she got the feeling that she was this joke that she was always trying to upstage you."
"Do you ever feel like sometimes you're just moving in bullet time?"
"It was the correct experience. It was a correct experience and before I could figure out who else I was with because I did not feel alone, I just couldn't see anyone else."
"We can all agree that we're having an experience right now."
"Your purpose is more important than anyone's perception of who you are and what you are capable of."
"I thought that car accident was pure cinematography."
"David can see Christine's humanity and value, while Cody ends up looking bitter, jealous, and angry."
"You're strong, confident, and someone sees you that way."
"She could be a mother, a sister, a friend. She'll be whatever you want her to be in your mind."
"Life's unfair sometimes. From the son's point of view, his twin brothers got everything he ever wanted in a career."
"What about her says velvet and honey? When I look at her, neither of those words are things I would associate with her."
"If she doesn't see you as an eight nine or 10, she will be looking for a way out."
"It's the beard, she was intimidated by the beard."
"Time heals everything. Eventually people see who you are."
"She thinks I'm funny, damn, the other 1% I'm probably just like, thrown a tantrum or something."
"Sometimes we have a tough exterior but it can be misleading."
"Man, that is a lot of money you can make in a short amount of time."
"Realize how harsh your own judgments are as a result of how you perceive yourself."
"Potential sometimes is an imaginary perception."
"I feel like jake picks his fights well, doesn't he? He knows what he's doing."
"It's hard for people to get through this interview and not at least understand that he is a living, breathing, normal person with emotions."
"I don't see anger, I see fire, like big-time."
"It felt like the church is what it says it was which is the restoration of TR true Christianity."
"She is the living embodiment of the phrase 'don't judge a book by its cover.'"
"Lewis doesn't feel like he did anything wrong."
"Beauty is definitely in the eye of the beholder."
"How you feel about yourself matters so much more than how anybody else is perceiving things."
"I'm tired of the underrated tag, bro. Okay, like, people say that [ __ ] to me like I'm supposed to be like, 'Alright, cool, like you're underrated.'"
"Your belief system is at the core of what you see around you. Everything that you see around you right now is what you believed in."
"Nobody can really call me a douche bag or when they do call me a douche bag it stings a whole lot less."
"Life is only what you perceive it to be, and nothing more."
"Recognize that his opinion or her opinion your ex is not the truth. It doesn't mean you're worse and they're better."
"They see you as this angel of love, as someone magical, powerful in manifesting."
"There are people that live in a totally different reality."
"You're literally the full package and you just think you're average but you're not."
"They see you as someone with a lot of substance."
"Favor makes you believe it even when you're not showing."
"If people see you in that way then they will go out of their way to support you."
"I love what you do, Shane, but sometimes it comes across as acting."
"Every wrong is not necessarily a wrong, it's just a lesson."
"They just want to give you a new start in life... they see the truth of you is like someone extremely beautiful and talented."
"Benoit at heart really did remain a family man..."
"I think what young men are doing is they're confusing what kind of physique looks formidable and intimidating to me as a warrior, yeah, where I'd be frightened of them, like the Spartans in the movie 300."
"I thought holy shit he sees things in a way that I like to see things"
"Because like when I meet people like I don't want them to think like I'm weak."
"Getting cat-called is great. What's the problem?"
"I became a better fighter because I looked at myself bigger than what I was."
"This is like a monstrosity, yet it's the most beautiful thing I have ever seen."
"You command a lot of respect, Taurus. You may not feel like it, but you command a lot of respect."
"It's not what other people think of you that matters, it's what you think of yourself."
"The beauty you see in anything is a reflection of the beauty in you."
"I saw these rainbow lights swirling all around me."
"I didn't know everybody in the Sims community hates me, but I got love for everybody."
"I know it doesn't look like a crap ton different but like to me it feels different because I can just feel that there is less stuff."
"He's woken up one day feeling like hard done by or that he's the best or whatever it may be and now it's become a big thing."
"It captured the way I see the Joker in my head."
"What I taste in a wine is not necessarily what you would taste."
"We cannot be surprised when these men literally feel so gassed up."
"Do you think Moosman is afraid of her?... I do not believe no man afraid of Lisa."
"Beauty is in the eye of the beholder after all."
"I'm overweight, but I also identify as skinny."
"We as black people got to drop that whole if they saying something quote unquote negative then they must be hating." - Crimson Q
"It's all a matter of perception, right? Like the good for someone else..."
"I tend to think of it like it's this weird little story."
"If people don't like her, it's because she's being unlikable. It's got nothing to do with persecution or people not liking her upbeat and spicy personality."
"295 cc for me was actually bigger than what I thought."
"How much were you talking about me on a scale from 1 to 10?"
"The media plays a big part in one's perception of me until one sits down and actually talks to me they can't really know me well."
"We always build up stuff in our heads to be more than it actually is."
"I feel like for you guys here, it's like if somebody asks five people things about you, each person will have a different answer. But it will be true."
"People gonna believe what they want to."
"I'm actually risk-averse. People think that I'm out here making these moves, no, no, I'm highly risk-averse."
"How you think other people feel about you sometimes is how you feel about yourself."
"She's so intimidatingly beautiful."
"Everything about me felt Larger than Life."
"Usually when you meet me, you kind of know me. Most people don't like me just because they think that I'm being standoffish, but I'm genuinely just like diplomatic through and through."
"It's a very lighter color of beige brown."
"Charisma is a social relationship meaning that you are the person who decides that someone is charismatic."
"It's not about the numbers on everything, it's also about what you see and what you feel."
"You don't know what to think about this situation or about a person, but you look confident as hell."