
Contributions Quotes

There are 128 quotes

"Immigrants have made invaluable contributions to American society and our economy. Common Sense bipartisan immigration reform should strengthen our economy, protect the rule of law, and make our borders more secure."
"There have been a lot of people that have made really important contributions to the world that didn't pursue families."
"Galileo and Kepler rightly get a lot of credit as fathers of modern astronomy, but it is good to remember there were a lot of other folks working to advance our knowledge at the time."
"The origins of our universities, our hospitals, and our science all came from the Catholic Church."
"For a people so great, it is unfortunate that their accomplishments and contributions not only to Mesopotamian civilization but to civilization in general largely go unnoticed by the majority of the public."
"Chinese Americans have made many contributions to this country, most of which do not get the recognition they deserve."
"From groundbreaking technological advancements to life-saving medical discoveries, from inspiring artistic innovations to important social contributions, this series will showcase the wide range of black brilliance that has influenced our world."
"I want to give so much props to Selena Gomez for what she brought to the table here."
"Men have accomplished plenty of good things. They have something to bear, to bring to the table: physical strength and their brains."
"History taught us that sometimes the most outstanding material comes from non-expert scholars or amateurs."
"Rusher authored over 100 books and 400 articles... leaving behind a rich Legacy of intellectual contribution."
"Roy Thomas was a larger contributor to Marvel comics than Stan Lee."
"Bernie of all the candidates has more contributions from active duty service members."
"This wouldn’t be possible without those decades of research and development on Operating Systems."
"You're covered, but you may have to give out a little bit more than you expected."
"We are a rich community, and we have amazing thinkers, people who are doing the work."
"Thank you, Todd, for all you've done for our industry."
"Whatever you think of John Cena, you've got to appreciate what he contributed to the business."
"Thank you for your contributions to this community."
"It's a lot of fun to have the direct involvement, and obviously you guys are massive in that process with all the contributions that have come in from you."
"This is the kind of stuff that really makes me happy to see the community releasing."
"I know my worth. I know what I'm bringing to the table."
"We need both liberalism and conservatism... liberals and conservatives bring different yet useful things to the table."
"Thank you all for your generous contributions."
"It's not written enough what she did to build a bench."
"James left an indelible mark on the film industry, remembered for his impactful contributions."
"His many contributions to the wrestling industry will never be forgotten."
"Giving, raising frequency in society instead of deteriorating it, instead of pulling it down."
"We're paying more into the system than we get out of it."
"I think we need to all give some major props to one of the most underappreciated film contributors of the 90s and 80s, Ed Neumeier."
"Show them how you can be a solution to their problems."
"We're a small country but we have a lot to offer."
"Your contributions go towards helping animals."
"When you can put a face, you know what I mean, to these people that were really before the unsung heroes... I mean, the Intel Community people are deep inside."
"Some people's lives are more significant than others. Their contribution to the world, to society, is just a lot greater than others."
"Those in the Sasquatch Bigfoot field of study are well aware of the wonderful work John has done over the past 55 years."
"Muslim civilization is made of the emergence of the Quran, the concept of justice, peace, and progress."
"You have a lot that you bring to the table when it comes to your career, you actually are brimming with potential."
"We've all heard of Alan Turing, but I would suspect that fewer of you have heard about Bill Tutte, Max Newman, Tommy Flowers... they're all worthy of hero status."
"Her multifaceted contributions to the entertainment industry have left an enduring Legacy."
"He does what he does best and that's rebound, set screens and be a guy that can do the little things to help you win."
"One of my proudest achievements was where I helped my employer boost sales by 20% in one year."
"Adam West, thank you for all of your contributions, the memories that you've left us fans with, and of course, all the damn ing one can ask for in one lifetime."
"Focus on Dar al-Islam for their contributions to math, science, medicine, in nearly every intellectual category."
"You have made such contributions not just to linguistics but to ways of thinking."
"Solomon made significant contributions to Israel."
"Euler and Lagrange: changing the game in mathematics."
"His contributions to both the entertainment industry and the lives of countless children will never be forgotten."
"Transformational contributions to numerous areas of mathematics."
"Crucial special teams contributions."
"But even if you do not max out your self-directed IRA or your 401k every year, this doesn't mean that you can't still make significant contributions to one or both of these accounts every single year."
"Carl was an exceptional human being who lived an extraordinary life. Through his contributions to film, television, the arts and sports, he has left an indelible mark and is recognized worldwide and across generations."
"Black people invented almost every single thing that you see in the US from the stoplight to the typewriter."
"Aryabata, a renowned Hindu mathematician and astronomer, made significant scientific contributions, including approximation of pi, in contrast to al-Qarismi, a Persian scholar in the Islamic world known as the father of algebra."
"Some people race the race cars and some people build the race cars."
"Shannon both invented information theory and solved some of its most important problems."
"Thomas Edison is most commonly remembered as an inventor known for his role in the development of electricity, of the light bulb, his work in telephone technology, his early forays in Moving Pictures, and the voice recording phonograph among many others."
"All of those guys put in their contributions to the game that allowed it to evolve to a place where it could touch 20 years."
"You can't separate him from the triumphs because he did all the important basic fundamental things."
"Baron Franz Nopcsa was a pioneering figure in the field of paleontology mainly known for his early contributions to the study of dinosaurs and his groundbreaking ideas in evolutionary biology and tectonics."
"Amateur astronomers make some of the most contributions to science."
"His efforts have contributed to such pivotal events as the end of Apartheid in South Africa and the restoration of Haiti's first democratically elected government"
"...thank all my patreon patrons and PayPal contributors. You're keeping us going with your generous contributions and we really appreciate it..."
"All of these have come from the community, and we'd love to get more if there's ones that you think would be generally useful."
"The community delivers, and this is from Carots, who is generally responsible for a lot of quality-of-life improvements we see around. He keeps contributing like this, which is absolutely amazing."
"He has made unrivaled contributions to general relativity and cosmology."
"Both Muslims and non-Muslims made major contributions to this flowering culture."
"Chuck Norris's legacy isn't confined solely to his swift kicks, unmatched martial prowess, or his roles on the silver screen."
"His books contributed significantly to his brand, ensuring that he was remembered not just for his on-screen performances but also for his profound contributions to literature."
"They are actual people who have like these great gifts to bring."
"It's truly a beautiful thing that so many of you step up to make those contributions to keep this show up and running."
"Just don't be afraid to, I guess, set expectations around those contributions."
"In conclusion, the legacy of Queen Elizabeth II is a rich tapestry of achievements and contributions that have shaped the United Kingdom, the Commonwealth, and the world."
"A substantial increase was made possible through generous contributions."
"Although not always highlighted in the history books, black Americans made huge contributions to car design, racing, and manufacturing."
"As we just find out what life looked like, we feel that the Black contributions deserve to be part of the regional history and the local histories."
"...every contribution is pivotal in keeping this platform alive and vibrant."
"...your contributions ensure that this treasure throve of knowledge remains accessible to all."
"Many things were brought out of various parts of the world to build what was later to be known as Western Civilization."
"This is the kind of stuff that I like to see in contributions."
"There always has to be contributions and the relationship has to be reciprocal."
"I would suggest making at least two to three contributions because that's the only proof of work you have."
"The platform also allows you to gather monetary contributions for your cause."
"Employers can now make matching Roth contributions, but employees pay the tax."
"The Triumph of Liberty, Jim Powell's collection of stories about people who've contributed to America's fight for liberty."
"We're really glad to accept external contributions."
"We would also like to say thank you very, very, very much for all the lovely contributions."
"He is well-known for his contributions to rhetoric, philosophy and political science."
"Some notable contributions include finding new properties of Bernoulli numbers, his rapid approximation to pi, and the Hardy-Ramanujan partition formula."
"A tangible symbol of her indomitable spirit and enduring contributions to the world of entertainment."
"Our philosophers, our filmmakers, our artists have made a profound contribution to Modern civilization."
"They talk about tangible and intangible contributions and then reward those individuals fairly for the value that they bring."
"The guns of USS Texas made contributions even beyond the battles in which the great ship fought."
"We stand on the shoulders of those who made contributions before us."
"The national insurance contribution is paid by the employer at 13.8% in the UK for the majority of employees."
"The Bernoullis collectively made incredible contributions to mathematical analysis, mathematical physics, and probability theory."
"Kolmogorov was the guy who did so many things in the subject."
"Contributions are not a pocket condition but a heart condition."
"The enormous contributions that it has made to human flourishing."
"We have raised over five and a half million individual campaign contributions."
"Our contributions will live on long past our time here on earth."
"Infinite is dressed with the infinite contributions of the virtual particles of the vacuum."
"Can they bring something more than just money?"
"You can pull out your contributions at any time... you can take out that six thousand dollars free and clear without paying any fees whenever you want."
"Pascal was one of history's great polymaths, a scholar who made significant contributions to mathematics, physics, philosophy, and religious thought."
"The system is funded through compulsory contributions based on a percentage of citizens' salaries, with employers sharing the costs."
"Let's create a platform where we can really honor and celebrate these amazing contributions."
"We're going to be holding several events throughout the month here at the White House to honor and celebrate women and how their vital contributions have and continue to be to our society, our economy, our family and our businesses."
"All major huge contributions to humankind have been group efforts, not just solitary efforts."
"We have to make sure that we're recognizing people for their contributions."
"Fully open sourced and so we look forward to welcoming your contributions."
"Our history doesn't start with slavery and colonization; it starts with all these other contributions that we've made to the world."
"He's a man who made many fundamental contributions in a wide spectrum of areas across the field."
"Like every astrological placement, it has challenges and it has beautiful contributions to the world."
"Be your own advocate so others recognize your contributions."
"One of the most important ways in which we can restore science to its rightful place is by celebrating the contributions of men and women like all of you."
"Community contributions: I want to celebrate that."
"Greece is famous for its ancient civilization; they invented democracy, philosophy, and geometry."
"It's good to learn about Elizabeth Catlett; she made a lot of contributions to our social movements."
"Thank you so much for all the donations that are coming in."