
Personal Barriers Quotes

There are 229 quotes

"We're not teaching you to be more authentic; we're teaching you to get rid of your head trash, which is keeping you from being authentic."
"The only person gatekeeping art is yourself and keeping yourself from attempting it."
"Every single one of my resistances... were realized to be absolutely imaginary."
"Complaining to yourself and robbing yourself of just trying something."
"I believe the single biggest factor for most people that robs them of success is the fear of disappointing people."
"The fear of being alone is one reason that holds many people back."
"Give yourself credit, ask the tough questions, and think: What is it that's holding me back and what am I afraid of?"
"This is the reason we never truly achieve our goals or get the success we want. What's holding you back? This."
"The biggest barriers to my success are my own excuses."
"Don't let it get in your way and don't let it stop you from starting."
"Bless yourself this month and break down that self-perpetuating wall."
"Just buy a ticket, do not let anything in your head stop you."
"Realize your own value, and your life transforms."
"It's almost like they reach your shield, and your shield is this overthinking, the overthinking part."
"This is what's been holding you back, this is what's been getting in your way."
"I love what I do and we've got to find the core inside you that is the one that's blocking you."
"The only person that's stopping you from having these things is you."
"Push through the excuses, habits, fears, and constraints."
"Break through any artificial boundaries and realize your own self-worth."
"This level of fear can actually choke your ability to find the unique thing that's interesting and exciting to you."
"Free yourself from some sort of situation that's holding you back."
"Anyone that talks themselves out of stuff, you just continually talk yourself out of [ __ ]."
"Your biggest competitor is yourself. What's gonna stop you is you. Your own fears are literally going to stop you. So don't let that stop you."
"God wants to drain every restriction that's stopping you from getting to the next dimension."
"Tackling that thing that is standing in your way that you so desperately want to avoid."
"You both had a fear of rejection, like a Mexican standoff."
"Fear of rejection is the biggest inhibitor to living the best life that you can."
"You are stronger now. You are different. You are the only thing holding you back."
"If you have self-doubts along the way, there's so many internal blocks that are gonna stop you from executing and seeing something through because you don't believe you can truly do it."
"Expect the unexpected... this is a time of transformation, it's a time to really feel into what's holding you back."
"Is this my highest potential? What am I afraid of? What's holding me back?"
"There's nothing really stopping you other than yourself."
"There's always a reason not to do something, and it's your enemy."
"Every barrier I've ever had around exercise..."
"It is so common to face barriers when it comes to trying to work out."
"Anything that contradicts the narrative that you can and will succeed is just a self-limiting belief."
"Our actions may be impeded, but there can be no impeding our intentions."
"Anything you want in this space, you can have, but it's behind you. The thing stopping you is you."
"You may actually crack the hard shell that is this person."
"Some of you are still hiding their feelings, acting like they don't have them."
"Taking down the barriers to Authentic Living."
"The only thing that ever stopped you from the beginning from walking was you."
"This person is pushing you away because you see their vulnerabilities."
"You'll know that he wants to be in a relationship with you and that he's looking at those barriers and overcoming them."
"If you're too scared to fail that it's stopping you from even trying you're not gonna make it."
"Hurt people hurt people. Your guardedness is still hurting either the potential partner or someone that you do get with because you're unwilling to give them your whole heart."
"If you believe you're not good enough to be loved, you're not gonna find it. It's not gonna come find you."
"Big-time illumination about something that you have been stuck on, unable to move beyond."
"You need to break that wall down. You need to break down the wall of the ego belief systems that are blocking off your consciousness."
"I never had the courage to let people see who I truly was."
"The hardest part about streaming is hitting start streaming."
"The only thing blocking you from getting better is you."
"The universe is not gonna get in your way, you are gonna get in your way, only you."
"There's an element where both of you were holding back, not fully showing who and what you are to each other."
"The biggest objection you can never overcome is an objection that you create in your own brain."
"The biggest hurdle that anyone in crypto has to achieving life-changing wealth is themselves." - Matt
"You can have whatever you want in 2023, but it's just about getting through your own walls."
"Notice how I didn't say join engagement groups... They're going to waste your time, confuse the algorithm, actually hold you back from seeing growth."
"I never wanted to be rejected. I really was holding that. It wasn't worth it to me."
"You are the one blocking your breakthroughs."
"It's like a huge spiritual lesson dude and i feel like this is something that has held you guys back for a very very long time."
"Transformational therapy is about accessing the meaning making machine of your mind and rewriting the scripts that are holding you back."
"The fear of rejection is one of those things that truly keeps us from doing amazing things."
"The greatest impediment is our thinking, how we've been brought up."
"Notice the actual limits kind of the cage that you construct around yourself."
"They feel like you are a bit emotionally distant like you have a wall up."
"That's the really insidious thing about insecurity is that it hides our essence it stops us from leaning into what already works about us."
"Reason number three: you're making too many excuses and having too much self-doubt."
"Your person's feeling a lot of fear this weekend and insecurities... it's their fears and insecurities that hold them back from really coming forward."
"As you address what has held you back throughout your life, you bring love into the situation."
"Your 'I can't' was the iron bolt locking that door against you."
"All blocks originate in your psychology. Once you start dealing with your internal blocks, you can overcome them."
"Some of your boundaries have become walls to yourself."
"If you want to be someone, go ahead and be that person. The only person that can particularly hold you back is you."
"Understanding that the only thing that's really been holding you back is yourself."
"It's here it's safe for you to love there's there's genuine love here so somebody needs to ask why are you not making this offer or allowing yourself to receive it seriously."
"The only person getting in your way is yourself."
"Fear stops you from doing things you enjoy because you're worried about what other people think."
"The biggest enemy you can ever have is your own closed mind."
"Don't block yourself. Don't prevent yourself from moving forward."
"Sleeve ball lawyers are behind them telling them not to say anything."
"The number one challenge that is holding you back: a lack of belief in yourself."
"Most people are unwilling to make any sacrifices, and that unwillingness keeps them from ultimately enjoying their dream life."
"Most people hit that moment of action and they stop... the thing that stops them is fear."
"I think the only thing stopping CM Punk from becoming a world champion in the WWE is CM Punk."
"So much of being successful in life is getting out of your own way."
"A dream bypasses all walls of defense that people put up."
"Healing the hurts that dim your light starts with a loving and honest self-assessment around where you might be putting up a barrier between where you are and what you want."
"The only blockage of your blessings is yourself."
"When we learn to wait on God, He will show us hindrances in our relationships with Him, so that we can be free of them in order to love and serve Him better."
"Affairs are the symptoms of bigger problems... within a relationship."
"You have the tendency of standing in your own way."
"You are the only thing keeping yourself away from the you that you want to be."
"There's absolutely nothing stopping you from putting words on paper other than yourself."
"The biggest thing holding you back is a sense of self-destruction."
"The biggest excuse... is your own fear that you make up in your own head. Once you overcome that, you will achieve anything you want in life."
"Your task is not to seek for love but to seek and find all the barriers within yourself."
"Opening up to other people doesn't help, and once your mind learns that, it can be really hard to open up."
"The reason why you were not able to give and receive love is because there was something broken inside of you that needed to heal."
"If you don't believe this is possible then I suggest that you take that self-limiting belief, you put that in a box and you bury that next to all your embarrassing." - Liver King
"There's a lot that you need to release that you're holding on to."
"You already have everything you desire... you just have to learn and get out of your own way to achieve it."
"They have to liberate themselves from the self-created prisons that they live in their entire life."
"What is holding you back from having what you want and having peace in the home, that's really what this is going to be about."
"When it comes to achieving happiness, we all kind of stand in our own way."
"The anxiety that I felt was holding me back... became the way."
"Invisible barriers are real, but they can be broken."
"Anxiety and guilt can be traps to avoid on your path to fulfilling your purpose."
"Excuses are holding you back from being your best self."
"I have to stop second guessing myself and I have to stop getting in my own way. That is literally the only thing that is stopping me from actually reaching a potential."
"You're ready to get out there but there's a restriction you can't quite get through right now."
"Let go of anything that isn't authentic; break down barriers."
"Limits are really just lies that you chose to believe. There's really no such thing as limits unless you believe there are."
"Don't let yourself hold yourself back. It really is extremely important to not be your own roadblock."
"Don't let your excuses become the barriers to your creative journey."
"The biggest obstacle between you and your happiness is you, not the struggle against capitalism or any of that crap."
"Remove them if they prevent you from walking the walk."
"Until you pick up that spiritual sledgehammer and you start busting down them old belief systems, you start tearing down them old walls that the enemy then built up in your mind, you ain't going nowhere."
"Arm's length away, that's a huge issue when you find someone that's perfect for you and these patterns these subconscious psychological patterns are still embedded in your behaviors."
"The enemy of our blessing is your inability to forgive those who have offended you."
"This is divinely guided, there is something you will know individually what it is that has been holding you back."
"The only person standing in your way is you."
"You're not going to allow the past to stop you, whether it's just thoughts of the past or physically or emotionally manipulate you, it's not allowed anymore."
"You just took yourself out. You created your own barrier to success."
"What do I need to release? What is holding me back? The knowledge comes to you."
"The universe is working behind the scenes to illuminate connections to people, places, situations, thought patterns, behavior patterns, places that are keeping you stuck in resistance and are keeping you from changing."
"Drop the shields and barriers that you have put up because these walls are preventing the world from seeing your light."
"Frustration is the largest hurdle to human progress."
"There's only one thing stopping you from getting everything that you want, from being happier, from making your relationships better, and it is the patterns that you think in."
"Your triggers are getting in the way of what I desire to do in your life."
"Your heart is in a cage, but there's a level of freedom waiting for you."
"The only limitations you have are those you put on yourselves."
"The fear of failure is one of our biggest fears."
"It's not the weight that's our problem, it's what's in our mind – the negativity, the past, the trauma."
"They're too scared to come forward. Their insecurities are holding them back."
"I think sometimes we shut things down before even trying them."
"Break through expectations, break down barriers."
"I think the most... the thing that holds you back the most is, like, yourself."
"You are the breaker of your own chains. Whatever you feel chained down to, that is just an illusion in itself."
"The biggest thing standing in most people's way of achieving what they want is doubt."
"There may be something deep down within, it could be an emotional block or just a mindset thing around there needs to be a mindset shift around your money, your finances."
"Our path is not to seek for love, but merely to see all the barriers within ourselves that we've built against it."
"Recognizing and overcoming personal barriers is not just an act of self-improvement, it's an act of liberation."
"I've met people in my life that are afraid of success that are afraid to win"
"Just sort of talked about the obstacles that can get in the way of letting a person who just wants to live their own life."
"I still have some serious trust issues with strangers."
"It's all about deflecting the outside in order to reflect the inside."
"It's a very simple journey to begin to drop your walls."
"That moment taught me that there is nothing stopping you from getting the things that you want except for yourself."
"Everything I've always wanted, I've been really just protecting myself from."
"I have too much insecurities, I couldn't put myself out there like that."
"Love will take any form it needs to take to bring up within us not the barriers to love, but the things that have yet to be loved."
"We discover our fortress has become a prison, and we have to take down the walls little bit by little bit."
"Recognize your barriers and then overcome them."
"Unless we bring the truth to bear on the fortresses in which people have placed themselves, those fortresses become their prisons and their tombs."
"You are the only one that's stopping you; no one else can stop you but you."
"Breaking free from the things that are holding you back."
"The only obstacle holding me back from being whatever I want is time and talent."
"The only difference between you two is that you get embarrassed and then you stop."
"The biggest issues and things that stop people are the things that are rattling around between their ears."
"The only person stopping you from doing anything is you."
"Many of us don't do the things that we want to do and don't act because of lack of self-confidence."
"There's actually nothing standing in our way except for ourselves."
"The only one standing in the way of your happiness is you."
"The greatest obstacles were the ones that I had created for myself."
"All men lead their lives behind a wall of misunderstanding they have themselves built."
"This hard shell that you present, protecting something on the inside."
"Let your guard down a little, or else you'll never get to that point."
"I always feel like I hold myself back and that's something that I definitely want to overcome."
"Don't be the only obstacle holding yourself back."
"I wasn't gonna let the wall define me."
"What held me back for the longest time was really my willingness to actually commit."
"Sometimes the hardest part is that the universe could send us something that's designed for us, but our self-worth is what stops us."
"Take heart, you need only understand that the only barriers which keep you from this attainment are the limitations in your own beliefs."
"The only thing that's stopping you is that you're afraid."
"The things that were holding me back in my own life was not knowing my identity, not knowing who I was."
"Everybody is hiding from something."
"The only obstacles that are real are the ones we allow ourselves to believe."
"You have to separate yourself from the things that are separating you from yourself."
"If you can't be honest with yourself, you'll never be able to forgive."
"If you're not getting what you want in this industry, your mindset is holding you back."
"When it stops being so hard to say what needs saying."
"Insecurity is ruining your life; it's holding you back."
"The only thing holding me back is me, right?"
"When you don't let go of the wrong people, you end up blocking your blessings."
"You are the only person who is stopping you from getting the things that you want."
"Hawthorne needed to realize the thing holding him back in life was himself."
"The only thing holding you back is yourself."
"Stay out your own way, you'll do fine."
"You essentially just need to get out of your own way, and it's not rocket science."
"Take time to assess what is allowing you to experience more joy and what is standing in the way."
"The only thing that could ever hold her back was herself."
"The only things that are stopping us get to where we want to be, it's all to do with us."
"You're not meant to struggle and fight your way through; drop the concerns of your ego and watch imaginary walls crumble away."
"Nothing carries the ability to interfere with your potential like your history."
"What is holding you back from living the life that you want is not the fact that you can't achieve this and this is hard to achieve... but actually because you're holding so many limiting beliefs, emotions, and definitions about yourself."
"One of the things that really gets in the way of expecting abundance for people is fear and guilt."
"Self-limiting beliefs will be your greatest obstacle."
"You're not succeeding, you're not achieving, it's because you're afraid to go in that dark place to find yourself."
"The only thing that keeps you from achieving what you want in your life to live the life you want is a thought."