
Social Welfare Quotes

There are 659 quotes

"Happiness is not a result of having free healthcare or free college or any of these things. Happiness is a choice."
"The United States spends per citizen tens of thousands of dollars on social welfare benefits...the notion the United States has no social safety net at all is not true."
"If you're going to target stimulus towards any part of the economy, I'd rather it go towards people that are like working poor."
"Neoliberalism ascribes virtually all responsibility for personal and social welfare to the individual."
"In Canada, we have free healthcare... I would wish that every country in the world would have that."
"There's a need to invest more in education to pull millions of children out of the streets and into schools."
"We need to have some baseline of existence in our country like everybody should be able to afford food, clothes, have a decent home, and access to health care and the internet."
"Real compassion is providing people with a mechanism to climb that ladder without pulling their support."
"It's functioning to generate profit for the insurance companies but not for the social provision."
"We have to ride this out. What are government funds for? They're for riding us out through common crises, better this than war."
"Community is the future. I don't believe that any government, any religion, no offense, any health care plan is really going to take care of people at this point. We've got to learn how to take care of each other."
"If you focus on bottom-up, middle-out, as opposed to trickle-down, that actually benefits all Americans."
"Some level of equality is in their best interest."
"I want workers' rights and for people to have their basic necessities met."
"I want everybody to have health care. I want everybody to have education."
"When your budget to help people is less than the budget to kill them, that just doesn't make sense."
"We need to be bolder when it comes to housing assistance to make sure that people can stay in the apartment or the home that they're living in."
"Let's try to make sure that there's decent housing for someone so they don't have to sleep under a bridge."
"I think any rich nation ought to have a social safety net that expands a little with its wealth."
"I personally am okay with paying higher taxes... for a better situation for people overall."
"Satisfied because the people still living below average in their earnings, I will be very happy to see people earning enough money."
"Diverse neighborhoods are actually more likely to push for unionization and social welfare programs."
"We could be living in a world where everyone is like fed just at least basic needs are taken care of."
"Housing first policies should exist in most communities."
"I happily pay my taxes. I would be happy to pay more if I thought the government was competent and it was going to make for a better life for people."
"Los Angeles is launching the nation's biggest guaranteed basic income program."
"We have to help individual people out of poverty."
"You can't keep picking people up; you have to stop them from falling."
"Promote the general welfare, it's like right there in the Constitution."
"I think daycare should be subsidized. Pre-K is associated with so many positive outcomes, it should be offered for free."
"It recognizes the shared wealth we create when we lift each other up...providing a level of dignity and a removal of social stigma that holds so many people back."
"We don't want a society that is economic desperation, but you have to pay attention to the cries that people have."
"If politicians were honest, and they really, really cared about what was most cost effective, we'd be doing a lot more socialized things."
"We need universal health care, paid for with taxes, free at the point of service, including dental care, obviously. Free dental care for all!"
"When we get health care for all Americans, we're going to get it for you too. When we get free college for our kids, we're going to get free college for your kids too."
"Socialism for me is about the common good; it's about making sure that every American, no matter how poor, has access to decent medical care, a public education, the chance to go to university."
"The President is committed to getting relief to working families."
"We rely so much on charity to fix things that ultimately our system should take care of."
"Helping veterans find homes, receive comprehensive healthcare, and unemployment benefits is a worthy cause."
"I'm not saying no one should be rich, I'm not saying taxes should be 60%, I'm just saying for the little, comparatively, that it would take just to make sure that there's no hungry kids."
"I believe that every child should have a meal on the table, that everybody's got a right to national health."
"I support the decommodification of all essentials like food, housing, or medical care. I think those are human rights."
"I care a lot more about taking care of Americans, making sure that Americans can live a life of dignity."
"I feel incredibly grateful and blessed that I have free health care and I don't have to pay for all of these appointments and treatments."
"Fred's socialism believes people have a right to three key pillars which his panther party provides to his community: food, health care, and education."
"There should be basics of housing, health care, certain basics."
"A UBI would give people more cushion to leave bad jobs."
"A universal basic income has a lot of interesting advantages."
"Imagine being the member of Congress who told your constituents that you didn't think they deserved a child tax credit."
"People need help to pay their bills, to put food on the table."
"Let's build back better in a way that actually serves the people."
"Mutual Aid is more than survival or scraping by. It’s how communities can THRIVE."
"Universal basic income is the foundation of the floor, and then we have to build this glorious structure on top of it."
"People were pretty cool, supportive, concerned about the kids."
"Americans need recurring payments to survive this economic crisis."
"Denmark, Finland, Canada take care of its people, provide them with wages right now during a pandemic."
"Our plan would lift 12 million Americans out of poverty and cut child poverty in half."
"Means testing costs as much or sometimes even more than just providing the service universally."
"People shouldn't have to live like that, they should have programs."
"We just need to provide people with more homes, more food, and more jobs, and we'll be just fine."
"Most of the overwhelming majority of the issues that we are using prison to solve can be solved with a robust social safety net."
"Providing people with the necessities of life is the root of allowing people to develop and prosper."
"Thirteen million people were kept out of poverty because of our efforts."
"We should give everyone a thousand bucks every two weeks, use it or lose it."
"Right, you lot, lots to do. Beat the Germans, save the world- Don't forget the welfare state."
"The moral part is the social programs that we have; these should be funded."
"It is the right thing to do, it'll ease the pain of millions of people."
"Let's just have a minimum guaranteed income and get it out of the way."
"It's the right thing to do and it will help the kids from the families that really really need it."
"The announcement we were supposed to be getting yesterday, no announcement is good news for the low income and fixed income."
"So, the deadline has passed right on by, and that is a good thing for the low income and fixed income."
"Certain goods are still provided... by the government."
"We should really see housing as something... meets a human right."
"If we collect unpaid taxes from the wealthiest 10 percent, we can pay for infrastructure, childcare, and student debt."
"We need to construct emergency homeless shelters to make sure that everyone has access to shelter, healthcare, and nutrition." - Senator Bernie Sanders
"All you got is, oh my god, his agenda is pie in the sky, no it's not Scandinavian countries have it and he's just asking for the basics."
"It's a mistake to not give people the resources they need. A $2000 one-time payment isn't enough."
"We need reoccurring checks. Every other developed nation has given citizens stability."
"I remember being that single mom and you know there were times when I used my my food stamp benefits to buy ready-made cupcakes so that my kid wouldn't be the only kid in class that didn't have cupcakes on their birthday."
"Just makes me feel like our country has all the wrong priorities I you know we just got to start taking care of our taking care of our citizens here."
"Medicare for all policy is gonna help the majority of Americans in this country, especially the middle class and the poor."
"53 percent in favor of a major social welfare program nicknamed the Living State." - News Anchor
"We deserve to expand Medicaid and offer access to healthcare for over 800,000 of the most medically needy people in our state."
"The superior wisdom of universal programs is being discussed on a much larger stage than ever before."
"Minnesota Democrats just passed guaranteed paid family and medical leave after winning full control of government."
"Universal Basic Income will guarantee every citizen a regular payment from the government."
"It is so ironic... when they gave a tax cut to the wealthy two trillion dollars... this is a targeted effort for folks who really need that extra breathing room."
"It helped his family it didn't actually solve the issue that made his family poor in the first place."
"So it's things like for most people they think of spending on welfare and on health care they will see it as an outward expense we'd like to do that little can't afford it well as a sociologist I have to consume a lot of data and make sense of it."
"Ask them if they like the socialist social security that is keeping their grandmother from sliding into homelessness and poverty."
"Think about Medicaid and US expanding it, think about health care for everybody, think about a decent education, think about the elimination of student loans."
"Shelters that can house 10,000 people not ten and you'd be having treatment services but with treatment built into them."
"Republicans are conflicted between their desire to remain in public office and their desire to take money and healthcare away from working-class people."
"This isn't about class warfare. This is about the nation's welfare."
"The best way to get people out of poverty isn't to keep handing them cash grants from the government."
"We need a remake and a reform of our tax and benefits to make sure that people are always better off when they earn that extra dollar."
"Many developing countries will struggle to implement social welfare programs of this nature for those countries debt relief is essential."
"I like the idea of corporations being beholden to the government, especially if the government is uplifting the lives of every citizen evenly."
"If you care so much about these babies and these women, then why do your other political stances put them at every disadvantage possible once that kid is born?"
"Democrats are talking about jobs, reducing prescription drug prices, protecting veterans, and seniors."
"40 lakh people have the roof on their head now under the PM of Yojana."
"Bernie wants to make it more of a meritocracy give people an equal opportunity give people the basics don't burden them."
"A society that meets people's basic needs... will be a safer society."
"President-elect Joe Biden wants to expand the program, meaning bigger benefit checks to the Americans who need it most."
"The IRS would be tasked with depositing checks worth $300 every single month per child younger than six."
"Those places are safe havens if you don't have money during a crisis."
"I think the American people have earned Social Security and Medicare, paid into it their entire lives, worked to get to a point where they can retire with grace and dignity."
"The welfare state stepped in and actually had a huge positive impact."
"You need a stimulus check to help you live in a life of dignity."
"Wow guaranteeing the basic necessities of life health care which I as a Canadian and the vast majority of the world already have guaranteed to them housing education so scary now."
"Gaddafi's government attempted to provide free education, healthcare, and promised free housing for all his people."
"If being a Democratic Socialist means believing that health care, housing, and education should be a human right, then I am a Democratic Socialist."
"Canada is a place where we take care of each other."
"Policies based on love, compassion, and regulating the market... massively reduce the problems."
"Let's create a platform of equal opportunity. We're a rich enough country. Let's protect people's health care. Let's give them some education."
"I support Medicare for all that would guarantee that health care for every single American in this country."
"If you love these people, if you care about these communities."
"Universal basic income is like venture capital for the people."
"Minimum income protection and universal basic services are crucial for a fair society."
"We need to collectively pitch in to support each other and build a better welfare system."
"We are finally providing some of those things to give people a soft place to land."
"You can definitely afford to give everyone healthcare in this country."
"A multi-polar world where we all are interdependent and mutually reinforcing, social matters and Welfare matters including healthcare and education will be resolved easier and more efficiently."
"We need to be a country that takes care of people."
"Or do we play it, I think a little bit smarter, and enact the social welfare programs, quit grief I can't talk today and actually make the people that are now in our Empire happy and being allowing us to all work together."
"The church invented the idea of hospitals, orphanages, and soup kitchens."
"Who wants to be the person that's featured in that article in the headline as the individual responsible for millions of people getting evicted because that's how I imagine that something like this is going to happen?"
"Federal funding for food stamps alone could face a nearly ten billion dollar reduction over the next decade."
"Support universal healthcare for my brothers and sisters in America."
"It's the belief in social harmony and social good, caring for each other and caring for the poor."
"Norway still has some of the highest taxes in the world but its people never have to worry about paying medical bills that they can't afford."
"It's pretty clear. If you help these people who are in the absolute most desperate of situations, not only does it help a person, a human being's life, it saves money too."
"The child tax credit as you mentioned would reduce child poverty almost by 50 um, 45 to 50 percent by some estimates."
"Nobody should have to worry about paying bills, rent, or buying food. This was an active decision by the government in the midst of a crisis that is affecting the entire world. The power of workers coming together is evidently stronger than ever."
"I think a Nordic country would be sweet to live in, not just because of their robust social safety net."
"If we can make sure people aren't hungry... weight loss really is not that difficult."
"Permanent payroll tax cut would be disastrous for Social Security and Medicare."
"Government wallet will fill in the gaps and ensure access for all."
"There's a better way than welfare, there's a better way than living your life in dependency on the government."
"The worst thing you can do in a country with hyperinflation and a tremendous amount of economic inequality is to literally eviscerate social spending."
"This is a budget that provides massive tax breaks for billionaires and corporate CEOs, and massive cuts to programs that tens of millions of struggling Americans depend upon."
"Our collaborated strategy of smart lockdowns helped save lives and livelihoods and kept the economy afloat."
"Over 15 million families survived through a social Protection Program."
"Families and workers deserve to know that they can put food on the table and keep a roof over their heads. They should not be at the mercy of constantly shifting legislative timelines."
"We don't want to do anything where the people aren't taken care of properly."
"When he was in power you know he helped fight poverty he helped expand social programs health care education very important things that these countries have all lacked."
"Spending that goes beyond just maintaining the status quo and actually helps people."
"What is the end goal here? Is it to employ as many people as possible? That's a worthy goal."
"States and localities should not hesitate should not delay in getting this money out because this is how they we can keep people in their homes."
"We want everybody to benefit, especially the workers."
"This is why I say you do Mutual Aid not charity."
"Responsibility is a dirty word to human nature. Human nature is 'I want to be taken care of', not 'I want to take responsibility for'."
"Rule number one of gun debates: if you don't know anything about guns, shut the fuck up."
"What this whole fight is about... health care, education, raising the minimum wage... doing what the American people want and need."
"Are you gonna fund adoption clinics? Are you gonna fund and make it possible for low income or single moms?"
"Universal policies will disproportionately help those who have been disproportionately harmed."
"Real supporters actually want a benefit for all their neighbors, for all the residents."
"I just want to help people, I don't want to see nobody hurt."
"We have money for war but can't afford basic programs to help struggling families."
"Imagine people being able to earn, they don't have to work two jobs to be able to put food on their table. They should be able to have health care and a roof over their head and food for their family in the richest country in the world."
"The idea is not having to worry about whether you have enough money to pay for the visit."
"The intersection between bitcoin and a universal basic income is very significant."
"National security also means doing everything we can to improve the lives of our people, many of whom have been abandoned by our government decade after decade."
"Electing leaders that will put people and planet over profit is the only way that I will have a future."
"We're going to create a country that centers the well-being of everyone."
"Humanity first, we've forgotten to take care of the poor."
"Universal basic income gets the boot off of people's throats."
"Philanthropy is, by definition, 'the desire to promote the welfare of others.'"
"We are arguing tonight whether or not we're going to pass something tomorrow so that old people can get a hearing aid."
"Stimulus led to dramatic declines in material hardship amid the pandemic."
"It ultimately starts with people having health care, people having a living wage, and being able to... escape their everyday life because everyday life for them is depressing."
"Free college, free health care, free education."
"This package is on track to represent the most fundamental shift in supporting hard-working families over the wealthy in modern American history."
"Education and healthcare should be socialist... It's just sheer investment in your people."
"Half of all federal expenditures are three big programs: Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid."
"I believe that at a time when half our people live paycheck to paycheck, we should raise the minimum wage to a living wage."
"We've slowly been stripping away the social safety net. I think they'll just continue to do it."
"They want all these programs to be cut because they don't give a damn about their own audience or their struggles."
"Too many Americans still find themselves having to choose between paying rent or paying medical bills, between buying food or buying prescriptions – and nobody should have to rely on a GoFundMe or a collection jar because they’ve fallen ill."
"We need universal healthcare which will actually stimulate the economy."
"You just want everyone to have what they need."
"An eviction moratorium is the difference between life and death for us all."
"FDR implements the New Deal, guaranteeing a certain standard of living for all Americans."
"I'm for it as long as the taxes are going to the people who actually need it."
"Would it put a lot of money in the hands of working-class people yes it would would it help in terms of climate change and moving us in the right direction there yes it would."
"When I see people mourning the loss of even Rush Limbaugh I don't want them to hurt, I don't want people to feel pain."
"There's no guarantee that the government will be there for you when you need it."
"Money should be there to serve the interests of the population."
"Free market capitalism is not perfect but it's the best system we have to raise the standard of living for the poor and middle class."
"We need to take care of people who are making these companies profitable."
"Why would it be such a bad idea to use it to help people?"
"Let's invest in community-based organizations, let's give the subsidies to get that AMI that is affordable in our communities."
"Make sure that every American who has a job gets paid enough to live a dignified life without having to rely on food stamps."
"Our goal is to place individuals and families in permanent stable housing and provide the needed tools and support to develop self-sufficiency."
"Direct cash relief has been demonstrated to be a massive success in alleviating extreme poverty."
"UBI basically means everyone as in every person in the United States gets a standard amount of money so you wouldn't have to worry about basic needs anymore."
"If I see one third of a nation ill housed, ill clad, ill nourished, I'll make amends."
"We're playing with the livelihoods of millions just so the GOP can turn the screws against hungry Americans."
"It should be encouraged... so that nobody's so reliant, everybody's supported."
"The whole point is like if you can't earn a living you should be able to get access to these funds that are designed for that purpose and the process is terrible."