
Political Priorities Quotes

There are 94 quotes

"Freedom of speech is the issue I am voting on in this election."
"The American people deserve a Congress that is focused on solving real problems like the crisis at the border, high prescription drug prices, our country's crumbling infrastructure, and so much more."
"We're not going to vote for a party that promises me electricity and better submarines. I can live with that, but I can't live with radicals in my neighborhood."
"You won't accept a nation that sees healthcare as a right or an education as a number one priority."
"International law is a bunch of crap written by countries that generally have their own priorities."
"We need to start focusing on cleaning up our house, getting rid of wearing bureaucracy."
"If Joe Manchin and Kirsten Sinema decide that the filibuster is more important than gay marriage... then they can explain it to their constituents."
"Only one percent of Americans list elections and federal election takeovers as their top priority."
"The next parliament should be about the recovery of the economy, the NHS, education, all of the issues they care about rather than simply the division and disunity that will come from having another independence referendum."
"It is the most disrespectful thing in the world to try to rewrite history as if incarcerated black people weren't the number one priority of the GOP."
"It's an America last agenda versus an America first agenda."
"Governing is about priorities and Social Security and protecting it is a priority for me."
"I was disappointed to see within hours of assuming office the new administration was more interested in helping illegal immigrants than helping our own citizens."
"I just don't know how many people, how many children have to die before politicians stop caring as much about their political careers as they do about their constituents."
"Tucker Carlson dissects the significance of identity politics in contrast to what truly matters in Washington: foreign policy."
"Nobody wanted any of that, what is important now is delivering on the people's priorities."
"We're on the House floor wasting time talking about fire alarms, not the economy, not inflation, not affordable housing, not lowering costs." - "Democratic leader Mr. Jeff"
"Ron DeSantis: putting the interests of children and families ahead of education unions."
"The only thing they think about is the next election, not the Next Generation."
"Republicans hate Democrats more than they care about the country."
"The president's priorities are already in the package and they are focused on ensuring there's funding to get vaccines in the arms of Americans."
"We live in a really great country with amazing people."
"Who cares about hypersonic weapons if you don't have a democracy?"
"Protecting the American people from diseases... is not a priority if it comes at the expense of their amnesty and open borders agenda."
"The single greatest problem the world has is nuclear armament, not global warming."
"America does not want to witness a food fight, they want to know how we're gonna put food on their table."
"While Democrats are obsessed with impeachment, we're focused on jobs, jobs, jobs."
"Protecting the majority of voters in this country is more important than protecting a group of minority republicans."
"As a family and as your Oklahoma City mayor, I will put people over politics."
"Rishi Sunak's whole instinct... to protect the vulnerable."
"Dealing with climate change will certainly be one of, it has to be one of my priorities."
"He was obsessed with being re-elected. That's all he cared about. That is the tragedy. That's the moral freefall."
"Let's get on with the priorities of the British people, not just controlling immigration, but also ensuring we look after the interests of young people."
"Democrats care more about their interpretation of the rules than delivering on promises."
"Focus on their priorities: halving inflation, growing the economy, reducing debt, cutting waiting lists, and stopping the boats."
"It's the economy stupid and they're not paying attention."
"As China's geopolitical rise continues, it might impel the American ruling class to once more put workers' interests towards the front of the political agenda."
"Together we are going to change the priorities of this country... think big, not small."
"Practical policy matters more than the message."
"The president's concern is America first and the well-being of the nation."
"But compare this to President Biden and what the Democrats are talking about, I don't know, things like jobs, healthcare, the inflation reduction act, things that Americans actually care about."
"The high-water mark for the evening...impeachment is small beans compared to deploying troops to Saudi Arabia."
"The people's house should be working to answer our country's call to address the rising prices of gas, groceries, and just about anything else that Americans buy."
"Electing leaders that will put people and planet over profit is the only way that I will have a future."
"Americans expect more. Our priorities should be different."
"Fix the [ __ ] roads man! Pay Teachers more! All you're getting is climate collabs and armed right-wing militias."
"It speaks volumes that this is HR1 and S1, that the number one priority of Democrats is not COVID, it's not immunizations, it's not getting people back to work, it's not getting kids back in school."
"If you really believe in getting Democratic priorities implemented, the priorities of the people implemented, if you believe in the agenda I just laid out, there is no option as Bernie Sanders."
"Most people are just [__] that way. They want their political ideology first, their principles second."
"Voters care more about who's going to deliver for them."
"It's good news that childcare is at the top of the agenda."
"Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you." - Matthew 5:44
"Our elected officials should prioritize people over politics."
"We need to take our closest closest ally seriously."
"It's time to put people ahead of politics... to vote for America."
"The Democratic Party... is one of their top priorities insisting that Silicon Valley censor even more than they're already doing."
"We've become the party that prioritized pronouns over putting food on the table for working families."
"Why do you Democrats always care more about criminals than honest Americans?"
"It's not about me, it's not about all these other side issues, my sole Focus will be on your future."
"Americans want safe cities, affordable gas, and freedom."
"America needs a leader who can prioritize these fundamental needs, one who can rise above petty politics and see the larger picture."
"Liberal Zionists prioritize Israel's protection over Palestinian rights."
"Progressives don't want to go bankrupt because of medical bills."
"Trump does not care about gay marriage as much as he cares about marbles in China."
"We need substantive solutions that are effective at protecting our country."
"Kids should feel safe. And that's why this President has focused on safety and security as a big part of the priorities of this administration."
"It's all about priorities. The Democrats would rather score political points than actually do what's right."
"Joe Biden would rather shut down the government than secure the Border."
"Putting military alliances before democracy hurts both countries involved."
"It's less about the candidate and more about just fixing the country you know like we've clearly seen what type of leadership we get now and it's hurting us."
"Fundamentally, the voters care a whole lot more about the Republicans' failures on COVID than anything else that's happening."
"His election is literally more important to him than your life."
"Highlight what are the three things: the economy, crime, and the border."
"Their first priority if they want Trump and more Republicans to be elected in 2024."
"American lives are way more important than us being politically correct and financially astute."
"We should be single issue voters, and that single issue has to be democracy."
"Do what’s right. It’s not about you, and it’s not about your dad. It’s about the country."
"Our priority is to make sure that we are dealing with China's trade abuses that are harming American jobs."
"The president cared more about investigating his political rival than he did about Ukraine."
"The real division in this country reflects the interests of a powerful upper class and their cosmopolitan priorities."
"One of our two major political coalitions would rather spend its time whining about Dr. Seuss and Looney Tunes than help poor and working Americans who are hurting."
"They don't think about the next generation; they think about the next election."
"What people want us to do is focus on their priorities: halving inflation, growing the economy, reducing debt, cutting waiting lists, and stopping the boats."