
Enrichment Quotes

There are 1015 quotes

"When you're seducing someone, you're actually leaving them full and better off than before. You're not taking something; you're giving something."
"You create an abundant life with them, enriching their life and joy of experience."
"In every walk with nature, one receives far more than he seeks."
"The purpose of philosophy is not the cutting down of forests but the irrigation of deserts."
"Being self-aware can greatly enrich our life experience."
"Stay right to the end because we only give you content that's going to enrich you, evolve you, and make you smarter and better equipped to cope with this world."
"The world is richer in so many ways that relate to immigration."
"It's satisfying, it's enriching, but it's not always fun."
"There's a difference between fulfilling the needs that allow your body to stay alive versus actually going out of your way to find things in life that enrich you."
"A great relationship provides, first and foremost, both people making a contribution so that that contribution enriches the lives of both."
"Every time that I see you in person, I come out much richer for it."
"He enriches you with love. He will bring out the best in you."
"Our culture is enriched, not diminished, by diversity. It's the blend of different cultures that has made us who we are."
"Immigration does not make these problems worse; it makes them better. It makes our lives more rich."
"Psychedelics have the potential to dramatically enrich your life, in the same way that music and art and love do."
"Embracing cultures outside of your own can only add to our overall experience."
"Take your time as long as everybody's still engaged and you can tell they're still all being enriched from it."
"Living abroad can be both enriching and challenging."
"Embrace the weirdness... it's fascinating and just ultimately enriching."
"Travel is one of those things that makes you richer when you buy it than when you were before you spent the money."
"Young people today find enrichment in ways that are different than previous generations."
"The purpose of life is to give, to enrich the lives of others in some way."
"The more complex and rich you can make the experience for the viewer."
"It's super fun for our animals to get out, see new things, and enjoy their new spaces."
"You can read that book, you can watch that movie... one will always enhance the other."
"The more viewpoints that you can have in a concentrated area, the better."
"The intellectual sort of strain, it's like going to the gym. This show, that in the most interesting way."
"As we learn more as outsiders about this and engage with this, we also feel that this diversity and hybridity that can enrich us, enrich our intellectual spaces."
"I think you'll get tons and tons of value from it."
"Speaking in tongues is your source of upbuilding enrichment and edification."
"But, I feel enriched and better as a result of it."
"You don't get rich unless you enrich other people in the process."
"It's about the journey that can always enrich your life."
"Investing in relationships...enriches your life in ways that online ones never can."
"It was an enriching experience listening to this conversation."
"We're in the business of enriching lives, of making people happy."
"Capture all the important moments in your life... enrich your life and theirs."
"Diversity can mean more variety, richness, and authenticity in media."
"Meeting all of these diverse people from different walks of life and backgrounds and experiences, it's just wonderful."
"We're a company that's there to enrich lives through technology."
"It will enrich your life to become a more meaningful person."
"He brings joy, laughter, and mutual enrichment to our world."
"Life can be boring, but you can really enrich it by details nobody thinks of."
"Success such as you never would have known without these experiences."
"Space is supposed to kind of enrich your life."
"I like to bring in... music, art, learning about different people, travel."
"You never get a second chance to make a first impression...get them out there...lead a stimulus-rich life."
"Already Europe would find itself significantly enriched by the state's existence."
"Indulge in life and further the flourishing of life in all its aspects."
"The number one form of environmental enrichment in captivity is a companion. Then all the other apparatuses and food and diet and hiding and puzzle feeding and all the other stuff comes in."
"Rich experiences, peak experiences, creativity, and expression will persistently shape our lives."
"I found every day that I left there, I felt richer by serving someone that was poorer than me." - "I felt richer by serving someone."
"It's been transformational in my life, enriched me in so many ways."
"My life has been genuinely enriched by our relationship."
"Knowing and learning another language really is just one of those things that enriches and grows you so much as a person."
"You shouldn't try not to be [moved]. You should just absorb that culture for how rich it is."
"Pluto means riches. I think you have something really rich to offer."
"Travel is the one thing you can buy that continually enriches you."
"The experience of the two actually complements each other."
"At the very least, it'll be an experience that would enrich your life."
"Your engagement and participation make this community vibrant and enriching for everyone involved."
"Sharing of cultural means is how cultures enrich themselves and foster mutual understanding."
"I have provided for him a nice new foraging toy that might keep him happy."
"We've thrown away so much of the nutritional value, we have to enrich it."
"Audible transforms chores into enjoyable and meaningful experiences."
"It enriches life and creates the true healthy platform for beautiful relationships."
"When you fall in love with Spirit, you get everything."
"What this means is that without enrichment..."
"I choose to nourish myself and enrich my life."
"The inclusion of these perspectives really added to the story."
"You get tremendous pleasure and fun through learning, wisdom, and knowledge."
"Your life is now slightly richer for this knowledge."
"It has just been the most meaningful and enriching thing."
"Manifest new enriching relationships and friendships."
"The more you sort of know about those around you and you sort of showcase their talents, it's a richer, better experience." - Bridget Everett
"It's amazing how about one decision to simplify my life has also enriched it in every way."
"If you want to live a meaningful life, you must help enrich the lives of others."
"Trusting God with our resources and time enriches our spiritual lives."
"Educating yourself on the subject and hearing about other people's perspectives is going to be great."
"There's something about Harry Potter that makes life richer."
"How much as a country we've been enriched by outsiders."
"We could all use a little more music in our lives."
"Good architecture opens up possibilities, makes life richer and deeper."
"Learning French will allow you to experience more of the culture."
"A lot of people think that you can't give something like a snake enrichment. Yes, you can."
"It's everyday learning that keeps us sharp and makes ourselves and the world around us a little bit more interesting."
"With the rise of kids speak, we're actually witnessing English's enrichment."
"We're really focused on making sure that the process of developing young players is one that's life enriching, life-changing."
"The things that enrich your life the most, the things that give your life meaning and purpose, are the relationships with other people and the connections you have with other human beings."
"We all come away from this more enriched than we were before."
"Read a great story not because it entertains you, it passes the time, but because it enriches you, because it makes you into something you weren't before you started the story."
"The right relationship gives you more life, not less."
"Living in that state can greatly enrich your life."
"It's the people we share the adventure with and how that experience and those people enrich our lives."
"Every race that joins enriches us, strengthening the bonds of cooperation and understanding."
"This series will get richer and richer and richer for it."
"It's not the materialistic stuff that makes you rich. It's about enriching yourself and sharing."
"Art doesn't just enrich your life; it can grow and protect your wealth."
"Embrace the unknown and say yes; you have the opportunity to enrich your world, to receive and therefore be able to share much more."
"All higher culture requires a little bit of effort; it's not entertaining at the beginning but afterwards, it's entertaining at a deeper, finer level."
"Diversity is a good thing, it leads to more fruitful, more profitable endeavors."
"Reading is inextricably linked to who I am as a person."
"Your life will be enriched, okay? This is a long time coming, this clarity, this confession."
"This is like the best enrichment. Seriously, look how high she is. So high up. It's awesome!"
"This is food for the brain, it's food for the imagination, it's food for fantasy, it's food for escapism."
"How do I make the money work for me so that it's not just sort of a short circuit in my life, but is actually something that enriches my life?"
"God makes riches out of poor men and women because He invests so much in them. He invests in them the riches of His love, wisdom, suffering, and glory."
"And I'll guarantee by the end of the week, you'll find your life is very rich and very fulfilled."
"The most significant reward is gold, direct enrichment."
"Time management is designing a rich life. So at this point, it's to kind of experiment with what might that richness be."
"A woman wants a man who can make her life better, someone who can enrich her life."
"Enriching flour replenishes the nutrients to match the nutritional status of flour with the original bran and germ nutrients."
"What will move them are services that will make the days a little brighter, their chores a little lighter, and their lives a little richer."
"I saw Operation Breakthrough and wanted to give kids access to things beyond just sports. Let's attach them to something they don't even know is fun yet."
"Thank you for bringing new things into my life."
"Christianity is not boring, walk with God is the best thing you can ever do to yourself."
"Thank you again, Lord, for Your Word. We are always enriched by it, we're always thrilled at its glorious truth and consistency."
"That was incredibly great and incredibly enriching."
"Human connections enrich your life."
"Embrace the richness of life and connection with others, bringing your best self to relationships."
"This trip has been full of adventures, I have to say, which is so enriching."
"Embrace diversity because otherwise life will be so boring, you know, and who wants to be in a boring life?"
"It's absolutely a joy to have real books of substance on your shelf."
"Creating something with fabric at the end of the day was soul enriching."
"It makes the world a more interesting place."
"Their lives are enhanced by coming here."
"The quality of love ennobles us when we allow it."
"One of the most valuable ways to spend your money is in expanding your horizons and making you a more thoughtful and curious person."
"Lucy has introduced me to more of life than anybody I've ever known."
"She made my world wider and brighter with music, poetry, literature, and libraries."
"Novels teach us how to live by making living more enjoyable and more stimulating."
"Our lives are much richer now. Since we've learned to enjoy the marvels of nature around us."
"Bulgaria isn't just a destination, it's an experience that enriches the soul."
"True generational wealth is not monetary; it's enriched Souls."
"All of a sudden people who live in cities open up that there are multiple dimensions of life and that if I start to open up my awareness and perceive everything in the invisible around me besides just the tangible my life is enriched."
"It's like treasure, you know, something like that, and I feel instantly like I have to add it to my life."
"This experience underscores the importance of stepping out of your comfort zone instead of letting Media portrayals or secondhand opinions shape your views on people and places it's far more enriching to discover things for yourself."
"Real success lies in giving and enriching others."
"There's a lot of joy in that, everything about it just brings so much to my life."
"May adventure find you and enrich your soul."
"Art is definitely the best thing to enrich your life because it's so colorful, it's so much passion into it, and so much emotions."
"I'm leaving this jail richer than when I entered."
"You can actually learn to live as a king during these things, not without these things."
"Traveling domestically is just as enriching as international trips."
"Getting out and enjoying things... they'll enrich your life like you never even knew."
"Travel is the only thing you buy that makes you richer."
"The Berkeley Center's lectures are an opportunity to extend that dialogue, to bring a global thought leader to campus to deepen that conversation with us."
"Thank you for all the flavor you add to my life."
"Now, this to me is such a great example of how something broken can emerge from the mud but with it comes a story and something to research and something to really enrich your knowledge."
"Enrichment provides mental stimulation, prevents boredom, and relieves stress."
"Well, there's also somewhat called food for the mind and that's just as important as working for a living if you want to be a round human being."
"Her job and her life became more pleasant and interesting."
"People celebrate those who can stimulate their minds, give insight and enrich their lives."
"How crazy is it that our lives could be enriched and better through something as silly as jokes?"
"The best collaborations for me are the ones where we come in, we have a very good time, and we both walk away from it enriched, having learned from each other."
"See, when you come to Christ, God doesn't take anything away from you. Matter of fact, He adds to you."
"Each with a unique story that enriched the flavor of their lives."
"People don't need art, but I do believe it enriches us."
"I'm here to enrich your life. I want you to be more than what you currently are."
"Books make my world a little bit more colorful."
"It's a book that can't really be spoiled because even if you knew the ending the book would be just as enriching when you read it."
"Diversity, when it is rooted in unity, is enriching."
"Invest in experiences and relationships that enrich your life."
"Like with that industrial revolution of the Middle Ages, surprise you with something that you didn't know about and are enriched by knowing."
"Books have brought me so much joy."
"You being with this person makes them feel very abundant."
"Your presence will enrich the world."
"Little tales like this enriched our small town."
"Clapton's willingness to share the stage and studio with other musical minds enriched his sound."
"You literally get to help people and enrich their life and improve their life."
"Exercise at the gym doesn't hold a candle to exercise that is fun and actually enriches your life."
"Art is good because it enriches The Human Experience."
"Fostering supportive and uplifting connections enriches our lives immensely, adding depth and meaning to our existence."
"It can also be super enjoyable and enriching."
"Manifestation means everything which is enriching."
"Enriched data is data plus rules plus tags and makes data ready for large language model consumption."
"Calculus is one of those enriching, marvelous things that makes your life better outside of utilitarian need."
"There is something to be said for enriching your life by surrounding yourself with people that you love and can lean on whether that be family or friends."
"It's not just about decoding why we wake up, it's about using those moments to enrich our lives."
"Reading books can enrich not only our lives, but also our understanding of the lives of others as well as the world in which we live."
"It just makes it even better, better in an even more engaging experience than it already was."
"Engaging with our community through comments, shares, and feedback isn't just beneficial for others, it's a way to enrich your own life."
"There's intellectual stimulation that takes place in this book not only that, there's edification that takes place from this book as well."
"It's about having an experience that adds richness to your life."
"Let's travel not just as a means of transport but as a remedy for the soul, a path to self-discovery, and a gateway to a stronger and invigorated mind."
"It's getting good, we got a couple pulls, we were like a couple more enrichments away from it being good."
"I become a better Jew by recognizing what other religious traditions also have to offer."
"Making friends in this community has enriched my life so much."
"She's never going to be the greatest conversationalist, but having her as your friend or family will enrich all of your lives."
"Food is just such an enriching part of the World Travel experience."
"Embracing these gifts can be a profound experience, enriching life's journey with depth and insight."
"My main mission in life is to enrich lives with meaningful and liberating education."
"Whatever you feel as the world begins to emerge from the pandemic and whatever your views may be on how we move forward, one thing will always remain true: travel enriches us in a way that is hard to quantify."
"Read everything you can that's not instantly news... if you only read 'All the King's Men,' your life will be better."
"This is some good stuff and I need more of this in my life."
"It's incredibly enriching, but it's also super stressful."
"Poly-A enrichment allows us to pull out mRNA sequences from the total RNA population, enriching for the sequences we actually want to sequence in our project."
"You're missing out on a huge part of life if you don't read."
"I tell you what man my life has been so enriched by finding a peer group and getting back to the funnest time of my life when I had people to talk story with."
"There's something that we found through interacting with another system in person that puts like another layer of icing on top of this already beautiful cake of knowing other systems."