
Small Business Quotes

There are 926 quotes

"My ability to build my own small business from nothing has been one of the greatest freedoms and blessings that I have had in my life."
"That's why my team here at Google has a mission, to help small businesses grow with easy tools so they can stay focused on their craft."
"To have a large number of small firms is one of the key ingredients of success."
"90% of our businesses are small businesses, and it's great because those are the ones that are not going to lecture you about stuff."
"We want to take care of these small businesses; they really are the engine of this country."
"The desire of 95% of the small businesses I've ever spoken to is to be my own boss. Here's a way for the employees to run the business."
"Even though each bankruptcy of a small business is going to have less effect than the bankruptcy of a major company, they are collectively larger and more important."
"You're starting a small business probably the same thing for a YouTube career; you're a small business owner now."
"Small business is the key to our recovery; you're the foundation of the community and of the American Dream."
"That's why people are so hyped about this stuff, because it allows you as a small company to not have to invest billions of dollars trying to solve this stuff."
"The idea that small business owners don't create jobs is nonsense."
"Innovation often begins in a small business."
"The velocity of money is very important... small businesses... keep it circulating."
"Working at a startup or small business can be stressful but also very rewarding."
"The assumption is they're going to get another job, that may very well be true, but it also may very well be true that if you're a small business owner who piled all your savings into starting a restaurant, and that restaurant just went away forever, that is a life that has been wrecked."
"I would set up a mom-and-pop shop selling hotcakes and bacon to everybody around."
"I think it's really cool that she started her own small business, and now gets to create something out of that need while bringing pride to her community."
"It's the medium-sized companies that are the backbone and so secret recipe of the German economy."
"I'm running a small business. I make and sell handmade cosmetics."
"George is just the real deal when it comes to supporting a small perfumery."
"Small business is the backbone of the American economy, and the president has put the nation's 30 million small businesses front and center in the response effort."
"Small business is the backbone of the American economy."
"Simple to set up, high demand, and really good profit margins."
"This is basically 40,000 small businesses and I think they need to be protected."
"Being a small business owner is [ __ ] hard, it feels really close to your heart."
"We need to refill the small business funding."
"One thing that breaks my heart is to see store owners particularly in some of these underserved communities who have worked hard to create a small business see it destroyed."
"Highlighting tomorrow: how the rescue plan invests in small businesses, including minority-owned businesses."
"Joy is found in the journey, so when I was selling that one t-shirt, them two t-shirts, like, I was still happy."
"Locally owned businesses are vital, maybe pivotal in the parallel economy."
"Part of the SBIR program... allowing small businesses to develop new cutting-edge technologies."
"I love being able to work with the main creative person behind their brand. Small makers are my dream clients."
"No company cares more about small businesses or has done more to support them over the past two decades like Amazon."
"South Korea's Ministry of SMEs and startups says it will provide over $211 million to support small businesses affected by the coronavirus outbreak."
"We're going to have a taco business, we're going to have a taco business."
"The biggest mistake small businesses make is extracting the money out and buying dumb shit."
"Small businesses are the lifeblood of this country."
"I think it's something like 99% of the jobs created in this country come from small businesses—truly the backbone of our economy."
"The lockdowns were economic war, destroying small businesses and traumatizing people."
"Farmers markets are fun... people would throw money and compliments at us for the entire time it ran."
"You don't have to be like the next Yellow Pages or like the next Thumbtack, but as long as you kind of get the ball rolling and you know you work your way up, that's all that matters."
"One third of New York's small businesses may be gone forever."
"The devastation of small business has been both widespread and permanent."
"The most vulnerable small businesses in New York City might be those operated by minority or female owners."
"Individual landlords or mom-and-pop businesses own about 4 out of 10 rental units in the U.S."
"He made $2,265 dollars worth of sales in April. That's good, nice."
"Small businesses like skate shops make a big difference in our communities."
"Support the little guy, not the big corporations."
"Healthcare is repeatedly raised by small business owners as one of the largest costs they have."
"Small business ownership is vital right now."
"People are really gonna start buying from small businesses who make holistic based products, so I definitely see you guys selling like beauty products given that Taurus energy online, Aquarius energy."
"Support small business, support your friends."
"I think the shutdown has basically killed Main Street. We have effectively ended small mom-and-pop brick-and-mortar shops if you're not online."
"When you support a small business during this time, you're keeping our dreams alive."
"Supporting small businesses right now is really important if you have the means to."
"The Democrats are the party of big business... we represent the 30 million men and women who start small, great companies."
"Small businesses that form the economic backbone of our communities now face immediate and oftentimes crushing financial pressure because of the pandemic."
"I just never gave up and I cannot believe because it was hard, like month after month, and one sale paint drop gets so happy and then another one goes behind."
"Let's explore some invaluable resources that can assist you in the request for a grant for incentives for small business."
"Having a few thousand dollars may not seem like much to a lot of people, but to a very small business, that can really help them get through the next two or three weeks."
"Small businesses play an absolutely vital role in securing our nation."
"If a small business closes for good, the cost to us is going to be dramatically higher."
"I just can't imagine being a small business owner going through the pandemic."
"Small business can step in and do this where government can't."
"Small business technology transfer program is your golden ticket... powered by the US small business administration."
"Highlighting some of the smaller mom and pop stores."
"We have to help our workers, small businesses, and we have to help our restaurants."
"We're not intimidated by those who hurl abuse at small business workers and steal food from the homeless."
"Small business owners are very, very hard workers."
"Taking away resources is only going to kick small businesses while they're already down."
"The biggest advantage a small company has is they're nimble."
"The Graco Fine Finish Sprayer is a match made in heaven for small shops like mine."
"A big business is a small business that did the right things."
"Still, given the relatively small size of the studio I feel the team has done great work in bringing this unique world to life."
"Kickstarter and Indiegogo are their competitors. It's like me selling hamburgers out of my garage and then saying that McDonald's is my competitor."
"Coloring books: find graphics, put them on multiple pages, and sell them for customers to print and color."
"We just got our first order, seven dollars and fifty cents, and it's at the flame broiler which is literally like in that shopping center right there."
"There's a significant minority both of small business and of regular citizens who are willing to speak out."
"It's completely fine for some of these smaller companies to hop in and have their opinion."
"Not only are you supporting an outstanding charity, but also a small business."
"America loves small businesses because that's the backbone of our country."
"Thank you so much for supporting me and my shop. The stickers and the little prints have proved very popular."
"You could get an SBA loan for anywhere from 10 to 50% of the purchase price."
"Whenever you're watching these videos and you have your own favorite Creator or you know you just have a friend that you think might have that card, use them, support small business owners, support small content creators and support your buddies."
"Small businesses occupy greater than 95% of the global economy... and yet often when we talk emergent technology... we're talking about what impact that has on the corporate world..."
"That mass extinction of small businesses in the U.S. that were clinging on mostly by the desire of the entrepreneur to make it work."
"The war on small business: How the government used the pandemic to crush the backbone of America."
"Small businesses mom-and-pop shops local areas advertising to you."
"We're a small, humble team, and we really care about the work that we do."
"Give the small business people a subsidy. Let them be required to pay better than the minimum wage."
"Support a service-disabled veteran-owned organization. The barbecue sauce is not only good, it's good for you - gluten-free, low in sodium, and absolutely no high fructose corn syrup."
"A thousand dollars from a small plant shop... made global news."
"It's a very, very small restaurant but I think it packs an enormous punch."
"What's really disrespectful is the thought that they're even contemplating raising taxes on our small business owners."
"You can turn this into a very successful small-scale manufacturing business with a small initial investment on basic tools."
"If you tell a small business that they can't operate, and you don't compensate them, then they... if they eventually go out of business, then basically Amazon takes that business."
"It's totally possible for you to start and scale an Etsy business that brings in consistent revenue and that could allow you to work from home on your terms."
"As much as they called it free shipping, I either have to raise the prices, or I, as the artisan, am eating it."
"Trump is slashing all of that stuff, he's bringing small businesses back, he's bringing money back."
"Your business is small, it doesn't mean you can't make a big impact on your customers."
"Small businesses, really -- I say this to Linda McMahon all the time -- head of Small Business. But small business is really big. Right, Linda? It's really big."
"He actually understands the need for small businesses like my sister's to survive."
"Thank you for stepping up and doing this for small businesses."
"That's our advantage in the marketplace right now is as passionate mom-and-pop businesses we can do stuff that none of these corporate companies would ever even want to breathe on."
"It's like maybe you want to start a business and this is saying like there are going to be multiple ways for you to start this and it doesn't have to be big, it can be very small."
"We got to get growing again and I think that means getting the bureaucracy and government off the backs of small businesses."
"Germany has 1,500 hidden champions, small firms dominating global market niches, thanks to local community banks funding their growth."
"The most mom and pop feeling store is Sweetwater. They come across as the most mom and pop."
"I want to see more diversity and more voices in the small business world."
"Regulate small business out of existence with government-mandated minimum wages."
"Best of all, 90% of these products support small businesses."
"If you gave a woman a little bit of money and she started a business, the money that she made she would first invest in her children and health and education."
"Big businesses should really infuse their resources and support into small businesses."
"When big corporations help smaller businesses come up, it creates a bigger ecosystem."
"Small businesses account for over half, sometimes 75% of all job growth in recessions."
"Time is money, especially when you're running a small business."
"The war on small business has destroyed a lot of great family-owned restaurants... let small town America be small town."
"If there were no lockdowns, small businesses would have pretty much gotten [__]."
"I really recommend supporting independent mom-and-pop games stores."
"It's going to make them unaffordable for many individuals and small businesses to be able to purchase a table saw."
"It's going to have a major impact on our hobby and/or small businesses."
"User-generated content can be really beneficial for small businesses."
"We want small business and entrepreneurship to flourish in our country."
"We started a business almost 8 years ago now, just trying to pay the bills."
"Middle class people who are running small businesses are constantly afraid that they're gonna be arrested."
"Neat little shop... I'll give it an 8 out of 10."
"I gotta get this car detailing business. That's where the money's at."
"Business small business is the backbone of the American economy."
"For month 3 in the business ladies and gentlemen we made ten thousand dollars at timmy's emporium."
"Managing social media for small businesses is probably one of the best side hustles."
"It's basically like having two forms of grant money for small businesses in America."
"If you got one before, you get the extra nine."
"Many of my clients are small mom-and-pop landlords, people who live off of the income from their tenants just to survive, like retirement."
"You're supporting the little small businesses on YouTube trying to get to that partner status."
"The best part is that unless you're an organization with more than five developers or making more than a million dollars in revenue each year, this product is free to use."
"These are mom and pop spots... whose life it is to run these shops."
"Support your local small businesses, bring cash if you need to, and much love to everybody in the grind and the hustle until next time we're out, peace."
"Support your local businesses, support your small businesses."
"It's very clear to me that PayPal's future is in small and midsize businesses."
"Day one we made a profit of one dollar and eleven cents and at this point I'm like did we make a big mistake is it gonna take like four years to get rid of this stock but then day two came and we did a little bit better we got 10 orders."
"Thank you so much for your support of my home business."
"We should start helping out other small businesses in the area too. If all of us work together, we're all gonna be stronger."
"Daniel was cool enough and forward-thinking enough to save every single one, and I am super stoked to be able to have them now here at the sweet shop."
"For many creative small business owners, that's how it starts: Make everything you can yourself until you can afford to hire someone who does it better and faster than you can." - Commentator
"Did you know that small business owners account for more than 64% of jobs in the United States?"
"This software it's built for freelancers and small business owners who don't have time to waste."
"One-third of small businesses in New Jersey have closed down in 2020."
"Small business truly is the American dream at its very, very best."
"The small business truly is the American dream at its very, very best."
"I love doing my part to try to help support these small businesses, especially around the holidays."
"Every time somebody starts a small business, it's an act of hope."
"Supporting small businesses: a little part goes a long way."
"Small business owners are the backbone of the U.S economy."
"SBA was founded for the specific purpose of being able to support economic growth by giving small business owners the help that we need."
"When you support a small business, you are supporting a dream."
"The small businesses had our back during the pandemic."
"I'm promoting entrepreneurs and mom and pop businesses."
"Most small business operators aren't that tech savvy and they really need an out-of-the-box solution, and that's what we've created here."
"It's a direct lifeline to small businesses that are profoundly hurting."
"The destruction of small business and the categories that I've discussed is now being advanced as a matter of conscious policy by the United States government."
"You can start a side hustle by helping small businesses automate their systems."
"This is what we really love to see in a boat: small boat builders making the best of their jobs."
"You'd be shocked how these things happen but you can't do that if it's you and your next door neighbor and your buddy from college and that's your whole team."
"If you have the ability to support a small business with your money please do so."
"Every small business owner will tell you what I'm telling you right now."
"Small business owners are what makes America tick. These guys are Hustlers, they lay it all on the line, they bust their ass, they work their tail off to create jobs in America."
"The small-business economy has been on fire."
"I built this for you. I built this for the little guy."
"At the end of the day, we gotta support local businesses."
"Indie brands bring me joy, like small businesses supporting small business."
"Now that small business, they don't have to wait for confirmation. They get that money instantly."
"A Bop is a self-contained package policy, like a mom-and-pop shop."
"I recognize that these are small businesses, there's so much love that goes into making products."
"Find local brands smaller independent brands that you guys can both promote each other."
"It's actually small mom and pop landlords that own most of the real estate."
"Having a small business... slowly and steadily through each video I got better and better at talking."
"If you want to make content to promote your small business, your smartphone is the best tool that you have."
"Pop's grocery was the heart of the community."
"I went to a small business Market over the weekend and there was a brand called Crocodile Aile and she made these gorgeous clay earrings."
"Owning a small business is freaking awesome!"
"I love their shop their kansas city shop um she's a small business and so i always try to support them because i freaking love their earrings"
"During my launch shop opening I got 51 orders which resulted in $164 in sales so meaning I'm still $538 in the red which is fine."
"I love finding new tools and platforms and software because as a small business owner, we need a lot of those tools to help us run our business."
"The exciting news of the moment is that my little Etsy Shop opened yesterday."
"The internet is your friend when you're a small business owner."
"We started this business with one truck, one employee."
"This would be for like coffee stands."
"QuickBooks Online is my favorite system for small business accounting."
"Start small and try to diversify your income with something that you produce and turning that into a small business."
"Small business optimism is higher than at any time under the last administration, substantially higher."
"FreshBooks is the accounting software that's built for small business owners."
"Try to support us small businesses because we're the ones. It's not just me, there's a lot of us. We're working hard to have something of quality. We take pride in our work."
"Supporting small businesses with Box of Awesome, we love that 90% of everything that comes in your box is from a small upcoming brand."
"So if you're new to the channel, welcome! My name is Matt, this is my wife Sarah, and we own a laser engraving company."
"Social media plays a big part in your small business... it's okay to not really pour yourself into it at first... but for long-term growth I would definitely recommend investing your time into growing and building your social media presence."
"They've really made it nice for us to start our own little small business and get going."
"This is from a small business, Bell Haven Co. I ordered a custom embroidered sweatshirt of my logo."
"So if you buy a t-shirt from me you're not only supporting me but you're also supporting this Mom and Pop business."
"Thank you to all those beautiful souls who have supported my small business, my baby shop."
"It's called the SBA 7A loan. This small business loan, you could go buy some storage. Self Storage is not only commercial real estate, it's a small business."