
Financial Decision Quotes

There are 399 quotes

"I'm walking out of the pawn shop today with $1300, and I'm very happy. It's going to go on my kids' college education fund."
"That has to be the best financial decision I've ever made in my entire life!"
"Sounds like you two had a history, for him to act like that and turn down the money too."
"I would only pay a quarterback 30 million dollars or more if they were elite, if they could win with less."
"The smart decision here for the intelligent investor and the person who understands security analysis is going is that their decision to transfer the money and to sell their shares of company xxx and trade them in the company TTT is a thirty-five thousand dollar decision."
"Bank Rate found that 44% of homeowners regret their home purchase."
"From a purely financial perspective, is buying a home worth it? It depends heavily on the numbers for your situation."
"I'm selling everything. I need to buy a lottery ticket, guys."
"We ditched the hourly electric plan... This program became too expensive for us."
"Way you're well over your $900 who picks the best storage units going to give this to you your eye was right on this time."
"Richard Burr suddenly decided to sell virtually everything he owned."
"Tom Brady was the only player in sport ball history to take a $60 million pay cut."
"I genuinely believe I made a good investment here."
"It's like going into a casino with your paycheck."
"15 million pounds for some that Henry can you just do that deal it's absolutely perfect."
"If you have a hundred thousand dollars and you're thinking, 'What do I do with my hundred thousand dollars?' Well, by not making a decision, you're for sure losing seventeen thousand dollars a year because of inflation."
"If you knowingly are going to buy a car that is going to depreciate $50,000, you have to either really want that car... or you have to be kind of not that smart."
"It is okay to walk away and not purchase that thing if it's a matter of you are really wanting to support a small business but $125 is just too much for you."
"Zuckerberg turned down a 1 billion dollar pitch from Yahoo."
"I nearly spent a bomb on that for the record. Yes, should have saved that for a better room. By the way, Jonah's Jack, thank you for the follow."
"If you don't intend to stay in your home for at least 7 years then renting is cheaper."
"You rushed in impulsively about something in a panic and dramatically overpaid."
"Instead of being mad, just don't give them your money."
"There shouldn't be any particular prescribed requirement. The only purpose should be, do I think I can make a return? I want to invest in a business. Where should I invest?"
"A lot of money, it was a good choice definitely."
"If it cost $400,000, it cost $400,000, they're right. I don't object."
"Nobody's asking for anything more than that, and then let the family make an informed decision about their defense and how to use those funds."
"Anytime somebody can pay you 10 times your total income to play a sport... absolutely 100 percent take that money."
"This is the problem that people have: they sell stocks because they don't know why they bought it."
"You're gonna take six grand? Um, yeah, I think so. That works, sure."
"For a lot of people, I do think spending three percent to save 15 that they otherwise would have spent is worth it."
"You're gonna kick yourself because you're gonna go oh zach and jesse why didn't you tell me to just buy it when it was ten thousand dollars."
"Should I buy XYZ coin or should I buy PayPal instead?"
"It would make me a lot more comfortable to go heavier on crypto if tether just disappeared."
"You know what I think that's what I'll do today I'm going to add a little bit to pound here uh even though I know it increases my cost basis a little bit I'll I'll add a little bit to pound here."
"He's a squad player, that's what this guy is just going to do for 3.2 million pound I really couldn't turn that down."
"You can compare great rates and pick the option that's best for you."
"Could he use that money for judgment on the last floor but hey here we are that was pretty good."
"You're essentially taking your money and just throwing it into a pit of nothingness."
"If you don't see the light in the next 24 months, then sell the house."
"Should you buy or should you sell right now? It depends."
"You don't have to make a trade if you don't see an opportunity."
"He needs to take the 10 million and move to Atlanta, start working with Tyler Perry and just live like a damn King."
"I know I'm not always going to be right, but I'm still going to continue to invest based on my own research and my own level of conviction."
"Probably just go for the hybrid because you get a lot for the extra three thousand dollars that Hyundai charges."
"Turning down the bag of millions just to keep something ad-free."
"It was easier for me to pass up the money knowing that I could sleep better at night with the victory."
"You have to make the decision if it's worth it to you. 500 is a lot of money."
"I think I'll leave this part right here and in the next part, I'll give her a little bit of a makeover now that we've made a little bit of money."
"If I ever meet someone like that again, I will invest in them."
"I sold out of about 5 stocks... and then I opened three brand new positions."
"Maybe you've done enough research. The third option is to invest now."
"Opportunity is opportunity wherever you feel comfortable making money."
"But again I'm like if I were these creators I'd be like I have a better chance of making more money on Kickstarter or Indiegogo right now."
"No, I think it's a lot of money but I disagree with this kind of overpaying."
"If you could spend $5 million a year and make $180 million, would you take that deal?"
"At a two billion dollar valuation I'm a buyer, but at an 11 billion dollar valuation I'm not a buyer."
"If we overpay for Casado, it would be well worth the money. I don't care as long as we're in the Premier League."
"No, I wouldn't even quit college for 500,000. Enough to be financially stable, I guess."
"I'd be happy to give you a hundred thousand." - Samuel Leeds
"I will contend that the $750 option is worth considering."
"When somebody offers you $6 billion before your second birthday, you say yes!"
"Insiders don't buy shares because they think the stock price is going to go down. They buy it because they think it's going to go up."
"It's exceptionally capable and presents insane value for your money."
"Should Manchester United pay 700,000 Euros to Eric Bailly?"
"I'd probably pay the extra 200 bucks for that."
"I spent over 50 thousand dollars in about a five minute span buying into a stock."
"How good of a deal you got is the most important part."
"This is actually not that profitable of an investment."
"Buying a home in your 30s can be a Smart Financial move for several reasons."
"If you hold your losers too long and you sell your winners too soon, you will have a negative profit loss ratio."
"We need to support it. So, Peter, I think you convinced me."
"When do you know when I should go full time? My response is when you're losing money going to work."
"May commanded him to hand it over... he signed over the lease worth eighteen thousand dollars."
"Money is relative. The point of this video is for you to see how I think about taking jobs and how you can apply it to your own jobs."
"I'm into the company right now for about 125,000. I'm tempted after this video post to potentially put in a little bit more, we'll see."
"It takes a brave club in this climate to say, 'We're not taking that 90 million we could take right now.'"
"What does that mean for you watching, and should you do the same?"
"I fully expect this to be a great deal not only today but for the rest of the year to come."
"It's not like we can't afford it, just because we can doesn't mean we should."
"As long as you know the true intrinsic value of something, buy it."
"This might be my first good investment here."
"Now's a good time to make any investment choices or financial decisions."
"What would you rather have, a hundred thousand USD or five bitcoin?"
"Does it actually provide value for the amount of money that you're going to spend? And if it is, great, spend away."
"The cost alone called into question the wisdom of purchasing the plane."
"His offer of 8,500 was fair, and now I'll be able to give my daughter some money for a down payment on her house."
"Can you imagine hitting that 'buy' button when the thing you are purchasing costs millions or hundreds of thousands of dollars?"
"Two thousand dollars is a lot of money to be giving out."
"Imagine you were so good at hockey then someone offered you a hundred million dollars to play it and after a couple years you were like no I'm good."
"If you can justify spending this kind of money, then that's the way to go."
"I would go all in on keeping some bits with the football club if it is the 25 million."
"This is merely my opinion, this is not financial advice, and you should always do your own due diligence before buying or selling any stocks on your own."
"Even if it's a hundred bucks that's probably not bad right I mean that's 1 16 of the entire lot of one card."
"Finding a beachfront home... would be a possibility for us."
"After choosing the lump sum option, she took home a staggering 249 million."
"He went for the lump sum, which meant he was now almost 282 million dollars richer."
"We all buy Bitcoin at the price that we deserve."
"It's a business purchase at the end of the day."
"Life coaching certification school for $7,400... that's crazy to me."
"You don't want to promote me and my image? Fine, but you're not gonna get my money either."
"False move week beginning: trapping traders with weekend action."
"Choose your own path, sometimes you might choose to buy, sometimes you don't."
"Let's go, I'm pumped. Let's spend a million dollars."
"Just saying like 'Oh but the guy's offering me money, he's offering the cash' it doesn't matter, that is a risk that you should not be willing to take."
"We ain't paying nobody back. That was never a part of the plan."
"I sold 15,000 of Vici... high likelihood this would not last... able to re-enter the position at a better valuation."
"If somebody offers 6 billion and says 'I'm going to sell Marcus Rashford tomorrow,' they'll take it. It's really important that United fans realize this."
"How can I not put a decent chunk of change in this company when I look at the risk reward with this? It's just way too attractive."
"In conclusion, of course, it's about the money, obviously it's about the money when what Crowder is initially offered is against what a conservative estimate of what he could make on his own."
"Would you take $100,000 wired to you right now or a coin flip for 10 million?"
"Even at half a million bucks, it's a good value."
"I love the Uganda Shilling I just don't know if it's gonna make the first basket or not if it doesn't I'm going in big."
"Lump sum investing involves a one-time decision."
"PSG spent 300 million on Killian Mbappé, Neymar, and Lionel Messi only for all of them to leave for free and without winning them a Champions League."
"I really need to know if my investment is worth it or not... it's uh kind of important and something I should probably done before I put in that offer."
"A rational investment decision which has definitely paid off in the long run."
"I don't want my money even though my my mom is uh going through what she going through but I don't want her to be able to work again bro."
"It's a no-brainer as it relates to money. It's a no-brainer!"
"If my money was on the line and I had about eighty thousand dollars to spend on a midsize luxury sedan, this is definitely the option that I would pick..."
"Would you rather buy a brand new crappy little commuter car for $15,000 or a used car with 60,000 miles for the same price?"
"Enphase Energy up 116... because of that this single stock became too large of an individual position and so I've been selling off chunks of it over the last 30 days."
"How do you know when to exit, right? We've been talking about patience."
"Florida's Chief Financial Officer said his Department would pull $2 billion worth of its assets managed by BlackRock."
"Before you spend all those years studying something and going into debt, it's very important to figure out what the best college degree for you is."
"This has probably been the best investment I've ever made."
"Will she get paid? 33 say that yeah, she'll get paid and 67 say no, we're getting a rage. This will be interesting. It'll be disrespectful for sure."
"I would at least turn it on and consider maybe getting the next tier up as it's about a dollar a month for the next level up of iCloud storage."
"The big question is: are you going to buy the dip?"
"The Federal Reserve's decision to return this unused CARES Act funds to the Treasury, making it all but impossible for Janet Yellen to access this money."
"Probably the best investment that you'll make this year."
"Once they wake up to the situation and move their resources from an unallocated pool, allocated, or ETF position to physical gold or silver, they're not going back to the synthetic product."
"Verizon sells Tumblr for ten million dollars after buying it for 1.1 billion."
"A 44 billion Act of philanthropy not a financial decision not an investment not a business acquisition."
"Larry Ellison of Oracle dumped 640 million dollars worth of shares, definitely a believer in AI."
"If you still don't get it by now, it's time for you to sell everything you've got."
"Personally, I would say if you can afford the difference between them, the iPhone 12 would probably be a better buy."
"Depreciation is ignored in a purchase decision making."
"Everyone watching this right now, if they're Manchester United fans, have got to ask themselves if Manchester United got offered 50 million, 40 million even 30 million they'd have to say yes to that wouldn't they?"
"I just thought for 6,250 quid can't really go wrong."
"You may be asking yourself, 'Is now the time to sell everything?'"
"Would you rather have a penny a day now or would you rather have thirty thousand dollars seven thousand years from now? Cheers to that!"
"If the RV ratio quite a bit lower than one point four point five it's a much better financial decision to rent."
"It's been a great financial decision for me."
"I'd rather buy a wonderful business at a fair price than a fair business at a wonderful price." - Warren Buffett
"The fact that California has a state income tax and nine other states don't is a real reason and a really kind of no-brainer reason as to why somebody would want to move out of California, especially if they're a high enough earner."
"If your idea is, 'Do I get enough bang for 60 bucks?' Wait for a sale."
"A hundred dollars for this entire collection, buy of the year or what?"
"He bought almost 10 million dollars worth of bitcoin at current levels."
"If it's right, I will add $120 to the total."
"Four percent of respondents quit their job because of gains in cryptocurrencies."
"It's probably not a good idea to spend so much money on a bike, but if it makes you happy and it makes you ride more, it's probably a good decision to spend all this money on a bike."
"I think I'm just gonna list up all of the players man, I think I'm just gonna cash out."
"The costs elevate too high. It's time to get out before."
"If I had the money to wipe my loans out today, I'm cutting a check."
"I'm tempted to move my entire bank over to them."
"This account was 100 percent worth it."
"Definitely going to consider adding to my portfolio given this robust return."
"Aquarius, you've got a big decision about your job but look at here, money never looked better for you."
"This is the best investment of my life, man."
"I bought Weight Watchers stock this morning."
"If I woke up in your shoes, I can't imagine waking up in your shoes, but I would go ahead and pay off the house."
"Is Elon Musk really playing 4D chess or is he just coping with the fact that he agreed to buy a platform that is worth trash for a very high price?"
"I know how I am, I look at the price and then I'm like, 'Yeah, sorry Sarah, Johnny does have to eat.'"
"This bike, you can get for around $5,799 MSRP. I paid a little over six grand out the door for this bike which was a pretty good deal I think."
"Pogba's future: staying at United makes sense financially."
"It's a scary time, I would say, I want to see what 300 is going to do but we sold."
"Pick your poison: Do you want to be a renter and pay somebody else's mortgage or have your own mortgage?"
"We make this joke all the time: it was our least financially responsible decision we ever made but it's our favorite one that we ever made."
"You're paying money in order to get 5%. There are other platforms like Mumu where you get 5.1% and there's no fee."
"It's a lot of money, don't get me wrong, but it's still bang for your buck in terms of performance."
"I sold a LeBron rookie SP Authentics for $22,000, I wish I still had them though."
"What has crypto built over the last two or three years that's got you psyched to go all in with your paycheck? What's got you psyched up to put a substantial amount of your portfolio and cash position into cryptocurrencies?"
"If someone gave me $10 million, I would retire tomorrow."
"Are you happy to spend money on cosmetics? If yes, then are you happy to spend this much money on cosmetics?"
"It's kind of a no-brainer why you should buy some."
"It's kind of a tough sell to step that extra $8,000 that you're going to be paying to get into the Lowrider S."
"I turned down 10 million dollars because my soul is worth more than that to me."
"If someone offered me the cash equivalent for this item right now, would I rather just have the cash?"
"Would you pay $50,000 just to attend a conference?"
"I just don't see a situation in which we refuse to pay 17 million or 20 million for a player that we absolutely need."
"It should be fun. It's a big purchase, treat it as such, but also don't be burdened by it. It is supposed to be fun."
"Can I buy more? You can absolutely buy more."
"Sometimes we don't want to cancel them because we have so much money sunk into it, you know, sunk cost fallacy."
"They're buying crypto because they understand how valuable it's going to be."
"Buying a home is probably the biggest purchase that anybody's gonna make, and for most people, that's their biggest investment."
"If you have £85 million to spend on a center back, you don't spend it on Maguire."
"Is it worth fixing it? Is it worth like $50 a month?"
"I just want to take a big fat loan, that's all I want."
"Matty I'm a little bit concerned about spending uh big money on another English player."
"Do you buy the rotation out of commodities to technology, or stick with consistent performers like big pharma?"
"Oh my God, anything that's gonna be like showing my behind is gonna be like more than a thousand dollars."
"Are we just gonna ignore the fact that Doquan's about to buy like a billion dollars plus with BTC?"
"Vitalik Buterin sold half of his bitcoin in 2013 to avoid going broke."
"You believe that this is some new paradigm or you basically you basically say that this isn't right and you walk away from the game to some extent."
"There's very few trades I've been as confident in as I was in this trade down here."
"I thought it was a good place and technical standpoint and also it was past my price target so it made sense to take profit here for me."
"I didn't know so I did sacrifice. I recall thinking well, I didn't make maximum returns on hex and I thought, well, I'm not missing out on this one so I did sacrifice for pulse."
"Could you buy something cool and fun and special instead? Yes, you can."
"You're controlling the profit by increasing your equity."