
Willingness Quotes

There are 1620 quotes

"Confidence is the willingness to try. That's it."
"Restore to me the joy of your salvation and uphold me with a willing spirit."
"All you need to make any change to your life is the deep surrender and the willingness to change."
"Confidence is the willingness to try. That's all that it is, knowing that you may succeed or survive, but you'll still try."
"The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak."
"Willingness is the secret ingredient in emotion processing."
"Oh man, I didn't... I'll do it, I'll help, let me help."
"Be willing to change everything in your life."
"The world is so thirsty right now, and God is pouring the water of His spirit upon anyone who is willing to drink."
"Yeah, bring it on, whatever you guys need to, I'm always ready."
"The barrier is, are you willing to accept the responsibility?"
"Can't help someone who doesn't want to be helped. Plain and simple."
"Whom shall I send, and who will go for us? Then said I, Here am I; send me."
"You don't get what you want in life, you get what you're willing to negotiate."
"We're never going to make progress if we're not willing to talk to each other."
"Both sides have to show a willingness to come up with a deal."
"It's kind of hard to fight a war if no one is willing to fight it."
"You cannot help somebody that does not wish to be helped."
"Confidence isn't the assuredness that it turns out; it's the willingness to try."
"Be willing to try things and be willing to explore things."
"We want this to be a coalition of the willing who accept that they're not perfect but are willing to act."
"We should be willing to reevaluate things that are not working."
"All he wants to know is are you willing to have faith in the God who believes in you."
"You're dangerous, not because you agree with me on certain issues, you're dangerous in the fact that you're just simply willing to talk to me."
"I'm willing to give it a second shot at some point."
"I'm as open-minded as anybody that I've ever met about pretty much anything provided you can actually present evidence for it."
"He's willing to do that, and that is where he's really useful."
"Just the willingness to try and the willingness to fail."
"Oh I'm down as long as it's like probably pretty safe and or I have like nothing to lose."
"The willingness to fight... people are standing up, it's time to stand up."
"You are salt and you are light, and the question is: Are you willing, for Him, to be as salty as you can be, as bright as you can be, that the circle of your impact will go beyond your fondest dreams and imagination?"
"What do you say wanna go around again? I do."
"Even if I can never be one of them again, I'm willing to try."
"He was willing to give anything a go... he was."
"The last year has I think indicated that the Ukrainians are more than willing to fight."
"If I can help in any way, I'm happy to help."
"I love talking to you. Let's go. They're willing to try this. I'm excited about this."
"It's good to have dialogue. I don't mind answering any questions."
"We all know I can get involved in the tear-up and I don't mind throwing all on the line and getting involved that's not a problem."
"Thank you for having me it's actually been an awesome day I would do this again in a heartbeat."
"You only can help those that want help, you only can save those that want to be saved."
"He's willing to do it. We have access to Him."
"It's always fun coming and I would absolutely love to come back."
"People are more willing to pay for adult content than some random cooking video."
"I love Max's positivity and I love the fact that Lay is willing to try anything even though it's out of their comfort zone."
"It's not about your ability or your inability... it's about your availability."
"I think I've proven so far this year that I'm actually willing to do different things now."
"People are just much more willing to ask for assistance and try to connect with people."
"Can I go? Why not, dude? We're gonna be filming, dude. Yeah, but I'd go, dude. Like if someone told me, 'Hey, you go down there, there's kids that need rescuing,' I'd go wrestle right now, kids are the big thing for me."
"The old way is the old way, and there's a new way, and you gotta be willing to try those new things."
"They feel like you're really starting to shine."
"They're willing to work and give things a chance."
"You need to be willing to do anything for anybody anywhere that's not illegal."
"If you want your life to be different, you have to be willing to do something different first."
"God doesn't care about your ability, God is looking for your availability."
"I'm ready, any questions you have I am down, I am ready."
"I will do anything and I will pay any amount of money to not feel the way I'm feeling right now."
"If you're not willing to fail, you're not willing to be successful."
"Matt is always willing to do like anything for content."
"Your prospering is connected to your ability and willingness to have a whole heart."
"Certain things are fixable, and yes, part of it being fixable is the willingness from that person to fix it."
"Maybe I will rock and roll with you if I have to."
"You need to come desperate, you need to come willing, you need to come as a beggar."
"If you love someone, you have to be willing."
"If any man is willing to do His will, he will know of the doctrine." - John 7:17
"Sometimes there's plans for our lives... willing to do things that maybe make a bigger difference."
"Destiny leads the willing and drags the unwilling."
"The number of people that are willing to pay is 46 out of 50. That is amazing."
"If you want us to skydive, we'll go skydiving."
"Sometimes all we gotta do is just God doesn't require a lot from us, but he's just seen if we're willing to do whatever it is."
"That's awesome, of course I would love to do that."
"If you wanna make another video on this modpack, I can."
"I would genuinely still love to sit down at the table."
"I'd be willing, sad to say because you guys know how much I love this van, but to have something that's 4x4 super capable, I'd be in it."
"I am always willing to change my mind if compelling evidence is presented."
"I'm kind of desperate I will do any means necessary any means necessary."
"This fight is over, the middleweight division is chock full of opponents who suddenly seem willing to fight you."
"If the person doesn't want to be free, casting out a demon is counterproductive."
"Somebody is willing to talk to you, open honest communication, and put work into it."
"Notice how willing Stargirl is to collaborate."
"You can't change people unless they want to change."
"They are even willing to come with him back to the real world if possible."
"Being willing to experience, being willing to listen to people, being open to experience new things and discover as well."
"Being a guy that loves an adventure, I said yes of course I'd love to help you guys out."
"Whenever you need help, press the button; it's not trouble, I love to help."
"If you don't have experience, and you're willing to help, they will be more than happy."
"I'm happy to talk about what I know on this topic."
"We are more than willing to extend our support."
"Whatever you willing to do for your kids, God gonna make that happen."
"Willingness, not perfection, is required from you so then there is room for freedom to awaken in you."
"You can't change another person unless they are willing to change."
"We have to be willing to learn how to do the things we want to do."
"I simply wish for a society which is more willing to question itself."
"If there's anything I can do for you, don't hesitate to ask."
"I like helping people if I can help."
"The most powerful thing you can do is surrender and be willing to do whatever it takes."
"Lasting change only comes from a place of willingness."
"I would eat the booty if my partner asked me to."
"It's not a dare if I wanna do it."
"Open mind, coming with an open mind."
"The willingness to try - that's what confidence is to me."
"Whom shall I send? Who will go for us? Here am I; send me."
"They are typically very happy to do so."
"Willing means this: I'm just willing. I'm 100% yes to life."
"He didn't tell me not to ask anything, he came here open and willing to have a conversation."
"Here my mom really surprised me with her willingness to let things go."
"I'm not 100% sure if I would like these, but you know what, heck with it, we're going to try them."
"Give me all the bumps you can take, I love to take bumps."
"Are you willing to get help?" "I am."
"I want to go wherever you want me to go."
"God can do a whole lot with a yes."
"If it meant getting her to like me, then I was more than willing to do it."
"There's no such thing as too many times; you have that willingness, that spirit, that attitude."
"I want to help you, but I can only help you if you want help."
"I'll do anything for you, whatever you want."
"Anything you need, just tell me, and I'll make sure you have it."
"They are willing to make that effort and contact you."
"They're willing to give this relationship a chance."
"I will go anywhere if I can be there with you."
"I need your help. I thought you'd never ask."
"If it's a good idea, then certainly."
"Father, if you are willing, take this cup from me; yet not my will, but yours be done."
"Fate leads the willing and drags along the reluctant."
"It was a very good experience. I would absolutely do this again."
"Take all the help you can get because it takes a lot of help, it takes a lot of willingness and personal honesty to do it."
"It's a challenge I feel I'd love to take on."
"You better off asking me to do it for free and try to help you 'cause I will. I don't mind."
"I may not be required to, but I want to."
"Yeah, I'm willing to live with that."
"The only person who wouldn't want to take the test is somebody who is worried it might work."
"I love it, it's not the living in the tiny house that's necessarily brought us closer together, I think it's the fact that just he was willing to go along with this."
"I'm gonna give this sucker a try."
"They're willing to do what it takes to make this right with you."
"Just take that leap of faith and you have to be willing to follow the process."
"God is saying, 'I want to use you to go out there and help them.' The question is, are we willing to arise when God asks us to do so?"
"I would wait in line for this, I would definitely wait in line for this."
"There's so much support available to you, you only need to ask for help."
"Yeah, anytime you want to have me on here, I'm happy to do it."
"Tony Hawk literally responded in 2 hours and he said he's down, let's go!"
"I was willing if you saw more with me."
"You want the rain, you gotta be willing to play in the mud."
"I think that is a battle that I'm willing to pick."
"Yo, let me know if you guys want me to do this again."
"I want to be able to be of service to you as much as I can."
"You could lead a horse to the well but you can't force it to drink no water if the don't want to drink no water"
"I had so much fun doing this, so if you want me to do more, let me know."
"If you would have just asked me for it, I would have given it."
"I'm down for a desperate Valentine's Day."
"Easy peasy yeah do you want me to do it."
"Well, you know it's not everyone hits the nail on the head but I want to. I'm open to it. I'm open to it. I'm open to it too."
"Confidence is the willingness to try."
"I'm never going to say no to a trip anyway. Sign me up."
"It's a complicated conversation. It's going to be complicated for a really long time, and we have to be willing to have it."
"I am open and willing to attract all I desire."
"Will you marry me? Be willing to."
"If you let us, we'll be on our way."
"I'm at a point now where I'm willing to try anything to improve my life."
"Anything for you guys, you know that."
"If there's even the slightest chance of continuing my slow transformation into a forest Goblin then of course I will take it."
"Leadership is ability to make people follow you willingly."
"You are finding a willingness within yourself to love yourself."
"...it's not because someone forced me to go there, it's because I choose to be here."
"As soon as you get to willingness, you have surpassed fear, anger, guilt, sheer shame, pride."
"necessity level is this sudden willingness that untaps this tremendous amount of ability"
"I'm the John Lennon in this situation. If the Beatles want to get back together, if it's in our schedules and everybody can make the time for it and we're all not busy, you're down, I'm down, I'd do it. I'd do it tomorrow. All right, cool. Totally."
"You're willing to see things from a new perspective."
"I hope that you want to take a chance with me."
"Other than that, I really am trying to go into this thing with an open mind."
"He's just the guy that's willing to shoot the penguin."
"I will go, sir. I'm not afraid, and I would like to show you."
"Are you willing to F around and find out?"
"Well, Uncle, what is to be done? Command me, I am ready to obey," said Aladdin.
"I don't want to fix this and there's the energy to do it. It's not like oh damn I have to go do this, it's like oh boy let's go. Yes, yes!"
"I think I would definitely do that."
"I just want to say thank you. You guys don't have to do anything, but you do it willingly."
"Be willing to experiment and innovate."
"You can only help someone that wants to be helped. Those people don't want help."
"Look for someone who is willing to try."
"I'm down bad for you please I'll do anything."
"Just know that I am perfectly willing to give it a shot."
"Easy to be entreated, basically it means it's open to reason."
"People are very willing to try these innovations."
"It's natural and is used for immune support and sore throat, sorry but sign me up."
"Surrendering everything... became willing to do things a different way."
"That's fascinating. I'll be happy to help."
"You have to be willing to be in a partnership."
"You should be willing to adapt and find your strengths."
"There is a difference between somebody who's just like this and they refuse to change and somebody who is like this but is willing to change and open to change."
"Whatever she want done, I will try my best to do it."
"Israel Adesanya is not that guy. Israel Adesanya will fight anybody anywhere anytime."
"... all it takes is a willingness ..."
"Confidence is the willingness to try. Confidence is a skill."
"If you're not willing to learn, nobody can help you. If you're willing to learn, no one can stop you."
"'I would do pretty much anything.' - Reflecting on the power of incentives and personal motivations."
"I'd be more than happy to help you with that."
"You've got to be willing first of all to surrender."
"I started off as a diesel mechanic... worked in truck smash repairs... auto electrical apprenticeship... I've always been keen to just have a crack at anything."
"You can't help people unless they want help themselves."
"I am willing to grow and to change."
"If that's the price for this bill, I will gladly pay it."