
Content Value Quotes

There are 287 quotes

"People watch content because it's something that gives value to the player base."
"You provide value, value, value... It's the three E's, right? You're putting out content that is either educational, encouraging, or entertaining."
"Stay right to the end because we only give you content that's going to enrich you, evolve you, and make you smarter and better equipped to cope with this world."
"Each of those individual views is a singular person who chose to watch your video. That is an individual person who cared enough to watch you and that's all that matters."
"Always make sure that your viewer is getting something out of watching your video."
"What makes this moment so special is that we are living at a time where content and creativity and design has never been more valued."
"This is a high quality experience... I'm thankful for is that there's not a lot of bloat here."
"There's no point in this content if it doesn't actually help people because that is like the goal in the end, right?"
"Views aren't always an indicator of how good something is. Views just sometimes are how much the YouTube bot decided to push this video up everyone's ass."
"When you earn that subscriber naturally and organically through your videos, it will feel all the more sweeter."
"If you're trying to grow on YouTube...but if your video idea itself is inherently not interesting or useful to viewers, there's almost nothing you can do to make it blow up."
"Love it. Karthik says, 'Your content is more worth than any other paid courses out there.' Really appreciate that."
"If they're trying to convince you that you should be supporting them monetarily to show your ... to show that you value their content, I think the onus is kind of on them to show you."
"Content is king; Floatplane has really, really good exclusives right now."
"I picked up Verve for the combination of Crunchyroll and Funimation alone."
"This game has enough content to warrant a new retail release."
"Find a way to relate to your audience and you will bring a lot of value to those people."
"Hate seeing people they perceive as being talentless getting paid to react to videos and adding no value to them."
"When your audience comes to you and they find your content, they know that they're in the right place."
"But that shifts the responsibility back to the game designer to use that bandwidth for something worth paying attention to."
"People don't mind paying for interesting insightful original conversations."
"Relentless social media presence... providing something that's valuable to a viewer."
"Likes if this video has brought you some value and subs if you don't miss out on the future uploads."
"Content is king, and good content rises to the top."
"Content is king... it has to be valuable to somebody."
"At the end of the day, your content value is more important than your production value."
"Good content at its core is the question: What value will I provide to someone who watches my content?"
"Bookmark this video and refer back to it whenever you need it."
"The thing that's arguably more important than your than money is just your view seriously like just watching the stuff that I put out is really cool."
"Subscriber numbers mean nothing...engagement is more important."
"So anyway, I hope that somewhere within that hour plus of content you've got something that planted an idea in your head or something that at some point in time will to some degree possibly make you a better, happier person."
"Streaming services live or die by their content library."
"Writing things that people actually are waiting for, that people care about, it's much more stressful."
"If you're not providing value and you're just entertaining, like unless that's why we're going to watch the channel then you're missing the mark. It has to be a mix of both."
"Hope you found that interesting. Obviously it's horrible."
"If that's not worth leaving a like on the video for then I don't know what is."
"If you found any value in this video at all, please make sure to hit that like button, subscribe, stick around a while, and check out the quote of the day."
"Clickbait is fine as long as you're actually giving me value once you've baited me into the click."
"If you get someone for ten minutes or the show is like three hours, I mean, you're really getting a ton of air time."
"The personal connection you get from long-form content is something that can't be replaced."
"The value you give to the viewer matters more than how fancy the videos look."
"Our standard for videos is that it needs to have some sort of value for you guys. We're not gonna waste your time."
"Don't just aim for views, aim for value - that's where the real success lies."
"You can provide actual value in these articles."
"We want everyday people to send us messages saying that they're making money based on what we're talking about on this channel."
"Best series is one that previous years I could 100% understand why there wouldn't be."
"Content is king, and it's not the box office."
"I hope you enjoyed this, hope you found it interesting or found it useful in some way."
"It's the impact to the people who see it not the view count that matters when it comes to accordion music."
"Content is king. People want to see different departments in your life."
"We believe the breadth and depth of this content offering is going to be phenomenal consumer value."
"I'm gonna say Game Pass 'cause the only reason I bought Disney plus is for Mandalorian whereas Game Pass I might eventually get Star Wars stuff on there too and there are other games."
"Your channel doesn't waste people's time. Thank you so much."
"Even if it's just 10 people watching from beginning to end, it counts."
"My videos are always going to be comprehensive to give you tons and tons of value."
"Provide valuable content that keeps people coming back for more."
"I hope at least some of that was helpful for you guys."
"This mission pack is so good that it easily could have been sold as a standalone game."
"Just because I'm not on YouTube trending doesn't mean that no one cares."
"The way you get to a million followers is you really, truly deeply care about the 10 followers you currently have."
"This is pretty damning evidence that people don't watch sniper Wolf's channel for her."
"There's a lot of good stuff in here and it doesn't necessarily offer a ton of value for me."
"Regardless of what good reasons you may have, nobody cares about a each's content if it doesn't have a soul."
"Guys that will give you value is ask yourself this question is this something that people would want to share."
"80% of the time you're posting value, you're not asking for anything in return."
"Five thousand retweets don't make it great. You can have something with one view and a hundred thumbs down, might be great."
"Your response in likes and comments makes a massive difference."
"Every time I bring somebody on the channel to get that game, y'all already know, y'all gotta type in, y'all got a lot of game for free today."
"As long as it's entertaining content, who actually cares?"
"When you pay for content, you're not just getting what you paid for, you're investing in something that you value so that it can sustain and grow and improve."
"Off the record was a great example of how just a little extra content could go a long way and make an even better game out of an already great one."
"The Season is too long, and one of the reasons it feels that way is because there is very little pay off here."
"It's not about the number of subscribers, but how many people actually engage with your content."
"You don't want a dead channel with subscribers; it's pointless. What matters is your audience who genuinely likes you."
"This is the story of Machinima: their biggest mistake was thinking anyone gave a [__] about Machinima the brand and not the content creators."
"It's kind of tough to recommend the Shadowkeep expansion at this point."
"I highly suggest you watch these just because it's really fascinating in my opinion."
"Each one has left me feeling more positive about the future, which isn't easy these days."
"Not every campaign book hits the mark, but they still have enough material to usually make them worthwhile."
"Avengers is kind of a buy one get one video game deal with two separate things that almost have nothing in common."
"I felt like I could have skipped eight hours into the 20-hour long audiobook."
"Why should someone watch your shorts? That's the biggest thing."
"For every one troll comment, there are a hundred people who are saying that they're very happy about the value I'm bringing to them."
"Just watching this video could be worth an extra eighty one hundred dollars all for the low cost of just smashing a like button and subscribing."
"I think if you like zombies in any way shape or form by the freaking map pack it's because it's so it's so good so much good stuff man."
"It's about the content, it's about the message more than it is the product."
"People are more willing to pay for adult content than some random cooking video."
"If you haven't played the DLC, you basically haven't played half the game."
"The open world validates the dive into cyberpunk's side content."
"When people say that we're real, funny, and relatable. All the stuff you want to hear in normal life."
"The experience from the quests overall and the mobs and all that stuff, well it actually felt valuable."
"Communicate the value that you and your page provides when somebody presses that follow button."
"The only reason people tune in to watch stuff is if it's good."
"The best way to get a social media following is to have something worth following."
"Hopefully you liked it, hopefully you found something useful."
"People are going to love personality as much as the content itself."
"People watch things because of the person delivering the material and the brand, not necessarily the content."
"With the new system, we would get value equal to the amount of content that Supercell actually releases, which makes sense to me and is enjoyable and is fun."
"It's the idea that they're trying to cram every possible piece of substance into this minuscule rectangle and as a result when done correctly you get the feeling that these videos have a ton of value to offer."
"Invader Zim challenged the platform, knowing its value and its message."
"far harbor is the golden standard of what a dlc should be and if far cry blood dragon can be its own game far harbor is worth it too"
"It's not about the messenger, it's about the message."
"Making a helpful video that people find helpful and then they find that video helpful, they subscribe."
"TV can't do so much that YouTube can, but there seems to be a massive and relatively untapped market for actual conversation."
"Nothing is required... the base game has enough to play for hundreds of hours."
"This is the yearly planner and the new academic planner is 260 pages. That's a lot more content that you're getting."
"If it's raw, if it's pure and feels authentic, and most importantly, it's just funny, it wins."
"Do you think the revenue from these types of videos is worth more to YouTube than their reputation and livelihood? I really hope you answered no because if you didn't you're [__] wrong."
"Watch this video all the way through because I promise you the content you're gonna get here is going to be very valuable for you in the future."
"If you got value in this video, definitely drop me a like."
"Hopefully that really added value to people's lives."
"To keep this channel free, I want to add more value to you guys."
"Google Play Music does a great job of providing a lot of content for a reasonable price."
"If you do end up finding this video helpful and you are a new viewer, it'd really mean a lot to me if you join the small group of people subbed to the channel."
"I hope you found it entertaining and maybe a little bit informative as well. I will see you next time."
"As long as anyone is still enjoying it, that means it's worth my time."
"You have to create value for the viewer or nothing else happens."
"They don't click, they don't subscribe, they don't smash the like button for the YouTube algorithm, they don't do any of it if they don't feel that you're respecting their time."
"There's just so much here that's absolutely worth loving."
"Because I see them as very valuable qualitative insight into what people think about my content."
"If you're making helpful content that helps your viewer in some way, then you're going to make a really solid foundation for your channel here on YouTube."
"If you like this content and you think it's worth your time, please consider supporting Smarter Every Day on Patreon."
"I think finding more content from Henry and June is definitely worth doing."
"If you're gonna watch content just wanted to have value isn't that what every parent wants for their child?"
"If you made it this far in our video I hope that means you enjoyed watching or found something in this video helpful."
"This is by far the most valuable and relevant content that I've ever produced."
"We're probably sat on a goldmine if you actually looked at our channel."
"If it tickles the fanny of just one person out there it was worth it in my mind."
"If this video in any way has helped you, please give it a thumbs up."
"Retention doesn't matter as much as people think it does... it's just viewer satisfaction, it can't just be retention, you know."
"Even beyond just adding enough content to make it feel like a good value, it’s nice that Nintendo went the extra mile and actually created something genuinely special."
"I don't think there's a point in doing it and just being like 'Oh yeah, well it's got a million views so it had to be good.'"
"Why spend that extra time playing Destiny 2 getting that God roll if the content you're getting that God roll for doesn't even matter?"
"It's not a throwaway piece of content just for the super sweat hardcourse. It matters to everyone."
"Hopefully I provide you guys with a little bit of value rather than just giving my opinion on somebody."
"Terrible case overall, the Polaroid all of it, I'm glad we covered it, I'm glad I got the details of it now."
"He's attracting a lot of links to the helpful content that he's publishing."
"We want to try and keep this as genuine as possible so that you guys are getting the best value out of the content that you're watching."
"Millions and millions and millions of dollars have been gotten by viewers of this channel."
"If you're gonna do OTS, I'd say it's well worth it if it means properly preserving the original game and adding more content value to the overall package."
"I think all my stuff is pretty solid. I hope that what I say is interesting enough or unique enough to cite."
"If you're reaching out to the community, that's not a spam post."
"I'm super appreciative to each and every one of you for that, and I want to say thank you in advance for your comments and your thoughts because without you this channel would be nothing."
"I'm 38 and still haven't grown out of your content. The difference is now I make enough money to waste on these Transformers you review."
"Your content is something that I look at when I'm looking for content for myself. Three things. Information. Motivation. And entertainment."
"I mean, it paid off for us. We're getting CPM off that."
"You are lucky to be here, there's a reason you came onto this video."
"If you did find value out of this two-hour-plus show, please go over to the like button and hit that thing."
"We want to provide as much value in every video as possible."
"Hopefully there's something in there that you found useful."
"Thank you guys so much as always... I hope it's provided value to you all."
"First and foremost, people will always stay for the personality."
"We are trying to bring you as much detailed information as possible."
"Honestly, it's a pretty awesome little farm and I think you guys will enjoy it."
"But, all in all, RoT is certainly still worthwhile content."
"The amount of content on offer stands head and shoulders above just about anything else in its genre right now, even if some of the best of it was released after the fact for an additional cost."
"How can you post basically the same content as you do on Instagram, which is free, and then charge us for it?"
"If you stick with this video till the end, I think you'll be very happy you did."
"Are you guys excited for polka dot? Did you enjoy this video and get some value out of it?"
"My goal is always for my free content to be more valuable than other people's paid content."
"Thank you so much for watching, I apologize, this video was very long, but hopefully you learned a thing or two from it."
"I think people appreciate meaningful content."
"The sheer amount of positive content here for free, it's a good deal."
"Give me the good narrative. I don't care about the vessel."
"The payment model offers a lot of content access even for short subscriptions."
"If you do find this content valuable...the easiest way to do that is simply like the video."
"Adaptations are supplementary bonus content."
"At the end of the day, it's your actual content that matters."
"Thanks for sticking with me... If you liked the video and you got some value out of it give it a thumbs up that would be fantastic."
"But the content becomes not as valuable because when you're following people people are always evolving that was Facebook that was Twitter that was the first era of social the graph."
"Good writing is good writing it doesn't matter what the subject material is and I thought this was a perfect example."
"At the core of this is the quality of the stories."
"If you're seeing value in this video, make sure you're giving it a thumbs up. It really makes a huge difference."
"Only a small percentage of the people watch these videos are actually subscribed which is honestly quite a scam so hit that button it's free."
"It's Evergreen... people continued to watch it."
"Thank you very much for watching if you found this video valuable please let me know with the like in the comment."
"Seeing those views and subscribers go up it tells me that other people also find this content somewhat valuable."
"This feels like this really has depth and meaning and nuance."
"I appreciate the fact that you clicked this video from somewhere, and I hope that it helped you and you enjoyed it in some way. I appreciate that a lot."
"Every creator needs to ask themselves what value am I bringing to the viewer."
"Short form video without premium music videos is like fast food."
"The complaint was that the content was of too much value."
"If people are going to be generous enough to subscribe to support this channel, I want to make sure that they're getting something valuable in exchange for their generosity."
"Building meaningful subscribers and followers is much more important than just growing that number."
"I'm just so glad to see that you guys find the videos interesting, helpful, useful and I really appreciate you guys being here."
"If they get 10,000 likes on low content, we can do it."
"For me it's more about the content rather than getting free shit."
"This is actually a buy... there's a boatload of content here, it's actually very enjoyable."
"There's a lot of content here, and it's free, which should boost the player base substantially."
"There's more value in two or three of these guys' videos than there is in a hundred of these guys' videos."
"Consider the viewer and make your content valuable to them."
"If I can reach one person with these thoughts, then this video was worth it."
"I just didn't find the skits to be his strong suit so when he just was reading information about things that he found interesting I was like okay this is actually valuable content."
"First of all, you have to kind of make high value content which is about the strategy topic title thumbnail because that's presentation that's demonstrating high value that's Optics."
"All of this content around safety is really important and not talked about enough."
"This is good, man. The equivalent of YouTube would be like a hundred years ago."
"That's a very cool looking product. That is a very, very good product. Smash the like button if you appreciate all the value I'm giving you guys."
"Content is what matters, absolutely content."
"When people click Subscribe, they're not necessarily subscribing to the content as much as they are the person behind that content."
"If this content is valuable to you please let us know you know that encourages us and inspires us to keep on going."