
City Quotes

There are 1735 quotes

"Just imagine a city that housed all the knowledge of the world."
"Jerusalem... is more than a city; it's a spirit, it's a consciousness, it's a state of awareness."
"The city itself has been almost entirely destroyed."
"This update is enabling us to tell the story of our city that we want to tell."
"Master Bruce, militia tanks all over the city. Gotham is overrun."
"Jericho stands for the city of sin, which means a city predicated upon false worship."
"This city is angry, scarred like me, but scars can transform us."
"This city knows what it means to overcome adversity."
"This city of Milan far surpasses all the cities of Italy in size and population and every other sort of prosperity."
"It's the little things that really change a city's vibe."
"London, it's really quite something... the attention to detail is kind of astounding."
"The people of a city have to believe and trust that their Police Department is looking after their best interest."
"To me, it was the most incredible city, and to watch what happened to it is sad just beyond words."
"Galveston, Texas: one of the most haunted cities in the United States."
"El Paso is a great city... the people there are amazing."
"Art and culture are woven into the city's DNA."
"It's big, it's bright, and it's one of the biggest cities still left from before the war."
"The grim truth surfaces: Alesa, the city seph captured, has become a battleground."
"Seattle though is like gorgeous, holy crap, it's like the Emerald City."
"Gotham's descent into madness, fueled by corruption."
"I've fallen in love with Reykjavik, the city."
"Savannah: ranked as one of the 10 best walkable cities in the U.S."
"If there ever were a place today that could be considered Babylon, it would be New York City."
"Akon has a whole crypto city, mm-hmm, absolutely makes sense to me."
"Welcome to San Francisco, the city by the bay."
"For the last couple of decades, it's probably been the most important city in the world for the electronics industry."
"Gotham City is a wonderful character too that each person imagines differently."
"One of the greatest cities in human history."
"Gotham itself I want to touch on more because this feels like a true Gotham City."
"Highlighting what makes the city special: its people."
"Boise is one of the most underrated cities I've been to in a long time."
"Melbourne was a beautiful city."
"I love this city like I really love this city."
"Welcome to Yan Jin, officially the narrowest city in the world."
"It's just an incredible city; it's always been in the shadows of Chicago, and I think it's just about time to explode."
"The city has been dated to be 9,500 years old, making it one of the most ancient places on today's list."
"The city was a part of me, that it was in my blood. I would do anything to make it a better place."
"Cairo, city of the living, Paradise on Earth."
"We have our own oasis here, as we like to say, in the middle of the city."
"Boise is an awesome city. I really like it. It just feels good."
"It's cold this time of year, but it's a great city, great history."
"Jerusalem was my favorite city in the world."
"It may well be the most beautiful city in the world."
"The city has a vibe entirely of its own; there's no other place like it."
"Would you rather die in the city you were born in, or would you rather die doing something you love?"
"Finery was my favorite, and it was the one that actually came to the city for."
"I literally had an incredible day, like I always do when I go to the city."
"The city is its own character in this movie."
"The talent in the city is undeniable."
"Just like San Francisco, Portland is a very counterculture city."
"East Tennessee houses Tennessee's third largest city and economy, Knoxville, Tennessee."
"Portland has a population of 654,000 people, making it the most populous city in Oregon."
"Dubai to me represents growth; it is a place that is actively trying to become the best city in the world."
"The snow is absolutely beautiful and the city really lends itself towards winter activities."
"Denver is a place we can go back over and over again."
"Now Nineveh was a very large city; it took three days to go through it."
"Nashville might just be the best city in the country for music lovers."
"It's such a beautiful and diverse city with people and food from all around the world."
"Cairo is such a baby for the Middle East, right? Like, Middle Easterners go, 'Oh, you're a thousand, oh you're so young, your whole life is ahead of you.'"
"The idea of Batman is an inspiration, someone who can make the city better even just by being there to make people want to try."
"I am honestly blown away at how ridable this bike is in a city."
"Knoxville has this really cute area called Market Square with some fantastic restaurants and great places to shop."
"Tokyo is the capital, the most important city of Japan, and it is an amazing place."
"London is back, it's important again."
"These walls serve as a testament to the spirit of a city that once promised to protect all the people of the world and shelter them in its embrace."
"City fortified, city of the Great King, Tabernacle of the Most High, praise and song of His servant and beloved, refuge for strangers, queen of the queens of cities, song of songs and splendor of splendors."
"As we left the city behind, I threw myself just as I was on the ground and reproached the walls: if what you were built to protect is no more, for what purpose do you still stand?"
"The city moves on as well too, and Batman will still live on in the face of a new protector of the city."
"It's the greatest city in the world."
"These things are a lot of fun; they're going to really encourage you to get out and explore parts of your city you've never seen before."
"I love a city that is an assault on the senses."
"It's the perfect mix between rugged and rural and metropolitan city vibes."
"The city of underdogs now, it's gonna be the city of Champions."
"A deep silence also, a kind of deadly night, had seized upon the city."
"This city is actually really cool, from the architecture to the people to all the fun you can have here."
"In a city so nice, we had to name it twice."
"There is no closing time in New Orleans."
"Miami is one of the youngest cities in the country."
"Chicago is King, the heart of Midwestern culture."
"Philadelphia... it was a city full of warriors."
"I'm really happy for the city of Chicago."
"I love New York so much. It's really inspiring."
"It's also been ranked the number two city in the world for work-life balance."
"Graz unfolds as a city where medieval charm meets modern sophistication."
"Bern is a city that seamlessly blends history with nature, beckoning you to embrace its warmth amid the snow-capped peaks."
"Bratislava gracefully straddles the banks of the Danube River with a blend of medieval charm and modern vibrancy."
"Wroclaw unfolds as a vibrant tapestry of history, culture, and architectural splendor."
"Ghent seamlessly merges medieval charm with contemporary vibrancy."
"Dresden has risen from the ashes of war to reclaim its title as the 'Florence on the Elbe.'"
"I have to work on my city. I have to work on myself. I have to work on what's within."
"Munich is one of the safest cities in the world."
"This isn't a cruise ship, it's a mall, it's a city!"
"...impressed she was... there was an energy and vitality to the city that seemed to match the same quality that vibrated in her old bones and always had."
"London, possibly the most iconic city in the world."
"And thus the high priests claimed they protected the city until the goddess came."
"Among the most imposing structures in the city is a solid 10 ton block of andesite called the Gate of the Sun."
"My goal is not to tarnish anybody or to be mean or ugly to anyone. I'm doing this out of love for my city."
"This city is unlike any other in the world."
"San Diego is considered one of the finest cities in all of America."
"I really like my city, it's like a bridge separate this [place] so I really like my city to compare this channel, like my channel is like slow."
"This city doesn't belong to any one person. It belongs to all of us."
"One of the most attractive aspects of Greenville is its affordability"
"Raleigh, North Carolina, is a city where Innovation meets tradition"
"Grand Rapids, Michigan, has evolved into a modern vibrant city with a burgeoning craft beer scene"
"It's insane how much of a mirror image the above ground is to the below."
"The city was suddenly calm and quiet as if nothing had happened."
"The digging robots are creating a solid ground for the foundations laid out to the city's specifications."
"This city in a hole in the ground will not be dirty, nasty, or dark; it will be a nice hobbit city which means comfort."
"Prague is my favorite city in the world."
"It's the city that ignited my love for travel."
"You were right Batman, the city needs you."
"This city is home to some of the most well-known tourist attractions in the world."
"The people of the city are some of the warmest, friendliest, and most fun-loving people I've met anywhere in my travels."
"The Passion of the Pizzica sums up the spirit of this vibrant city."
"I really have such a deep appreciation for the city, its history, and the vibrant community."
"I absolutely love this city. I have fallen in love with it. It has stolen my heart."
"how are we gonna find them let's just go look around the city and see if we can find one"
"All the streets of the city on every side were full of corpses, so that no one could endure to be there because of the stench, nor could anyone walk along the narrow paths of the city except over the corpses of the dead."
"Austin is a very nightlife City too."
"Shining through the city with a little funk and soul, so I'ma light it up like dynamite, whoa"
"So, how well is this all working? The city's efforts, and it's really, it is having a very dramatic impact."
"Essentially the same city... but a few too many drinks."
"I remember being so impressed by everything about the city and not much has changed every time I come here I'm like godamn this place is so cool."
"Her journey is as intricate as the city's streets."
"Rumors began around the city of a cursif fire that was difficult to find."
"Detroit's on this list. Poverty, crime, shootings, drugs, and urban blight are ongoing problems."
"Buffalo, New York: a city with diverse architecture and a rich history."
"The seemingly endless Metropolis resonant with a vivacious pulse and twinkling City Lights where ancient Stone streets whisper Tales of yesteryear."
"Contributing to the city's ecological health."
"You're the wildest girl in New York City."
"The destiny for the city of Medina is that we address tonight."
"This city is a different city when the Knicks are good."
"Austin was the MVP of our big cities for a long time everyone wanted to come here."
"Liverpool truly feels like a great, complete, and ever-growing city."
"Welcome to Liverpool, one of the world's great cities."
"Are you listening to me? What chance does your city have of knowing its visitation when the church is not praying?"
"Nick dreamed he was in a large city somewhere, it was overcast gray, the scene vibrated, shimmered with light, people hurried by wrapped in coats and scarves and sweaters, their breath frosted the air."
"Milwaukee has its own swag for sure."
"Atlanta, you were pretty darn cool."
"... one of the best ways to learn and explore a new city is through its food."
"Your city? This city was built on blood money, a circus where the living can play amongst the dead."
"This city saved my life, dude, that everybody was like, 'Dude, we know what you're doing down here, like, good to see you, man, congratulations.'"
"Eight million stories in the city."
"This is just so cool. Merida is such a cool City."
"This city is awesome, it's so unique, it's so beautiful, it's full of History."
"What a city Suraya is, an amazing city if you love food."
"The heart of the city, cold as the dusk."
"And as soon as the sun sets and night falls, the city comes alive."
"Senan, clutching Cillian in his arms, tries to walk to a safe place in the city but soon comes to notice that the zombies are everywhere."
"It's good to feel that I'm leaving a city that, despite everything, finally feels full of hope."
"I love this city so much, the people and the food and the culture."
"The historical city of Palermo is on the north edge of the island. It sprang up in the 9th century by traders who could see the importance of its natural harbor."
"The city that never sleeps is one of the richest on our planet."
"It's like the city meets the forest, and I like that idea."
"Known as the pearl of the Danube."
"This city is afraid of me. I've seen its true face."
"Singapore is going in my top five best cities in the world for sure."
"I think that the whole concept of these people who come in and basically do a hostile takeover of a city is very interesting."
"It was a city of lunacy to the normal eye."
"Lisbon is regarded as one of the most vibrant and charismatic cities in Europe."
"The city found itself in a state of transition, now permeated by the echo of revealed truths."
"Honestly the main topic was taking back public space taking back the city the city belongs to the people."
"would once again walk the Frozen stones of their greatest City"
"High above the noise and confusion of the city she stands, her form aglow with power beyond man's wildest dreams."
"How quiet the streets are... it always shocks me how quiet the streets are and I absolutely love it."
"It represents the moment that we came together and then it represented the city."
"Saint Louis is known as Detroit 2.0, the second Detroit that very few people talk about and that faces problems today almost as serious as those of the northern city in Michigan."
"Welcome to Metropolis, the town of Superman."
"Let's go see what we can get into here in the city. First, let me give you a view from where I am."
"The city of Excelsis and the people have that kind of like Dad who's grilling meat for his family energy."
"The city comes alive in the evening and the beautiful old architecture, it's incredible."
"Throughout the city, you'll find beautiful art pieces almost everywhere you go."
"It's very important to put a park in the middle of the big city."
"City is beautiful, historic, and full of vibrant life and culture."
"Welcome to the City of Brotherly Love!"
"Damascus, what a city and what a day."
"The reputation of Hull lies not just in traditional, modern Hull is indeed a great Yorkshire City, but the key to its future prosperity lies with Yorkshire home besides Britain and in Europe, Hull is and always has been the Gateway to Europe."
"In the midst of them is the house of Cain, the first man to build a city."
"Normality slowly returned to London."
"At the end of the day, we're going to capture what is at the heart of what makes O Cap so special, and that is what? It's the people. The people make this city and, quite frankly, give the whole country hope."
"O Cap has to be one of my favorite cities, mainly because of the history. The history here oozes off of every single corner, street, building that exists here."
"Dubai is one of the safest cities in the world."
"Now that we proved we're the best rappers in the city, it's my turn to prove I'm better than you."
"A city where every single important person would want to be."
"Literally everything that you could even think of for what a futuristic city would have in your imagination, that's what Mohammed Salman wanted to make real."
"This is like the best coffee I've found in the city."
"It's a beautiful city, it is a lot of very nice cafes and parks and just kind of a general vibe of good people out and about."
"A huge change and a great improvement for that wonderful city."
"An armpit city of EST state to me is a pretty sizable place yet a city that is somewhat forgotten about as a place of importance within said State."
"I feel like Atlanta is a city of black creators, a place for black excellence."
"Appreciate the city for what it is."
"The best museum in Rome is the city itself."
"I feel like if we had a longer period of time here like a few weeks, we would really like get to know the city better and I think we'd really love it."
"The city uniquely Blends modern technology, Urban Landscapes whilst still preserving their ancient Traditions."
"I have to share y'all I am so blessed to live in such a pretty city."
"London: where history meets modernity, tradition blends with innovation."
"The slogan of Fort Pierce is the Sunrise City, and I think you can see why."
"As much as we love the meal, I think we fell in love with this city even more."
"Sydney was not a glamorous City back in the 19th century."
"I absolutely love Nashville it's creative it's exciting but it's also homey and cozy."