
Income Diversification Quotes

There are 165 quotes

"There's literally no job loyalty, so at this point, you got to find other hustles, you got to have multiple sources of income."
"I am able to Achieve Financial Freedom through multiple streams of income."
"Multiple streams of income is a necessity right now. One stream of income is too close to being broke."
"Diversify your income. This is what rich people do."
"The wealthiest people in the world go all in on one income stream and then diversify to maintain their wealth."
"Multiple income streams are crucial, especially in times of uncertainty. They provide security and peace of mind, knowing that not all your financial eggs are in one basket."
"Wealthy people don't have one source of income; they have more than one."
"If there's anything that I've learned the last few years, it's the power of leveraging your time to create multiple income sources, especially with the internet."
"You need to have savings, you need to have investments, and you should be working to create multiple streams of income."
"Financial security, with security being the key word here, is having multiple arms, multiple things that each generate bits of income."
"Diversify your income streams. The best way to get started on YouTube earning money is actually affiliate marketing."
"Side hustle stack is the way you stack different income streams."
"It's not the first time I've had multiple streams of income."
"The average millionaire has about six or seven streams of income, man."
"We should not rely on just one source of income and diversify our resources." - "I'm a believer of the fact that we should not rely on just one source of income and wish you must miss our resources..."
"You've got to create multiple flows of income. There has to be a second flow, if there's two flows, you've got to get a third flow."
"Create diversified income—side hustles make saving easier."
"Everybody loves the idea of multiple streams of income."
"Supplemental income... always have multiple streams of income."
"You need to know the ways to make money legally besides your nine-to-five job."
"Have several sources of income... socialist are very good at destroying job opportunities... if you have one source of income... find other ways."
"Keen on making money, finding new sources of income, managing money with a keen eye."
"Build as many of these income streams as you can."
"Multiple sources of income is what wealthy people have used right back to the ancient Babylonians."
"Side revenues actually saved me for a lot of low income months."
"You need to have multiple streams of income, always gradually."
"These seven income streams have allowed me to take my income into my own hands, earn far more than I could at any job with any education level at my age."
"The stability actually comes from many streams of income like a millionaire would have some might be more some might be less but all together they're not all going to go away."
"If that means taking one or two clients a year and then have the rest of the income come from other sources but I don't need to be as involved that would be the goal."
"It is crucial that people not just rely on a job for money, but that they have their own source of income."
"Multiple flows of income don't come without multiple flows of action."
"If you have seven different income streams and one of them stops you're still protected because you have those six others that can keep you afloat."
"Start building up those income streams and not just rely on one because one is too close to zero."
"Multiple streams of income, that's the wave."
"Side hustles are now the new thing because we need to create multiple streams of income."
"We need more people like that, getting money, besides that, they need to have more incomes."
"The passive income is really going to complement the active income."
"One of the reasons why you might need a side hustle or an alternate way of creating income as an artist is because in the animation industry or a lot of art industries it's very project-based."
"The secret to wealth is to have multiple sources of income."
"Having a balance between passive income and active income is so, so important."
"Find ways to get multiple sources of income."
"The influencers, the people on YouTube, the entrepreneurs that are crushing it the most are not just having one or two streams of income, but they have multiple streams of income."
"You want to have secondary and tertiary sources of income."
"Diversifying the ways I'm making money and how my money's making me money."
"Job security really ain't a thing... you gotta have multiple streams of income."
"Thanks for watching and thanks Jennifer Door for calling me theater kid energy dad Andy."
"If you start growing your income streams now with these 10 unique side hustles, then that dream could be a reality."
"Get a side gig. Take something that you're absolutely passionate about and turn that into a source of additional income."
"If YouTube vanished tomorrow, we could still make an income."
"Two out of every three millionaires has at least three sources of income."
"Don't only rely on one source of income. Ideally, have two or three sources."
"Master one source of income and then move to another one."
"The more income sources you have, the more money you're probably going to make overall."
"Building multiple income streams is like having a safety net."
"Develop ways to add passive income streams to your business."
"Millionaires and billionaires have seven streams of income."
"First of all, you have to focus on streams of income like you cannot have one income."
"Don't allow yourself to think that you have to go out there and create five sources of income immediately."
"The key to becoming a millionaire, we're financially free, is having multiple sources of income."
"You need to have a variety of different income streams."
"Financial stability, having extra streams of income, is always a good idea. That's the first reason, it's a first income."
"Creating a back end is really how I can make more money but also be able to serve my audience more as well."
"My goal on this channel is to help you build multiple streams of passive income."
"During a recession, it's extremely wise for people to diversify their income."
"There's nothing cliche about when they say man you need like seven to eight sources of income bro."
"The computers are coming after your job, understand that, understand multiple streams of income, embrace this new future crypto stuff like this, there is an opportunity here."
"Always look at other streams of income, just always look at it."
"You know how they say that you should build multiple streams of income so you're not relying on just one in case it goes away? Well, I have built 46 streams of income from dividends alone using the Robin Hood brokerage app."
"Now more than ever, if you do not have a source of passive income, I want you to focus on that moving forward."
"It's foolish for anybody to have only one income stream." - Tim Cast
"So in my opinion, there's a lot of opportunities artificial intelligence is offering now if you're interested in diversifying income and dissociating your time with your money."
"This is a really great time for you to really move forward on some different sources of income."
"The majority of creators actually tend to earn a full-time living by diversifying their income and not off of their ad revenue."
"If you have not diversified your income in this day and age of inflation, you're missing out."
"I always think that's really valuable to double your sources of income."
"I'm a big believer in having multiple streams of income."
"Doors are starting to open, and you're able to create multiple streams of income."
"Eighty percent of Americans need some sort of second stream of income."
"With one step, you are able to literally double your income sources."
"Multiple streams of income are key to a comfortable retirement."
"I really think that wherever you are, if you only have one source of income right now, you should really be focusing on building that second source of income."
"It's also really good to have a diversified income stream."
"...start to think, what are other things that I can offer that will earn me a little bit more money?"
"But the one thing about having different income streams within your daycare business is that it really does create longevity."
"One of the most important things for you to do as a content creator in your business is really focus on diversifying your income."
"You have to have multiple sources of income."
"Never depend on one flow of income."
"Never depend on one flow of income. If you do, you will die working."
"Now is a great time to get that second income stream going, and Musical Income will show you how."
"Being a content creator now... you're adding essentially a few more income streams."
"I'm a big, big believer in diversifying your income and really creating multiple income streams because if one gets cut off for whatever reason, you have others to fall back on."
"Maybe you know you need to do something different, you know you need to create multiple streams of income."
"We have to create multiple streams of income."
"It was primarily this chapter that helped me clear it up as well as open up my mind to creating multiple streams of income and money showing up in unexpected ways."
"Once one income stream would never get you where you want to be at."
"Freelancing diversifies your income across different employers and it comes with increased earning potential as well."
"Your job is not secure, so it is your obligation to start figuring out other streams of income."
"Multiple streams of income... it's a really important strategy and it's helped us out tremendously."
"I'd like to diversify my income and earn more passive income as well."
"Having multiple income streams is really so important for artists and creatives."
"The average multi-millionaire has seven different streams of income."
"I think cash flow is king and I want multiple streams of income coming into me."
"I'm always thinking of ways to make money and I believe that you have to have multiple streams of income."
"The key to making a full-time income as a content creator is diversification, making sure that you have multiple revenue streams to lean on."
"Diversifying your income and multiple streams of income is the key."
"Diversification is so important, not just about having a safety net but also diversifying your income."
"In this day and age, it's only financially responsible to have more than one stream of income."
"That's definitely going to be the next level, just ownership, businesses, equities, more streams of income."
"Multiple streams of income, that's how you'll be financially free."
"It's all about multiple income streams, yes, anti-fragile."
"Create multiple streams of income."
"Multiple streams of income is what they say will help you achieve financial freedom and break those chains."
"It's always good to have another stream of income."
"I'm a strong firm believer in multiple sources of income."
"Never rely on one way of income, always make sure that you branch off and start your own business."
"Being unemployed taught me a very good lesson in life: that I should not depend on a nine-to-five job and should diversify my income streams."
"Diversify across all your income sources."
"Make some extra money, get you a second, third, or fourth source of income."
"I'm going to save all that money and just create different streams of income."
"Try to find a secondary or even a tertiary stream of income."
"Diversify all of your incomes, not having everything and like all your eggs in one basket."
"They have figured out how to create multiple sources of income."
"This profession is not going to last, and why you need to diversify your income."
"It's good to have multiple streams of income."
"Diversify your income... make sure you have a reliable income source prior to getting into YouTube."
"You're trying to create multiple streams of income."
"Increase your income; look for other legitimate income streams."
"Diversifying income is really important as a content creator because you can't control what is happening on a platform you don't own."
"You need at least five sources of income... if one goes away, you need the others to fall back on."
"You got to have multiple streams of income in this industry."
"I believe in diversifying your assets and working towards that suggested seven different incomes."
"Generating income is no different than generating returns, and you want to diversify that income stream."
"The less risky thing is to have many customers, many clients, many people that you work with, many streams of income."
"The real risk now is having only one source of income."
"Having additional streams of income is important."
"We want to have multiple streams of income; it's very important for us."
"Multiple streams of income, okay? I believe in that."
"I'm trying to teach people these days, it's a lot of ways to get passive income."
"You want to have seven different sources of income if you want to be a millionaire."
"We had to attack it from two angles: get our core income up and embrace side hustles to help fill the gaps."
"Y'all already know, we trying to turn them five incomes into ten incomes."
"At the end of the day, it's just that little bit of money trickling in from multiple different sources that will help you at least survive with a YouTube channel at the beginning."
"The key is to diversify and follow the lead of all the most successful YouTubers by having multiple streams of income."
"It's good to always have more than one stream of income because we are not guaranteed to get our money that we put into these corporations."
"I'm all about diversifying your income, specifically by adding passive income streams to your business so that you can earn more, work less, and have time to focus on what's truly important in life."