
US Policy Quotes

There are 119 quotes

"According to statements by senior US officials, US strategy in any major conflict is not just to pursue air superiority but air dominance."
"The United States Senate has passed a new Lend-Lease Act, making it a semi-unlimited credit line for Ukraine to request U.S. weapons."
"For nearly a year, we followed the iron pipeline of weapons flowing from the U.S into Latin America."
"The U.S. response was significant, providing over $60 billion in military aid to Ukraine."
"The United States as a country cares infinitely more about the lives of companies than the lives of its people."
"And what happens when there's sort of mixed messaging from that level is that there's doubts raised about is the EV market really going to grow in the US?"
"Britain has the NHS, Canada has a national Medicare system, almost every major Western country has something like that, but the US doesn't."
"He will be unflinching in confronting the systemic racism in our country that is built into our laws, our policies, and our institutions and will take aggressive action to correct them."
"Tonight President Biden warning: 'If you harm an American, we will respond.'"
"It's time to break the derelict duopoly into tiny little pieces and engender a new US policy rooted in truth, justice, and love."
"As president, I will take immediate steps to renew US democracy and alliances, protect the United States' economic future, and once more have America leading the world."
"Companies and the government have taken advantage of those rules to be a predatory, or a better word, a parasitic economy on the United States and other democracies."
"We're past containment; this will spread in the United States." - Tom Bossert, Former Homeland Security Adviser
"It's the way the United States and its allies have organized and used their military over the last several decades... they've prioritized profit over purpose."
"The U.S. has the best record of carbon dioxide emission reduction of any country in the past decade."
"Children should not have to sleep on the ground, huddle under miler blankets—this is the United States of America, we can and we must do better as a country."
"I support comprehensive immigration reform did in the past, will in the future, but the situation we have on the border today is horrible."
"Securing our freedoms from the Chinese Communist Party is the mission of our time, and America is perfectly positioned to lead it."
"The US government can't stop the momentum. It's very bad for US hegemony."
"US won't back down in selling arms to Taiwan."
"Yes, I said it concentration camps at the U.S border in the United States in Texas."
"China is an adversary and they are not our friend." - U.S. Lawmaker
"So asylum seekers who are outside of the United States no longer have to wait in Mexico until their claim has been decided on."
"This commitment signals strong US leadership in response to the outbreak."
"Maybe the reason the US government took this radical and sudden unexplained turn against Qatar is because Qatar wouldn't give Jared's family any money when they asked for it."
"It's impossible to dismiss out of hand the prospect that foreign money flowing into the White House influenced US policy decisions."
"It shouldn't be easier to come into the United States illegally than it is to come into the United States legally."
"We're not dealing with an immigration issue, we are dealing with an organized crime issue."
"We have a commitment to defend Taiwan if China should militarily attack Taiwan."
"It's very strange that the United States came out literally almost within minutes and said, 'Oh, it's not Ukraine.'"
"The first decade of the 2000s were the war on terror years."
"I'm sick and tired of these mass shootings happening in the United States of America."
"The United States' rules-based international order is just U.S. hegemony."
"They have made it so that the only nation on earth to pull out of the global climate agreement, it's not North Korea, it's not Syria, it's not Russia or Saudi Arabia, it is us."
"Biden's National Security adviser advocating industrial policy."
"The United States will take any necessary action to defend its people."
"Individuals who have completed the process... could be relocated to the United States... that remains our goal..."
"U.S security strategy will help implement a comprehensive economic, political stability, and security strategy for the region."
"Trump bans U.S. transactions with TikTok's Chinese-owned parent company. Executive order comes as app faces scrutiny from U.S. lawmakers and Trump administration over national security concerns."
"The battle against human trafficking never ends, and in the U.S., the issue is exacerbated by the surge at the border."
"The United States is and will remain a welcoming nation that embraces people from across the world who seek family reunification, employment, or professional opportunities and humanitarian protection."
"China's authoritarian crackdown on crypto is a big opportunity for the U.S."
"2.4 billion to help resettle Ukrainian refugees into the US is staggering."
"The Jones Act prohibits foreign-owned, foreign-flagged ships from delivering products between US ports."
"Over-confident and Cold War-minded US is feeling that it is increasingly tough to pursue global hegemony."
"There's never been a red line that any American president has enforced against Israel."
"Prepare for the worst, hope for the best, and don't vote for the warmongers."
"I've never been one to subscribe to the belief the U.S should maintain a strong economy by pointing weapons at other nations."
"As far as the United States is concerned, low Earth orbit is now the province of corporations."
"The U.S. needs to be the predominant country in the world, period."
"The U.S. view is, 'No, this is the U.S. world.'"
"The day America stops blessing Israel will be the day that God stops blessing the United States of America."
"American concerns about human rights are incredibly self-serving and selective."
"The Monroe Doctrine takes its name from the president who first articulated it, but the idea was nearly all John Quincy Adams's."
"We also must name the U.S contribution to Cuban suffering: our 60 year old embargo."
"The best weapon the United States has to stop Putin and help Ukraine and the other countries Putin might be eyeing down the road isn't military, it's economic."
"I have seen a lot of change since this YouTube channel began. We have dropped from 7 billion tons to 5 billion tons emitted per year in the U.S."
"All this talk of nuclear war in the United States is more likely to convince most Americans... that some kind of Peace negotiation should be started as soon as possible."
"There's been an opportunity for the U.S to swoop in."
"China's ability to collect data on global cargo flows is worrying the U.S."
"I think we can all agree that the US healthcare system is fundamentally broken."
"Honestly, people don't realize that they actually have gun control in America. It's weird. The debate's framed as if there is no gun control in the US and that there absolutely is."
"It is better for the US to abandon this ideology of globalization and accept the international system as it is."
"In the whole post-World War two period, the US military presence and security guarantees underpinned all of these stages of success."
"U.S. capitalism is completely addicted to militarism and war."
"Is this important for U.S national security?"
"I feel peaceful... like I just feel peaceful."
"The biggest stimulus packages in the world come from the US."
"The U.S. is doing very serious investigations into how the outbreak began."
"National sovereignty everywhere around the world is under attack by these amendments put forward by the USA."
"For us, the continued sovereignty of Taiwan is an absolute American imperative."
"U.S blocks American firms from doing business with China's biggest chip maker."
"More than 9,400 children and teens entered U.S border custody in February, according to data from U.S Customs and Border Protection. That marks a 60 percent rise from January."
"It doesn't matter what people want, if what they want is against the agenda that the United States has stated for that region."
"U.S. President Joe Biden agrees the Chinese regime has committed genocide and crimes against humanity against Uighur Muslims."
"It's no secret that the U.S is trying to kill Huawei for a long time."
"Washington's so-called strategic ambiguity will become super strategic clarity."
"They run the risk of killing innovation in the United States within the cryptocurrency asset class."
"The US government may not have had the backs of our Afghan allies, but our veterans did."
"The real point of emphasis on this legislation is making sure that when it comes to technology development, the US leads the way so that we might outgrow, out innovate, and out compete the Chinese Communist Party."
"If you are a threat to our people, the United States will find you and take you out."
"There's no real social safety net at all within the United States."
"The reason that many of these migrants are coming to the United States is that because they are desperate."
"More than 35.5 billion in assets are going to remain in the United States."
"Hidden concentration camps in the United States, yes I said it, hidden concentration camps in the United States."
"The US needs to take some kind of proactive action to counter what the Chinese Communist Party is doing."
"This is incredible great news, the Biden emergency action plan to save the U.S economy."
"The U.S sees peace as something negative not something positive."
"I entertain this thought... is it possible the U.S is trying to avoid Thucydides' trap?"
"Religious freedom is at the core of U.S. foreign policy."
"The United States has committed to provide over two billion dollars in military equipment to Ukraine since I became president."
"There's no more important time for the United States to promote religious freedom than now."
"But as authoritarianism finds itself re-emerging in Russia though this new world order ends up threatened with the U.S finding itself at a Crossroads between returning to their traditional isolationism or continuing on as the new great power."
"Yet it remains very much in the US interest to help the Taiwanese government defend itself, defend its democracy from Chinese interference."
"In 2023, there's going to be some new tax credits in the U.S. that's going to allow more Americans to get into their first electric vehicle."
"Support for democratization is a fundamental principle of United States foreign policy."
"An anti-war online organization attacking U.S. policy in Afghanistan."
"The Tibet Policy and Support Act of 2020 outlines U.S. policy on Tibet."
"The Indo-Pacific strategy has become a priority for the U.S in recent years."
"Public health responsibilities in the United States rest with the level of the state."
"Nearly 80 years after the Holocaust, it's clear that the United States could have done much more to save Jewish lives."
"The Marshall Plan... an economic recovery plan of the US... proposed this plan in order to support the recovery of Europe."
"The Visa waiver program is a comprehensive security and travel facilitation partnership between the United States and its most trusted partners."
"We will firewall protected U.S user data from unauthorized foreign access."
"The Monroe Doctrine became a cornerstone of U.S. diplomacy for many years."
"This unity is a direct result of the Biden administration's efforts to renew the U.S. commitment to global economic cooperation."
"Financial inclusion is a very important goal of the United States and the Treasury Department."
"The goal of the Good Neighbor policy is to improve relationships with Latin America."