
Religious Values Quotes

There are 182 quotes

"The main postulates, main values are very similar, not to say the same, in all world religions."
"Respect the Covenant. When I speak, I'm truthful. 'Oh, she's Muslim; she will never lie.' That's how it should be."
"Many women do noble things, but you surpass them all. Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the LORD is to be praised."
"We’re all God’s children. God loves everybody, including Beverly, and he don’t want anybody to be alone on Christmas, besides I already invited him."
"Sincerity for the sake of Allah does not mean sincerity only to Allah; sincerity to people, sincerity to your job, sincerity to your agreements, sincerity to yourself - all of that's acceptable to Allah."
"Understand that a relationship, a marriage, a family that is centered around the belief in Allah and puts Allah at the center of that marriage and that relationship will be one that will be blessed with not just love and happiness in this life but will be an eternal marriage."
"They're really saying biblical values. What they're trying to say is they're going to try to break by 2030 biblical values."
"Marriage as a gift that God has given us to glorify Him."
"God does not have a political party, but God does have values."
"Don't exploit, don't lie, God is anti-exploitation."
"The church is counter-cultural, absolute in its moral compass."
"He fulfilled the Covenant he made with his father... and in doing so manifested a Christlike attribute increasingly important in the world in which we live: the attribute of Integrity."
"Kindness is one of the most important values of our religion."
"Using age-appropriate community education to communicate the biblical concept of suffering to our children as early as they as I as you can would be very wise for us as parents."
"Jesus cared about helping the less fortunate."
"Donald Trump is the antithesis of what Jesus and the Bible tell us to be."
"Before all things, fear God; before all, honor thy father and mother."
"The first four rest on the fifth and the second four rest on the tenth. If you honor your father and mother, it is the conduit to God. If you don't have a father on Earth, you won't have a father in Heaven."
"Instead of being hyper focused on what we can achieve we take a day off to look at all the things god has achieved for us."
"Humanity will not make any true progress without a spiritual and religious revival of our values."
"God is number one. My wife is right under God. My children are number three."
"Do your best to live an honest, god-honoring life. Work hard with your hands."
"In our increasingly unrighteous world, it is essential that values based on religious belief be part of the public discourse."
"I was going to devote my life to standing boldly for God's love, compassion, care, peace, justice, and liberation."
"Jordan God and truth are one in the same - Jordan B Peterson. To him, God is the peak value of all possible value hierarchies."
"If you want a good world, the death of Judeo-Christian values should frighten you."
"Every child born and unborn is made in the holy image of God."
"Christ would not be supporting a tyrant, Christ would not be supporting people who literally hate others and make it their duty to hate others and make sure that we know that they hate us."
"Find a time in your day where you can give to Allah's book."
"A kingdom voter votes for the person and the policies that will best advance the Kingdom of God."
"Repentance is a core value. It's a necessary thing. It's never too late to do repentance."
"This pandemic was the first time I saw that the values of Sikhism give strength to people who had every reason to be really scared."
"God's work is not in the big demonstrations. The real power is found in one-on-one personal involvement."
"Anyone changing the law is indirectly saying that the law is not good and thus they make a mockery of the Sabbath seal."
"A woman who fears the Lord will be greatly praised."
"Men, women, Godly values, foundational principles, and Truth - the laws of human nature that right and wrong was created by God Almighty."
"Controlling people brainwashing people and big kids is not christ-like."
"Calling Sin Sin and calling error error is a good and godly and spiritual and biblical practice and we must do so as God's people."
"We should maintain integrity because we worship you, because we care about the church, because we honor the truth, and because we're so grateful that Christ purchased our salvation."
"Jesus did not bring us out of the darkness for us to go back to darkness."
"It's important that we always have non-Christian friends, but if your closest and best friends are not believers, that's a huge red flag."
"Pure and undefiled religion before God is... to visit orphans and widows in their trouble."
"Republicans believe that every life is a sacred gift of God."
"The Lord takes pleasure in those who fear Him and those who hope in His mercy."
"A godless wife is given as a portion to a lawless man, but a pious wife is given to the man who fears the Lord."
"Catholic Education teaches the Dignity of all people made in the image and likeness of God."
"We do not want you to do anything that could alert people as to where they might be and influence the outcome of the game."
"I learned that if we are determined to be loyal to Jehovah and have the courage to remain chaste, we won't have any regrets."
"Every religion has a good thing to make our world a beautiful peaceful."
"Our marriage is a picture of the gospel and our marriage is a union that God has created to help bring the gospel to people."
"God is much more concerned about why we do what we do then he is what we do."
"The most important thing to God is how do we treat people."
"Those whom Christ has forgiven most love him most."
"Righteousness exalts a nation, God will never bless sin."
"As Christians, the overriding truth about everything about us should be love."
"In all of our relationships, we would be Christ-centered."
"Communicate with your children; they are an Amana from Allah."
"My administration will stand side by side with the American Catholics to promote the values we all share as Christians and Americans. God bless you, God bless the United States of America. We will make America great again."
"The ad literally was the most Christian-ass ad, like, to a T."
"Strong in the gospel, priesthood holder... I wanted someone who would respect me."
"Be steadfast in taking our stand for his values, his priorities, his kingdom."
"They both wanna make a lot of money in their lives and they wanna honor God with their wealth in the best way they know how."
"Sexual purity according to scripture and God's word... living according to God's design for love, sex, and marriage."
"We've got to get back to standing on God's word and not man's word in this culture."
"Sex is something that happens within marriage so that people can be blessed with children on God for the greater worship of God."
"The thing that made David a man after God's own heart was his ability to admit when he was wrong."
"We rule with the heart of a servant. Jesus, the king of all kings, is the one with the towel over his arm washing the feet of his own disciples."
"Our identity as Jewish men and women is based in our people, our land, and our Messiah."
"Embracing humility instead of seeing it as a weakness is actually, before God, a strength."
"Love covers. Doesn't mean it condones sin, but it wants to protect it."
"What really matters with Allah is the level of your devotion."
"We just, you and I, love this country, and we're both fighting regardless of eschatology. Our fidelity to Jesus, love for my neighbor, demands I say something right now."
"God's order brings functionality, peace, trust, and love."
"Honoring the wife is part of an extension of the taqwa of Allah."
"Bold and strong the believer should be, but never arrogant. There's a big difference."
"You can see the world changing, adopting and celebrating things that on the surface don't look evil but they directly oppose the word of God."
"Living a full life is encouraged within Islam."
"The pleasure of Allah is greater than anything else."
"Don't tell them the truth, and I'd propose that Jesus loves us enough to tell us the truth."
"Live right, not to impress people, but to honor God."
"Being a Christian is about the values of inclusion. Christian nationalism is certainly not based on the values of the gospel."
"Our devotional love for God is more important to him than all the Old Testament sacrifices."
"In this religion, we are actually honoring humanity as it should be honored."
"God wants our marriage sex to be pure, passionate, and bringing pleasure."
"Faithfulness and Fidelity leads forth into God they love."
"I could have signed and kept my old job, but I knew my conscience would bother me for the rest of my life. I would never be able to go to the congregation and serve as an elder knowing that I had let Jehovah down."
"Humility opens the door to God's grace and guidance. Remember, a humble spirit is not a sign of weakness but of great strength."
"I'd rather have 90 cents with God than a dollar with the devil, I'll tell you that right now."
"If I give to Ryan because of the Lord, and he has to give to me because of the Lord, that means we're all balancing one another out."
"I mean look at most men these days, look at them. They're addicted, they're emotional, they're soft, weak, out of shape. They're lost, emasculated."
"In 2020 and beyond, this would be a decade where the church will say, 'We want our values back.'"
"I want to be able to be with someone that loves the Lord that can you know come to church with me and not just sit down listen like be active you know have that relationship with God so that's something really important for me and it is a deal."
"Our first allegiance is not to partisan politics; it's to Christ. It's not to tribalism; our allegiance is to Christ and to truth, even when that truth is unpopular, especially when that truth is unpopular."
"We fight all battles for the honor of Christ and in his church."
"Rockefeller didn't spoil his kids. He was devoutly religious and gave a lot to charity."
"Christianity is not just a set of values that means being really loving and caring toward other people."
"The greatness of a religion and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated."
"Christianity is much more than money. Christ came that they may have life and they might have it more abundantly."
"What we were looking at was not the betrayal of evangelical values, we simply didn't fully understand what those values were."
"I think that just we did stay true to who we are... and our faith of course is the ultimate thing that plays into that."
"True love will stand and protect the kingdom of god protect our families protect our future but we'll do it with faith and authority."
"We're going to act justly, love mercy, and walk humbly with our God."
"The church is not a place where entertainment should take priority over a properly ordered liturgy."
"The principles of God's law passed down from generation to generation bring peace and prosperity to our lives."
"Are we valuing the gospel and are we sharing the gospel?"
"God doesn't care about the size of your gift, he cares about the size of your sacrifice."
"Marriage is honorable in all and the bed undefiled, but the whoremongers and adulterers God will judge."
"If people have religion and they have values that they can believe in, I think that's a solution to a lot of the stuff that we're seeing right now."
"We need to vote for platforms that are closest to the Bible."
"You cannot separate this: Love God with all your heart and love your neighbor."
"God was more interested in protecting the man than the material."
"Jeremyism is a religion of love, respect, appreciation, passion, sweat, patience."
"We believe in the sanctity of life... bringing children into this world is a mitzvah."
"I think Christianity is the best because it's the only religion that requires you to admit that you're wrong and change."
"I love what Allah loves, I hate what Allah hates."
"We Christians in the west today, facing many who demand that we give up our values, can learn a lot from Pius the seventh and his allies."
"Knowledge is more beloved to Allah than physical brute strength."
"Good family, good community, good friends, and most importantly, good iman—they help."
"The noblest in the sight of God is he who is the best in conduct."
"There's a level of persecution that comes along with standing on God and standing on biblical values."
"Let us forever embrace the eternal truth that every child is made equal by the hand of Almighty God."
"Every human life is a gift to the world, whether born or unborn, young or old, healthy or sick. Every person is made in the holy image of God."
"The Dignity of the office must be held intact, even if it means resisting bad decisions out of love for the church."
"God hates people that swear under oath and lie when they name the name of God."
"In Islam, what are our values? People have the right to defend themselves, including using weapons if necessary."
"Beautiful notions in almost every major religious figure there are time-tested values that exist in religious thought that do need to be adhered to."
"This shyness this bashfulness...is a quality of deen."
"Allah loves Sutra. Allah loves that things are covered."
"Make sure you're right with God and you put Jesus Christ before Hollywood."
"Children are precious in God's sight and their precious to parents."
"Every religion has a defining characteristic, and for Islam, it's modesty."
"You have to be willing to offend the one you love so you don't end up offending the God you serve."
"Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness is rooted in Christ and ultimately can only be justified by Scripture."
"I'm a Christian and I believe in turning the other cheek." - Religious values.
"When I read in Proverbs 'do not sell wisdom', I will honor my God."
"Waiting for marriage was a good idea because it honors God."
"So if you want a god-fearing spouse, look at where god-fearing people are."
"Your example of a father is in the Word of God."
"We want to gather people to scatter them for the glory of God."
"But Jesus Christ does set the standard for us."
"Anything which hinders, entangles, or limits your freedom in Christ, I'm not going to excuse it."
"I want my children to be committed followers of Jesus Christ, period. That's what I want. That's my vision."
"Islam places the utmost importance on family."
"My grandma is the sweetest, kindest, caring, giving, loving... she is very, very, very religious."
"I love a woman. A God fearing woman. That's just my type."
"Let it be the hidden person of the heart, in that which is a meek and quiet spirit, which is precious in the sight of God."
"We will follow our religious principles and never forget the true virtue of humility."
"Why has Hashem loved Moshe? Because Moshe was not selfish."
"The Lord is really honored when we give to Him a sacrifice that really cost something."
"I'm really religious, I try to stay humble and stuff."
"My mom's love of the Bible really shaped my life and my love for the Bible."
"She wanted to become a teacher and she also wanted to meet a good Christian man."
"It's about zakat and donating and praying, not about how many fancy decorations you can put in your apartment."
"The most beloved people to Allah are the ones who sacrifice for Him."
"God's war on poverty and riches does not march under the banner of the dollar."
"Islam is the religion which protects the honor of women."
"She encouraged her children to prioritize their schooling and religion."
"Love God and family and the Constitution."
"Religion should always be about peace, kindness, harmony."
"First of a Christian man, someone who has a good relationship with God."
"Performing charity and justice is preferred to God to a sacrifice."
"As a Catholic priest, as a Jesuit, I am here to propagate love, peace, harmony, tolerance, all the values that help to make our world a better place."
"Abraham's Nation focuses on God's name so God will make Abraham's name great."
"I'd rather please God than please people."
"See, Nehemiah wasn't concerned about his reputation; he was concerned more for the purity of God's house, for obedience to God's laws."
"The Bible says to honor your mother and father."
"A true Christian would never let this happen to their child."