
Real-time Quotes

There are 549 quotes

"This is investigative journalism in the moment."
"Aliens tapping into the fabric of the universe as a carrier could be sending and receiving transmissions in real time from anywhere to anywhere."
"We are running the biggest experiment that has ever been run in real time with all of us on board."
"Streams bring us closer to the action, offer real-time interaction, they capture events that are unfiltered, unexpected, and sometimes utterly chilling."
"Collaboration: Real-time document editing with others."
"Firebase databases are real-time - changes are reflected in our client apps automatically."
"The chart tells you the story... the chart is like a storybook that you're reading in real time."
"It's useful in terms of identifying behavior in real time."
"This is real-time fact-checking of fake news."
"We've used these experimental features in a series of short vignettes rendered in real-time to show you the power of what the attribute reader, Grid 2D, and simulation stages can do."
"This is a real-life business doing real money right now."
"We are in the era of real-time judgments being passed on social media."
"We're gonna be monitoring breaking news as this show goes on and progresses."
"It's live! So much stuff has gone down in the last 12 hours."
"Ukrainian television debunks disinformation in real time."
"Now you can see live updates of contacts' locations in real time."
"Ghost sighting caught on camera in real time."
"Predictions in the comments, literally just happened right now, this is a tracking sticker thank you, so what is inside this box literally just sent from Nintendo I kid you not this is not staged in any way."
"Watching it in real time, you're watching that history happen and it's freaking amazing."
"Starting to get a little crazy, Sally's red situation is actually on your screen."
"There's just something about seeing this unfold right in front of you that makes it so much more compelling."
"It literally looks like this was just processed into the system... You're watching history unfold in real time."
"There is no reason why the greatest financial system in the world cannot settle trades in real time."
"This is all happening in real time as it's detecting you."
"The real-time tracking picks up texture as well."
"You really get a sense... watching the buildings get generated in real time."
"Wow, this is what is going on on the ground moment."
"This whole car chase pretty much had been broadcasted live for 90 minutes."
"We're going to announce here from Cambridge in real-time these new discoveries."
"The sounds and video that we're getting from her right now, we can't thank her enough. This is it, really, it's like you're being there."
"For right now, downside push fine, we'll be able to take that, but for right now, we're on Google, watching it."
"It's a pleasure to do life with you in real time."
"I was just so stunned... and like the line was still moving."
"I want to create a game that changes in real time."
"Authenticity can also turn off emotion in real time."
"This is real-time...decisions are being made."
"Forward testing: run a strategy in real time as a means of collecting data from future occurrences."
"It's real. None of it is scripted. These are real people and real stories playing out in real time, right in front of your very eyes."
"Live location sharing, you can share your location with anybody, and it's live up-to-date."
"A cyber threat map is a real-time map of computer security attacks that are going at any given time."
"I think it's just a great way to show real time honest home cooking and they're pretty fun to make."
"It's live, meaning anything we say, we can't cut it out."
"Adapting to the never normal with agility and micro pivots will ensure that you are a part of the real-time conversations."
"Real-time game logic remains consistent across various applications."
"Real-time communication is ideal for financial tickers."
"Real-time review of the plan: Your marketing plan is not a one-time thing; you must constantly modify it to respond to the changing needs of your company."
"This is live, obviously it's live, there's no way this could work if this wasn't live."
"VNC is the best choice for viewing RAM, CPU, and network performance for each process in real-time on a Windows desktop."
"Meta AI now creates animations and high-quality images so fast that it actually generates and updates the images for you in real time."
"I'm watching this [ __ ] actually live out, bro."
"We did a whole series in real-time renovation when we were working on the fifth wheel."
"Unlike Premiere, Da Vinci is similar to Final Cut where it's always Autosaving in real time."
"Live data is actually a very powerful tool."
"Live classes are you do literally in real time with real people which is really cool."
"It's super easy to get real-time analytics on sales."
"It's just so much more personal and very much based on my reaction in real time."
"I love that there's real-time feedback showing you exactly how many jumps you've done."
"This is giving you real-time access to that data."
"We prefer to show stale data than no data at all."
"So I'm looking for something very specific for Twitter. I'm looking for like the direct feed of what's happening right now."
"Edge AI plays a pivotal role in enabling real-time navigation and decision making for autonomous vehicles."
"There's something truly exciting and uniquely fun about live editing."
"Firm real-time, where if you miss a deadline, it might not be a complete system failure, but the result you get back after the deadline is useless."
"Real-time feedback makes it very easy to try ideas out and iterate quickly."
"He just said it in real time while playing it on real time."
"So just look at the difference that this depth map node made and again it's in effect it works in real time so it's just like going through and just doing its thing okay so it's really really powerful."
"This is in real time, not pre-recorded from years ago."
"We're now able to get so much telemetry out of our user behavior on what's going on, both good and bad, that it enables us to work in real-time in actually trying to solve those situations where we might see an attack of some sort."
"Interactive SSR enables real-time interaction via SignalR."
"Streamer is a decentralized data broadcasting network, a peer-to-peer network for publishing and subscribing to data in real-time."
"...this is just real-time sewing."
"So, I'm doing this in real time today, no fooling around."
"...you can see the voltage you can see the real time amps coming out of the battery or charging the battery the date and the time that's interesting it says version one but this is the version two battery."
"Collaborate in real-time with colleagues."
"Better answers, more current real-time information."
"An important thing to know about this strategy is that I don't want the pattern to trigger the loops. Instead, I plan to trigger each loop in real time as the pattern plays."
"The advantages of this [loop triggering in real time] are it allows me to perform the song by selecting and playing samples in real time, and I can improvise and perform the song differently each time."
"JDK 14 introduced streaming events from a running JVM, enabling real-time monitoring without creating recording files."
"that's pretty cool to be able to to make those those adjustments right on the histogram in real time and see how that histogram is being affected"
"Processing is a major indication factor for streamers that's happening in real time the TV's actually cleaning yeah yeah that that's yeah that's happening in real time."
"The next thing that I think is very important is the real-time industry projects based on different domains."
"ArcGIS Dashboards allow you to create informative dashboards that use charts, gauges, and other visual indicators to track the status of events, people, and assets in real time."
"The transcription also happened in real time with very, very little latency."
"And when you have real-time answers, you can make well-informed decisions that have a real impact on your business."
"I just felt like it was important in this vlog for you guys to see a real-time spiral."
"So in my opinion, this is probably the best random number generation engine for this kind of real-time stuff."
"It's really awesome that you can tweak everything right in home assistant in real time."
"This kind of goes with the new cycle if that makes sense, like you kind of just see it all in real time."
"Job status, details, and resource metrics, all monitored in real-time."
"I think real time information is definitely valuable."
"Gives you a chance to adapt to a challenge in real time."
"Viewers witnessing everything happening in real time."
"This is in real time, Zam fam, this is the coolest thing ever."
"Creating an end-to-end real-time analytic streaming solution."
"It's fast, it can be used in real-time predictions."
"A real-time video of me painting."
"This language of signs and messages is a very tangible thing and it happens in real time."
"Real-time functionality enables instant updates and notifications."
"Subscribing to changes in the database allows for dynamic, real-time applications."
"With Superbase, you can easily implement real-time features in your applications."
"We broadcast it and so, as many of us as a thousand people, have joined us simultaneously in real time."
"Cloud Bigtable is ideal for real-time access, large analytical workloads, recommendation engines, and more."
"Pub/Sub offers durable message storage and real-time message delivery with high availability and consistent performance."
"These lenses can enhance images in real time by adjusting contrast and lighting."
"... about 90% of this video will be real time to make it really easy for you guys to follow."
"...I just want to take you through my process and kind of share what it's like to build a reading in real time."
"Manage risk in real time, act in real time, take into account what's going on, not what you hope will occur later on in the future."
"the market is indicating very very clearly what it intends to do in real-time"
"Isn't that embarrassing? I mean, it's just... I'm watching it and it's like in real time, it's like a nightmare."
"I would have never expected like that would happen. So as I'm processing, I'm like, 'Yo, this really happened in real time. This is bananas.'"
"I really want my work to be a representation of thinking happening in real time instead of me Conjuring up a conclusion"
"One thing I wanted to point out is the magic behind having this 'while game is running'."
"In real time, being with my children, that was what was most important."
"These type of apps that are always up to date because they are being updated by people in real time and also where everyone can put in that information and it's basically a big information sharing platform is really handy."
"When data relationships are valuable in real-time, traditional databases aren't the best choice."
"There's control loops going in there and making sure that anytime there's an event, things are updated. Feels like real time."
"so there's no clear date here let's go with real time 2000"
"Like the fact that I can move my hand and see it in real time with zero lag is crazy. Bonkers, yeah, that's really impressive."
"It's nice to see that Karma kicking in in real time."
"As more data pipelines move towards streaming, Delta Live Tables provides real-time results."
"We have this real time order tracking."
"It's pretty impressive, I don't think that scan is real time, I would fact check that quickly."
"It's great to hear you're playing the tracks and affecting it in real time."
"Once you've created this representation of the scene can I get these novel views in real time."
"A real-time strategy where you have limited resources and you have to strategize around that limitation."
"It's actually real time and a little bit stressful."
"You ready? I'm gonna do this in real time."
"Professional issue management is crucial for tracking issues in real-time."
"We want to be able to keep that data up to date using streaming so data coming in in real time and insights coming out in real time."
"Structured streaming is the feature inside of Spark that allows us to work on data in near real-time as it arrives."
"Just like all my videos too, it's all in real time, no time lapse, no edits. So if you want to follow along step by step with me, keep watching."
"Just play around with these examples because this is what you will do in real time as well on a day-to-day basis."
"Some of these electronic advancements enable anglers to see fish out and around the boat and how they react in real time to your presentation."
"Adaptive control provides a systematic approach for automatic adjustment of the controllers in real time."
"And aside from that, do you also like watching me draw closer to real time, do you like it more sped up?"
"Our back and forth works so good because... it's real time there's like zero delay."
"Application can request multiple change feeds simultaneously on the same collection."
"Every time a document is added or modified or changed in the container it gets emitted through the change feed in near real time."
"Real-time endpoint is an HTTP endpoint backed by fully managed infrastructure."
"In real time that means as it's happening."
"Websockets allow you to add realtime features to your applications."
"The muscles in real time are telling us where we are in space."
"The idea here is you get to ask Ivan questions in real time. I'll answer them."
"Live and unscripted, you're seeing this streaming in real time."
"The difference between that and the Spirit Box is that the Spirit Box you hear in real time and the EVP basically, you just have to rewind to listen to."
"if you want to build real-time applications with nest js you would pretty much use websockets"
"Oh, that's amazing. That cross on the top is delicious and it's not overcooked at all. Literally I sliced it off and I put it on for about 15 seconds and it cooks like that. That's real time, that's cooked already. And the crust is delicious."
"So that you can have this just real-time and in, you know, very responsive interaction."
"This is a really impressive technology to be able to deploy in real time on Jetson."
"It's pretty advanced image search, and it's completely real-time."
"It's practically rendering my model almost in real time with their RT cores and AI tensor cores."
"Price action is a reflection of what is occurring in the market in real time."
"As you can see, we have YOLOv7 working on a webcam in real time."
"It helps in real-time applications like autonomous driving."
"I just love doing this, being able to interact with you in real time."
"It's awesome to see the process in action, especially when Eric is dealing with the unexpected in real time."
"The only show that is making you money in real time."
"We're learning real-time how to read God's Word in context."
"Most of the time we actually wish to benefit from the real-time analysis of real signals."
"It would just run like a game, run like a real-time application, which is really cool."
"It lets you interact with the game in real time."
"You can see what these Luts look like in real time, which is really nice because it will help you expose it better."
"Web real-time communication is a technology that exists in most modern browsers that allows users to communicate with one another in real-time right from within their browsers without actually having to use a server."
"In vMix, we've created our own GT titling engine which will render all of your graphics in real-time on the GPU."
"You could be on a beach in Hawaii and see all of this in real time."
"What we need often for real-time features is two-way or bidirectional communication."
"With real-time updates, meaning that when we add a new message to our database, the messages in this application will be updated instantly."
"Real-time communication from the browser to the server."
"Now in order to make this a real-time chat app, we need to install a few dependencies."
"We can add classes and content to the page and see the changes in real time."
"We want to make sure users get messages in real time."
"We can subscribe to this event and get that feedback in real time."
"WebRTC simply stands for Web Real-Time Communication."
"We expect kind of like real-time communication."
"If you want construction teams to have insight into the status of a certain leg of the project, you can configure the dashboard to give them those KPIs and those metrics in real time."
"It's really a real-time analysis engine of making sure that you're watching user sentiment."
"That's real-time analysis that is really cool."
"It's almost real time, you see many videos on YouTube where you take the webcam input and you can kind of detect 'Hey this is a pen and this is a microphone' and so on."
"I see real-time P&L, this is very useful as you have a position open."
"Now there's a website that actually scrapes Steam's front page in real-time and shows you the best deals and ranks them."
"Take whatever jam you know, take whatever things you know how to do, create your flight plans, plan them out first, practice them, and as you do it, you'll get better in real time."
"We enable these use cases by notifying users about what's happening in their world in real time."
"By consolidating your status reporting within Confluence, you can get real-time status."
"Unreal Engine is amazing because of the quality in which you can walk through your scene in real time."
"The internet has given us the ability to watch people lose their minds in real time."
"If a renderer can show you what it's doing in real time, you're able to make many more decisions on the look of your project."
"There's just all kinds of great features for doing look development, and it's all happening right here in real time."
"It gives you a real-time view of what you're changing on that website."
"Real-time feedback more frequent real-time feedback was most effective."
"This updates in real-time... it's probably using fewer resources to not have to run a JavaScript in the background to keep this information updated."
"Pokemon can react in real-time to opponents' attacks and launch counter-attacks or dodge."
"The walk is continuous narrative in real time."
"I think that's what's cool about Citizen, is you're kind of seeing us change in real time, you know, and grow in real time."
"What graphics told us was the importance of being able to do things in real time."
"You can collect data in real time; you don't have to wait for people to get that data and enter it into a computer."
"Most cybercrime happens online because you just have massive amounts of computers connected together, and they can communicate with each other real-time."
"This protocol enables real-time applications such as chatting, notifications, live feed, multiplayer gaming, and other use cases."
"It's going to provide you a better experience as you're navigating because it's now real time."
"If you're on the phone with somebody that's working in a different location, to be able to make those changes and see those changes in real time is a really powerful feature."
"We're going to change it up a little bit and do a real-time diagnosis on a no-crank, no-start."