
Children's Media Quotes

There are 141 quotes

"Things I just mentioned should never be associated with something meant for kids. However, unfortunately in My Little Pony's Brony Community, it was almost impossible not to be exposed to that sort of content as a child."
"It was a show that was steeped in civil rights that really helped make those issues salient for millions of kids across the world."
"We don't need to be embarrassed for liking things that also appeal to kids. There should be a market of horror for kids to be able to explore."
"These characters hold a special place in the hearts of children, and we need to show them a little respect, right?"
"Disney's now being kind of forced to admit it, because you know, they're in the business of teaching their kids, teaching your kids, values that are very different than the parents expect from the content."
"I feel like that's not the right lesson we should be teaching at young girls which is like not listen to your teachers do whatever you want and you'll be rewarded for it."
"Deals with all the things you would expect a kid's cartoon to deal with: war, slavery, terraforming, pirates, revolution, death, revenge, cloning, entertainment journalism, the legacy of '90s fashion, World War II, and mullets."
"Destroy All Aliens is the next big entry for the younger Ben 10 saga."
"We're establishing a $100,000,000 fund dispersed over three years dedicated to the creation of thoughtful, original children's content."
"It's crazy...if I had daughters you bet your ass I'd let them watch the Disney movies with the princess and all that and wear pinks and purples and be girls."
"An American Tail is unique among children's media for its willingness to depict the crowding, squalor, exploitation and abuse that immigrants faced."
"Considering how strict tv censors can be, especially in children's shows, it's a wonder how some of these things got through."
"Sunlight is the best disinfectant, like the presence of queer people in children's shows."
"There's nothing wrong with letting your kid watch that stuff they want within reason, I guess. No cannibal holocaust for the children, please."
"The world got hit by the one-two punch of Pokemon and Yu-gi-oh, both of which were backed by blockbuster franchises that ushered in an entirely new gaming demographic: children."
"Pixar do not make kid films, they make kid-friendly films, and there's a big difference between the two."
"When a kid's movie acknowledges that other religions exist."
"Creepy content hidden inside kids' videos. These inappropriate videos all had bright and colorful thumbnails featuring the likeness of popular characters."
"Just because it's a kid's show does not excuse it from constructive criticism."
"Inclusive storytelling in children's media can have a huge impact... seeing characters that look like them or have had similar experiences can help them develop a sense of identity."
"The YouTube kids app doesn't have any cursing."
"One interesting thing as well at the time Jumanji was heavily criticized for being marketed to kids but also being too scary and adult."
"Bluey is really taken off in these streaming ratings."
"What children really want to do is to relate to and see themselves in any and all characters."
"I honestly need to have a break from thinking about Disney for a little bit, because the never-ending cycle of creating a thing that children love, and then killing it because it doesn't make enough money, gets a little bleak."
"To all you dumbasses at studios that make kids shows..."
"SpongeBob offers children something more robust than Disney's bland vision of childhood."
"The calm response to this is that many of these shows are aimed at kids."
"I'm literally 27, I've made my whole career talking about children's media."
"If this new Magic School Bus can inspire the next generation to be more scientifically literate and eager to find the next great discovery, then it's still accomplishing what Joanna Cole set out to do over 30 years ago."
"Mushy Monsters just isn't really relevant anymore because of the changing internet and the fading relevancy of kids virtual worlds."
"It's not just about black girls, all kids deserve to see something different."
"It was an incredibly important film for this generation of children."
"The Power Rangers franchise completely reshaped the children's television and merchandise market."
"It's actually a really touching story, until of course they decide to crush your childhood by teaching a theater full of kids about their own mortality."
"This is what all-age writing looks like... in a single line of dialogue Moon girl and devil dinosaur manages to outclass all of them."
"Pixar's 'Soul' would go on to do something incredible, kinda taking the theme of death so head-on is heavy and trying to do that while ribboning it up for a kid's movie is an incredible feat to tackle."
"Soul did something incredible... it's clearly struck a chord with all sorts of new audiences and if it works with children too then that's a big thumbs up."
"My prayer is that this experience stops, my dream is that our children are given images that are more useful, truthful, and beautiful."
"Elsa gate: adult and sexually themed masquerading as kids content."
"Avatar might look like just another cheerful kids cartoon about folks throwing magic at each other, but it actually might be the best exploration of war we've ever seen in children's television."
"Several of the show's monsters started off much cuter and prettier because Lauren Faust thought that Hasbro wouldn't allow her to make monsters that were too scary."
"Satan is using entertainment to steal the affection of children away from God and His Word."
"If the characters were the kind of role models that established the kind of values, standards, and morals that we wanted our kids to have when they got to be an adult, that this game or this particular thing is okay."
"Never underestimate the power of a kids movie."
"It's thought-provoking to say the least and it's a pretty decent twist for a platforming game for children."
"The Powerpuff Girls have remained relevant to this date, some might even say more now than ever."
"At the end of the day, these are kids' movies."
"Sue may not be highbrow media, or in retrospect even that great as works of kids media, however you can't deny that there's just something about the character that really, really works."
"Ben as a character is great because he's relatable for kids."
"I think we've already figured out why kids YouTube content hasn't exploded yet."
"JoJo Siwa is maybe not the best role model for your kids."
"Kids movies are probably the best at doing this high concept things it's almost a defining feature of that target demographic."
"Maybe these children's movies shouldn't also serve as a de-facto marketing arm of the Pentagon."
"I'll try to keep it kid-friendly but I don't want to talk down to children. You guys are smarter than that and you deserve better than that."
"For a children's show, he was downright horrifying."
"The Tuttle twins had become the most successful crowdfunded children's show in history."
"Judging from the trailer, Timmy Failure: Mistakes Were Made looks like a fun cross between Encyclopedia Brown and Calvin & Hobbes."
"Bluey focuses on using play to work through emotions."
"Adventure Time's goal: give kids real, relatable characters that could reach their hearts."
"The enemy here is Sesame Street and racism, that's not either."
"Kids can appreciate, you don't have to dumb everything down for kids."
"This four kids version says a lot more about our own culture than it does about anything else."
"I mean there are like some violent games there that maybe kids shouldn't be playing."
"Adventure Time finds a way to tackle serious themes in just insane ways that get across the travesty that it is."
"Brainwashing is kind of just a staple in a lot of kids' shows, right? But I feel like Avatar is one of the only ones that really capture the horror behind it."
"It's just type of behavior that should not be encouraged, but for some reason, it's constantly encouraged in kids' shows as something cute."
"Swiper, no swiping! That's a big life lesson right there."
"Dennis has stated that darker themes should be present in kids shows as he believes that kids should be given the tools to be able to sort out these complicated feelings."
"Pokémon wanted to inspire a love of nature and animals in children."
"Henson never took kids for granted and like what they're capable of processing."
"Zootopia garnered much acclaim for its mature themes worked into a children's film."
"At the end of the day, Pocahontas as a children's film conveys the message that all peoples and cultures are capable of both violence and compassion."
"The Lich King is one of the most evil characters I've ever seen in a kid's show."
"Modern day kids media isn't afraid to get complicated... and the portrayals of people who are meant to be the hero."
"It's dumb, simple, predictable, and insulting to children."
"Paddington does have the potential to be one of those wonderful children's properties."
"It's a really touching moment and a great sentiment to how well handled Steven and Connie's relationship is."
"The show might have been made for kids in the '90s, but re-watching it now as an adult I've got a whole new appreciation."
"Bringing Vincent Price to kids is always a wickedly good time."
"Disney shifted their focus to specifically children."
"...don't underestimate kids, don't think that just because they're kids that they deserve to have garbage, essentially, so like, just, yeah, so that argument to me is redundant."
"Representation is so important in all media but it's especially important in children's media because kids are still forming perceptions about their identity which directly affects their self-esteem!"
"One of the main demographics of One Piece are children, they're little kids. Luffy's not gonna really care too much about... the really deep complicated geogra Murphy of the world he's in."
"To this day, this show has been regarded as a classic for many children who grew up on it."
"Don Bluth's career as a filmmaker is a living testament to the fact that when it comes to children's media the quality is in direct proportion to how much the writers respect their target demographic."
"Kids movies from the 80s were so great, weren't they? They were so un-kid-friendly."
"LazyTown avoids all of that. Part of the reason is because the whole 'getting active' message is built into the show just by existing."
"LazyTown knew how to just slow down, give the kids a breather, take its time, let the characters be the characters."
"The puppets feel like actual people in this show. LazyTown also uses a lot of CG, mostly for the backgrounds."
"Pixar treats its young audience with dignity, knowing that many children can handle smart and thought-provoking material."
"I wish people would have more nuanced takes when it comes to children's media."
"Female role models in kids' media are everything."
"There were records and specifically book and record sets of this show produced for kids."
"Mount Doom literal fires of Hell make this children's movie Dark... thanks to this movie."
"Just because something's made for kids doesn't mean we shouldn't expect better for kids."
"A child can watch this and feel represented and seen."
"Provide parents more information about the content of children's shows and movies."
"Real term investment in children's TV by public service broadcasters has dropped by 30% in the last 10 years."
"Children's channels arguably have a lot more leeway than their peers on the television."
"Being experimental should always be at the core of any children's TV channel."
"You'd expect a ceiling when it comes to children's animation; you can't push the limit too far."
"Children's animation needs to have substance."
"It's a very real message for a kids movie."
"You can't claim to think that kids' movies are important and then not review any movies that are geared toward little girls."
"This led to generations of kids being unable to see themselves on TV."
"I think children should have better media, OK? That's the main reason why I'm making this stuff, OK?"
"Fred Rogers Productions: It is an American nonprofit organization specializing in children's programming for public television in the United States."
"The biggest thing to me about Gravity Falls is that, for a children's show, it really trusts its audience a lot."
"They're capable of taking so much more, and I think that's the philosophy that Gravity Falls had."
"Proving that kids could handle complex, dark, or sophisticated themes."
"His contributions to the animation industry and children's media will forever be remembered, and his legacy continues to this day."
"The kids' shows we used to watch were actual intellectual; there was intellectual dialogue."
"This is the kind of thing you should point to when people say, 'It's just a kids' show. There are no double meanings or deep messages.'"
"He's a truly dedicated artist. He believes in the spirit of children's programming."
"Ninjago at the end of the day is a kids show but rarely does it ever fall into the storytelling pitfalls that kids media often does."
"Overall, Thomas saves the day is a fun, energetic rush to kick things off."
"It's nice to see in a show even for young children a main character who actually has like a real flaw that they actually do have to work on."
"They had to find something that kids would relate to and want to come back to, there was a very basic storytelling center that they had to tap into very quickly."
"I'm really impressed with that; that is a mature moral that not many kids' shows seem to do."
"It was like the first piece of media I watched that was for kids but didn't condescend to them."
"It's a common misconception of children's television and any work for a young audience is that it's easier, and it's not."
"We've launched the biggest initiative in the history of Daily Wire, and that is children's programming."
"The best kids TV and the best entertainment made for children should transcend that demographic and appeal to everyone's inner child."