
Conscience Quotes

There are 1783 quotes

"I go to sleep every single day, if I can even get any sleep at all, with no guilt."
"You never appreciate how calming it is to have no conscience until you have one."
"The moral law is spoken to us through our conscience."
"Obviously, your behavior was sufficiently reprehensible to be plaguing your conscience, but at least you have a conscience. That's something."
"You have your freedom, you have your liberty, not so that you can do whatever you want, but so that you can exercise your conscience in relationship to your, well, let's say divine calling."
"There was something in my soul was like, don't pull the trigger."
"Live in accord with your sense of right. Obey your own conscience, then all things yours."
"The best place that we can start investigating to find out what the path forward might be is in more careful attention to the voice of conscience."
"Guilt is a gift from Allah warning you that what you are doing is violating your soul."
"When you're able to say at the end of the day, 'my conscience is clear,' that's what truly matters."
"A clean conscience is connected to strong faith."
"Conscience speaks in a very small and inconvenient voice, and it's normally saying to you, think again, look more deeply, consider this."
"When you wrestle with your conscience and you lose, you actually win."
"The mark of a good person, or at least a person who's trying, is a person who wakes up in the middle of the night worried about the mistake they made the previous day and how to fix that."
"My mind is deeply haunted by the action I've done. Waves of guilt wash over me each day."
"Never do anything against your conscience. Do not do anything that lowers your self-respect."
"The governing body loves you and wants you to experience the immense joy that comes from serving Jehovah with a clean conscience."
"We must grow our business with conscience. We need to grow it the right way."
"You live ethically when you're not violating your conscience."
"What would happen if you abided by your conscience for five years or for ten years? What sort of position might you be in?"
"You have a moral obligation to follow the dictates of your conscience, but you also have to make sure that your life is straight enough so that you can rely on your own judgment."
"My Transportation secretary is there now. I've directed my team to move Heaven and Earth to reopen the port and rebuild the bridge as soon as humanly possible."
"My conscience is my ability to love and my ability to interact with other people and make them feel well."
"My conscience is my ability to love and is my ability to interact with other people and make them feel well."
"I think I did something I shouldn't have done."
"God inside me is my conscience, my ability to love, and my ability to interact with other people and make them feel loved as well."
"Grow a conscience. Once you've got a conscience, there is your moral compass."
"Anyone with basic morals and conscience would not get wrapped up in something like this at all."
"Cowardice asks the question: is it safe? Expediency asks the question: is it politic? Vanity asks the question: is it popular? But conscience asks the question: is it right? And there comes a time when one must take a position that is neither safe, nor politic, nor popular; but one must take it because it is right."
"Conscience is the moral judiciary of the soul."
"Persecution for the cause of conscience is most contrary to the doctrines of Christ Jesus, the prince of peace."
"The conscience... distinguishes between the morally right and wrong... urges us to do that which we recognize to be right... restrains us from doing what we recognize to be wrong."
"Your conscience is there to protect you from things that will destroy you or hinder you in some fashion."
"George, it's me, your conscience. I'm not real, but you can still hear me."
"Whatever does not proceed from faith is sin. If you feel convicted about the outfit or about the participation in any way shape or form if you're like I just feel like this is wrong, then don't do it."
"The conscience can make an okay thing into a bad thing, and maybe that's the Holy Spirit telling you that for a reason, maybe you ought to abstain and that you should listen to your conscience there."
"God might speak to human beings not as the external force of natural power... but as the voice of conscience itself."
"Conscience doesn't tell you what to do; it hints at what you shouldn't do."
"But conscience is the moral judiciary of the soul, and conscience does not lay down a law, but warns of the existence of a law."
"Every person that has ever been born on this planet has a conscience, an intuitive knowledge of right and wrong."
"My whole life I was afraid, but I had this voice... this conscience that would always be battling these 'thens' - 'Hey, you got to get up and do something.'"
"Catholics stand firm, vote with your Catholic conscience."
"It allows me to sleep at night if I don't stand up... and if I do, even though things go haywire, I feel good."
"Every day we have to make decisions, and in my experience, generally if we listen to our consciences, we make the right decision."
"Merely possessing the faculty for conscience gives moral worth."
"Our conscience tells us exactly what needs to be done."
"Until you establish a dialogue with it both you and the conscience are immature."
"If my conscience is pushing me towards Catholicism... I better really evaluate this and make a decision."
"If you feel bad when you commit a sin, then know that that's a sign that your heart is still alive."
"Trust that conscience because it's telling you the truth."
"What would happen if you abided by your conscience for 5 years or for 10 years?"
"Anyone, any company, any business, any individual, can't have a conscience if they're doing things like this."
"As long as you know you gave and defended them with the right motives, your conscience should be clean."
"You don't have a good legacy by being a rule follower and letting other people make decisions for you that violate your conscience, you're not crazy the rest of the world's mental."
"Your conscience comes from God because if there's no God, then your conscience is just a biochemical response to your environment."
"It is reason, principle, conscience that calls to us, with a voice capable of astonishing the most presumptuous of our passions, that we are but one of the multitude, in no respect better than any other in it."
"My conscience is my daily communion with God, and if I follow my conscience, I won't do wrong." - George Galloway
"God illumines our conscience with the intention of healing those things, of growing you beyond them."
"Choosing the world where my conscience is a guide to something real."
"As journalists, we're the custodians of the Public's conscience."
"If someone on their deathbed wanted to clear their conscience before passing, without that, it appears... will remain unsolved."
"Mindless killing makes a monster. Guard yourself and do what is right."
"It's our conscience that tells us murder is wrong."
"I simply cannot any longer share in this bloody witless and absolutely needless ignominy." - Boris Bondarev
"Freedom of conscience is the mark of freedom."
"It's easier to cope with a bad conscience than with a bad reputation."
"Might as well live according to your conscience."
"Freedom of conscience is critical, in the end, you've got to be able to decide what goes in and out of your body."
"Stop saying things that violate your conscience."
"Hold faith in a good conscience, don't let fear contaminate."
"The images are universally abhorrent to anybody who has a conscience and a soul."
"Do you believe it's ever wrong for you individually to violate your own private conscience?"
"I sleep well at night knowing that I didn't do anything wrong."
"I mean I'm glad that he didn't do the school shooting... he just developed a conscience."
"You have to be able to make tough calls and tough decisions and still be able to lay down at night and sleep and wake up the next morning knowing that you did the right thing."
"Soldiers cannot afford to have a tax of conscience."
"Bonhoeffer in the church was the conscience of the state... must loudly object if the state was doing wrong."
"You're walking away from a situation with a clean conscience."
"The truth is the government can construct no prison worse than to betray my own conscience and my principles."
"Thus, the Magisterium is subservient to the collective conscience of the faithful."
"I just want to congratulate Senator Mitt Romney for voting his conscience and character."
"I just couldn't live with myself, so don't pretend this is a happy ending."
"Actions speak louder than words and a guilty conscience will tell on itself."
"Conscience is an open wound, only truth can heal it."
"Let there be a change where white people, those in particular who have benefited from the slave trade, let them now decide that they have a pang of conscience."
"Will you be able to look yourself in the mirror? Will you be able to sleep at night?"
"How can you in good conscience make a decision for yourself that you know is the right one for you and the right one for your career?"
"We would no longer be human, since we would have lost any connection to our true consciences."
"My God is that little voice in my head that says no I'm not going to inflict pain upon another human being because it's wrong."
"Karma is real, I don't want that on my conscience."
"Conscience, remember, is an open wound. Only truth use it."
"The mark of a good person is a person who wakes up in the middle of the night worried about the mistake they made the previous day."
"You never split your vote if you vote with the entirety of your conscience."
"I am your conscience, the truth that tells you that nothing is hidden forever."
"One of the most expensive and priceless pillows you will ever own is a clear conscience." - Confucius
"Do the right thing. At the very least, you'll get a good sleep tonight."
"Culture forms the uncreated conscience of our race."
"Every American needs to be free to live and work according to their conscience without fear of punishment."
"The real courtroom is in our hearts, and you're gonna feel guilty when you're doing something wrong. That's your heart keeping the law."
"Whatever is not of faith is going to be sin... Don't violate your conscience because that is a pretty big deal."
"The only prisoners were the guards because they were prisoners of their own conscience."
"I sleep well at night because I was a good person to you but you won't sleep well at night being shitty to those who don't deserve it."
"Deep inside your conscience, there's something that's speaking."
"All the money in the world will be of no comfort, but my clear conscience will be."
"I want to make sure that when I stand before God, I can stand there with a clean conscience, knowing that I have done all that I could with the gifts and talents God has given me."
"If we permit ourselves to be tempted by narrow self-interest and vain ambitions, if we barter our beliefs for short-term advantage, who will listen when we claim to speak for conscience?"
"A man's right of conscience... was an unalienable right."
"There's a lot of guilt on your person's end."
"The blood speaks better things than my own conscience."
"I will sleep better at night knowing that I shared the truth."
"It's your inner soul telling you you're not doing the right thing for the right reasons."
"She had the conscience to put her life on the line for peace."
"Carry the souls of those you killed with you to become something beyond a monster, a true warrior."
"It's a conscience free of offense towards God and man."
"I couldn't live with that hypocrisy in my heart."
"What we do all have is a kind of intellectual conscience."
"I strive always to keep my conscience clear before God and man."
"Someone is still needing to make something right."
"The things I have done weigh heavily on my heart, on my head, and my soul."
"The students are sort of the conscience of a nation."
"You know you came to us; you didn't get found out, so your conscience is working."
"God has written His law upon their hearts, the Gentiles, so that without the law, they do the law."
"I couldn't in all conscience put the country in that position."
"Who am I to impose my ethics on you if you were doing this with a clear conscience?"
"I kind of think that was good, because I want a government with conscience."
"I go to bed at night with a smile on my face and a clear conscience."
"I admire him for that. I also admire Marlon Brando for his conscience as an American and his moral commitment."
"She's kind of the conscience of The Originals which I really like for her character."
"Everybody is finding their own way home tonight with a lot on their mind, and a lot on their souls and consciences."
"Once you find God's will, you live with a pure conscience."
"Does your conscience bother you? Tell the truth."
"Early on he showed signs of a strong independent streak, declaring to the world that he would follow the dictates of his own conscience."
"Integrity. You need to have integrity. We sleep well. So every decision you make in life, think about the integrity, think about the sleep that you need because you don't want to lose any sleep. Life is hard enough."
"You can write heroes, you can write villains, but there's no such thing as an interesting character who doesn't have a conscience."
"How then can I do this great wickedness and sin against God?"
"Every member voting their conscience and their desire is exactly how this process is supposed to work."
"I don't think you could live with what they manufactured in a willful way."
"I have to live my life according to what I believe is right in my heart. What’s the right thing to do up here?"
"I have evidence, and I can't live with myself knowing about this and not exposing it."
"Cleanse your conscience from dead works to serve the Living God."
"I wouldn't be able to have this on my conscience and move on with it like they would be able to. It's clear that we are not made of the same stuff and I would not want to do something like this."
"Your conscience is proof that God exists."
"Conscience is explainable only as the voice of God."
"He could hide his Hound but he could not hush its voice."
"Let your conscience be your guide."
"When you block out your conscience, you block out a fundamental monitoring system that keeps you balanced."
"Your conscience is in your inherent wiring, it's in your nature. Your first instinct is a gut instinct."
"Would I be able to live with myself and my own conscience not doing anything?"
"I can't do field service anymore. I cannot stomach going to someone's door and lying to them."
"Men of good conscience can only endure the atmosphere that is now very prevalent in the organization for so long without destroying their own conscience."
"The superego, serving as our moral compass, comprised of the ego ideal and the conscience."
"Even the best laid plans are at the mercy of fate or even worse, men of no conscience."
"Your conscience is the authentic voice of God."
"Relax slowly, it's called a conscience. You'll get used to it."
"The age of Pisces was an age when there was really an awakening of conscience."
"A normal super-ego permits regulation of one's relationships beyond the practicality of interaction in terms of general moral and ethical systems."
"The realization of the harm I had caused to innocent bystanders and the moral toll my actions were taking on my own conscience weighed heavily upon me."
"Men have got to wake up with some kind of moral conscience almost and say what on earth are we doing what is psychologically wrong with us and what do we need to change in our brain wiring so that we stop all this war hate aggression."
"But it's like, for me, like, I'm a good, I'm a really, I'm a good guy at heart, you know? That would play on my conscience, the fact that I got you in prison, you know, because I wanted whatever, whatever."
"there's no living with the killing right or wrong it's a brand now you run at home to your mother tell her everything's all right."
"People feel guilty because people are guilty. It's a conscience that God put in them."
"We need a society where people are free to live according to conscience, and we don't want to get in a situation where some people are able to exercise their freedoms, only at the expense of someone else's."
"Well, I mean, to be fair, she wasn't bad. She was the only one with the conscience."
"His courage... is the courage born out of a man of conscience, a man who is searching always for the truth and once he has found it will stand by the truth."
"Follow your conscience to meet your creator."
"Every time we outrage conscience, we suffer."
"I wouldn't be able to just watch that car drive away and to live with myself anymore."
"What am I doing? I... I can't. Why would I ruin people's lives just so I'm happy? This is wrong. So wrong. I don't want to do this."
"...whatever my sins of wanting to help that girl was greater than whatever weird stuff I was feeling, and if I died, well, at least I'd have a clean conscience."
"Your conscience will never compliment you on all the good things you do, it'll just convict you over all the wrong things you do."
"Conscience does make cowards of us all."
"It's not the soft power of humanity which Nature has lifted up in the human heart. It is reason, principle, conscience that calls to us with a voice capable of astonishing the most presumptuous of our passions."
"When you are doing something wrong habitually as a movement at least feel in your heart what I'm doing is wrong wallahi that feeling will save you."
"Why should you always obey your conscience? Where does conscience come from?"
"The super-ego is looking over your shoulder."
"Working for the enemy," said the little voice she sometimes heard in her head.
"I feel like I shouldn't do it, but what makes it okay in your head to do it?"
"You can actually be in sin and have a clean conscience. I mean, this guy was persecuting the church with a clean conscience. So people think, 'Let your conscience be your god.' Well, no, I mean, that's that's the conscience. Better let something bigger than that."
"My conscience is at once cleared and my sense of guilt removed, and I have no more an evil conscience toward God."
"There's a higher law that's above the laws of the land."
"Why must it feel so wrong when I try and do right?"
"As long as I am trying to make equal or greater to what I am risking I can sleep at night."
"Exaltation of the conscience above the law."
"In religious matters, let no one be impeded from acting according to his conscience."
"I could have got more. I could have got more, Oscar."
"You know in your heart what the right thing is for you."
"Power divorced from conscience is fatal to liberty under law."
"You're only going to do what's good and what feels right in your heart and in your soul because that's all the good guys would ever want from you."
"Sometimes being a good soldier means doing what you think is right."
"You'll do a good job and you'll follow your conscience, something rare these days. It's why you'll never be a good politician, and I love you for it."
"I don't lose sleep over it, we did the right thing."
"I just like that Bond has a conscience, that they don't try to make this okay."
"I like that Bond has a conscience, I like that they don't try to make this okay."
"He's talking to me, telling me I did the right thing and I should be worried about the cops."
"If you think about the people that you admire, well, you think about when you have a clear conscience first because that's a good thing to aim at which is something different than happiness."
"Even people that aren't born again have a conscience."
"Your conscience is the part that also builds you up and gives you confidence."
"If you deaden yourself to your conscience you also deaden yourself to confidence."
"He's constantly stuck between doing what his family wants and going where his conscience leads him."
"If you are deadening yourself to your conscience, why would God bypass that to speak to you some other way when you aren't even acting on the most foundational, basic way that God speaks to everybody?"