
Break Quotes

There are 1242 quotes

"Sometimes, taking a break is what we need to come back stronger."
"Sometimes a break from your routine is the very thing you need."
"The real reason why I had to take this break was because I needed to reflect on my own life."
"You've got to take a break, you've got to talk to people, and you've got to take a break."
"Thank you guys so much for being patient with me and letting me take that break. I just really needed a breather after vlogmas."
"We're going to have a week off vlogging. I'm smiling because I'm so excited, I also don't quite believe it yet."
"This break might be the best thing that ever happened to you."
"Sometimes taking a break is all you need to get your bessie refreshed, rejuvenated, rehydrated, and back in action."
"Routinely and spontaneously take [the kids] out... it will give your wife a much needed and deserved break."
"Take a temporary break to work on your connection as well."
"It's all awesome but I feel like I'm done... I really need to take a break."
"I just need these mental health breaks sometimes, you know?"
"I find that that's a fantastic energizing break during my Pomodoro sessions. Very good, thank you for that question."
"I am officially on vacation, but I am now on the vacation from the vacation."
"Mentally I just needed to take a break here."
"Sometimes taking a break and coming back will refresh you."
"Take a break on people for a moment and just focus on yourself."
"Getting this bye week to be able to just step away from the madness or the routine, the consistent routine that kind of drains you a little bit, I think that's the best thing that you can have, you know? It's just a restart, a refresh."
"It's okay to take a break and enjoy your creations."
"Emma Watson reveals why she's taken such a long break from acting... I think I felt a bit caged."
"Let me go and sit on the toilet. Okay, well folks, we're gonna be back after these messages. That was wild. I am feeling much better now."
"I lose my inspiration, I need to take a break."
"He said, 'I don't want to leave you. I just want to take a small break.'"
"Some of you've been just working hard, you're ready for a break."
"It's come to the point where I need to take a break, you know? I'm just really tired."
"One of the best finds...I definitely need to take a break."
"Everything happens for a reason. It's good to take a little bit of breaks from certain things so that way when we get it, it's like whoa, wow, this is it right here."
"Perhaps it's worth quiet quitting dating in general, at least for a little while."
"Imagine going through all of that at once, they were really ready for Thanksgiving break."
"You should always take a break from any game you play."
"Did we split up? No, did we take a break? Yes."
"We settled in for a few well-deserved weeks of R&R."
"Once a year I should take like a three week hiatus from my daily show and just recharge the batteries."
"Instead of quitting YouTube, I just took a break."
"It's time for her to give it a break and move on."
"Couple hours later, I'm back after a very nice mental health break, you know? Sometimes you need to take one after you spend two hours doing absolutely nothing other than failing over and over."
"That's gonna wrap it up. We're actually gonna go dark for two weeks to give everyone a little holiday reset time."
"Well, we're gonna take a quick commercial break we'll be back and talk about the Grammys Fashions when we come back we'll be right back."
"I need a break, I need a [__] break. And if that break wants to come in the form of a Tesla, like amen, Sam, god damn, ugh, Elon, if you're listening."
"If the answer is no, you should probably take a bit of a break."
"It's okay to take a break if something isn't working and come back to it later."
"It's the perfect pick-me-up when I need a break from the holiday action or working and all the stress and the hustle and bustle of all of it."
"This process personally can be quite relaxing in a nice break from painting."
"Usually the great artist who could take that time off they could."
"We're gonna take a short break and we'll come back in a few minutes with the match of the week, Rogue versus Fnatic."
"It's good to take a breather from the fake gurus and influencer drama every now and then."
"It starts out, 'Hamster Holmes and Dr. Watson, they were excited to take a break from detective work.'"
"Give it a break, you know? I would hope that you can get back to the garden."
"Love you, man. One of my favorite YouTubers. Good luck on your break!"
"This is the best time to be taking a break, to get off the treadmill, and just take it easy for a bit."
"Maybe it's time to take a break from the stock charts."
"I kind of just wanted to take a break from booktube and I kind of did."
"You don't really ever quit, you just take a break."
"It's healthy every so often to hop off social media and take a break."
"I kind of like the break. I'm enjoying my snack."
"You've done a lot of work and I think you should be proud to take a break from that work and just enjoy your life."
"Stop dating right, give it a break guys. It's okay to not chase tail."
"It's going to be cool to have a little holiday, everybody gets a little break."
"Let's take about five minutes to go ahead and stand up and stretch."
"Let's take a quick five-minute break, get up, move around, do a little dance, get a snack, whatever it is you need."
"The level of inspiration and energy that I got from taking a break was worth way more than the week I could have spent trudging through my math homework."
"Honestly, I just needed a quick break to sort out my life."
"It's a different break because I got time."
"This would be a great opportunity for you to get up and have a stretch, get yourself a coffee or tea, and whenever you're ready, join me in part two."
"Sometimes I just need a break for your mental health, and you can't be afraid to take those breaks and to focus on you."
"Remember, sometimes all you need is a little break."
"I am sorry for my silence, I just needed a break and I know you did too."
"I hit a point in my life when I needed a break from everything around me."
"Take a relaxing break and spend time in nature."
"It's nice to take a breath, this is the first breath of fresh air that we've had in months."
"It's my first actual vacation in four years."
"It's nice to just chill out, take a break."
"I am actually absolutely exhausted, so I'm looking forward to just taking a break."
"Flora brought lunch for Aldo, do you want to take a break?"
"I've been looking forward to this break forever."
"Rejuvenate your spirit by taking yourself away from daily routines."
"If you can just drift off for a few days and then continue on, that would be good."
"It's a nice break from all the Disney of Disney World."
"Take a break, take like a month off of the apps... let yourself reset."
"When you first, you know, met Blake, my agent I have now, when he goes, 'I want to sign you,' that's a break, you know?"
"All you want to do in life at that moment is just break that streak."
"Thank you guys so much for allowing me to take a step back for my mental health."
"I'm not going to lie, I'm taking tomorrow off."
"After my first video on Night City, I took a bit of a break from the game."
"It's good to get away from your normal, it's good to go recharge."
"By giving myself these breaks, it helps tremendously."
"Now that we have our engine completely disassembled down to the bare block, we're going to take a break and clean the block up."
"Just taking even a few hours away from them can do so much more good for you."
"Patriots get a much needed break."
"I needed to get away and live for myself for a change. I tried the other thing and it didn't work too well."
"To this day, the idea of taking a lunch break without having to help customers in the middle of it is just wonderful."
"We need a freaking break sometimes."
"Hopefully, this inspires you to get off for a bit."
"I hope they just took some time off."
"When you finish with a task you've been working on for a long time and you finally get it done and you've been to the mountain and it's over your system needs a break."
"This is just indicating that you just need a break and give yourself that grace and allow yourself to relax, allow yourself to unplug."
"Your body is going to need a break."
"Yeah, sometimes I just like to take a break and like re-center myself."
"This card is about taking a break, about relaxation, it's a card about being disarmed at least for a moment."
"Sit down and force yourself to do like 10 minutes and then take 5 minutes break 10 minutes Take 5 minutes break."
"I want to take a break from people. I want to take a break from social media today and I just want to relax."
"It feels great to be back after an eight-week break since the end of season two. Boy has it been a busy eight weeks launching my brand new book 'Decode Your Fatigue.'"
"Wow, true. Alright guys, be right back in a little bit."
"...take the time off I need now. I hope that's inspiring."
"I love these kind of reset weeks, kind of being able to take a break."
"I'm so excited to not have school this week."
"I'm gonna go get some more water. Okay, chat, how's it going?"
"I feel like we needed a little just like chill day of like not having to think about anything."
"Easy as this, there's a Starbucks here. I'm just going to go and have a coffee and a sandwich."
"The international break came at a good time, just to cool everyone down after the Man City game."
"I couldn't even sleep at all because now I'm getting a big break that I needed."
"He always talked about how he never broke his nose. Here we are."
"I can go really hard and if I feel that I'm I need a little bit of time I'll just put everything down. I call those a mini retirement."
"So just remember that it's okay to take a break."
"I just ended up taking the day off actually and just staying home."
"Sometimes taking a break is the best solution."
"If your boyfriend don't talk to you, fill your days with something that you have been wanting to do without him. Go places, hang out with people that you can't when he's talking to you. This is your break."
"This will be a break for Kale Yarborough and Kyle Petty."
"Break and run. Very purposeful start from Jasmine Ocean."
"Wow, what the first R to a breaking run this thing is surprisingly going to I guess maybe because C has as well so that's going to mean that we're also going to go for a little break but I promise we'll be back."
"The two months were definitely needed."
"It's also okay to take breaks from social media."
"He's the first person that encourages me to take a break."
"This is a really good place to stop, and we'll be back soon."
"Next week is our final week of Real Men's for the semester, and we're going to take a little break for the summer."
"Well, maybe what you need is some time off from what you've been doing."
"I'm going to take a break for Christmas because I think I very much need it."
"If you are feeling even a little bit wavering and whether or not you want to be with this person, maybe it's because you need a break."
"I am happy and I feel like it's a much needed break for me."
"I'm saying close it down I'm saying WWE could benefit from a little offseason or a little break right and I'm just speaking as far as a fan creatively we're all burnt out we're all sick and tired of this [ __ ] we don't want to see this in its current state"
"The Jedi Order was broken but not dead, more so taking a necessary break."
"I haven't been on social media all week. It's actually been kind of nice."
"If Shane does go on to win this match, he will be trying to find a pool table somewhere in this building, and he'll put about 15 hours straight in on the break. He will correct this break, believe me."
"I haven't been consistent this week just because it's spring break."
"It's time for our stretch break. Temperature check!"
"If you feel like something is becoming too repetitive, something that you maybe once loved, try to take a break for a little while."
"Every once in a while we need to turn around in circles."
"That is the day I yelled at a Karen and instead of getting in trouble, I got jokes and an extra 20 minutes break."
"I'm kind of on a time crunch but and yeah I would like to keep studying right now but also like I think I need to be on my feet like I've been sitting kind of all day I need to like walk around run around for a good 5 6 hours."
"You have an idea about love, how it's supposed to be, how reciprocal it ought to be. Things haven't been working out. A lot of you just taking a break, not even concerning yourself about it right now."
"It's always nice to get a little break from that and the trip to Spain offers that break, thank you."
"That's a good idea about a break though. I'm sure they'll let me walk the dog for them if I need to get out for five."
"A break should be something that truly replenishes your body and/or soul, or both."
"Your Divine counterpart is kind of taking a break... there's a very good reason... their soul is recharging and replenishing right now."
"Everybody want you to jump on the job. After 12 years? At least you deserve a break. At least a week."
"In 2009, the band unexpectedly announced that they'd be going on a break."
"Yo guys sorry I was I need an intermission bro."
"I did just have like a a long break where I didn't so now I'm like making up for last time but uh but you know yeah that's you believe in ghosts"
"I'm officially now on spring break."
"I do not like to edit. I need a break."
"It's kind of like a paid vacation."
"I've taken an impromptu little break from filming and posting on YouTube without really even saying anything."
"It's just cool, it's a nice break from the normal."
"How important is a coffee stop? Really important."
"Life's frantic, we're all running around, and it basically said every five, six weeks, switch off for a few days... some people call it a holiday, but if you do it regularly, this will help a lot of you."
"I'm going to be out of town for a little while, taking a much needed vacation."
"I'm taking a break from YouTube, a sabbatical, not quitting."
"I feel like I need a break and Disney is not really a break, you know?"
"I'm probably going to just take a break from live streaming for the moment because it was starting to feel like something that was a task that I didn't love."
"I think it's important that people listen to what they need to do for them. Be selfish. Don't get caught up in what you should be doing because everybody else is doing it. Take a break and it's been amazing."
"This thing needed a break anyway. The brakes are getting pretty hot."
"This hiatus is where you embody the elixir, your enlightened state."
"Any person that has ever taken on a project like this knows the best thing to do is walk away and take a break and come back fresh."
"Never give a break, need a Kit Kat."
"A break is fine but stopping completely is not."
"I've been off of it for about a month now."
"We took the year off... we really, really, really were appreciating the time."
"It was nice to have a break from some of the intensity of his other films."
"Nice little breather though by the way."
"I am not leaving animation but I am just taking a break from aggressively putting all of my time and energy in that world and just now just transferring it to my personal work."
"Take a social media break or better yet, delete it."
"Communication is key during a break."
"This has been your Rainbow Six Siege break."
"It felt so good to have a break from it all."
"It's super useful, it's time to take a break."
"Sometimes you have to break away, get to the edge of the neighborhood just to get a little break."
"Walking away, whether that's overnight or just stepping away for a while, can help bring a new perspective to the painting."
"This video does have a sponsor, so we are going to roll to that, but I will be right back with you."
"Never trade if you're riddled with emotions. Take a minimum of a 10-minute break."
"You know we took like a four or five day break."
"No, take a break. It's totally fine to take a break. Go and relax, go and play a bit. It's not all work work work work work."
"We typically take a break in the end of December while Adam is off work and that just so happens to line up nicely with the time that I will be postpartum with my baby."
"We needed a fat break and it was a needed break and now we're back."
"Your magical practice is not going to suffer if you take a break for 6 months to really collect yourself."
"I need a whole ass break right now."
"Sometimes we need a break and we just need to laugh and that's what this show is."
"Get a snack, get a drink, I think it's necessary like whatever you want to do"
"The only thing that I didn't take a break from was uploading to Instagram."
"Sometimes you need to take a break from things."
"Sometimes it's important to take a break and recharge."
"Taking a break isn't something to be ashamed of; it isn't something bad."
"A little Passover break for me, a little spring break for everyone else. You know sometimes you just need to go away for a little bit."
"Hey, are you okay? You don't look so good. Do you need to take a break?"
"Taking a diet break doesn't mean going full YOLO. A diet break is the understanding that you're going to basically return to non-YOLO maintenance levels."
"Take a break, that's the foodie cycle for you, that's so foodie CED, that's what we love about foodie."
"It's not a goodbye. It's a Hiatus."
"If you keep trying, one day you'll get a break."
"Don't be afraid to take a break. The people who genuinely support you will still be there waiting for your return."
"Stopping and taking a break will actually do you better."
"I literally just closed the laptop screen, put the phone down, look out the window even if it's just for two minutes, take a breath."