
Content Production Quotes

There are 72 quotes

"His content is very good; he churns it out very well. His delivery is amazing."
"They underpaid their animators to squeeze out more content."
"We're gonna keep making as many videos as we make. We're actually making more videos because you guys need to have this information. This is the information that turns you into somebody rich during a bear market."
"Every single week I'm completely fixated on how I'm gonna innovate, make it better, make it special... I love it and I love producing content."
"Honestly, I feel like these left-wing academic types always have to connect everything to their intersectional obsessions... it produces bizarrely entertaining content for you and me."
"We want y'all to feel as good about the interview as we do."
"In our short attention span age and on a short attention span app, a lull in production and you'll quickly be overtaken and forgotten."
"Having a brawl pass every month means that Supercell has to produce content on a consistent basis."
"Davis is our new vlog guy, obviously our newest videographer and editor."
"I genuinely believe what I'm about to say, as quickly as humanly possible I believe this organization should be putting out somewhere in the ballpark of two to 5,000 pieces of content across seven to 10 channels on the internet a day."
"There'll be more videos coming out in the future as well."
"Netflix has certainly made a name for themselves enough to be trusted with yet another juggernaut of an IP."
"Initial budget 100 million dollars and they issued a statement uh mentioning that it costs 200 million dollars per year to produce new content."
"there's still plenty more of this content in the works"
"I've been enjoying the hell out of producing this series and interacting with you guys has made it more than worth the effort."
"I don't assume at all that lots of people will listen to this show just because lots of people consume another thing I do."
"Netflix was able to transition from renting the content into making the content."
"They're consistent and as long as we can continue producing content and cool stuff for them they seem to be very happy."
"Gratitude to the community for data and support."
"I'm just trying to shoot for more content to add to the show, bro."
"We’re actively taking internal steps to better improve communication with our producers so they can be focused on putting out their great content."
"This year's YouTube rewind ended up being the great value version of a WatchMojo top 10 video."
"Is the Behemoth of Marvel Studios releasing so much content that it's going to collapse under its own weight?"
"Men derive their status from creating change in the world."
"I put a stupid amount of work into this ridiculous video."
"That is the biggest behemoth of a video that I have ever made."
"I've been really tempted to do a month where I do videos that I can film in an hour."
"But our 3,000 word posts take a long time to produce and we can hit bigger keywords with them so we're writing these short 1350 word posts on average that we call a response posts that just laser focus on these little specific questions."
"We're going to keep producing material on that subject."
"I am a businessman, so if you can give me, let's say, six corrugated hoses, I can come out with that video a little bit faster."
"What I'm trying to say is that I've got a whole lot more Fallout 4 content left to produce as well."
"There's absolutely nothing stopping me now at this point for having consistent weekly videos."
"Consistency is key, I mean the more videos you do the more you put yourself in a position where luck can take a factor."
"Yes and now guys we can finally make two videos at the same time which will pretty much give us views twice as fast."
"Every streaming service is now also a content producer, in addition to a content provider."
"Start collecting emails, it's one of the smartest things you can do."
"The new office will allow us to produce content more rapidly and with greater depth."
"It'd be cool to tease a little bit if you guys had to pick one part about the content house that is your favorite."
"Thank you so much, I wouldn't be able to create as much content as I am for you guys without my Patreon supporters."
"If you're giving your people value, you know these people go out here they make documentaries they make on great content the people will give back to you."
"Learning how to produce content and learning how to learn is the absolute biggest asset for us as we continue to grow."
"You've kept in range alive for all these years with no sponsors, no corporate overhead, just me and the content."
"The magic of video editing, you don't have to wait."
"I'm always thinking about what goes into making them."
"We work in a media ecosystem... where a lot of our content is just producing stuff that we know our own audiences are gonna like."
"The support on the videos since the NBA season has officially started has been awesome, it's been hugely motivating to continue to put out videos five days a week."
"Input, also known as prompting, is the most important part of producing good rankable SEO content."
"There's content being made, and we're not really given a chokehold on the studios and networks."
"This is why we produce this content."
"I really didn't have a solid resume. My plan was just to produce as much content as I could for that year and hit 10K by Christmas, which I did."
"You cannot produce the content that you want you have to produce the content your audience wants."
"I just like I said you have so many videos you come out with so many how many videos a week do you come out with both long form every other day and then now I post short form once a day."
"We're pumped, we're excited, and um, let's get the next video happen."
"This saves them a ton of time and also saves us a lot of time because, like Carly's saying, like we are in charge of what, eight videos per month for IG and, we're able to do this fairly quickly."
"Viewers don't prefer to watch videos that have poor audio and video quality."
"The phrase 'content mill' refers to organizations which produce huge amounts of material very quickly designed to get attention with no interest in quality."
"The beauty of this is that if you are working with other people, you can really see at what stage of the content production process each idea is at."
"Putting in the work, understanding the education, designing the programming, and producing the content for the benefit of everyone."
"We are producing our own original content."
"I never get tired of making this kind of stuff, and I never get tired of making videos for you guys."
"Whatever motivation that I can get to make videos faster is better for everybody."
"One of the great things about doing these videos is we sort of start out in a place thinking that we know what's going to happen."
"Everything that you guys give to us helps us produce the content that we're producing and helps us help more people."
"Netflix decided to take its fate into its own hands by deciding to produce its own content."
"Freelance copywriting is still a good thing that you can use with Chat GPT, and it'll speed up your content production."
"We're investing more in content creation, from short form content to long-form content."
"My plan is to just take my time with those things and produce them at the pace that I see fit."
"You can turbocharge production of all types of content like art, music, or animations, and you can use generative AI to improve business operations."
"I think it's way more important to produce content, just push out content, than to stress about making it perfect."
"Good things happen when you make content."