
Idea Exchange Quotes

There are 90 quotes

"We're actually engaged in the exchange of ideas and trying to always learn more and be better."
"I like to see debates between both sides where it's no feelings involved, anybody trying to get offended, it's all about just putting ideas on the table and seeing which side makes more sense."
"I actually am just struggling with ideas and sometimes put on different hats in these conversations... I think we should have discussions in the space of ideas versus in the space of bins we put each other in."
"It wasn't the production quality that was doing it; it was the content and the willingness to talk about important ideas and to do it in a way that respects the audience."
"I feel strongly that there would be more equality in this planet if more people were able to freely communicate and exchange ideas and stories."
"We believe in exchange of ideas. We believe in a moment of dialogue. We don't support that no, no, no, but the dialogue can happen only when you are willing to fend off your own ears of caste."
"If 95% of them are open to receiving ideas from the outside..."
"That's what makes America great: we can exchange ideas and work for the betterment of all of us."
"We need something in the center which brings people from left, right, conservatives, libertarian, all the rest of it, where we can share ideas."
"We want to protect Free Speech, clearly we want to have a free exchange of ideas."
"The best way to beat back a bad idea is with a good idea, the best way to refute something that you think is dangerous is by refuting it by conversing about it by talking about it."
"Censorship is Un-American. America was born out of the healthy exchange of ideas."
"Our movement is strongest when our best ideas emerge through full debate."
"A third grade classroom is not a free marketplace of ideas."
"I'm a firm believer in platforming all sorts of different ideas."
"How can you truly understand your own worldview if you aren't actually allowed to engage with the ideas that might contradict it?"
"We're creating collective empathy built on the basis of good idea flow."
"The antidote to bad ideas is more speech and better ideas."
"Respectful discussion of ideas is never dangerous."
"Developing Singapore into a more innovative society requires a certain amount of free play of ideas."
"Let's talk honestly: We might disagree, and that's where the opportunity of new ideas comes in."
"You have to use free speech to counter those bad ideas that's the whole purpose of free speech."
"Working together really makes a huge difference in bouncing ideas back and forth." - Vint Cerf
"Friendship is important because you get to know their information and their idea and what they think; they can really make you become a better person."
"We should all be treated as adults here who are able to discern information, use critical thinking skills, and actually be able to talk through tough issues, debate them, and fight bad ideas with good ideas."
"Curriculum is not a marketplace of ideas; it's a very important thing."
"Good ideas will be able to battle bad ideas."
"Science is dependent on free exchange of ideas." - Dr. Martin Kaldorf
"The exchange of ideas has never been quicker or easier than as today."
"America has to be the great synthesizer, stealing ideas from wherever we can."
"All ideas should be protected under free speech and that bad ideas should and can best be combatted by better truer ideas."
"Combat bad ideas with good ideas. If you think what these people do is wrong, combat it with your own ideas."
"We want to have a place where people can exchange ideas, have a debate."
"Debate isn't an argument, a debate is an exchanging of an idea and you compare notes and you wrestle with it."
"Hopefully, we can just keep bouncing ideas off each other and build up this community."
"Our ability to go back and forth with ideas, it's so important."
"An open development of ideas... your opinions."
"If you can say anything that you need to if you can get anything you need to off your chest irrespective of how of how hateful it is then you know that the marketplace of ideas will shoot down or embrace it."
"Personal attack should never be the intent of the conversation that you're having or what you're doing. It should always be the ideas."
"Things that we traditionally value: an open Society, a free exchange of ideas."
"The best thing you can do for somebody with bad ideas is allow them to say them out loud, especially in a room of other people who can challenge that person."
"Let's use this opportunity to discuss ideas that could shape the world in some meaningful way and make a real difference in people's lives."
"The curation of the information itself and the incentives have to be put in a way that it promotes instead of siloing idea flow idea quality saturation of objective reality from subjective reality."
"Understanding and sharing of ideas will improve your knowledge."
"You cannot take it personal. We are discussing ideas at the end."
"The most progress comes from talking to people, from challenging ideas."
"INTJs would see INTPs as intellectual and ideational gold mines."
"United, with a free exchange of ideas, this country can do anything."
"We collectively arrive at the truth by allowing this free exchange of ideas."
"The connectivity power that you guys have of bringing your ideas and other people's ideas together."
"Speech is important, sharing your ideas is important."
"Ideas matter more...different ideas...that's why the West is so beautiful."
"Surround yourself with people who talk about ideas and success, not gossip about other people."
"We want to expand the spirit of camaraderie and sharing ideas from around the world."
"The marketplace of ideas only works when we're exposed to all of them and they're properly tested and scrutinized."
"I appreciate your thoughts and ideas... the exchange of ideas opens our minds."
"The whole point of fighting political correctness is so you can say true things in order to promulgate better ideas."
"You always have to defend the freedom of speech, the freedom of getting ideas out."
"I want this video to spark discussion, positive debate, and an exchange of healthy ideas."
"Exchanging ideas with others is extremely important."
"Communicating out loud your ideas, especially to somebody else, is a skill."
"The ideas that people have coming in, the modern connections that other very, very smart people are making, that I hadn't thought about... It's like amazing, beautiful, and it is exciting to me."
"Scholars began to emphasize the methodological validity of comparison only when cultures or literatures were geographically close and temporally proximate, allowing for direct or mediated flows of ideas."
"Big-minded people talk about ideas, small-minded people talk about other people."
"It's one of my favorite things about homeschooling, that time to just sit and talk and talk things out and share ideas and debate."
"I love talking with you guys in the comments and sharing ideas and thoughts."
"The free exchange of ideas will be the best way to find remedies to the biggest problems we face."
"We live in a country that is not only a Melting Pot of cultures and ethnic backgrounds and races, but it's also a Melting Pot of ideas."
"Small-minded people gossip about other people, whereas intelligent high-brow people talk about ideas."
"We are all one species here, and the more that we can trade ideas and secrets, the better."
"The goal is to have a place where people can go to help each other out for programming issues as well as just a place to discuss new ideas and get feedback."
"That's a beautiful part about sharing your ideas, is that you get to hear perspectives other than your own."
"The Center is a space for discourse, conversation, and the exchange of ideas."
"We all love talking about plants, right? So let's share some ideas with one another."
"I want a relationship where we can bounce ideas and just thoughts back and forth."
"We rather benefit people, expose them to more ideas, the result of globalization."
"I was talking to Felix Jaehn for a long time, we had a few ideas we just sent back and forth, we really wanted to work together."
"This one is all about talking about ideas, you sharing your ideas down in the comment section."
"Open-minded people are more likely to exchange ideas than closed-minded people."
"It's to get you thinking about how to take full advantage of React's powerful component model and to encourage you to experiment with or steal ideas from other frameworks and bring them back to React."
"It's good to have these conversations because that's how you start to really bounce ideas off each other."
"It's a self-supporting industry where we all see that exchanging ideas and thoughts is far more powerful."
"We need a lot of novel ideas out there and censorship is not the way to get those."
"It's been a pleasure speaking, it's good to exchange ideas to get an understanding."