
Endings Quotes

There are 1134 quotes

"In every ending, there's a new beginning waiting to unfold."
"The fact that the symphony ends doesn't mean that it wasn't worth listening to."
"It sucks when a good series has to come to an end. It makes you feel so empty."
"It's okay to be sad about it and to cry and to mourn the end of a friendship."
"Something has to end in order for another thing to begin."
"With every ending, there is a new beginning, and this is what you're manifesting."
"There are no real endings, only new beginnings."
"It's like a cycle of transformation: something ending and then something beginning."
"The only constant in life is change, after all. Everything has to end sometime."
"Many stories have a meaningless ending because the story is simply devoid of any philosophical stakes."
"Endings bring new beginnings, growth, change, liberation, and transition."
"So this is the end, but it's just the beginning, isn't it?"
"A major ending is happening in your relationships, and it's necessary for your growth."
"World War II has many endings. For some, it ended in a Berlin bunker. For others, it happened when a formal declaration of surrender was signed in France."
"Sometimes endings are a good thing because they open us up to something that is more in alignment with us."
"I genuinely love all of these endings: the ambiguity of The Sopranos, the cynical cycle of Mad Men, and the melodrama of Breaking Bad."
"Just because a relationship comes to an end, that doesn't mean it was all bad."
"Sometimes ending a relationship can be the healthiest thing for all involved."
"Better is the end of a thing than the beginning thereof."
"You welcome endings because you know that they preface beginnings."
"Not everything needs to go on forever and be continued over and over again."
"Endings are a good thing; they mark the final stop on a journey and reassure you that your time will not be fruitless."
"The twilight of the gods...a world age ends."
"Sometimes you see an ending in a video game that makes you think… No way is that the original ending!"
"Endings are hard. He's been all this time dealing up this world and the characters in it, and now you got like 10 minutes to wrap it all up. Good luck, idiot."
"I love an ending that brings the story full circle."
"All good things must come to an end. The best thing that has ever happened to me thus far is the honor and privilege of having commanded the Third Army."
"There's a lot of different endings for that game."
"If anything ends, it's for your highest good because I feel like there's a newness coming in."
"The game encourages multiple playthroughs of the campaign as Armored Core 6 does feature multiple endings."
"In every ending, there is a better new beginning that is going to manifest instantaneously."
"The town of beginnings and endings, this is where Roger was born and eventually died."
"Everything is destined to end, that's the progress of life."
"What a great friend. And this is why I like the normal ending more because I feel it better represents the camaraderie between the two."
"Trust me, I know it’s sad when a story ends and characters we love are no longer the central protagonists, but that’s just the way things work."
"Sometimes game series movie series whatever they just need to end and there's nothing wrong with that."
"At some point, all good things must come to an end."
"Eighteen inches is all it took for 18 years to come to an end."
"This is the way the world ends, sometimes it just doesn't go with a bang but it goes with a whimper."
"Logan has to be its own little splintered bad ending timeline."
"Pluto is about breaking cycles... it kills certain things."
"Everything has to come to an end at some point, including bluffside crossing."
"The ending montage puts much of the sweet into that bittersweet feeling of something coming to an end."
"Something is going to come to an end... but it's up to you when you're gonna take the spiritual scissors and just cut it out of your life."
"Eve is a pretty short game so it only takes you like two hours tops to get through, a little bit more if you really want to get the other endings."
"But I love the entire ending sequence of this game."
"This is the end of the story, not the one where we somehow come up with a silver bullet to fix everything."
"Everything is awesome, everything is cool, oh no, everything is done."
"Fuck logic, what people want is a happy ending."
"But yeah, ultimately that part doesn't really matter. The ending. It's the final confrontation that matters most."
"Tens are about endings of things that aren't serving you so you can rise up again, a rebirth, stand up again."
"This might not be my favorite ending of all time but it is certainly the ending to one of my favorite anime of all time."
"There's something incredibly special and unique about being allowed to embrace the fucking animal that's inside all of us. And now it's over."
"Whatever is ending is a blessing in disguise."
"It was really sad, the last day on set was very sad."
"They're suffering because they're kind of finally admitting that this is an ending."
"Like every good group, like every good recording artist, everything gotta come to an end at some point."
"A comedy had a slightly different meaning... indicates that there'll be a happy ending."
"And if that wasn't enough, the game once again features multiple endings with the good ending only being achievable through a series of Easter eggs and completing mini-games."
"Every defense system functions perfectly for health when it's in balance."
"And for now at least, it truly has ended not with a bang but with a whimper."
"It's not a happy ending but it's not that, it's the right ending."
"What is coming to completion or an end in some area of your story..."
"What are you going to complete, harvest, scythe out or sickle out of your life?"
"Don't fear ending something in your life that needs to be ended."
"There were six endings to the process... every step of finishing, there was this kind of saying goodbye."
"They really are resistant to this ending, they do not want it to end."
"The ending of any particular show is paramount."
"The beauty is not in the final destination. That's actually the saddest part of the journey is the end."
"Coincidences, plenty of coincidences, no consequences."
"Sometimes the best part of a story is the end for someone."
"Everything ends eventually, even entire species!"
"It might be the end of one era but the start of a new."
"This ending is working for you, not against you."
"I actually feel really sad like I I really enjoy gymnastics camp and I I feel sad that it's gonna be like over."
"It's time to end something, it's time to pull back, it's time to just get away from things that aren't for you."
"Know how and when to end a conversation... people tend to remember how things end more than how they started."
"Happy endings are rare in Dark Souls, and that’s what makes it so special."
"Every story has to come to an end, but that end also leads to a new beginning."
"Everything needs an ending. We need change to grow."
"While this might be the end of our adventures together, it could be the start of something even bigger."
"Endings are hard, but then again, nothing ever really ends, does it?"
"A good ending has to be the right ending, whether it's good or bad."
"Resident Evil 5 has like a pure happy ending."
"I think there's a very clear point when you know the relationship is over, and that is when both people involved stop putting work into their relationship."
"All good things have to come to an end but not quite yet."
"All good things must come to an end eventually."
"The end really can be at the beginning of a lot..."
"Endings help us stay in the present, can bring us closer together with people in your life...and can also provoke mixed emotions that create more meaning."
"I don't even know how to end these anymore because we've been using the camera."
"And when that ship passed, an end had come in Middle-earth for the Fellowship of the Ring."
"Whatever ends harshly is actually for your highest good."
"Ending endings that bring Healthy Beginnings."
"They know that their end, the establishment, is over."
"Happily ever after ends the spell of the fantasy."
"An ending can have such a dramatic transformative impact on everything that came before it."
"Not every story has to end well, but it is possible for healing to take place."
"As long as it takes its time to execute a good enough ending."
"Features a variety of different endings, all depending on your actions."
"Endings should be celebrated. They are a rite of passage and constitute a rebirth."
"The ending is paramount. Does the ending make you feel like you want to ride the roller coaster again?"
"Endings bring new beginnings. There is movement forward, a rebirth of relationships for a healthier way of being."
"You never have to walk through these doors again."
"That's the end of your book only for your cover page."
"This ending is happening for your growth and it's happening for a reason."
"I think it's time we need to ride off into the sunset."
"Most depressing horror movie ending? Hard to beat the fucking mist, right?"
"You need to see the endings as blessings in disguise."
"Not everything has a happy ending, and that's perfectly fine."
"June as a month to me feels like the last page for a lot of people in a chapter or in a book."
"Just like all good things, you must come to an end."
"You'll never believe how all these stories end."
"You really are closing out a really big, big cycle."
"With all great things they must come to an end, and this is gonna be the world record for the most match destroyed in 10 seconds, fishy, three, two, one, go, oh my gosh."
"Endings bring some type of new beginning, this person's going to rise again."
"The key to unlocking it all is endings bringing new beginnings."
"When it came to the game's closing moments, the devs chucked up a choice that might as well have read only pick the other options if you want to see all the endings."
"It's freeing you, but it's like whatever is causing this to end is there's something there that's like shady."
"This is about endings and beginnings... realizing how you sabotage yourself... cutting out the things that don't work for you anymore."
"Even good things have to come to an end. Such is the way of life."
"It's been a good run... but it's time to close the curtains."
"This is somewhat coming to an end but I don't see it as the end, I see it as a new beginning."
"I think that there we don't need it we don't need a official endings you just ended that [__] but I just dropped the mic."
"That's what happens when you force towards an ending and you don't know how to write an ending."
"Stories are meant to have an ending, and this one had a really good one."
"It's good that a trip ends at a certain point of time."
"Perfect endings don't come around all that often Deathly Hallows and half-blood Prince are just the pinnacle of Harry Potter."
"The climax of your current chapter is you're right on it and the full moon in Aries this talks about closing out something so that you can have this new beginning."
"Recognize that there can be graceful endings; some endings can be graceful."
"It's sweet to be wrapping up Valguerre, but it's bitter as well."
"Endings are always a sign of new beginnings."
"It's all about the ending of a hurtful painful cycle."
"Stories are about their endings, lessons learned, goals achieved, and sacrifices made."
"Something significant has ended, but it's freed you."
"Even though it's a new moon, it takes on this theme of endings."
"All good things must eventually come to an end."
"I think we're going to be seeing a lot of relationships being reorganized, endings possibly."
"Pluto tends to bring endings. A restructuring at the very least."
"Endings are not always endings, sometimes they're beginnings."
"It's weird that it's a bittersweet feeling. Like it's the last character there... I mean, no matter what, it's an exciting thing, but it's also the end of a road."
"They're afraid of endings, they're afraid of being stabbed in the back or totally heartbroken if things don't work out."
"It ends on a wonderful note of hope, renewal, and possibility."
"I just couldn't live with myself, so don't pretend this is a happy ending."
"Unhappy ending... as horribly angsty as it sounds unhappy endings just hit different they punch you in the nuts in the best possible way."
"Everything has a start and everything has an end, and for me, this show that I love so much has become kind of a prison."
"The journey starts tomorrow: beautiful ending to a beautiful series."
"Something came to an ending, they're ready to offer you something better, something healthier."
"Something's coming to an ending, but it's also bringing in a new beginning."
"Adventure has come to a close, but that just means another one's getting started, right?"
"Don't be sad that it's over, be happy that it happened at all."
"The relationship is over, no second chances."
"Everything has been ends badly otherwise it wouldn't end, am I right?"
"Something ended, a transformation 'cause you've transformed. This is your Justice."
"I wish that this wouldn't one day come to an end."
"One of the most amazing endings ever... stick around for that."
"Sunsets are proof that endings can be beautiful."
"There's definitely a lot of endings going on, a time of re-evaluating yourself and situations."
"A Down ending is much more interesting because it doesn't happen all that often."
"When do you feel like it's just time to say goodbye?"
"The fates told us that the beginning of our end was an ending of its own."
"This ending is also going to be the massive beginning... it's about the rebirth, the beginning, the new stage."
"Endings are always a sign of new beginnings. If you want something deeper, walk away."
"Endings are good because they force things to get better."
"Don't be sad that it's over, just be happy that it happened."
"Even though that ending does appear out of absolutely nowhere... I honestly think that endings like that make you look back at the more memorable story moments in a completely fresh perspective."
"The world card, either the world is your oyster, your world is about to change, or something that's coming to an end so something brand new can begin."
"This could be a relationship coming to a close, so if you've experienced some kind of major ending in your life, in your work, or in your relationships recently, there might be a message in this specific reading for you."
"All things come to an end, but things also begin."
"Do not be afraid when things are ending in your own personal life take control move back in to the power of the magician card and work your magic."
"This is my last one here, I think I'm just gonna call it."
"These are specific times of endings and new beginnings."
"But it's also about them deceiving themselves and this is what the ending is this is what the healing is because we are moving away away from this situation that we had to have that we had to see."
"Not all stories have happy endings, but yours, oh, it is."
"The system is over, this iteration, The Matrix is ending."
"I hate complete endings. I really dislike the feeling of reading a story and having nothing left to explore."
"It was the beginning of the end, an end so bitter, so bloody."
"Embrace transformation, endings, and new beginnings."
"There's no real ending of something, there's only new beginnings."
"I never imagined this is the way that it was gonna end."
"There's no way, there's no way that's a real ending."
"We haven't lost everything, when something has a beginning, it has an end."
"For something new to begin, something old has to end."
"Remember, full moons are all about necessary endings and healing."
"If anything makes it down in one piece, it would be quite impressive."
"Don't cry that it's over, cry because it happened."
"You really are ending one cycle of your life."
"If the truth ends a relationship, then it's probably a relationship that needed to end."
"Something is definitely over, a new cycle is beginning."
"The tower, however it showed up, is a universal blessing. It is to end something because you're being asked to have a rebirth."
"Life is all about cycles, and that cycle is about to end."
"Endings bring clarity and unexpected revelations."
"Endings are purification, clearing the path for new beginnings."
"In a way, it kind of felt like the end of the DCU."
"It's certainly end of an era for what was I think one of my favorite times in gaming with Halo 3 when it released."
"Stop searching for a happy ending, there isn't one."
"Nothing lasts forever and life is full of partings, even in the afterlife. Angel Beats proves that even sad departures can make a perfect ending."
"Endings can be graceful and beautiful and respectful."
"Don't bottle up feelings, something came to an end for a reason."
"Nine is the culmination, the end of the cycle, it's a time for getting rid of things that are just not working anymore."
"Endings are hard... When someone nails an ending, you feel it."