
Absolutism Quotes

There are 250 quotes

"The grand narratives we identify with, we divinize them, we give them an absolute status."
"It cannot be right to do what they're doing under any circumstances, no matter what they say, no matter the excuse."
"Power corrupts, and absolute power absolutely corrupts."
"The Logical relationship between existence and itself implies universality, particularity, and individuality as a single concrete Union, which is the absolute."
"To me, I say cost of human life, a human life is priceless, period."
"Without Him, all human experience is unintelligible; deny Him and make all of your appeals to logic, science, and mathematics meaningless."
"Freedom of speech, even offensive speech, is absolute."
"Truth is not relative when it comes to morality."
"No amendment to the constitution is absolute." - Joe Biden
"Fundamentalist claim is far worse. It's that not only is there an absolute reality truth embedded in the book, but that their particular take on that absolute reality is the absolute take on that book."
"Evil is evil, and God is a very black and white God."
"Expansion is really going to ramp up, obviously in the age of absolutism."
"There's only one truth, and it's serious to find the one truth. We can't have many truths."
"You cannot have a middle ground between horrific falsehoods and the truth."
"You either have laws or you don't. I mean that in essence is the truth."
"We gotta get back to one nation under God, period. End of story. Nothing else matters."
"There's no such thing as your truth, there's only the truth."
"You need to be anchored in actual truth and believe that absolute truth is a thing."
"It means absolute free speech and ain't nobody going to be able to complain."
"There's only one truth, God is the only truth upon the world."
"Truth is always stark, like two plus two equals four. It's not anything else in the world."
"It's heaven or hell, there is no in-between, it's God's way or no way, that's right."
"What we see it's all it's shows absolute power corrupts absolutely."
"There's no gray area here you're for child sexual abuse or you're against it."
"The truth is only the truth, nothing can be added or taken away."
"That Bible is black and white, it says what it says."
"Love is black and white, it is or it isn't. There is no gray area in love."
"I don't claim to know anything because nothing is absolute."
"The list is an absolute good. The list is life."
"Your truth doesn't matter; there's only one truth that matters, and that's God's truth."
"Thou shalt not kill regardless of the circumstances you're in."
"I'm absolutist up until you are basically infringing on someone else's rights... it's not that hard."
"What all of this amounted to, was an effort by Richard to establish a much more powerful and absolutist kingship."
"God's never wrong. God's the one. He's the very standard of truth."
"Absolute power corrupts absolutely every single time."
"Either we have the inspired preserved authoritative word of God, or we don't."
"Absolute morality makes sense in a biblical worldview about laws of logic."
"God always judges sin, maintaining zero tolerance for rebellion."
"I'm a big believer in moral absolutism, not moral relativism. There's good and bad in the absolute."
"There is no middle ground when it comes to Jesus."
"If your truth has perceptions in it, then it is not absolute."
"There does have to be an answer. A proposition is either true or false."
"God calls sin sin, there is no compromise or middle ground."
"Something that has 100% proof doesn't inspire any belief, any faith, any morality."
"I don't deal in absolutes. I'm not a Sith, I'm a Jedi."
"The Inquisition motto: 'Innocence proves nothing.'"
"Free speech has to be a kind of absolute principle."
"Absolutist claims often overlook nuances and complexities of reality."
"If you're not human and don't worship the Emperor, then you are the enemy, a heretic, and must be exterminated; diplomacy is almost not a thing for the Imperium."
"Nothing's absolute except that which watches everything that's changing."
"Violence is always bad, every single circumstance, always."
"If he is not the God of all in your life, then he is not God at all."
"Either you take Christ as your Lord and Savior or you don't take Him at all."
"It's not that power corrupts, but that absolute power attracts corruption."
"When you act in terms of black and white, you commit injustice."
"Compromise is impossible. If you really are serious about standing on what the Bible says, then you've got to stand on what all of the Bible says."
"Objective morality or an objective moral standard... it wouldn't matter if every last person on the entire planet rejected it, it would still be objectively true."
"Power corrupts, and absolutely power corrupts absolutely."
"Not everything in life has to be so absolute."
"You don't give quarter to something like this. You reject the abomination completely."
"With free speech, it's either you believe in it or you don't. You can't have it both ways."
"There's still this absolutism about it. Only Sith deals in absolutes."
"God doesn't want 99.9. Jesus says it's all or nothing."
"Hey look at this Elon Musk really is a free speech absolutist."
"Free speech absolutism means we allow any speech on here."
"The truth is not inherently somewhere in the middle."
"No matter what, it means it's right."
"Do you love the truth? Because Jesus is the truth. It's either true or it's not."
"Either the Bible's true and the Torah is true and the Old Testament it's true or it's not."
"Absolute power corrupts, but absolute power corrupts absolutely."
"Dealing with anything in absolutes is idiotic."
"You can't be partly free either you are, you aren't."
"We should be promoting freedoms which are truly universal, absolutely and utterly without any requirements."
"There's no compromise possible... there's no other way to make sense of it."
"You cannot be half a Saint. You must be a whole Saint or no Saint at all."
"They believe only in absolute power and absolute evil and absolute ignorance."
"There are truths that you're going to hold that are your absolutes, and there is no right and wrong."
"Safety is an absolute. Every time you think that there should be an exception to it, you're wrong."
"It's our way or the highway. We ain't negotiating about Jesus."
"You can't escape Perfection because perfection's absolute."
"If you don't have free speech then it's not free speech."
"There's no such thing as a healthy lack of empathy."
"I'm a First Amendment absolutist."
"It's all about freedom of speech, which you know I'm a 100% absolutist with."
"Enlightened despotism or enlightened absolutism... The Monarch took on a parental role acting in the best interests of their population."
"If you're not with me, then you're my enemy. Only a Sith deals in absolutes."
"Absolute truth would mean there is no opposite."
"For you to denigrate somebody and have a racist attitude is not relatively wrong, it's absolutely wrong."
"There's no middle ground, there's no in between."
"No, only a Sith deals in absolutes."
"Opposed to all forms of faith in absolutism."
"There's no such thing as absolute evil."
"Hobbes' conception of the Leviathan state is synonymous with anti-liberal absolutism."
"There is absolute truth and the truth sets you free. It's not just your idea of the truth and my idea of truth. There are people in history who absolutely believe it's their job to annihilate a whole race of people."
"The main issue here really is that these labels flatten out any nuance in favour of two absolutist claims about the entirety of the world."
"Philip Lawrence didn't believe in moral relativism. He felt that there was either right or wrong, then no shades of right and no shades of wrong."
"There's just no scenario where killing the kid could be considered moral, that's just impossible."
"If something is truthful at one time, it must be absolute truth and it can't be challenged."
"No one is super straight, it's impossible."
"God's word is absolute especially if those words are from a hero who saved this world."
"Jesus is God. If that statement is true, is it only true for some? No. If something is objectively true, it's true whether or not you know it, whether or not you like it, or whether or not you believe it."
"There is only one answer, there is no other answer."
"There's no such thing as for the most part."
"Truth doesn't change, truth is absolute."
"Your conscience tells you that certain things are absolutely wrong, not just relatively wrong."
"Truth is absolute. It either is or it isn't."
"There's only one truth, I can't see that there are lots of different truths."
"Some things are not debatable; in them, there is only God's side."
"And honestly, yeah, and sometimes like some type of businesses they need to like, I mean it's either you go full agility or you don't go agile at all."
"It conditions people in the organization to view those with contrary opinions as inherently evil or harmful, you know, these absolutist categories that are applied to people."
"Perfection is key. Like, if you don't have perfection, then you don't have nothing."
"If moral principles are to function successfully in human life, if they are to play their vital role, they must be accepted as absolute, you cannot be flexible about them or bend them according to your own or your group's feelings, you cannot compromise."
"Speaking in absolutes just makes you look silly."
"All is not it. It is Brahman alone."
"Brahman alone is real, the absolute alone is real."
"Morality is not relative, my culture doesn't define right and wrong."
"There is no other way to eternal life period."
"Regardless of the consequences of our actions or inaction, some things are just wrong."
"The absolute is a result, a historical result that only in the end is it what it truly is, and that precisely in this consists its nature to be actual, subject spontaneous becoming of itself."
"If slavery is not wrong, then nothing is wrong."
"People who talk in absolutes are really cruising for a bruising for problems in the future because the truth is you just don't know."
"The only thing that's absolute about truth is that everything is truth."
"If you're a moral relativist, you cannot say that murder is absolutely wrong."
"It's either the whole kingdom is His, or it's none of His at all."
"Freedom is freedom; it's all or nothing. We're either free or we're not."
"People think in absolutes; they think binary, they think X or Y, they think yes or no."
"God is a god of absolutes... He works with you where you are but he tries to raise you higher."
"There is only one truth, only one truth exists."
"Killing anybody is wrong, period."
"The conflict of the future is between an absolute who is the God-man and an absolute which is the man-God."
"If there is no absolute above the state, then the state is absolute."
"Ethics are based on absolute standards of right and wrong."
"The world is not always gray, there are some things that are literally black and white."
"I am the truth of this world, and denying my word is like denying the purest form of a god."
"Success is everything, failure is nothing."
"You can't justify murder, period."
"There's no good greater than the moral truth itself."
"No freedom to the enemies of freedom."
"Moral absolutism seems to provide a better explanation for why we think this and for the way we actually talk and think about morality."
"...power corrupts and the prospect of losing power corrupts absolutely."
"What we're looking for here are absolute moral laws, moral laws with no exceptions."
"Some things just are right and some things just are wrong, even if we would very much like them to be the other way."
"There is such thing as good and bad, and there are some things that are just wrong."
"It isn't relative; there are absolutes."
"Right is right, wrong is wrong, that's just what it is."
"There is an objective standard truth, the truth that stands transcendent outside of anyone's feelings or spiritual experiences."
"Marx, like a great many thinkers before him, begins with the proposition that all true questions have answers, one true answer, and all the other answers being false."
"In a world where the gods ruled, where everything was absolute, I didn't know what I was doing."
"...truth is absolute. Jesus said, 'I am the way, the truth, and the life; no one gets to the Father but through me.'"
"Unless there are eternal absolutes from the eternal God, man will eventually be his own destruction."
"The Divine rights of Kings or absolutism... meant that they believed that the king's rights and privileges were derived from God."
"Power will corrupt, and absolute power will corrupt absolutely."
"Anytime you're talking in absolutes, you're wrong."
"Pride falls in love with its own creations, and tries to make them absolute."
"Absolute power does corrupt absolutely."
"There is no truth that exists outside of the Torah."
"The laws of logic and reason are absolute."
"Nothing is sacred except for the rules."
"The Bible doesn't deal in shades of grey; it deals in black and white, in truth and error, in right and wrong."
"There's good and bad in the absolute."
"The truth we proclaim is absolute; there is only one way to heaven, there's only one Savior who died on a cross named Jesus."
"If nothing is obligatory for its own sake, nothing is obligatory at all."
"If we are to have values at all we must accept the ultimate platitudes of practical reason as having absolute validity."
"We want the law of the verdict to be absolute, and a lot of the time it's not."
"Power, absolute power corrupts absolutely."
"Murder is murder, whether or not you got paid for it."
"All power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely."
"Absolute power is corrupting absolutely."
"Is truth absolute or is truth relative?"
"The early sort of incarnation of French absolutism in the 16th century is very much based on allegiance to the king rather than subservience to the pope."
"A statement is either true or not true; there is no both or neither."
"You cannot speak of evil without a standard... and God is that absolute standard."
"God is the absolute standard of right and wrong."
"Moral absolutes demand a moral lawgiver."
"Truth is absolute, exclusive, objective, singular, immutable, universal."
"Freedom of speech to me is absolute."
"The idea of a universal absolute eternal truth."
"From the standpoint of the absolute, nothing really is happening. From the standpoint of the forms, what's happening is existence and non-existence, coming and going, being and not being."
"In fairy tales, they are very definite about good and evil. Just no gray areas ever."
"Love should be everything or not at all."
"Absolutism is the result of a consolidation of royal power."
"You're either perfect or you're not, there's no gray area."
"God is either Sovereign God in all things or he's not God at all."
"God's word is absolute, sisters and brothers."
"Truth, truth, truth, like there's this one thing that's perfectly true."
"Absolutism is a kind of mental illness, I think, and maybe one of the most destructive of all."
"We have an accurate assessment of what reality is, we have an accurate factual absolutism, what do we do with it, how do we make that useful?"
"There is no opinion that is to be considered absolute in every sense of the word other than that which comes from our Lord and His Sharia."
"The absolute can only be realized or thought of or stated through the relative."
"You're either a good person or you're not, there's no in-between."
"The concept of absolutism goes hand in hand with religion and divine right of a particular individual, whether it be by birth or by might, to rule over others."
"Everything's funny or nothing's funny. I've said it a million times."
"Either Christ saves you forever, or he doesn't save you at all."
"Is there such a thing as absolute knowledge?"
"No people shouldn't be stealing period."
"Evil is evil, smaller, greater, middling; you'd rather not choose."
"I am the absolute, and in that absolute, I want nothing, I need nothing."
"There are only good and bad things and black and white things and good and evil things and no in-between anywhere."
"His stubborn insistence on absolutist monarchy was his own making."
"In this world, nothing is absolute."